Elias’ Crimes and Punishments of Romance

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 She’s Pregnant, so Let’s Get a Divorce
At the Winters Residence. “Elias, when are you coming home? I have something to tell you.” A sweet smile appeared on
Amanda Bailey’s face while she looked at the two lines on the pregnancy test. The male voice on the other end of the call
replied, “I’m already home. In the living room.” “Really? I’ll be right down.” She hung up the call and rushed out of the room with
the pregnancy test strip in hand, eager to tell the man the good news. She sprinted down the stairs but suddenly remembered
her pregnancy and slowed down. Clutching the test strip in her hand, she wondered what Elias Winters’ reaction would be once
he heard the news. Yet, when Amanda was halfway down the stairs, she saw two figures in the living room—Elias and a sexy
woman. Slowing down her steps, she held the handrail tightly and felt her heart sink. That was because she saw her husband
and the woman behaving affectionately as though they were a smitten couple. The smile on Amanda’s face froze, and her
thoughts were a mess. Both her legs felt heavy as she slowly made her way down the stairs. “Elias—” As she finally made her
way to the living room, she called him but was coldly interrupted. “She’s pregnant, so let’s get a divorce.” Amanda stayed silent.
The way he spoke was so straightforward and impatient, as though he had been eagerly waiting to break the news. That woman
affectionately hugged his arm and smiled. “Mrs. Winters, I’m sorry to tell you, but it’s time you make room for me.” With her eyes
fixed on the woman’s hand, Amanda felt like her heart was being ripped apart. Her eyes gradually dimmed, and she began
welling with tears. She clutched the pregnancy test and proffered it to him. “What about our child? How could you be so
heartless?” After glancing coldly at the pregnancy test with two lines, Elias snorted. “There’s no way you’re pregnant. I’ve never
slept with you, so don’t think you can fool me with this.” In reality, he would not have agreed to marry Amanda if his grandfather
had not been seriously ill and threatened Elias with his life. However, who knew Howard Winters would miraculously recover
right after Elias and Amanda married? There were times when Elias would suspect Amanda and Howard had been in a ploy to
force him into marriage. His words shocked his wife, who retorted with wide eyes, “You did sleep with me! During the company’s
celebratory dinner, you were drunk—” “That celebratory dinner was held abroad, and you weren’t with me. How could I have
slept with you? Let’s make things easy for us. You know I detest clingy women the most.” The man was merciless, and his eyes
flamed with a slight impatience. “I...” She wanted to explain she had gone to the celebratory dinner and cared for him while he
was drunk. One thing led to another, and they slept together, impregnating her without knowing. However, his indifference
prompted her to keep those words to herself. Wow. I give up. Forget it. What’s there to say to a sc*mbag who abandons his wife
and child? “Mrs. Winters, just agree to the divorce. Elias doesn’t love you, so there’s no meaning in prolonging this matter.” That
woman daintily leaned onto his shoulder and grinned like a winner announcing her victory. Drawing a deep breath, Amanda held
back the pain in her heart and gazed at the man before her. “Let’s get a divorce, then. You can pick whenever you want to go
through the procedure. I’m always free.” Once she finished, she left the villa without looking back. Tears fell the second she
turned around, not wanting to let the man see her crying again. Meanwhile, surprise flashed across Elias’ handsome face as he
was not expecting her to agree so quickly. He wondered if she had always been this easily provoked. At first, he thought she

would be overcome by greed and refused to discard her position as his wife because she was broke when she married him.
“Hurray! Elias, your wife agreed to the divorce! So, when will you marry me?” the woman asked with anticipation. Flinging her
arm away, Elias glanced at her with disdainful eyes. “Don’t worry. I won’t marry you even if you’re the last woman on Earth.” The
woman was dumbfounded, unable to accept his sudden change in attitude. “Elias... How could you say that? I’m pregnant with
your child, and I—” “The hell you are! Don’t you know whose child you’re bearing? Get out!” he roared at the woman before
storming up the stairs. How could he let such a woman get pregnant with his child? What a joke. ... After leaving the villa,
Amanda headed straight to the hospital and underwent a series of checkups to prepare for her abortion. “Miss Bailey, you’re
already seven weeks in. The baby is attached to your womb and has a heartbeat. Are you sure you want to abort it?” While
looking at her abdomen, she caressed it and thought, Baby, I’m sorry I can’t bring you into this world. Then, she nodded
determinedly. “Yes, please schedule the surgery for me. The faster, the better.” Coldly, the doctor administered a surgery form.
Since people were coming in every day to get an abortion, the doctor was used to it and did not find it strange. “Come back
tomorrow for your procedure. Remember to fast.” “Thank you.” Amanda then took the receipt and left the doctor’s office. Right
after she left, she received a call from Howard. After a brief hesitation, she answered the call. “Grandpa.” “Amanda, come over
for dinner tonight. I asked the kitchen staff to prepare your favorite food, and Elias would be joining as well.” As Howard was
aware of the couple’s distant relationship, he deliberately created a chance for them to be together. She was about to refuse,
saying, “Grandpa, I’m busy this evening—” “Don’t try to fool me. I don’t care what you have to do. Both of you must accompany
me for dinner tonight, and that’s final.” Once he finished, he immediately hung up without letting Amanda reply, leaving her in a
daze while staring at her phone. The couple would not have gotten married had it not been for Howard’s insistence. Even then,
she had no idea why he was so determined for them to get married. ... That evening, night fell, enveloping the entire city in a
bustling dark shadow. When Amanda arrived at the Winters Manor, she took one last look at the building, afraid it would be her
last chance. The butler, Rylan Keen, immediately noticed her arrival and approached her with joy. “Mrs. Winters, you’re finally
here. Old Mr. Winters has been waiting for you.” “Mr. Keen, sorry I’m late.” She gave him a listless smile. “It’s fine. All that
matters is you’re back. Old Mr. Winters was afraid you won’t be coming.” Amanda strode into the dining room and saw Elias had
arrived but did not spare her a glance. Only Howard rose to his feet and welcomed her. “Amanda, take a seat. The food’s getting
cold.” She went over, intending to sit beside Howard, but he forcefully pushed her onto the seat beside Elias. “You married
couple should sit together. Alright, let’s eat.” At the sight of them seated together, he finally smiled in satisfaction. On the other
hand, Elias remained focused on eating, unwilling to look at her.

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