Chapter 13
Adani's POV.
By evening, my documents had already arrived and were delivered to me personally. I went
through the envelope and secured my identifications into my purse.
"Adani," Mavielle called as I walked out of my bedroom on my lunch break.
"How's everything going?" she asked.
"It's all good," I answered.
"Have you eaten?"
"I'm on the way to the kitchen right now."
We walked to the kitchen. Flamboyant was already there, assisting Beth with the plates.
"We'll have lunch on the grounds," Mavielle spoke. She handed me a plate and I followed her outside.
We walked across the lawn to a peaceful glass greenhouse. Roses and lilies, ferns and petunias of
a wide range of colors greeted my eyes and I immediately fell in love with the sight.
A table and chairs were placed in the middle of the room. We sat down.
"So, Flamboyant isn't so fond of me. And what was the dispute between the two of you about the rooms I'm cleaning?" I questioned.
Mavielle sighed softly and rubbed the bridge of her nose before taking a bite of her meat. "Flamboyant has always and I believe she'll always be rough at making first impressions. I've been working here since after college, same as her but I was employed for a year before she came. Mr. Parriston made me the head-housekeeper. Just one month ago, the maid on the top floor lost her job, so automatically, Flamboyant thought she would be placed at the top, but Mr. Parriston informed me that he was looking for a replacement and they would be placed on the top floor."
"What is special about the top floor, I mean, it would still require cleaning." "Oh, you weren't aware?"
"Aware of what?"
"The top floor maid gets more payment than the second floor maid."
That explained it, and right on cue, Flamboyant entered the greenhouse and pulled out a chair closer to Mavielle for her to sit in.
"I just got word from Josh," she started.
"What about?" Mavielle asked her. I looked between them as they spoke.
"You're not going to like this," Flamboyant dragged.
"Tell me already."
"Corinne is coming to visit."
Mavielle's expression became like stone. Her mouth hung open and piece of her food dropped
"Shit!" she cussed when she gathered herself and her composure.
"What's going on, who's Corinne?" I asked, feeling left in the dark about the situation.
Flamboyant laughed and they both turned to me. Mavielle with a sad look and Flamboyant with a smirk.
"Corrine is the devil's favorite wife," Mavielle said.
"That's no way to talk about Mr. Parriston's mother," Flamboyant snapped at her, "I happen to like Mrs. Parriston."
"Of course you do. She didn't insult your existence," Mavielle said. She stood up and I followed suit. Together we walked back towards the mansion.
Beth was already busy in the kitchen. Her movements were swifter and focused on the meals she was preparing.
Mavielle and I cleaned and cleared our plates before she accompanied me to the top floor. Her cellphone vibrated and she answered.
"Thanks for the information. I'll make certain her stay is welcoming, sir." She hung up and stormed into one of the grand guest bedrooms.
"Mavielle, are you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah. Did you do this room?"
"Hmm." She looked around and ran her fingers along the table tops and dressers. She inspected every area and nodding in approval, we went to the other room.
"I'll help you with Mr. Parriston's room."
We worked until the end of our shifts. Flamboyant and Mavielle didn't leave for their homes as yet. Instead, we freshened up and lined up the entrance hallway.
Soon, a black limousine pulled up. The driver got out and held the passenger's lounge door open, and out stepped a woman, dressed in white, from a wide white hat covering half of her face to a white red-bottoms shoes. The red lipstick was vibrant and she walked like a model towards the entrance.
She walked past us like we didn't exist. We followed at a respectable distance behind her without speaking a word to each other.
She entered the living room and sat down. Only then did she remove her hat and gestured towards Flamboyant to hold it.
"Where's my son?" she asked.
"He's on the way, Mrs. Parriston," Mavielle answered. Mrs. Parriston eyed her and smoothed her bob cut and styled hair. She stood up and walked in Mavielle's direction.
"I see he still has you working here, even after what you did," she said to Mavielle.
"Mrs. Parriston, I didn't do what you accused me of doing, ma'am."
"Shut up. You and I both know what you people are capable of. You may have fooled my son but
you can't fool me and I will be keeping a very close eye on you this time around."
Mavielle didn't respond. Mrs. Parriston eyed Flamboyant and smiled at her then she turned towards me.
"Oh no. Another black one?" she asked.
I felt a pang in my stomach as the words dropped from her mouth.
"I can't believe my son."
"You can't believe what, mother?" a voice asked. Turning towards that voice, Mr. Parriston entered
the room and I felt relaxed now. I looked at Mavielle and she had a tiny smile on her lips.
"Good evening, my darling," Mrs. Parriston greeted her son. She held her arms open, and he walked into them.
"Hello, Mother. How was your trip?"
"Very well. I'll only be here for a few days, I promise."
"You're always welcome."
We watched as they headed off to the elevator and disappeared. Flamboyant excused herself and left for home.
"I'll assist you in setting up dinner," Mavielle said.
"Thank you."
When Beth was done preparing the dinner, Mavielle and I set the table in the grand living room.
"I'm famished," Mrs. Parriston said as she came into the room. She had a change of attire and lipstick.
"What is your name?" she asked me.
"Adani. Adani Prime," I answered. Her eyes narrowed in on me and her unfriendly facial expression became scarier.
"How old are you?"
"I'm twenty-nine."
"How many kids and baby daddies you have, Adani Prime?"
"None," I answered.
"You must be one of a kind then."
Mavielle and I looked at each other before we left for the kitchen.
"She's so damn rude," I said.
"Sshh. Not so loud," Mavielle cautioned.
We walked back into the dining room and served the food. Mr. Parriston was sitting there, at the head of the table.
"Thank you," he said kindly as I served him.
"Why do you thank these maids like they're your friends?" Mrs. Parriston asked him.
"Mother, you raised me to be kind, would you say you've done a terrible job?" he asked her. "Of course not, my darling."
Mrs. Parriston looked at her plate, sniffed the food and had Mavielle serve her a new plate because she claimed there were a hair in it.
After dinner, Mavielle and I collected the plates, cleaned them and then she left for her home. Mrs. Parriston retired to her bedroom for the remainder of the evening and I headed to mine. *Knock Knock*
A knock came to my door as I stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a robe, I threw it on and went to the door.
"Mr. Parriston," I responded. A smile formed on my lips, butterflies in my stomach and my heart raced in delight.
Slowly, his eyes left my face and traveled down the robe. It was only then I noticed it wasn't a robe. It was a short night-gown Mavielle must have provided before I occupied the bedroom. "Miss. Prime, did you receive your documents?" he questioned as he snapped himself out of wondering eyes.
"I have. Thank you. I really do appreciate it, Mr. Parriston."
"You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your night then."
"You too."
He walked away and I closed the door in. I looked at myself in the night-wear.
One could see right through the sheer material, and I wasn't wearing anything underneath.
"Oh shit," I said to myself with a flush.