Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One

Ani’s POV.

The following week is a long one. My foster mum calls me at the start of the week to check on me and see how I’m doing. I think that I’m alright until I hear her voice, and then I break down in tears. It’s not that I’m upset about breaking up with Jaymie, although my mum thinks that’s what it is.

I’m overwhelmed by everything that has happened. Jaymie killed someone and I can’t talk to anyone about it. Someone was stalking me, and I have no idea who they were or why they were doing it. I don’t even know if I’m still safe now. The rational part of my brain is telling me that going to the police would be a good idea, but I can’t do it. It’s not my secret to tell, I cannot betray Jaymie like that.

It’s a lot to deal with and it affects my sleep. At work, I make mistakes and Michel berates me for my sloppiness. On Wednesday, he gets so sick of it that he sends me home early. I have a missed call from Jaymie, we agree to meet at the park, and we talk for a few hours. It’s good to see him and he, surprisingly, looks a darn sight better than I do.

For him, a weight has been lifted off his shoulders by confessing to me. For me, a weight has been placed on it. I don’t blame him for telling me, I’m glad he did, but I’m not sure he really thought it through before spilling to me. He didn’t think of the effect it would have on my mental health.

Seeing Jaymie and knowing that he is okay is a big relief for me. At the end of the week, things are starting to look up. Adrian comes in for dinner on Friday night. He is warm and polite as usual but isn’t flirty nor makes any extra attempts at trying to get me to engage in conversation. I wonder if he doesn’t want to get me in trouble with Michel, but even when Michel leaves for the evening, he still doesn’t encourage me to talk more with him.

I both appreciate the space and hate it. I have a feeling that Sian has blabbed to him what has happened with Jaymie. Adrian usually has this flirty look in his eye and a coy tone, he has neither of those things on Friday. It’s like he is respecting my time to move on. It’s thoughtful but I miss the attention, I hope he goes back to normal soon.

On Friday night, I fall asleep without tossing and turning for the first time all week. Adrian’s face makes an appearance almost immediately in my dreams. He climbs into my bed when it’s dark, but I can feel him next to me. The light flicks on and that’s when I see him, laid next to me with that playful smirk on his full lips. Those cornrows are unmistakeable.

His hand slides up my thigh, getting closer and closer to where I want it. I jump as other hands join his under the covers. I look around to see who is with us, but as usual, their faces are a blur to me. I don’t know who is in the bed with Adrian and I, there are definitely two more of them. The three of them work together to make my body reach new heights of pleasure. I shake and orgasm so hard that I wake up in the middle of my dream, panting and still trembling as my clit throbs between my legs.


“Thank you for doing this, I needed this.”

Sian grins and slides the cocktail towards me. “Not a problem, honey. You know I’ve always got you.”

An impromptu work’s night out, planned and organised this morning by Sian. Gwen is already throwing some interesting shapes, a drink in hand that is sloshing quite a bit. Daphne, a woman that works the lunch shifts mostly, is standing with us, an amused smile on her face as she watches Gwen. It’s just the four of us, but a few drinks with my friends on a Saturday night, a week after breaking up with my boyfriend, is exactly what I need right now.

I’m wearing a little black dress that I haven’t worn in almost a year. Jaymie always said it was too short. He warned that, if I bent over, he would be able to see what I’d eaten for breakfast.

Good thing I didn’t eat breakfast this morning.

“You look hot, single suits you,” Gwen comments breathlessly when she comes back over to us. She grabs the drink we bought her and downs it in three large gulps. She grabs a horrified Daphne’s hand. “Come on, Daph, let’s wiggle these cute butts.”

Sian and I position ourselves near the crowd to watch the chaos unfold as Gwen makes Daphne dance with her. I’m laughing in seconds, holding onto Sian to steady myself in the towering heels I foolishly chose earlier.

Across the room, I catch sight of a pair of army-green eyes that I could recognise anywhere. Even in my dreams.

“What is Adrian doing here?” I ask Sian accusingly.

She gives me a sheepish smile. “He said he was out with some friends tonight, I casually mentioned that we would be too…”

Honestly, I’m not mad about it. In fact, I’m excited more than anything, which is what makes me nervous. It’s only been a week since I ended things with Jaymie, not even that! I don’t want to disrespect Jaymie or have Adrian think I’m interested in him purely as a rebound.

It has become abundantly clear to me that I have feelings for Adrian, breaking up with Jaymie only confirmed that. The attraction I feel to him is undeniable as he makes his way through the crowd, heading straight for us. His eyes are locked onto mine and I cannot look away.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mention it,” Sian says in a rush just before he reaches us.

“Hey, Adrian,” I greet him first.

He smiles at me, his eyes flashing under the strobe lighting. He’s wearing a black shirt and trousers; he looks both dangerous and gorgeous at the same time.

“Hey, how’s your evening going?” He asks us.

He rounds the table we’re stood next to and steps between us to watch the Daphne and Gwen show. He stands close to me, his arm brushes against mine. The soft material of his shirt rubs my arm and the simple action causes goosebumps to spread across my lower arms. I rub them subtly to get rid of the bumps.

“Really good, thanks,” I tell him.

“These two have been keeping us entertained,” Sian explains, gesturing at Gwen and Daphne.

Daphne has gotten more into it now, she’s swaying her hips in time with Gwen, laughing and enjoying herself.

“They’re quite the pair,” Adrian comments. “I’m going to get a drink. What would you ladies like?”

He takes our order and returns ten minutes later, thanks to the queue. Having Adrian with us changes the group dynamic but I don’t mind. I intended on getting drunk this evening after a shitty week, Adrian being here makes me a little hesitant to stick to that plan, just because I don’t trust myself around him. Despite my efforts to remain sober, the cocktails call my name and I find myself tipsy by midnight.

“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, it’s good to see you smiling again.”

Adrian’s comment comes when the two of us are alone at a table at a different bar. Daphne has gone home, and Gwen and Sian have made a trip to the ladies’. It’s just the two of us, sitting next to each other in a booth.

“It’s been a long week, I’m glad it’s over,” I reply. “Next week can only be better.”

He smiles and taps his glass to mine. “I’ll drink to that.”

He doesn’t prod me for details, ask me any personal questions or even mention Jaymie and I appreciate that. Adrian is always so considerate, it’s like he can read my mind or something because he always seems to know the right thing to say to make me feel better.

The girls come back, and Sian’s eyes focus in on how close we’re sitting. Feeling self-conscious, I shuffle a little to the left to make some space between us, which makes Adrian frown.

“Where to next?” Gwen drunkenly asks.

“Home for you, I think,” Sian replies amusedly. “I’m taking her back to mine. I’ll see you on Monday, Ani.”

We say goodbye to the girls, and I turn to Adrian. I’m nowhere near as drunk as I wanted to be tonight, I want to stay out. Being alone with Adrian probably isn’t the best idea, but it’s better than drinking alone in my apartment. I rarely turn to alcohol when life gets hard, but tonight I really want to forget for a while.

“Want to stay out?” Adrian offers, reading my mind again.



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