Dragon's Mercy

Chapter 6.

"Your head dragoness?" She raises her eyes in shock. "Have you lost your damn mind?" She stands in the forest staring at Ryker, not believing what he's actually suggesting. "Your flight will never allow me to lead with you."

"They will if they think you're my wife."

"Think? So you want to lie to your entire dragon flight and fake being married?"


With an incredulous look, she throws her hands in the air. "No one would believe we'd marry each other. As of right now, the whole territory thinks I'm a runaway bride!"

"So? We'll tell everyone that Nestor double-crossed you for power. Which is true."

"Ryker, this is crazy. You're crazy."

"Yes, it's crazy, which is why it'll work. It has to. Both of our lives depend on it. All we're doing is extending the truce. You help me find who betrayed me and I'll make sure you get your dragon flight back from Elena and Nestor."

"Won't your dragons turn on you later for lying about being married?"

"They'll understand when I weed out the traitor."

She takes a deep breath, wondering if this plan is just crazy enough to work. "Maria, I would never ask this of you if it wasn't absolutely necessary. I need to know who betrayed me."

"Fine. I'll pretend to be your wife and assume the title of head dragoness while we find the traitor in your flight, as long as you swear you'll help me get control of my flight after."

"I swear, Maria. You have my word. Now just don't fall in love with me."

"Oh, please, you're the one who keeps proposing marriage."

"Fake marriage." Ryker runs his hands behind his neck as he eyes her up and down. "It's too bad we can't say that we're dragon mates."

"Dragon mates don't exist anymore. No one's seen them for centuries. And the only way to prove being mates is the ancient branding that only comes to true mates."

"I know. So we'll need to do much better than we did with the hunters to convince my flight we're in love." Ryker reaches out to take her hand, but she pulls it back. "This what I mean. You can't flinch every time I touch you."

"I don't flinch when you touch me."

He pushes her up against a tree, pressing his chest to hers. His intoxicating musky scent reaches her nose and she involuntarily leans closer. "When we get to my house, someone will always be watching, even when you think they're not. You need to act like my wife at all times. That means welcoming my kisses and kissing me back."

"I understand, Ryker. I'm fine with playing the part."

Then he leans in and kisses her neck. Shivers run down her whole body. Heat floods through her, equal parts irritation and excitement. "We need to do more than play the part, Maria. My flight knows me. They'll know if it's not real." With a flirty smile, she puts her arms around Ryker's neck and presses her lips to his. He immediately responds, plunging his tongue inside her welcoming mouth, tasting all she has to offer. She ends the kiss, but she stays pressed up against him. He inhales her scent with a low growl. "At least we have chemistry. That's something that can't be faked."

"Of course, it can."

Ryker's hands move up and down her body. Her breasts swell beneath his dark gaze. "Are you saying you don't want me, Maria?" He hooks his fingers under her thighs and lifts her to straddle his hips. She cries out from the euphoric sensations running through her. He moves so her back is against the tree. With a small whimper, she lifts herself higher onto his hard body, rubbing her hips against his. "Oh, you definitely want me. If we're going to fake being married, we may as well get as much pleasure out of this as we can."

She sucks in a breath, torn between her logical brain and the need pulsing between her legs. His lips find hers and his tongue plunges inside, taking full possession. She kisses him back with just as much fervor. She lifts her hips against him and his hands guide her into a rhythm. His cock grows harder and he increases the pace. "Oh, that feels so good."

"It's about to feel better." Ryker's fingers grasp her hair and he pulls her head back. Then he kisses a path down her neck, eliciting a loud moan from her. "Fuck, you're greedy for my touch."

"I can't help it."

"I don't want you to help it. I want to hear how badly you need me." She winds her hips in a circle, matching his pace. White hot heat builds in her core. "Yes. Show me what you like, Maria."

Her body takes over and her hips grind harder, no longer controlled. "Just like that. You feel perfect." She moves faster and Ryker's breath becomes winded. "Come for me, Maria. Now."

Trusting him, she lets herself feel everything. Her legs tighten and she grinds hard against him. Completely out of control, she moves against him one last time and her body spasms with ecstasy. "Oh, Ryker!"

She feels his hips jerk hard against her as he shouts out her name in return. "Maria!" Ryker holds her close as their orgasms pulse through their bodies. They both cling to each other as they try to catch their breath. "Fuck, Maria. You could be addicting." He brings her lips to his for a soft kiss, then backs away and fixes her clothes. "From now on, we need to act like we're completely in love, even when we're alone."

"I'm all in, Ryker. So this better work." She takes his outstretched hand and follows him through the forest. As they walk, she realizes she doesn't know much about his dragon flight. "What about your mother? Do you think she made it back to your flight house?"

"I hope so. I'm sure my brother's already sent out search parties for us."

"Ryker, are you close with your mother?"

"Not particularly. We get along, but we're both busy with our own things. My biggest issue is dealing with our dragon elders. They make up a council that is supposed to 'advise' the flight's dragon lord, whomever that may be."

"Do you have the final say in all decisions?"

"Yes. However, the council has recently tried to take more power."

"Do you think someone on the council had a hand in your kidnapping?"

Ryker's hand tightens on hers as tension pulses through him. "As of right now, everyone except my mother is a suspect."

"Even your brother?"

"I trust my brother with my life. But he's next in line as dragon lord if I die, so he has the most gain. It would be ignorant if I didn't consider him a suspect." His voice takes a hard edge and she can tell she's struck a nerve.

"You're a lot of things, Ryker, but ignorant isn't one of them."

"Oh, yeah? What else am I?"

"You're arrogant, egotistical, annoying..... but also handsome. I mean, I hate you, but I'm also attracted to you."

Ryker's step falters just slightly at her compliment. "Are you flirting with me to take my mind off my brother?"

"You looked upset. I wasn't sure how to comfort you."

"I don't need comfort, but it's nice to see you taking your role as my wife seriously."

"Oh, everyone needs comfort. Even cold, emotionless dragon lords like you." Ryker takes her hand and walks her down a dark path. He's walking slower than normal and she wonders if something's wrong. "Ryker, why are you going so slow? You were practically racing to get home." His eyes are cold, but she can see a hint of vulnerability behind them. "Ryker, what is it? You can tell me."

"I need you to promise me you won't take any unnecessary risks."

"Ryker, this whole idea is an unnecessary risk."

"Yes. Which is why I need you to combat your stubborn, headstrong nature. I will give you orders and you will need to follow them."

"Give me some credit, Ryker. I can take orders when I need to."

Ryker's large body moves closer. Raw power emanates from him. "It's more than taking orders, Maria. You need to want to serve me."

She gets closer to Ryker and presses her breasts to his chest, giving him a sultry look. "Oh, Ryker, I live to serve you. Just tell me what you want and you shall have it."

"That's a good start. Keep working and soon it'll be believable." He smirks and starts to walk away, but she grabs his shirt and brings him down to her. She kisses him hard, forcing her tongue inside his mouth. Temporarily stunned, it takes a moment before he kisses her back. As soon as she feels him give in to her, she pulls back.

"How was that for believable?" She takes his hand and continues walking.

He eyes her but says nothing. "How's your strength? Now that the copper chains are off, I feel strong enough to shift into my dragon."

She takes a deep breath as she feels fire run through her veins. "Oh, I can definitely shift."

"Good. We'll be able to get back to my flight house by nightfall." With a roar, Ryker shifts into a magnificent black dragon.

Maria's blood boils and her inner dragon roars as she allows her full power to course through her. She shifts into a regal, purple-scaled dragon.

Ryker eyes her up and down. "I heard you had a purple dragon, but I didn't think it was true."

"Yes. As far as I know, I'm the first purple dragon to ever exist. God, it feels good to shift."

"It does. Now, let's fly." Ryker flies into the air with her right behind him. A small laugh escapes her as she soars through the air. "I see you like to fly."

"It might be my favorite thing in the world." Taking the lead, she pushes ahead of Ryker. "Hurry up, slowpoke. It looks like that copper weakened you more than I thought."

Ryker flies faster, but she picks up speed, keeping him right behind her. "So, you want to play?"

"Only if you can keep up."

Ryker dives below her with a twist, then moves ahead of her. The two of them fly through the air, playfully taking turns leading.


A few hours later, the sun is rising as they fly into Ryker's territory and shift back into their human forms.

"My flight house is just below this cliff. It's better if we walk in on foot so the guards don't shoot at you."

"They're probably going to shoot at me anyway."

Ryker turns to her with sharp eyes. "Maria, I promised I'd protect you. I'm placing my trust in you by bringing you into my flight."

"Yes, but you have allies here. I don't."

"You have me. I'm all the ally you need." Her eyes roam over Ryker's chiseled jaw and outlined lips. "What? I can sense your hesitation. There's no room for error here, Maria."

She pushes away from Ryker and runs her hands through her hair. "I'm aware of that. I don't need a lecture. It's just.... out here with you, it's one-on-one. As soon as I step foot in your territory, it'll be me against your whole flight."

"No, it won't, Maria. It will be us against my whole flight. I won't hang you out to dry." Her heart pound as she stares at Ryker. "I need you to trust me in the same way I'm trusting you. It's important."

"I'm starting to trust you, but you still need to prove yourself."

"And I haven't done that yet? You're still alive, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm alive, but only because it still benefits you. I can't just go from enemy to friend overnight. But I must have some degree of trust even to agree to come here with you."

"We can trust each other and not be friends. There will be times when you don't understand my decisions. But it need to look like you are completely loyal to me at all times."

She steps close to him and crosses her arms over her stomach. "I'll look loyal, Ryker. You don't have to worry about me betraying you. I meant it when I said I'm all in."

A breeze moves between them and she shivers. Ryker instinctively reaches out and runs his hands up and down her arms to warm her. "I've got you, Maria. I swear you'll be safe."

As soon as they walk through the gates, Ryker's dragons run out to greet him. He puts on a fake smile as his fingers tighten on hers, not sure who to trust. Taking position as Ryker's wife, she stands strong next to him.

"Lord Ryker! Where have you been? We thought you were kidnapped!" A blonde runs up to him.

"I was, but I'm fine now, Lexi."

Suddenly, his dragons notice Maria and roar with anger. "Murderer! Take her into custody!"

Ryker steps in front of her protectively. "No, Maria is with me. She is not to be touched."

"Ryker, you can't be serious. We need to take her into custody now."

"I'm dead serious, Aelon. Maria was imprisoned with me. She is under my protection."

"I know our flights have been enemies in the past, but I'm here as an ally. I mean no harm to any of you. I risk more by coming here than you do by having me here."

"Look, there's a spy in our flight. Someone hit me on the head and sold me to the dragon hunters." Gasps and roars move over the crowd. "My mother was also kidnapped and escaped. Is she here?"

"No one has seen her since you both disappeared."

"And my brother?"

"He's out on a search for you, but he'll be back soon." Lexi pipes up.

"The council should decide what to do with Maria. Since Ryker was just kidnapped, he's not thinking straight. They've been captive together. The council needs to take control to protect the flight."

With a growl, Ryker aggressively approaches Aelon. "How fucking dare you. I should rip your throat out for that insult. My thinking is perfectly sound."

"She's responsible for the death of your father and sister!"

"What's the point of having a dragon lord if you don't trust him? Ryker's smart and strong. You've put your faith in him before and you should do it now. I assure you, I'm not here as an enemy."

Ryker's anger lessens as he steps close and puts an affectionate arm around her waist. "Maria is here as my wife."

"Your wife? No, it can't be."

"But it's true. Ryker and I are in love."

The entire flight looks at her in horror.

"I can't take orders from our enemy!" Lexi screeches.

"Ryker, this is an abomination. We can't do this."

"Maria left her flight and is joining ours. I trust her and that should be enough for all of you."

"You were only gone a few days. Who even married you?" Aelon looks suspiciously between her and Ryker.

"Oh, we were married yesterday by.....a....." he hesitates as he searches for a plausible story, looking to Maria for help.

"We were married by an old woman in a small dragon village we passed. She had pure dragon blood and was ordained to perform dragon ceremonies."

"There is no dragon village around here." Aelon narrows his eyes.

"I didn't say it was around here. Ryker and I flew around for miles to make sure no one was following us." She looks up at him with a flirty smile. He locks eyes with her and nods, playing the part of the besotted groom. "We stopped at a village two territories away. The old woman married us just as the sun was rising."

"Then we stayed in a cozy cabin as we officially became man and wife." Her heart skips a beat at how casually he talks about having sex with her.... even if it's not true. "Maria could already be pregnant with my child."

"No! It can't be."

"Oh, I'm not pregnant yet, but I expect to be soon. Ryker and I want children right away."

"Please. It's obvious you're just using Ryker for sex." Lexi chimes in.

"Do you really think so low of your own dragon lord that sex would be enough to manipulate him?" Ryker pulls her closer, then leans down and kisses her temple. Lexi growls with anger, but Maria doesn't back down. "You're the most upset about my marriage to Ryker, so I have to wonder why. Are you in love with him, or are you the one who sold him out to the dragon hunters?"

"Fuck you. You don't know what you're talking about. Ryker doesn't even like you."

Without hesitation, she grasps Ryker's shirt and pulls him to her. His eyes widen briefly before he realizes her intent and claims her lips. Her mouth parts as his tongue probes inside. She only meant for a quick kiss. As she's about to pull back, his hands tighten on her hips, deepening the kiss. The kiss overwhelms her senses as Ryker makes it clear to all that the relationship between them is real. After a few more passionate moments, Ryker slowly stops the kiss, then whispers against her ear so only she can hear. "Perfect..." he holds her gaze for a moment longer. A silent message letting her know he's got her back, then turns to Aelon. "I love Maria. Disrespecting her is disrespecting me."

Aelon hunches his shoulders humbly and steps closer to Ryker. "Even if you do love Maria, we need to kill her anyway."

"No, I've made myself clear."

"We have no choice, Ryker. Because you're already engaged to someone else."

"What?" Maria raises her brows in confusion and surprise.

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