Don’t Fall for the Billionaire Lover

Chapter 826

Claire let out a hearty laugh, "I've just taken in a little dog. Poor thing broke its leg. It's heartbreaking, really-won't eat or drink a thing. Now it's down to just 70 pounds. I doubt it'll make it through the night." Suzanne knew exactly who Claire was talking about-Diana.

Hearing that Diana had starved herself down to just 70 pounds felt like a steamroller had flattened Suzanne's heart.

"Claire, please, spare her. Look at what Diana's wearing around her neck. Just take a look, and you'll see why she needs to live. I'm begging you."

"I'll get the dragon pendant back from Connor, but please, don't let Diana die. I promise I'll hand it over to you."

Claire hung up the phone.

She was already at The Garden when the manager walked in, looking worried.

"Ms. Claire, Diana... she's not doing well..."

Claire recalled Suzanne's words and stood up, "Let me see."

Claire headed to the room where Diana was kept.

Diana had been stuck in this dark, windowless room for days, not putting up any resistance.

Though Claire seemed indifferent, the manager understood the seriousness of the situation.

Diana was part of the Gilbert family, and if anything happened to her, the Gilberts wouldn't just stand by.

In such cases, Claire usually found someone else to blame, and he feared that scapegoat might be him.

So, the manager secretly brought Diana some food and water each day.

But Diana refused to eat, no matter what.

He managed to get some water into her, but she wouldn't touch the food.

Days dragged on like this.

She lay there each day, barely moving, making it hard to tell if she was even alive.

Seeing her weak breathing today, with her eyes shut tight, he realized she might not have much timedeft. That's when he decided to inform Claire.

Claire switched on the light.


There lay Diana, curled up on the carpet, one leg tucked beneath her.

She was so still, reduced to skin and bones, looking like she might shatter at the slightest touch.

Even though Diana's breathing was faint, she couldn't open her eyes or speak.

Claire showed no hint of sympathy, thinking about Suzanne's words as she walked over.

e a high-collared sweater,

a nanny from the foft

had hastily grabbed for her

after the incident.

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Claire approached and pulled at Diana's collar, revealing a thin chain.

There was a pendant hanging from it a small glass vial.

The moment Claire saw the vial, her

swirlinowed, dark thoughts gas if she'd been struck

something profound. Conte

Her body paused for a brief second before she yanked the necklace off Diana's neck.

A red mark appeared instantly on Diana's neck, and the sudden pain caused her eyes to slowly open. Claire knelt there, her eyes fixated on the vial.

Inside were two small locks of hair tied with red thread and a tiny golden bell.

In a heartbeat, Claire grabbed Diana by the neck, lifting her frail body.

With eyes blazing with anger, Claire demanded, "How do you have this?"

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