Distant Lands

Chapter Goodbye

Nate glances at me and quickly lowers his gaze as he enters the breakroom. He places his navy blue backpack on the chair in front of me and goes to open his locker. What the hell is wrong with him?

“Hey Nate, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine, Liz, and you?” He takes off his black hoodie, stashes it inside the locker, grabs a black apron, and ties it on. His cold and distant vibe is so unlike him. Did we fight recently? I don’t remember. His grumpy mood will not ruin our goodbye. I glance at my watch and stand up excitedly.

“Fifteen more minutes left on the clock, and I get to travel.”

Nate stares at the announcement board on the wall.

“Uhuh, that’s great,” he mumbles while putting on his name tag. His dismissive tone annoys me. He could at least pretend he is happy for me.

I stare at the back of his head, “You know I’ve always been saying that my dream is to travel. Mexico will be first, then France, Italy, Japan, and other places.”

I lean against the breakroom table and watch Nate grab his backpack from the chair. He shoves it into his locker and closes the locker door with a loud thud.

“I have everything packed and ready to go. I just need to break the news to my family that I’m leaving tonight and will be ba-”

“What?” Nate interrupts and turns to face me, “You haven’t told your family yet?”

“I’m a grown woman,” I point at my chest and cross my arms. “I can make my own decisions. Plus, I’ve been planning this trip for over a year now. I know how much my mom worries, but I can take care of myself.”

Nate stares intensely at me. His jaw tightens for a moment. My heart rate increases, and my stomach gets a nervous flutter. Nate places his hands on my shoulders, gives me a gentle shake, and exhales loudly.

“Of course, she will worry, even though you are a grown woman, you are still her little girl, you’re like...her princess, you’re her only daughter. Traveling on your own is dangerous, especially in Mexico. And what about your brothers? Have you told them yet?” He crosses his arms and keeps his eyes glued to mine.

Trying to process his words, I narrow my eyes at him, tightening my lips. Geez, who does he think he is to question me this way? How dare he call me a princess?

Come to think of it; my parents did treat me a bit differently than my two older brothers. They had more freedom to go out with their friends and were allowed to stay out late. I had a curfew. Maybe that’s why I always dream of traveling, of being independent. I don’t need to get anyone’s permission. And I sure as hell don’t need to give Nate an explanation. I take a deep breath and calm my mind.

I open my locker to make sure it’s empty and gently close it. My heart feels heavy. I hate goodbyes. I don’t want to leave on a sour note with Nate. I’m going to miss him. I turn and wrap my arms around him, and he instantly wraps his arms around me.

I feel a lump in my throat but smile, “I will miss you the most, but I’ll see you soon. Don’t worry.”

He hugs me tighter and rests his chin on my shoulder. We embrace for a long minute and don’t let go. His heart beats against my chest, and his cologne, the one he always wears, affects me. Oh god, here we go. The scent is masculine, composed of spice, wood, and a hint of vanilla; it’s so fresh. It’s making me remember my shameful daydreams, and my heart thuds faster. The butterflies in my stomach go wild. Damn, butterflies, stop.

Finally, Nate loosens his hug. He looks at me with sad eyes, “I will miss you too. It won’t be the same without you, Liz.”

I give him a soft smile and grab my bag from the table. I turn to leave, and suddenly Nate grabs my face with both of his hands and kisses me on the lips. My eyes widen, and my heart thuds faster. I wrap my arms around his neck, connect our lips and close my eyes. We softly kiss. My daydreams can’t compare to the real thing. The feel of his warm, soft lips feels so lovely. His scent is so intoxicating and sexy.

I stay in the moment and enjoy this goodbye. I run my fingers through his hair and bunch the back in my hand. Nate’s breathing quickens, and his hands travel down my back to my waist, tightening his embrace. Oh! Nate’s arousal makes my whole body tingle. Damn, I want to close the breakroom door and continue, but I got to go. I back up towards the door, but he follows; we back up and almost walk out of the door, where everyone can see us. I place my hands on his chest and lean back to break the kiss.

I smile shyly, “That was intense.”

“You know how I feel about you, Liz. I love you.”

I swear I hear a love song playing in my head. My heart beats like a drum against my chest, and I don’t know what to say, “I need to go,” I whisper.

He nods and smiles softly, “Have a safe trip. Call me when you get there.”

“I will. Nathan, this is a see you later, not a goodbye.”

He opens his mouth slightly like he wants to say something, but instead, he bites his lower lip and gives me a quick hug.

“I love you too,” I say and leave.

I quickly walk out of the building and into my car. The ignition is on, and I begin to drive home. My last relationship didn’t end well. It had become toxic. I forgot how good it feels to be wanted by a man. Nate awoke feelings in me that I had locked away, afraid to expose them and get hurt again.


My parents, my brother Dan and Isaac, stare at me as if they are trying to solve a puzzle. I patiently wait for them to say something.

“Liz,” my mom furrows her brows, “I know you are an adult, and you can make your own decisions, but you know nothing about Mexico. It can be dangerous, especially for young women.”

“Ma,” I give a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry, Samantha and I had planned this trip months ago. Her family in Mexico is waiting for us.”

“You’re leaving tonight? Dan asks.

I look at my mother and see the disappointment in her eyes. “Yeah, right now,” I mutter.

My mom glances at my dad, “And why aren’t you saying anything! Are you okay with this?”

“What do you want me to say? She’s an adult!” My dad grumbles at my mom.

Isaac laughs, “Well, Dan and I will drive you to the airport.”

My dad hugs me, “Mija, have fun, but be careful; stay in the City.”

“I will,” I turn to my mom, hug her and promise her that I will stay in contact.

We go to the car, and my brother Dan gets into the driver’s seat, Issac rides in the front, and I sit in the back. Everything is in motion now, and we are going to the airport. I look out the window, and the flashback of Nate’s kiss makes my pulse pick up speed and gives me butterflies in my stomach.

“What are you smiling about?” my nosey brother Dan asks, looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

“Are you going to meet up with your online boyfriend in Mexico?” Isaac teases me, and both my brothers roar with laughter.

“N-No, Nothing, I just forgot to clock out of work,” I say, hiding my blushing face. Oh, that’s what I had forgotten to do. Dammit.

“I’m sure it doesn’t matter since you quit, right?” Isaac responds.

“Well, I’ll just text Nate to tell my boss. I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I say and take my phone out of my bag to text Nate.

We arrive at the airport with plenty of time to check-in. I get out of the car and retrieve my luggage from the trunk. My brothers get out to send me off.

“Where’s your friend Samantha?” Dan asks, looking around.

“She’s waiting for me inside,” I say.

“Alright, well, take care, and call us when you arrive,” Dan says, giving me a bear hug.

“Okay, I will,” I say.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Isaac hugs me.

“Okay, I won’t,” I say. I gather my bags and walk into the airport.

It’s time to board the plane and join the line of people. I walk into the plane and through the narrow hallway to find my seat. I take my seat by the window and listen to the stewardess provide the safety instructions. Listening to her speak calms my nerves. We prepare to take off, and I feel the airplane shake; it terrifies me.

I feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins, and I feel a strong urge to get up and run away. Instead, I close my eyes and grab on tight to the seat in front of me. I can add flying to my list of fears. I didn’t think I would be this scared.

I close my eyes, “Oh, god, please protect and guide this plane,” I whisper. I rarely pray, so I don’t know if I did that right. The plane steadies in the air. I open my eyes to find a little girl smiling at me from between the seats in front of me.

I smile at her. I get comfortable in my seat and close my eyes, quickly drifting off to sleep.

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