Distance: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 1)

Distance: Chapter 6

Keller keeps his eyes on the road, avoiding my question, but I’m too tired to push further. Despite only knowing him for a few hours, I feel safe with him.

I have a feeling the man he shows to the rest of the world is very different from the true man hiding beneath. I can tell from the gentleness of his touch tonight. I know there is more, deep down. He wouldn’t ever hurt me physically.

I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open; the heating is on full blast, subsiding the shivering but making me drowsy.

I recline my seat slightly so I can get comfy and watch Keller. I should not be turned on right now. Just moments ago my ex attacked me down an alleyway, and now I’m being raced back in an Aston Martin with my drop-dead gorgeous savior.

Watching him handle this beast of a car is so sexy. He drives with complete control and power, his hands gripping the wheel so tight his tattooed knuckled peak with white beneath the ink.

Every now and then, he shoots me a worried look, as if checking to make sure I am still okay, but beneath that, I can see the fury wreaking havoc. There is a darkness within him that wants to come out, and he is completely tense in his attempt to try and keep it all in.

I lightly rest my hand on his thigh. He seems to be as uncomfortable with being my protector as I am with needing to be cared for. Needing care is an alien feeling to me. He rests his hand on top of mine and gives it a light reassuring squeeze. Who’d have thought a man with such darkness and power would have such a gentle side? Either that, or he just feels sorry for this stupid damsel in distress.

Saving someone three times in the same night is a bit much for anyone’s standards.

A few minutes tick by in silence as we drive past Central Park, hand in hand. Of course, we’re heading to the posh area. I’m in an Aston Martin for Christ’s sake. He owns that bloody nightclub!

Removing his hand from the top of mine, I instantly feel empty from the lack of contact. Electricity sizzles in the car. It really shouldn’t. I’m covered in cuts and bruises. The air suddenly doesn’t seem to be reaching my lungs quickly enough. Panic runs through me as I try to catch my breath. Fuck, Jamie attacked me.

Until this point, he’s never physically attacked me; he’s scared me but never touched me. Why is he doing this now?

Taking deep breaths, I try to calm the rising panic. What would have happened if Keller didn’t save me? How far would he have gone?

The car begins to slow down, distracting me momentarily from my inner worries. We approach the Park Avenue skyscrapers. Surely he doesn’t live in a fucking skyscraper – wait, do people even live in them?

He hits a button on the screen of the car and the garage door next to the building opens. He gives a nod to the two security guards sitting in the booth outside. We enter the brightly lit parking area, his hand snaking behind my headrest as he reverses into a spot. I am unable to form a coherent sentence, so I just keep quiet. I do have one burning question.

“Keller, what level are we going to? I’m terrified of elevators. So, we need to take the stairs.” I’m babbling now.

“If I tell you, it will only make it worse, Sienna. Just trust me, okay? You have nothing to be scared of with me,” he replies, hitting the button in the center console, which shuts the car off. He slides out of the driver’s seat, walking around the front of the car. Never taking his eyes off me. The passenger door flies open, the cold air taking my breath away as he holds out his hand. Instead of helping me up to my feet, he bends and scoops me back up into his arms, cradling me into his chest. His steady heartbeat pounds against my ear.

He walks us to the elevator. Shit, maybe if I just shut my eyes it will be fine. Visions of my mom shutting me in the crappy elevator to our flat back in London invade my mind. Every time I pissed her off when she was drunk, she would shove me in there and leave me crying. That was until she remembered to let me back out. Sometimes I would spend the whole night in there and cry myself to sleep. I was only a little girl. Everyone in the block of flats assumed it was broken so no one ever came to my rescue. I was petrified.

The elevator doors ping open and he strides us in, distracting me from my past.

Even despite the fear, I can’t deny this lift is absolutely stunning. Around twenty people could fit in here easily. The calming music though is having the opposite effect, reminding me of the waiting room for my therapist. Turning his back, Keller presses the button, attempting to use his large frame to hide it from me. I peek around him and see the 86th number lit up in green.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Keller? That’s going to be like ten fucking minutes in elevator time. I can’t do it. Let me out,” I pant. Beads of sweat form on my forehead.

He places a soft kiss to the top of my head and wraps me tighter in his embrace. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

“We’re nearly there, Gorgeous,” he reassures me, now stroking my hair.

The tender side of him throws me off guard. Maybe he just feels sorry for me. There is no denying the anticipation in the air, the electricity is almost crackling in here. Being smothered against his chest, I smell his musky aftershave laced with scotch and cigarettes. Before I can respond, the elevator pings, and the doors open.

Softly lowering me to my feet, he laces his fingers in mine and leads me out into the most stunning penthouse I could imagine. Floor-to-ceiling windows surround the living space, overlooking the Manhattan skyline twinkling in the night. My stilettos echo on the white marbled flooring that accents the black and dark oak furnishings. The smell of paint is still fresh. The penthouse is open-planned and my sights set straight on a state-of-the-art kitchen, the kind I can imagine you’d find in a palace back home.

A large U-shaped black leather sofa scattered with lighter cushions keeps with the black, white and neutral tones of the house. God, what I would not give to cook in that kitchen; it even has one of those taps that give you boiling water!

“Keller, this place is absolutely stunning. The view, the kitchen, fuck all of it. It is heaven,” I groan in amazement.

Keller’s gaze sweeps me up and down. “Baby, the only view that is heavenly here is the one standing in front of me”

“Don’t be ridiculous” I blush. My cheeks are on fire. There is no point even trying to deny it.

His gaze holds, assessing the grazes all over my arms. Closing the space between us, he gently traces his fingers down my arms, leaving shivers in his wake. He lifts me like I weigh nothing and lays me down on the couch as he crouches beside me.

His fingers find the zipper on the side of my dress.

“Can I?”

I nod, my emotions wavering.

He gently pulls the dress down my body and over my stilettos. Turning his attention straight back to me.

His finger trails down my arms, stopping at each cut and graze. He dips his head and places a delicate kiss on each mark.

“For every mark left on your beautiful body, I’ll snap one of his bones. He will pay for this. I promise you,” he rasps, violence dripping from his tone.

I should be scared, but I’m not. What’s worse is I think he means this.

A phone ringing pulls our attention away. Shit I need to phone Maddie. I told her I was going to the bathroom. That was until Jamie decided to drag me out of the club and assault me.

Keller frowns at the screen. “I need to take this in the other room. Make yourself at home. I won’t be long.”

He places a quick peck on my forehead and turns on his heel, walking down the hallway. In nothing but my drenched panties, I sigh and grab my dress.

I make my way over to the kitchen and start opening cupboards – there must be over thirty here – now on a quest to find a glass. The sixth attempt brings success. I reach for one of the tall crystal glasses and fill it to the brim with water, before going to rummage through my bag for painkillers. My arms are starting to sting and my head is pounding. I toss the pills back and down the remains of the water, welcoming the refreshing cold against my burning body. I grab my phone, and see the screen filled with missed calls from Maddie. Without reading the messages, I quickly redial her.

“Sienna, where in the fuck are you?” she shouts, music blaring in the background. “I’m still at the club, in the bathroom. I couldn’t find you anywhere. I’ve been worried sick.”

God, I feel so bad. “Maddie, I am so sorry. Jamie turned up at the club and kept begging to talk to me. He was doing my head in. So I agreed. But once we got out through the side exit, he dragged me down an alleyway. I tried to run away from him, but he pinned me up against a wall. Luckily, Keller found me before he did anything else. Now I’m back to his. I’m about to get an Uber home,” I explain without making her worry too much.

“Jamie fucking did what? Where is he now? I’ll fucking stab his eyes out with my heels. Shit, Si are you okay?” Her voice is almost hysterical.

“He ran off Mads. It’s okay. I’m okay. A bit cut and bruised, but I’ll be fine. I did kick the twat in the balls, though. I’ll meet you back at the apartment soon, okay? Text me when you’re on your way. I need to say bye to Keller first.” I’m hoping that will calm her down.

“Okay, okay. Shit, Keller. The guy you straddled in the club? I can’t wait to hear more about that. Send me your ping when you get in the Uber, okay? Love you.”

“Love you too, Mads,” I reply and cut the call.

Keller still isn’t done with his call, so I bring up the Uber app and request a ride. After booking, I perch on the bar stool at the breakfast bar. I need a distraction. The adrenaline is clearly wearing off and I’m crashing, spiraling out of control. My trembling hands come into my blurry vision, the cuts covering them make me want to scream. My lungs are burning as I frantically try to catch my breath.

What the fuck is happening to me? What did he do to me? Why are there so many cuts?

I stumble off the barstool, needing to get to the bathroom. On wobbly legs, I head towards the first door I can just about make out. The closer I get, the more it feels like the air is sucked from my body.

Fuck, I’m going to die.

I slam open the door and tumble into the dark room. I can barely make out where I am. My whole body is aching, pain soars through me as I struggle to breathe. I give up my pursuit for a bathroom because my body physically can’t take me any further. I drop to the floor in a heap and drag my legs into my chest. Pressing my forehead onto my knees, I’m fighting for air as tears stream down my cheeks.

I’m a petrified mess.

I squeeze my eyes shut and let the darkness consume me as sobs rack from my trembling body.

I feel a thud next to me and warm hands pull my face out of my lap.

“Fuck, Sienna, what happened? Are you ok?”

“I-I” My lungs fail me. I can’t get the words out.

Strong arms wrap me up and it’s like I’m floating. His hammering heartbeat, oddly, brings me comfort.

“Shh, it’s okay, Baby. I’ve got you,” he says as he gently lays me down on a soft mattress. My head rests on a silky pillow. My muscles start to relax as I sink into the mattress. The bed dips as Keller slips in next to me, grasping me by the waist and pulling me flush against his chest.

“Just breathe, Baby. No one can hurt you now. You’re safe. I promise.”

The softness in his voice and the way he strokes my hair slowly starts to allow the air back into my lungs. I continue to take deep, steading breaths and feel my heart rate return to a somewhat normal beat. We lie there together, his muscular frame caging me in, making me feel safe.

By now, my breathing has returned to normal. I find the courage to speak, embarrassment creeping up my cheeks.

“Shit, that was scary. I’m so sorry you had to see me like this. I bet it’s the last thing you need after already saving me three times tonight. I’ll get out of your hair soon.”

“Don’t apologize. You were attacked. I wondered if you were taking it all too well on the ride here. Sometimes you have to let it all out some way or another.” He places a kiss on the back of my head, spreading more warmth throughout my body.

“Hmm,” is all I can muster in response as my tired eyes flutter closed.

Shit. The Uber.

My eyes fling open and I push myself out of his hold, then drop off the bed and dart towards the door.

“Sienna,” he growls.

His low voice stops me in my tracks.

I slowly turn to face him.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I forgot I booked an Uber,” I respond, fidgeting with my hands, my eyes avoiding his.

His jaw ticks as he stalks towards me. For every step forward he takes, I take one away, until my back bumps up against the door. I wince as he does.

“Sienna. Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness, Princess,” he rasps, making me shiver. “You are not going anywhere. For one, it’s not safe out there this time of night. And two, because I fucking said so. Do you understand?” His firm words are a contradiction to his soft lips, peppering kisses along my jawline.

Fuck, this is hot, for all the wrong reasons. This man and his filthy, domineering voice do things to me I never imagined possible. But I sure as hell don’t need protecting.

“No,” I answer, tipping my head up in defiance. I’ve just about had it with men today.

“Sienna,” he growls “Don’t fucking test me. I am already on the fucking edge.”

The conflict is clear in his tone. He wants me, but he doesn’t know what to do with me. That much is evident. He’s used to demanding what he wants in every aspect of his life.

“Fine, you drive me home and then go and do whatever that was about,” I gesture, pointing to his phone in his pocket.

Taking his hands away from the wall behind me, he creates some distance between us. “Okay,” he huffs and storms off into the room slamming the door behind him.

Great. I’ve managed to piss off the beast.

After a few minutes, the sound of drawers slamming echoes through the penthouse. Keller reappears, this time dressed in black joggers and a tight black hoodie, a sports bag slung over his shoulder.

Fuck-me, I honestly don’t know which is sexier. Keller in a fitted tux or in casual sportswear. The way the hoodie clings tightly emphasizes the sheer size of his biceps and the joggers don’t leave much to the imagination as to what’s underneath them. If I wasn’t so pissed off with him, I’d want to jump into his arms and smash my lips to his.

Keller, clearing his throat, snaps back my attention.

Perfect. He’s caught me ogling him.

He walks straight past me, nodding forward as if summoning me to follow him. Looks like all the niceties are out the window. The whole time we ride the elevator, and then the car, there is no eye contact.

He pulls up and stops the engine. I reach to open the door but his strong hand stops me. He leans across, squashing me into the seat.

A strangled sigh leaves his lips.

“Sienna, wait a sec. I’m sorry. I have a lot of shit going on and I don’t ever entertain women like this. I don’t know what this is but, I can’t explain this gravitational pull I have toward you. Give me your phone?” His tone is sincere as he turns his palm over.

“Please, I think you mean to add.” I mock him with a grin.

He gives me a lopsided grin in return. “Fine, please, Sienna.”

I jab my passcode in to unlock the phone and place it in his palm. He quickly types on the phone and his pings.

He hands it back. “You have my number, Princess. If you need anything, you call me. If Jamie so much as breathes the same air as you, you call me.” A second passes. “Please.”

Trying to hide my smile, I say, “Okay, Keller. Thank you.”

I don’t know what’s gotten into Jamie, but he really scared me tonight. He was acting crazed and desperate. The complete opposite of his usual calm and collected demeanor.

With that, I remember how the man who sits in front of me apologizing, saved my ass three times tonight. I grab both sides of his face and bring his lips down to mine, giving him a quick peck, just intending to say thank you and goodbye.

I know this can’t go on any further.

I pull away and reach back for the door handle. Keller is more stealth than me. He whips me back around and crashes his lips to mine, fisting his hands in my hair. He deepens the kiss as I moan, letting his tongue enter and our teeth clash. We are like two starved animals, clawing and ravaging each other.

Every emotion tonight has ignited being put into this kiss.

When Keller breaks away, my lips are swollen, and I’m trying to catch my breath.

“Fuck Sienna. We need to pause this for now. I have to go,” he says through heavy breath, which I can still taste as his lips are mere inches from mine still.

The windows in the Aston have fogged up, and the smell of pure desire fills the car. I give him the best fake frown I can, but it’s no use as I end up laughing.

“Okay, well, I suppose I’ll speak to you soon?” I murmur, wistfulness in my voice.

“Sooner than you think, Baby.” He winks at me, leaning over to open the door for me. God, even as he rubs his body against me, I just want to jump on his lap.

“Trust me, if I didn’t truly have to go, I’d be carrying you into your apartment and making you scream my name, forgetting any other man existed before me,” he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

God, if only.

I slide out of the car and walk to my apartment, turning to give him a quick wave as I go.

Finally, I make it up the five flights of stairs to mine and Maddie’s studio apartment, panting by the last floor. As I unlock and then throw my keys on the side table, I fling off my shoes next to the door. Fuuuuck that feels good.

I pad along the hallway to the lounge, peeking through the wooden blind slightly, looking down to where Keller dropped me off a few moments ago. He’s still there. I can sense his glare from here. My phone pings, drawing my attention to the lounge, and I jog over to retrieve it.


Go to bed Princess, sweet dreams of me x

I quickly type out a reply, chuckling at the name he’s given himself in my contacts.


Night Sex God, thank you again for tonight. I hope you have sweet dreams of me too xx

He responds immediately


There is nothing sweet about the dreams I’ll be having about you Princess *winky face*. Now sleep x

I shoot a quick text to Maddie to let her know I’m home. Unzipping my dress and letting it pool on the floor, I drop myself back onto the bed, grabbing the nearest cushion to cuddle as I fall asleep, thoughts of Keller dancing on my mind as I drift off.

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