Deserted (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 4)

Deserted: Chapter 3

The Tholi didn’t ask any more questions as I stood in its presence for what felt like hours, absorbing every ounce of the soothing and cleansing power that trickled across my skin.

I didn’t feel physically stronger when I was done with my blessing, but I felt more at peace. And if I’d learned anything in my long life, it was that often, peace trumped power. Power could be stolen, earned and rewarded. It was everywhere for the taking.

But peace… was far harder to come by.

By the time I returned to the meadow land, I felt recharged and ready for what lay ahead.

It was time for me to head back to the Library of Knowledge.

First, though, knowing how difficult it could be to pull energy into an ancient and powerful world like the deserts, I decided to add a few extra layers of my family power into the well inside me—not as many as I’d taken to the Shadow Realm, but enough that I’d have reserves if needed.

The realm battle had cost me about a third of my power, but I still held thousands of layers, leaving plenty to go around. Hopefully, there was nothing of great concern in the Delfora, for it was there that the ancient gods slept and none of us wanted them to awaken. Reece’s connection to that land was in and of itself unusual, but not even he could stem the tides if the gods returned topside.

Once I’d taken a few layers of power, feeling them sink deep into myself, the light from my blessing mingling with the white force that was the energy I controlled. It had been a long time since I’d felt so strong, free, and weightless. A great start to what would be my new future.

As long as the ghosts that rested in the deserts left me be.

Once I was done taking power, I returned to the highest level of the meadows and opened a doorway to the library. The swirling portal now evoked feelings of home and love. Mera’s magic. It was the sort of magic that I wished could be replicated across many species and worlds. Her mouth might be sassy, but her heart was pure and, most importantly, her soul was open and loving and kind, drawing all of us weary vessels into its warmth.

Stepping into the library, the scent of Shadow’s magic engulfed me along with the parchment and ink. I’d been utilizing this space for what felt like lifetimes, and even with its current Christmas décor, every part of it was filled with familiarity and warmth.

The lights and tinsel now extended out into the shelves and around the doorways. Mera had been hard at work. Well, at least the goblin population—headed by their fearless leader Gaster—were hard at work bringing Mera’s vision to life.

It did feel homey with peppermint and spruce scents joining the others, along with the fire that still burned in her makeshift fireplace. As I walked along, I ran my hands over the decorations, particularly loving the red and gold tinsel mixed with twinkling white lights.

Mera had taken a room already magical in nature and really dialed it up a few notches.

Using our connection, I followed her energy to where she was sprawled across a red chaise positioned near the tree. Our bond, still so newly formed, was somewhat muted between worlds, but here it thrummed in my chest like another line of power. There would come a time when we’d be able to find each other no matter where we were in the worlds, but for now, just feeling her presence was enough.

‘Angel!’ she shouted, her head lifting as she smiled at me and ate the last chocolate ball that had been in the bag resting on her chest. As she pushed herself awkwardly to her feet, I was surprised that Shadow wasn’t hovering nearby in case Mera broke a nail. I was protective too, but these males thought that being pregnant made her a porcelain doll instead of the badass she was. My best friend was growing an entire god in there, and that was the greatest magic of all.

‘Where’s your entourage?’ I asked, looking around like they might jump out of the shelves the moment I got too close.

‘Would you believe that they were stuck to my ass all morning,’ Mera said with a cheery smile, ‘until I lost my ever-loving shit, and now they’re lingering nearby pretending to work when I know they’re silently ‘protecting me’ in their over-the-top ways.’

There was a slapping sound behind us, and I heard Lucien snarl. ‘I told you so!’

Len snarled back. ‘You. Fucking. Idiot. Now she knows for sure we’re here.’

Mera rolled her eyes at me before shaking her head and raising her voice. ‘This is really getting old. Don’t make me remind you who I am. I will literally fry your asses and give them to Midnight as a snack.’

Shifting my stance, I examined the shelves closest to the Christmas tree and found the fae and vampire a few seconds later. I hadn’t sensed them, so they were masking their energy. I could have sniffed them out if I’d dialed up my power, but I hadn’t thought I needed to.

Before Mera could say anything else, Len and Lucien strolled out, dressed casually in their normal silver and black attire. The fae shot his brightest smile at Mera. ‘You know that Shadow will murder us if you’re unsuper—’

‘What Len meant to say,” Lucien interrupted quickly, “is Shadow wants you protected while he’s working out the finer details of this trip into the Desert Lands. We’re here to keep you and baby Shadow safe.’

Mera glared at them both, taking her time to really settle into the scowl before she finally let out an exaggerated sigh. ‘I know he means well, but that beast and I are about to have a very serious chat regarding boundaries. Mostly the fact that he needs some.’

This time the snort escaped from me. ‘Really?’ I said as she snapped her gaze my way. ‘You’re just as attached to him. I’d wager that half your annoyance right now is that Shadow isn’t here.’

She wanted to argue with me; her face screwed up, red hair flying everywhere since it wasn’t tied back. Only there was no way she could baldly lie to my face and not get called out on it. ‘You’re supposed to be my best friend,’ she finally said, a smirk fighting to cross her lips. ‘I expect you to be on my side.’

Now it was my turn to step forward and wrap my arms around her. Hugs were relatively new in my life, but Mera had changed all of us to the point that no one even blinked an eye at this sort of contact these days. Some of us might even be a touch addicted, not that we’d ever admit it.

Even with the belly between us, there was no space in our hug, and I wasn’t even ashamed to admit that I closed my eyes and sucked up every ounce of the love she so freely gave. Mera was an anomaly in our world, and I’d always known Shadow was a smart bastard. He’d seen the gift in her from the moment he’d thrown her over his shoulder, and he’s never looked back since.

‘I’m always going to be your best friend,’ I said as we pulled apart. ‘We are family. Treasora. And no transcendent says that lightly.’

They really don’t.

Galleli’s voice sounded in our heads as he drifted around the corner, his wings keeping him slightly aloft. Seeing him reminded me of my blessing, since he was an elder and had been to the skyland many times for council meetings. He was one of the oldest of our kind, with a powerfully bright energy. It was said that his voice was the most beautiful sound to ever grace the meadows. It was a voice that could make humans cry and supernaturals fall in love. His voice had helped to create much of the human lore of angels. On the flip side, it was also a weapon, and while I didn’t know the story of why he’d stopped speaking out loud, I sensed that someone he should have protected had been hurt by his power.

Mera greeted him warmly, no longer put off by his way of communicating. She hugged him the same way she’d hugged me, all the while chatting normally. There was silence as Galleli spoke only to her before he tuned back to the rest of us.

Shadow sent me to tell you all that he heard from Reece and we’re set to leave for the Desert Lands the day after tomorrow. The pair decided we need one or two more nights to fuel our energy and discuss strategy.

Mera nodded before reaching down to rub her hand across her belly. ‘There’s no way I’m letting you all go without me, and Shadow knows that. Hence why he’s acting like such a grumpy ass.’

Lucien snorted out a laugh. ‘Just hearing a person talk about his grumpy ass like that and not get fried is such a novelty. I don’t think the joy will ever wear off.’

‘It truly is a breath of fresh air,’ Len added, crossing his arms, drawing tight the front of his intricate silver coat.

‘If Shadow sent you,’ Mera said, her brow creasing, ‘does that mean he won’t be back for a while?’

He’s still in the realm, Galleli confirmed. Because we might be gone and out of communication range, he wanted to ensure Inky and Midnight were up to speed on what needs to be done to keep that world functioning.

Mera’s frown turned thoughtful. “Yes, that makes sense. There’re no others we can trust, and we absolutely cannot let the Shadow Realm fall to ruin again. This is its last chance.”

No one argued with her about that because the realm, which had been cut off from the rest of us for years, was finally free to participate in the global exchange of energy and alliances. Re-taking its place in the Solaris System was an important role to fill for many reasons.

“Shadow will wrap it all up,” Lucien said with confidence. “He always does.”

Mera nodded. “You’re right. In the meantime, can anyone tell me what to expect in the deserts when we get there? This meeting of the dynasties sounds awfully political.’

Despite my usual pang whenever the deserts were mentioned, a refresher was definitely in order. ‘It’s going to be a bit of a story,’ I warned, indicating she should take her seat on the couch again.

I sat on her right, and Len dropped to her left. The other two ended up in plump, red-and-green tartan armchairs across from us.

Somehow a padded stool appeared before Mera, drifting in from behind the tree, and as she let out a sigh and threw her feet up on it, I knew that even from the realm, Shadow was looking after his mate. Their true bond was a sight to behold.

When everyone was settled, I started, ‘The Desert Lands are one of the oldest worlds, even among the ancients. Old and very set in their ways. There are eight main dynasties, which act similarly to the royal families in the human world. The princeps, or leader, is an inherited position, and there’s a hierarchy of power that ensures the strongest receive the best land and resources.’

‘Is it all dry and dusty? Sand dunes and oases?’ Mera asked, her eyes bright because she loved knowledge as much as I did.

‘Their world is a mix of sands,’ Lucien said with a low laugh. ‘Reece is from Rohami, with its red sands. He has control over them like no other in his world. The other dynasties are all from various shades of gold, brown, orange, and so on, except for the Delfora, a land of the darkest night.”

As Reece’s friend, Lucien would have explored the deserts many times, but in general, they were not open for any stranger to just wander through.

“So, this Delfora, it’s a sacred land,” Mera said. “What does that mean exactly?”

I waited a moment to see if anyone would answer, but when no one did, I spoke up. It was important that all of them understood what we were walking into here. “It’s where the ancients sleep—the gods of the past, who were laid to rest to halt their path of destruction that would have destroyed the worlds. The Delfora has many securities in place to keep them from rising, and for that reason alone, no one steps on their sands.”

“I thought Reece was a god,” Mera said, her brow wrinkling. “Are you saying there’re ancient-ier, powerful-ier gods than him?”

“A true wordsmith,” Len said with a smirk. Just as the pregnant and hormonal goddess reached out a hand to smack him, he hurriedly added, “and no one really knows why Reece is more powerful than any other in the deserts. For some reason, he has a connection to the ancients, and with that, control over all the sands. Reece is the strongest of his dynasty. He’d be their leader if he wanted the role.”

“Which he emphatically does not,” Lucien drawled, shaking his head. “Ever since he lost his brother, Reece has chosen a nomadic life.”

Mera let out a low breath, the sound sad. “He wears his losses like a shield, stopping others from getting close to him.”

That day in the Delfora when I’d lost my sister was also the day his brother, Rhett, was injured in battle. A battle Reece thought I could have prevented.

It was no surprise that Reece still hated my guts, but even so, I remained loyal to him. Len had said that no one knew why Reece was considered a god, but that wasn’t strictly true. Two of us knew.

It was a secret I’d take to my grave.

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