Demon (BoyxBoy) Book 1

Chapter 2

″Seth, you’re really slacking today,″ Jules said to me, his foot on my chest. He had a smirk on his lips, glancing down at me. We were at hand-hand combat practice, and If I’m being honest... I didn’t want to be here. I feel like crawling into my bed and not coming out, and I don’t feel like listening to Jules gloat to me.

″Just because your girlfriend is here, doesn’t mean you should be cocky. You know full well I can have you pinned to the floor in a second.″ I snapped back to him. I heard the laughter of Estelle fill the room, and I watched the flustered expression on Jules’s face.

″I’d pay money to see that happen...″ She said. I felt a smirk form on my lips, wrapping my hand around Jules’s foot.

″Wait, Seth-″

I pushed myself up off the ground, my hand secured around his foot. He fell back on the floor with a high pitched scream, his head smashing against the mattress of the floor. His grey eyes widened with fear as I climbed on top of him, holding his hands above his head.

″How are you so strong?″ He asked me breathlessly, struggling to get out of my grip. I shook my head, the smirk still present on my lips.

″I told you Jules, don’t be so cocky or you’ll embarrass yourself in front of your girlfriend. You caught me off guard, that’s all.″

Estelle slowly walked over to us, clapping her hands. Her brown, curly hair bounced with every step she took. I always admired the way she looked; but I would never date her, obviously. I’ve known Estelle and Jules since sixth grade, they have been dating since seventh. Estelle had long curly brown hair to her shoulders, and she had beautiful dark glowing skin. Her eyes were a soft caramel color, and a pair of full lips.

I climbed off of Jules, looking down at his terrified expression. I rolled my eyes, reaching down and pulling him up by his shirt.

″You look like you saw a ghost, Jules.″ Estelle murmured to him, reaching over and running her fingers through his curly blonde locks. He smiled against her touch, pulling her in an embrace.

″Get a room....″ I mumbled, walking over to the bench in the corner of the room. They followed behind me, laughter filling the room.

″Seth, you have to find a girlfriend or something... you’re always complaining about us being lovey with each other.″ Estelle mumbled.

″I do not need anyone, I’m fine with being alone. My mother is running the kingdom by herself, I can do the same.″ I snapped, picking up my shirt from the bench. I pulled it on over my torso, throwing my bag over my shoulder. I don’t know why I get so angry over this topic... they always tell me that I need to find somebody, somebody to help me run the kingdom when It’s my time. I don’t need anyone. I was just generally in a bad mood today, I had that stupid nightmare this morning, and whatever that memory was by the stream. I just don’t understand what’s happening to me...

″Seth, you’re acting weird... what’s wrong?″ Jules asked me, reaching out and placing a hand on my shoulder. I quickly pulled myself away from his touch, whipping myself around towards them.

″I said I’m FINE,″ I yelled at him, clenching my fists. I watched as his face twisted with fear, his gaze directly in my eyes. Estelle looked at me in concern, her mouth opening to speak. I regretted yelling at him, but I just can’t deal with utter bullshit today.

″I’m sorry,″ I said in almost a whisper, turning around and walking away from them. I had to get ready for the stupid dinner tonight with my mother tonight anyways...

Before I left the room, I heard the voice of Jules. His voice sounded shakyIt and terrified.

″...Did you see his eyes, Estelle?″

″What do you mean?″

″They were so bright... like a neon green, they have been like that since he pulled me down.″

″I think you’re seeing things, Jules.″


It was about seven o’clock at night, I was on my way to speak to my mother. The King and Queen of the Breogadel Empire would be here any moment, but I thought it would be best to speak to her now. She’s the only person who really listens to my problems, my mother and I have always had a close relationship... I mean, we had to have a close relationship. My father isn’t here to help her rule the kindgom, and he isn’t here to help raise me.

I approached her bedroom door, my heart rate speeding up. Maybe this was a stupid idea, maybe I’m just letting my nightmares get the best of me... maybe I’m just sick.

I raised my hand to the door, knocking lightly.

″Come in!″ She said, her soft voice already calming my nerves. I smiled lightly, opening the doors to her room.

She sat at her makeup desk, running a brush through her long, red hair. She wore a simple blue dress. I always admired how young she looked, even though she was forty years old. She looked to be in her late 20′s, there was not one wrinkle on her face. She was blemish free, besides the freckles covering her face.

Her gaze landed on me, her lips turning in a smile.

″Hi sweetheart, how was your day?″ She asked me, directing her attention towards me. I couldn’t help but grow nervous... but she’s my mom, she’s gonna help me...


″I didn’t have a good day, mom...″ I admitted. I watched as the smile fell from her lips, standing up and walking towards me. She placed a hand on my cheek, running her thumb against it.

″Darling, what’s wrong?″ She asked me. I almost didn’t want to tell her, but I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. She always tells me to tell her if something was wrong, so I guess I had to...

″I’ve been having nightmares, mom.″ I said to her. I felt like a little kid almost, usually an adult doesn’t get scared by them... but these are continuous.

″What kind of nightmares?″ She asked me.

″I keep seeing you with some guy. He’s a warlock, and he has these neon blue eyes, and you talk about-″

″Seth Lenior, you shut your mouth right now. We will not discuss something as stupid as that, and we will NEVER speak of it again. Do you hear me?″ She snapped, pointing a finger in my face. I furrowed my eyebrows, stepping back from her.

″Why are you getting so mad, I didn’t do anything!-″

″There are people DYING out in the kingdom, and you’re COMPLAINING ABOUT SOME NIGHTMARE?″ She screamed at me, her face growing red with anger.

″You are a PRINCE who has everything he has ever WANTED, AND YOU’RE COMPLAINING ABOUT SOME NIGHTMARE?″ She screamed, tears flooding in her eyes. I had no idea why she’s acting like this, but I am not dealing with it.

″I am not going to that dinner with you, you can fucking forget it.″ I snapped at her, turning around and making my way towards the door.

″Seth, where are you going? COME BACK HERE NOW!″ She screamed. I whipped my head back around, flashing her a smirk.

″Anywhere but here, my Queen.″

I closed the doors to her bedroom, storming out of the castle with the thought of the warlock on my mind.


I was walking in the woods, the woods where humans were not permitted to be. This wasn’t human territory, but I honestly didn’t care. I needed to get away from everything, I needed to think.

″I don’t know why she’s been acting so weird lately... A year older, who fucking cares?″ I muttered, clenching my fists. This is pathetic. A prince running around in the woods because he’s distraught. I shouldn’t be acting like this, I have to be a role model for my kingdom. But at the same time, I feel so fucking angry... I don’t know what to do with myself.

I felt another wave of nausea fall over me once more.

″He’s MY SON!″ The queen screamed out, holding the newborn to her chest. The man let out a loud laugh, slowly approaching her.

″That’s not a human, that’s a cold-hearted killing monster. It’s mine.″


I fell down to the ground, and I couldn’t help but fall into a fit of sobs. I don’t know what’s wrong with me... are they memories? am I just going insane?

″Royal... but demon blood... the boss really gets what he wants, doesn’t he?″

I stood up abruptly, cursing myself for being so stupid. I didn’t bring my sword or anything, so I’m completely defenseless.

″Whos there?″ I asked. The voice let out a deep laugh, a delighted sigh afterward. The voice was deep, but soothing at the same time.

″Prince Seth... what brings you into the woods?″ The voice asked. I whipped my body around, turning towards the voice. I finally saw the owner of the voice slowly come out of the woods, my eyebrows furrowing.

He looked like an average man, but you could tell by the way he dressed he was a warlock. He kind of dressed the same as the man in my dreams, but he obviously wasn’t him. He wore a silk button down, and black dress pants. He was far more taller than the warlock in my dreams, and more masculine. He had dark brown hair resting on his head, his eyes were a brilliant hazel color. His body was more built than mine, which made me more nervous. What if he tries to fight me?

″You’re rather tall.″ I commented, watching the smirk form on his lips. He walked closer to me, crossing his arms.

″I’m 6′4, sweetheart. What are you doing in our territory?″ He asked me. I didn’t particularly know myself...

″I don’t know,″ I replied. He rolled his eyes, holding out his hand.

″I’m Jaxon. Jaxon Di Angelo, It’s nice to meet you, Prince.″

I shook his hand, feeling somewhat better about the whole thing. I was afraid that he was going to try to hurt me... but obviously, he’s not. Plus if he did, another war would begin.

″An Italian warlock?″ I asked him. He rolled his eyes, dropping his hand to his side.

″Why yes, what a great observer, cupcake.″

I felt my face flush red, turning around and beginning to walk away. It was a bad idea to come into the woods in the first place, now I’m letting some warlock harass me... what kind of Prince am I? I need to go home and apologize to my mother and suck it up...

″Where are you going?″ Jaxon asked me, running up beside me. I glanced over at him, inspecting him further. He didn’t really look Italian, besides his olive skin color. He had freckles decorating his whole face, and light dimples. I couldn’t help but notice the bow and arrow across his back.

″Back to the kingdom,″ I replied, walking faster. He let out an annoyed sigh, continuing to chase after me.

″You’re a French prince, right? can you speak a little french for me, cupcake?″ He said, a laugh leaving his throat afterward. I whipped my body around, furrowing my eyebrows.

″Laisse moi l’enfer seul.″ I snapped at him, before turning my back on him once more.

″What does that mean, it sounded HOT!″ Jaxon yelled to me. I stopped in my tracks, sighing.

″Alright, what do you want from me? I said I was sorry for stepping in your territory, what else do you want?″

″Let’s be friends.″

My eyes widened, looking up at the Warlock. He smiled at me, crossing his arms.

″Why would you want to be friends with me, don’t you hate my kind?″ I asked him.

″After finding you crying in the middle of the woods, I think you need a friend, kid.″

I felt my face flush red, looking away from the Warlock.

″Alright... fine. We can be friends, I have to go now okay?″ I said to him. He waved to me goodbye, and I returned the gesture. I watched with the click of his fingers, he vanished into thin air, startling me.

″An Italian, giant warlock with transportation powers... alright,″ I muttered, marching out of the woods.


In the woods, south from the kingdom.

″Oh... poor thing...″ The warlock muttered to himself, gazing out of the window. He tapped against his glass of whiskey. He saw the argument between the Queen and the Prince, and couldn’t help but feel bad for the boy.

″I told her, once he turns into an adult... he will remember everything... but the Queen refused to listen.″ He muttered, a smirk on his lips.

″His father must be delighted.″

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