Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 8

Waking up the next morning on the floor of Seb's room with a slight headache, I wonder what we did last night. Sitting up and looking at the bed next to me, I saw three chicks naked on the bed.

My eyes widen and I looked down and saw my clothes were still on my body.

Sighing in relief, I get up and look for Seb since he never stays in the same bed as his that I think about it, didn't he bring five or six of them here.

Walking out and going down the hall, I hit the door to my right, hard enough to shake it, three times. Seb answers the door looking tired and irritated. "why does everyone have to interrupt my beauty sleep?"

"Don't you mean ugly sleep?"

He glared at me a little, "No I don't and since I can't have a decent sleep without someone interrupting, you want to go do something today?"

He leaned on the door frame and gives view of the other two naked girls on the bed. Giving him a look, "What are you going to do about the girls?"

He rolled his eyes and said in annoyed voice, "I'll wait until they wake up and give them some cereal then kick them out."

Seb phone started playing Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson, he let it go to voice mail but it started to play again "Did you suddenly get popular overnight, Seb? And I didn't know it til now?"

"Whoever's calling never got the damn memo to not call in the fucking morning" Getting irritated with the phone

"Well since you're so popular, I'm leaving"

"Ah come on you can't leave me here by myself, I get lonely" Seb pouted

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the stairs, "Oh please, you have five females to keep you company, now I'm going to see my girl for some company. Especially, since I didn't see her yesterday."

At the door Seb yelled at me while waking up the chicks upstairs, "You're whipped"

"Fuck you Seb"

"No thanks man I don't roll that way"

I walked out the door without another word and flashed to the bookstore for meu vis frumos.


When I saw Fantasy in a sundress with her nose in a book called Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by Patterson, on a mountain with a building shaped like an E behind her, I started to second think giving her that book.

Especially when something that looked half human and half wolf walked passed me.

"Um, Neve Bianco, I have more books for you." She snapped her head up and has the biggest smile on her face. Closing the book she bites her lip, not realizing that she was doing it, hugged the book to her chest and ran over to me.

"Thantos you have to read this book!!! It's soooo coooool and I love it!!! And the next time you can you bring back the second one, please?"

"Anything for you Neve Bianco"

"Thanks" She looks at the bag in my hand, "yippie more books"

She took the bag from my hand and ran back to her spot then waved me over to her. When I sat next to her she pulled out the four books I got her.

The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice and Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer

She looked happy to have them but she didn't read the summary to see what they were about like she would usually do. She sits them next to her softly and laid her head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong Neve Bianco?" worried that she may have already read them and didn't like them.

"Nothing I just want to know more about you?"

Relived that I didn't screwed up, "ok, do you want to play a game?"

She made a frown and looked torn but soon made up her mind, "no I want to know you better"

I smirk knowing that she must really want that if she said no to playing games, which is hard for her to say, "The game will help you get to know me better and I get to know you."

She turned her body towards me with that beautiful smile on her face. "ok then what are playing"

"20 questions"

"Ok what the rules?"

"There's only two: you have to answer the question and we have to take turns. Ok?"

"K, can I go first?"

"yeah go ahead"

"What's your whole name?"

"Thantos Westcott Roberts, what's your favorite book?"

"Maximum ride," She said it with so much happiness in her eyes that I couldn't help but be mesmerized then a frown appeared on her face, "why do you sometimes have bo bos?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like the day you came and your eye was black and wouldn't open."

"Oh, uh" I started to rub the back of my neck, "I get into fights, a lot." I don't want to tell her that my so called family loves to beat the shit out of me while the town cheers them on and might even help them do it.

"Don't your family do anything to help you?" she hit it a little too close to the nail

I said harshly, "no they don't"

Fantasy looked shocked by my reaction to the question and quickly looked away from me while mumbled an apology.

I took a deep breath and gently grabbed her chin bringing her face back to mine. "Don't apologize, I'm sorry for speaking to you like that. It's just my family is a very sensitive topic." Looking in her eyes, "Do you forgive me, Neve Bianco?"

Fantasy nodded her head with a smile that lit up the world around us. She then started the game back up but tended to avoid any questions about families. It was relaxing answering Fantasy questions especially when she thinking of a question. She would pout then bit the inside of her cheek and smile when she thought of one.

But I had to leave an hour later with the promise that we would continue the game when I came back tomorrow. It was hard to do when she put on her puppy face and made her eyes wide. I almost didn't leave but the thought that Grim would come looking for me if I didn't go to him for an assignment had me leave her mind before I could change my mind.

I kissed Fantasy's head and picked up my journal and jacket. Walking out the hospital, my pocket starts to vibrate. Answer the phone, I open my mouth but didn't get to say anything. "Where the HELL have you been Thantos?" Seb yells at me threw the phone.

"With someone why?"

"Mack and Henry are being trialed for murder."

*Authors Note*

OK so Mack and Henry will be explained in the next chapter along with some other characters. I know that the story is going kinda slow with the action part but just be patient with me. I feel like I should introduce everyone before we go straight into the fights and everything. Well that's all I got hope you enjoyed, now all you lovely people can vote, comment and pig out with another book and food.

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