
Chapter Author's Note

Phew. Another long book, which the characters entirely ran away with. I only managed to get two months further along in the historical timeline, so there is still a lot of story left to tell. I will start working on Book 9 soon.

I really did intend to do more with history in this book. I mean, it’s 1812. There’s a whole war named after that year. I’m planning to include it in the story, but only to the extent that it impacts our characters, so I don’t know how detailed that will be. Hopefully we’ll find out in the next book.

I think the character that I have taken the greatest liberties with is probably Thomas Butler, an actual historical guy. I even posted his portrait in one of the chapters. Apparently you can still visit his home in Louisiana, which I hope to do someday. I have no idea whether he was involved in the governor campaign in 1812 in Louisiana, but the timing just fits in with what I do know of his life.

Yellow fever really was a terrible problem until they figured out about a hundred years later what causes it. It is transmitted by mosquitoes, not from person to person. So if a mosquito bites an infected person, the next person they bite can get the disease. There still is no cure for it, and it can still be deadly, although there is a vaccine which is recommended for anyone traveling to countries where it is still common.

Gregor is not finished with me yet. I had an absolute hoot writing a side story, Three Immortals Walk Into a Bar, right in the middle of writing Darkness. It puts Gregor, along with Levant from the @Hollows book To the Wolves, and Clyde from the @Akaluv book Secret Shadows, together in the Atlanta Airport in modern times. Shenanigans ensue. It is the most fun I have ever had writing anything.

I still have probably three more books with Gregor in the past before I can finally go see what Natalie is doing. Unless he makes me write even more. When Gregor first came knocking on my door exactly one year ago and demanded that I come with him two hundred years into the past, I never imagined that I could write six books in a year featuring his story and be nowhere near finished yet.

But here we are.

Thanks for reading.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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