Chapter 14 NANA

“Don’t just stand there. Call the doctor, his number is on the notepad beside the phone.”

Dick ran into the house, leaving Iris on her knees alone, begging Nana to take another breath.

“Do you hear that?” Kayla finally spoke. “Do you hear her heart?”

“I do. I do K.” Scarlet gasped beside her.

Nana’s heartbeat was getting weaker by the second. Her fleeting breaths struggling out of her lungs.

“Do something. Someone needs to do something.” She sobbed, turning to the huge crowd gathered around her grandmother.

“We need to wait for the doctor my love.”

“No, she can’t die.” Kayla had made up her mind; she wasn’t going to let her grandmother die. She didn’t have much time; her heartbeat was getting weaker. If she was going to change her she had to do it now.

“Kayla that is not the way.” Solara could see what she was thinking.

“I can’t let her die.” Kayla never took her eyes off her dying grandmother.

“You have to Hun. That is how the world works.”

“Don’t talk to me about how the world works. She is my grandmother and I owe her everything.”

“I know you do, but this isn’t the way.”

Kayla dropped to her knees beside her frantic mother. She watched as Iris tried to revive her in any way she could.

“I have to,” Kayla repeated to herself.

She pulled her lips exposing her lethal teeth; slowly she leaned closer to her grandmother. She was going to bite her while she still had a heartbeat. The venom would spread through her body and by the next morning she would be as good as new.

Just as she got closer to Nana’s exposed shoulder, Solara wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her away. He carried her to the other end yard, as she bucked against his massive body.

“You can’t do this Kayla.” He trapped her between the fence and his body.

“I have to, I can’t let her die.” Kayla could not think of anything else but that.

“You can’t.” Solara was relieved when Xavier, Eric, and the twins came to back him up. There was no way Kayla would get through the five of them.

“You need to let me do this.” She cupped both her palms on his face, her eyes pleading.

“I can’t my love. I can’t let you do this.” Solara was fighting against his nature of giving her whatever she asked for.


Solara couldn’t stand the begging anymore. He had to get away before he gave her what she wanted. “Stay with her, I’ll be right back.”

He went back to where the crowd had gathered. Scarlet knelt beside Nana who was still immobile.

“How is she doing?”

I can’t hear a heartbeat. She is barely breathing.

“Where is the doctor?”

“Stephan and SJ went to get him.”

“Ok, ok. What do we do?” Solara didn’t know what to do in this situation.

“Nothing, we wait for the doctor.” Scarlet gasped.

“Kayla is going crazy.”

“Where is she?”

“The boys have her trapped by the fence. I could let her do it.”

“Do what?” Was she going to change her?

Solara subtly nodded his response.

She is desperate, isn’t she?

Solara nodded once more.

“Kayla.” Nana struggled to get the words out.

Everyone’s attention shifted back to her. They stared at her in disbelief and relief.

“Nana?” Scarlet whispered.

“Where is my little girl?”

“Xavier!” Solara called out to Kayla’s guards to release her.

She rushed to her, dropping to her knees beside her. “Nana. Nana are you alright.”

“You look, beautiful sweetheart. Don’t cry this is how it’s supposed to be.”

Kayla wished she was capable of that single act. Her eyes were dried up and she couldn’t cry for her grandmother no matter how hard she tried.

“Don’t say that.” Tearless sobs heaved from her chest. “You’ll be fine. Just wait and see.”

“No my love,” she coughed, “The Lord let me live this long so that I could see you happy and married. And now that I have it’s time for me to join him.”

“What about me. Stay here with me.” Kayla wept.

“You have your husband. You have Scarlet, her husband, and your friends. Iris will always be here for you but I can’t be.” She stroked her cheek.

“But Nana-,”

“No buts young lady. This is how it’s supposed to be.”

“Kayla,” Solara called out to her. It was ripping him apart seeing her hurt like this. Knowing that there was nothing he could do for her.

“Why won’t you let me do it.”

“Because that isn’t how it’s supposed to be.”


“Shh! My little grandbaby; you are all grown up and you have a new life. Live it, and don’t worry about me.”

“The doctor is here.” SJ ran through the crowd and stood beside his mother, his father, and the doctor behind him.

“What’s going on Mrs. Cooper?” He got his stethoscope out of his medical bag and listened to her heart.

“Don’t bother doctor. I know it’s my time and I’m ready for it.”

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