Chapter 47- HOME

The long flight hadn’t been as bad as she thought it would be. Kayla had filled her stomach with blood the night before, both human and animal. Scarlet felt full and wasn’t tempted to pounce on any of the unsuspecting passengers.

SJ was her biggest problem, they had taken the night flight. Eric and the twins had him running the whole day, so they hoped that he would sleep through the flight, but he didn’t.

He ran up and down the aisle, bumping into the stewardesses who were all too happy to help him back to his seat. Scarlet always thought that they hoped he would run around so that they would get a chance to scope out his father.

They ended up trapping him, between them. After a while of struggling, he fell asleep.

Scarlet cradled him on their taxi ride to the hotel, Stephan had booked. He wasn’t planning to spend the whole day there, just until the boy had woken up and had fed.

Stephan had carried a few bottles of blood, for him. He was going to get him more once they settled. SJ slept into the afternoon and as soon as he woke up he wanted to explore his new surroundings.

Stephan fed him and while he did, he explained the facts to him. He told them of how different he was from other people and what he should expect and how to deal with them. Unlike his mother, SJ was very understanding.

Scarlet cleaned and dressed SJ while Stephan went out to rent a car. When he got back they were ready to leave.

“Where exactly are we going?” Scarlet had noticed how mysterious he had been.

“Don’t worry it’s a place you know of very well.” Stephan wanted this night to be perfect. He had planned everything to be as romantic as possible. The clock in his head was counting down and he knew he only had four more nights with them.

Scarlet immediately knew where they were going when she saw the familiar road. He was taking her back to the beach. She had seen this place in her head so many times, and now she was going to get a chance to relive her fantasies.

“Oh my,” she walked to the beach and saw a tent set up. “This is what you were up to.”

SJ’s eyes were wide in awe, he dug his toes dipped into the sand. When the waves crushed he gazed at it.

“Mommy, that’s the ocean right?” He pointed out towards it.

“Yes, it is.” She stared at the jazzed look on his face.

Scarlet learned something from that one single look her son wore on his face. He was appreciating the little things in life. The things he didn’t have to buy or gain for himself.

She had her family with her, and even though she didn’t plan to live her life as the walking dead, she was happy. In a heartbeat, she accepted it all and what it had to offer. She was sure there would be a couple of challenges ahead especially because of Marquis, but she was finally ready to take on her new life.

SJ took off from their side towards the water. He was using his speed and Scarlet was afraid he would run to the center of the ocean before he stopped.

“Follow him please, before he ends up in another continent.”

Stephan ran after their son and caught him just as he splashed into the water.

She sat on the sand and watched them play in the water. It all felt right, her life was how it was supposed to be. With her son and the man she loved.

“He had so much fun today.” Scarlet stroked the hair of their son who was asleep between them.

“He did, I can’t believe he learned how to swim so fast.”

“Everything with him is done in fast forward. Parents usually say that they see their children grow in front of their eyes. I don’t know what they would say when they see him.”

“That’s a good thing, besides beasts also grow fast. Not as fast as he does though.”


“Want to go out for a swim. I have been so busy with SJ I’m afraid I neglected you.” He tucked her stray hair behind her ear.

“I loved watching the two of you together. It was better than I ever dreamed of.” This time, she didn’t pull away, neither did they disappear into thin air. She had her son sleeping in her arm and Stephan was right there with them.

“You’ve dreamt about this before?”

“It was more of a nightmare. In the first dream, we were just the three of us, but the two of you disappeared. The second time, everyone I knew was there.” She thought back to her dream, “It was when I was unconscious, so my mind was playing tricks. Anyway, Jody and the guys from the restaurant were there, some of my buddies from school. Solara, Kayla and the guys, my parents, Archie and Marcie were also there.”

She choked at the memory of her two dead friends. They had died because of them, it was a burden they would carry for eternity. “Oh, and the old lady. My parents, Archie, Marcie, and the old lady were taken into the ocean by the waves. Everyone else was covered in blood and the rest of you kept on getting further away from me.”

“That won’t happen.” Stephan felt false promising not to leave her. “We’ll always be here. And that little boy you’re holding will never leave you.”

Scarlet had noticed ever since she woke up, SJ would always have her in his eye view. The one time he left him to go to the city, it was only easy because Stephan was around.

“He’s stuck to my side most of the time. I’ve noticed he does that with you too.”

“He’s afraid we’ll leave him.” Stephan pulled them closer to him, “I hate that he feels that way. So insecure, it’s not how a child should grow up.”

“Well, he doesn’t have to worry anymore.” She cupped his face, “We are never going to leave him.”

He kissed the palm of her hand and gave her a serene smile.

She could see the pain in his eyes but didn’t understand it. Their life was getting on track and it would only get better.

“What’s wrong?”

He thought of telling her the truth, but it would only be cruel. Robbing her and their son of the joy they were feeling.

“It’s nothing, I’m just sad that we wasted so much time to get here.”

“Don’t think about that, the important thing is that we are here. So are we still up for the swim?”

“I need you all to myself for a couple of hours.” He sat up but only lay back down when SJ stirred.

They both looked at him startled. It was as if he knew they were moving, even in his sleep.

“How about we give it an hour?” Stephan pulled him closer to his side.

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