Cruel World

Chapter 20: chap19

'oh, my ...Lisa, I can't tell how much you make me happy today...this is the best news so far I have ever got...After so much pain
and sadness that my family has been gone through this news is the biggest and the happiest news of my life.'
Roma hugged Lisa and Tom when they announced they are pregnant during dinner...Sarah was standing behind them because
her days has come not to sit at the dining table with them as Mr grey has gone for another business trip...she is waiting for the
orders just like old time.
Sarah was happy for Lisa and Tom ...she is really as Lisa and Tom always wanted a kid of their own and have been trying for
years. A little child again will be brought to this home after a few months but the reaction Roma is giving to this news is like this is
the first child of the Grey family...and it hurts...that Ava never got that kind of love and not even in her time of pregnancy she was
treated like that...well she was treated worse when she was laying on the floor waiting for theo to whip her with belt ...then she
gives the breaking news about her pregnancy..and also how everyone was disgusted by this news...But Lisa pregnancy was the
happiest moment for the Grey family even Theo looks so happy by this news ...Sarah wishes Theo show this kind of mood to her
daughter know who is terribly ignored by her family members.
Lisa and Tom were also looking happy and excited Tom said 'Mom I'm happy that we can see this smile on your face after so
many years...actually we know this about like two months ago (Tom look at Lisa to confirm it ) but first we were not sure then
other stuff happens (He give a look to Sarah) today doctor gives us this good news so we were excited to share this now' Tom
kissed Lisa on her forehead and act like a happy soon to be becoming a father
Theo also smiles and said 'Im so happy for your guys..many many congratulations. I hope this baby brings lots of happiness and
good luck in our home..which we need a lot'
Sarah's heart was breaking little by little for her small Ava.
Is her daughter is not considered to be bringing happiness? Hell, no one ever saw Ava face properly till now like she is a bad
luck ...Her beautiful Ava is growing so fast daily and everyone is missing that but Sarah control her tears and say to her that at
least she can see every moment of her daughter and she will be happy on that
Roma then jabbed Sarah indirectly 'Well today I'm very happy... becoming a grandmother finally..who would have thought that.
Lisa, now you have to take of yourself and I'm going to take you the best gynecologist in the city ...and secondly try to stay away
from negative people..' Roma directly glared at Sarah..but Sarah did not say anything she just look down and control her tears
but saw Theo was looking at her strangely

Tom broke the awkward moment and said 'Yeah mom is right, Lisa I was also thinking that you take a leave from work'
Lisa gives him an unbelievable look 'Are you serious...I'm two months pregnant not 9 months...
Theo also said in humor's ''bro she is are acting like a control freak..It's too early to take a leave ''
Roma shakes her head and then said 'Lisa I think you should take a break it's not like your working anywhere else it's our
company you can join it anytime you want I don't want anything to happen to my grandchild'
Lisa laughs and said 'Mom I love you that you are so worried but no need pregnancy is normal, doctors have already given
me a thumbs up...I mean it's not like Sarah pregnancy even she was also doing all work at the end of her pregnancy ...' But Lisa
stopped when she realized that she brought Sarah topic into the discussion which changes the whole happy atmosphere of the
table into tense...Theo also stop in the midway of eating and looked at Sarah
Roma got angry and said 'Lisa I just told you not to even think about negative vibes and people...That girl and her so-called
pregnancy is nothing to discuss here. ( Roma pass a disgusting look t Sarah) you are giving me the happiness of my life by
making me a grandmother...that girl only bring misery and disgust in our house'
Sarah bit her lip to make a sound and make a fist. How a grandmother can call her granddaughter disgust and misery. Sarah
agreed that Roma don't accept Ava her grandchild but saying those harsh words hurt Sarah so much that she felt her tears
She wiped them and then heard Roma voice 'Hi you girl..What are you acting like a drama queen go and make coffee for us..and
make special Tea for Lisa...go now'
Sarah turned away and went to the kitchen where she broke down silently and looked at the window and saw the sky and pray
'Plz God... I can't bear this pain. They can say anything to me but it hurt when they say this to my little Ava...plz help me'
Theo tightens his fist and controls himself not to say something to his mom. When she called Ava a disgust and Sarah a bad luck
he almost lost it...but then he realized why should he defend them it's because of him they are treated like this..but deep down in
his heart he felt a pain of what he can't describe and when he saw Sarah crying face he wants to go and calm her but then he
remember she deserves this maybe Ava does not deserve this but sometimes you can hurt someone deeply when you attack his
or her precious thing..and Ava is Sarah precious thing Tina was his...

After coffee everyone went to their room..His mom was truly in cloud nine ...he felt bad for that little girl sleeping peacefully in his
room..that because of Sarah she will never be accepted..he drags a hand on his hair and thought why he is even thinking like
He was waiting when Sarah will come, he can't wait any longer and walks towards the kitchen and saw Sarah was sitting alone
in a chair and was having her dinner. She looks so lost and sad she hardly touches her food...when Sarah come back from her
trance she saw him standing there. She quickly gets up and said 'do you need something?
Theo looked at her plate how she left everything when she saw him...then he remembers he has to act little softer towards
her...well it's acting not real..after Perry Moles information.
Theo was furious on Sarah but when he calms down he told Tom to check Perry and his authenticity of information he can't act
impulsively this time..he has to make Sarah trust him and told him everything herself till they got the big proof to put her behind
the bar...he should follow his plan...He looked at Sarah quietly then said 'No .. I was waiting for you when you will come? and
where Mrs. Brickson'
Sarah put her plate in the fridge and said 'Im sorry you have to free now and Mrs. Brickson is not feeling well...because
of her age the pain in her knee is getting worse but she was ok now' she said very softly
Theo gives her a confused look and said 'You didn't even finish your food?'
She just gives him a faint but reserved smile 'Im done... I was not that hungry'
Theo doesn't say anything but walk away from there in more confusion and another unwanted feeling ..he saw Sarah coming
behind him when he opens his room. He went directly to the washroom and when coming back he saw his nightshirt and slippers
were in the chair of the vanity. He is sometimes amazed how she even do her task so quickly without any sound.
He then heard a soft whispering sound and then saw Sarah was in the sitting area and was changing Ava diaper and clothes and
she was talking to Ava who was very excited and active at this time
'Oh my beautiful baby..why are you so cute ..I'm gonna kiss you here,then here an then' Sarah gives Ava a raspberry kiss which
makes Ava to coo and giggles in her baby sound.
Theo looked at them and out of nowhere he felt his lip to twitching upward and he was smiling...he shakes his head.Today his
emotions are everywhere.

When Sarah comes to bed after some time he was scrolling his phone then he said 'We are going for shopping tomorrow'
Sarah stopped for a moment what she was doing and looked at him in shocked 'Shopping? She asked in doubt
Theo doesn't turn to her but said 'yup shopping...previously when I send you to shopping you brought only your daughter stuff
which bill was cheap and nothing and I think you forgot t do your we are going tomorrow and buy you some fancy
Sarah looks down how she can tell him that she was scared to death if she did extra shopping theo will kill her, she was keen to
check every price and brought only necessary item only but Theo has already guessed that
Sarah was unsure of what to say 'Sir..i never do that much shopping and if you don't mind why do I need new dresses?'
Theo put down his mobile and finally turns towards her and saw how she flinched when he gives her the attention. He said then
'come here...scoot closer to me' he said in a gentle tone and saw how Sarah was looking at him..he internally thought he has to
make her trust on him soon so that's why he is doing that
He saw how Sarah cautiously scoot closer to him. Theo grab her waist..which was too slim for his one can tell she
gives birth 4 months ago...Sarah makes a gasp sound theo looked her in his eyes and said 'You know I'm trusting you.. we are
married like 2 years and so I thought it's time for me to tone down my resentment towards you a that's why I told you to
go shopping and but maintain my privacy too. (Sarah bite her lips and Theo put his finger in her lower lip ) I need to go to Miami
after 2 months..there is some huge gala that my company is supporting...and I thought I should go with my wife as everyone will
be there for that, you need dress' He then removes his finger from her soft lips that he wants badly to taste
Sarah was so stunned 'y .you me?' she fumble
Theo can see his plan is working 'I have too.we can't live like that can we?..but with trust come lots of things how to maintain that
trust is up to you. I told you I can't compromise on my privacy at don't give me a reason to make me feel sorry for this
decision' there was a warning behind which Sarah can understand
Sarah big glossy golden eyes were stunning that she didn't dare to blink. Theo was looking at her in great come she
looks so beautiful at this moment and so innocent?
Theo slowly grab the strap of her nighty and put it down and put his lips on her neck and sucked it, which makes Sarah come
back from her shock 'Don't think so much Sarah..just relax..ok'

Sarah moans softly which was enough for Theo to make him lose in her and plan the next step of his planning tomorrow
morning. Theo smiles evilly that his wife has no idea what is store for her.

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