Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Eight

Christmas break was around the corner and Liliana was nervous to ask Lucien if he would like to go with her on her journey to find her parents during the three weeks of the winter break.

He has become a very important person in her life, and she knows in her heart she cannot live without the strong sorcerer with a loving heart, that she fell in love with all those weeks ago.

She quickly made her way towards her next class she has with the guys seeing how she became a huge part in there friend group, and she felt happy for once in her life finding a place, she now belongs to with people who adore her and treat her as there family.

Walking in she took her seat next to Lucien placing her things down when she felt strong arms on her hips lifting her up, and placing her on their lap, giggling she knew it was her teddy bear, seeing how he now has his face laying between her bosoms.

She gently placed her hands through his hair, running her fingers through his hair to help him feel calm seeing how tense he was, and she knew he will tell her when it was time. “Angel, can we spend time this winter break together, just the two of us?” Liliana shyly blushed seeing this as an opportunity given to her with the way her big teddy bear whined out against her bosom.

“Dude, is Lucien alive?” Leo chuckled amused taking his seat next to the couple.

Lucien moved his face sideways on is angel’s comfy covered bosom hugging her waist tightly as she played with his hair straddling his lap and talking with the rest of the guys, with him in a happy mindset, having his angel close to him.

There professor came in and started class ignoring the group of five seeing how the young witch was able to keep the most dangerous and powerful sorcerer under control and they had no problem with them glued to each other’s hip metaphorically.

Racheal sat with her few friends enjoying their conversations when she saw the little bitch was sitting on her Lucien’s lap, she felt her jealous rage rise knowing it was supposed to be her cuddling with the powerful, influential man in Crowley Cove.

The couple whispered back and forth seeing how Liliana asked her loving teddy bear to accompany her in Florence to find her parents seeing how her grandfather the Royal King located her father, and mother, seeing how she wants to get the final pieces of why they abandoned and mistreated her the way they both had done, and all she wanted was answers to her questions.

“So, what is everyone doing for winter break?” Lorenzo asked reading over his textbook, working on the work sheet there professor assigned.

“Well, angel and I are going on a road trip just the two of us,” Lucien mumbled out snuggling against his angel’s bosom who was now giggling and rubbing his shoulders as his friends all talked about their plans over the winter break.

The bell rang out for their next class and Lucien mumbled not wanting to stay away from his angel seeing he has melee training along with defensive magic and his Angel had another spare.

He quickly stood up chuckling at his angel’s soft surprised sounds when he lifted her up a little higher in his arms, placing is left forearm under her ass with her thighs tightly wrapped around his waist with her hands gripping his shoulders with a blush.

He kissed the tip of small button nose cooing at her cuteness, and with a snap of his fingers there school bags had everything of theirs put away, and he left the room with his angel and laughing friends following them towards there next class seeing how there cold silent friend was not letting go of Lily.

“Bro, she needs to go to her class, and I don’t know if Professor Jacque will allow for you to have Lily around when we are going to be doing a lot of everything advance without speciality magic,” Leo chuckled out with the other two nodding along agreeing.

Lucien groaned out against his angel’s neck, not wanting to be apart from her seeing how they have yet to leave each other’s side.

Liliana knew what her strong sorcerer wanted, and she did not mind seeing how she still needs to plan out there trip with him and go see her grandfather before they leave for Florence.

“I don’t mind, seeing how I already spoken with my professors this week, and they were all okay with me staying close and nearby to Lucien,” Liliana kindly stated giving them all a shy smile with her rosy cheeks.

The guys all chuckled and shook their heads at how quickly there friend sped walk all the way to their classroom with a cold façade even though they can see he was ecstatic to keep his angel nearby.

“Class I want you all to read the passage and work on finding your inner peace and meaning, that you want to protect the most with your life,” Professor Jacque said from the front of the room, starting to make his way around the room filled with his inspiring sorcerers and sorceresses with one little witch he was told about.

Across the academy a young low-class witch was speaking with a few of her friends trying figure out what she can do to gain Lucien’s attention away from the little witch who seems to have gained all his attention and more from the young baron.

* * *

Lucien left the school with this angel who was happily telling him about the idea she has for their trip seeing how he was planning on taking her out on their first date tonight outside of Crowley Cove to the small town nearby the main city of Florence.

“Teddy bear, where are we going for our date?” Liliana asked giggling and pushing Lucien’s large hand from her thigh seeing how he was gently tickling her skin.

Lucien smirked loving her sweet laughter knowing he was the one who put that smile on her face, and he felt his cold heart warm with her gentle and kind nature surrounding him.

“Angel all you need to worry about is dress comfy and warm, seeing how the weather is getting a bit chilly out,” Lucien told her, pulling into her driver way, turning to face her when she threw her arms around his neck placing a kiss upon his cheek warming his heart and soul with her sweet love.

Liliana waved goodbye to her gentle giant with a dark essence for being who he is as a necromancer of the dead and blood magic, she walked inside with a big grin on her face as she skipped towards the kitchen to see her mama was humming and cooking.

“Mama, I need your help, Lucien is taking me on our first date, and I don’t know what to wear” Liliana softly whined out with a cute pout on her face trying to gain her mama’s attention.

Marissa giggled using a wave of her hand she used her magic to keep control over making dinner for her and Antonio seeing they were going to have a few guest over from his work with the royal family. “Well, why don’t we go find you the cutest outfit,” Marissa happily said grabbing her daughter’s hand as they left upstairs to get her ready for her first date with Lucien Bianchi.

It took them a few hours to get Liliana ready for her date and she was wearing a long sleeve sweater royal purple dress that hugged all her curves with light make-up to help highlight her soft angelic features and green gem like eyes along with black tights and kitten heels with her long wavy light brown hair was held up into a messy bun allowing a few strands to frame her face.

“Oh, sweetie, you look beautiful,” Marissa happily said with happy tears in her eyes for her daughter who was now growing up into a beautiful young lady.

Antonio was waiting downstairs with the young man who was taking his little girl out on a date, and he could not for the life of him figure out how in the hell a baron’s son wanted with his own daughter seeing how he has caught them both sleeping in her bed a times in the last few weeks since she started at the academy.

“Son, what is your true intentions with my daughter?” Antonio calmly asked glaring at the young man who sent him a harsh cold stare back keeping his posture strong without waiver.

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