Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.

Chapter Chapter Thirteen.

Brien was now up from his bed and could even walk; it was a slow difficult process. The facial mussels still made it pitifully painful to watch him talk; yet the sheer willpower and determination of the man was a credit to his strength of character. Yet he knew if it had not have been for the love and support of his wife and children, that he may have been looking at the other side of life, after the metamorphic transformation from death, and into that which awaits us beyond the grasp, of our physical world.

Money can never replace that which he lost, how anyone could put a price on the gift of life, yet if it was not for money, he knew he would be unable to pay for the extensive care needed. His children also needed long term counselling, they had been put through abuse of mental and physical torment, which would leave a scar on an adult’s soul, let alone a child’s. Peter’s secret financial contributions had aided the family, now it was down to the compensation, to keep and sustain the family.

The One Hundred Thousand Pounds that Peter’s solicitor had put aside for them had been used in part, in purchasing their new home. The publishing house had advanced him another large sum of money, simply because of the intense public interest, and the solicitors were in talks to obtain further much needed compensation.

The special adaptations to enable the building to accommodate his wheelchair including the drive-in shower and non-slip floor had taken time to put into place. But now everything else was down to the family and his friends, in giving him the support and love needed to keep the family together, and to aid their recovery. His children Matthew and Nathaniel, well in fact one should no longer call them children as they were now in their early teen years, spent hours of their spare time horse riding.

After the attempted assault on Elaine and her mother, Peter had increased the security and had decided that it would be wise to move them away for a few months. It was now the first week in June, and he knew the holiday season would soon be starting, after some thought he decided to rent a house in West Burnham not far from where Brien and his family were living. He felt it would be good if the children could go horse riding together on Berrow and Brean beach.

Christine had recovered quiet quickly from the ordeal, and like any loving parent it was her maternal instincts that had given her courage and strength to confront Adam. Elaine had regressed back, and was once again on medication to calm her anxiety, yet both were indebted to Amander. If it had not been for her timely intervention they had no doubt that they would have not survived the attack.

Peter’s first reaction had been one of fury and had been quite prepared to have sacked Alex, the head of security, and if it had not been for Christine who had managed to have talked to him by ’Phone before he had returned from the business trip. As it was, he was in truth, he really was pleased with Alex and in the way, he handled that side of his life, it had just been his total feeling of helplessness, for not been they’re when his family had needed him. It had brought back the memories and feelings of rage and despair from the incident with Elaine, and then it had torn at his heart, as he had been incarcerated and physically unable to be by his family’s side.

This incident made him realise that unless one totally locks one’s self-away, then no matter how much security was in place, that there would always be a window, no matter how small where an assailant would or could find, in reaching his desired goal. If it had not been for the measures that Alex had put in place it is quite evident that Adam would have found a way of reaching his family sooner.

The Forensic search of the Lighthouse had shown the police from recovered finger prints and particles of hair that the DNA structure matched up to those taken from Adams old home. This verified that he was still alive and had some how managed to have made his way back into the country, it also now meant that Peter was able to rely on additional support for the protection of his family.

Peter had agreed with Alex to have whatever additional security measures put into place, as for the new house in West Burnham, he had managed to secure another property that overlooked the house. From there he had installed various surveillance, to keep a constant watch on the area, various remotes were also installed to cover the rear of the property.

Alex had picked out two women and one man who were to constantly stay with both Christine and Elaine, they were chosen for their ability in getting on with the family. While at the Lighthouse the two women had both come to know Christine and shown their ability in keeping the family relaxed and had managed to blend in with the family without making them feel constantly under guard.

It was felt necessary to have a male presence; it was not for his strength or ability, as the two female operatives were more than capable in looking after the family, and in defending themselves. It was simply felt, that if Adam or another outside party saw a man’s presence, and that they would think twice before making an attempt on Elaine or Christine.

The recovered body from the stretch of Coastline now owned by Peter was eventually identified, that in turn brought about the information eventually filtering its way through to Sgt Peterson Amander’s father. He had been informed, as it was on record that his daughter Amander had last been seen with the young man. There was also the ’Phone call received by Betty his wife, when Amander had reversed the charges, to apologise and ask if they would come and pick her up.

At the time both parents had raced to the area, and in time they had spent thousands of pounds in hotel bills, trying to find their child. After some five months of sick leave Sgt Peterson had given up on the search and had returned to his employment and to rebuild their lives as best as any parent could under such a stressful time.

Now with this discovery of the body and the motorbike, it had re-opened the wounds, it had also brought about the fear that their child’s body would be found. At least before this discovery they had held on to a thin line of hope that their beloved child was still alive, now their greatest fears had once again resurfaced. As he was the officer who had originally found Elaine after the incident, Peter had wanted to meet up with him; on hearing of their arrival into the area he made contact and offered his home to them for as long as was needed.

It was large enough to comfortably have accommodated the additional guests. But as it was, Christine and Elaine were away in North Burnham in Somerset. Having accepted his generous offer, the Peterson family, had made themselves as comfortable as their stressed condition had aloud. Betty felt instantly a presence within the old building that reminded her of their child, it wasn’t one that upset her, far from it. It sorts of comforted her as if she could feel her presence close to them.

As it was Sgt Peterson had from his childhood, had an interest In Palaeontology, and as a child, had dreamed of finding Dinosaurs and of spending months on end in hot far away lands patiently uncovering the hidden treasures from millions of years gone by. They were unaware of their daughter’s fate, Peter had no real way of telling them, although he felt it would have been better for them to know rather than this eternal grieving.

He had often spoken to Christine as to how they could let the Peterson’s know about their child, only to decide that the possible knowledge of her now roaming the land, not realising that she was dead, would stress them even more. As well as think them kind of crazy and in need of help, yet in truth that was exactly what their daughter was doing.

Had it not been for her, they realised that Elaine, may never have been found after the rape, and that it was without question thanks to her direct intervention that Adam had failed on his second attempt, let alone the vast wealth that the child had brought to the family? Indirectly in that sense Peter was indebted to the Peterson’s far greater than they would ever realise.

Betty had fallen in love with the art studio; her passion actually was in oil painting, something that Christine had never taken to. None the less the studio offered the same delight to whichever material an artist worked with. After the explosion to the cliff face, extensive work was needed in re-securing the area before it was once again save to use the tunnel entrance to the cavern.

Entry from the roof of the cavern was still possible but was discourage, dew to the possibility, of partial collapse, which could result in further unwanted damage. Fortunately, there had been very little damage to the contents of the cavern, and it had however given Peter the opportunity of having the area that led off the under-water entrance explored in greater detail.

Since he had acquired the site, Alex had informed him of military robotic hardware that was used for mine detection in underwater exploration. Peter had given him the go-ahead to try and recruit personnel who were trained in their use; it had taken some eleven months before two such operatives were found. In leaving the military Beverly Giles and Wendy Fairfax, were able to walk straight into a well-paid job where their expertise and training were highly valued.

Fortunately, Peter had invested his income wisely, and would have lived comfortably off the interest alone. However, he always believed in making his resources pay for themselves, and had given Alex discretion in contracting out whenever required their services. High Society paid extremely well for the level of protection that his security company was now able to give. Also, such operatives as Beverly were in demand from the multinational companies in oil exploration.

She had managed to plot the Dorset coastal area, through digital technology, that once fed into a computer, and then the software been used, could display a three-dimensional view, showing where the tunnel joined the entrance that Peter had gone through.

In addition to this, Peter had realized that here lay an opportunity which he could see lay untapped. In that there were military personnel who had extensive knowledge and were retiring, but in their own right, had been unable to obtain the funding to continue with their line of research.

As such he formed a separate company to seek out and secure such personnel, and then if he was in agreement, and could see a business value in their expertise, he financed them, employing them to work directly for him, and to continue with research and development.

On viewing the data before him, he realised just how fortunate he had been that day, when he had tethered a rope to his boat to ensure he had safe passage without becoming lost in the labyrinth of underground tunnels. The computer showed that there were in fact three tunnels that led off the main entrance, and that one of them was actually fed by fresh water from an underground reservoir. Had he entered any one of these, on his entry or return if he had taken the wrong exit, then he would never have found his way out. In several sections of the tunnels were small bone deposits, possibly from animals that had either fallen into the cavern, and then entered the water or even from fossilised remains. It was one particular section, that had interested Peter, it showed the area was continually been tormented by tidal currents that would have sucked anyone unfortunate enough, to have become trapped in that area, to their imminent death.

In one section, there was what appeared to be a well or circular cavern that sharply dropped off from under this tunnel. The instruments had shown it to be some thirty meters in depth by some fifteen meters in circumference; it was a huge area possibly at one time it had been an outlet for molten lava that had been turned upside in some massive upheaval millions of years earlier.

Whatever it was that formed this abyss, the computer showed that there was a mass of bones buried deeply in the sediment that now covered its floor, like an ever-growing carpet. Harbouring a mass of marine life that had grown, never once in their life feeling the warmth of the sun or seeing its light that sustains life on the surface of this planet.

Peter knew without question that it was there, that Amander’s remains would be found, he could not explain why, he just knew. Further exploration had shown that in one area there was another cavern, now flooded, that was similar to the one that Peter had firstly discovered. He had offered to take Sgt Peterson to the cavern, which was something he truly looked forward to, yet for his wife Betty it was like looking at a load of old bones, and therefore held no interest to her. She was content to stay in the studio and paint, as it was here that she could feel the presence of her beloved child.

Amander never seemed to stay in one place for to long, it was as if she needed to move on, knowing she could return at any time she so desired. She had been to North Burnham and had even been on the beach with Elaine, when she was riding a horse. For once the horse had not become startled at her presence, it was as if the animal could sense that there was not an ounce of fear coming from Elaine, and had drawn comfort from this.

It was the same with her own horses at the Lighthouse; they had in time become accustomed to Amander’s presence, and viewed her as no threat to themselves. Betty had not felt so rested ever since before her child had gone missing, in all those years she had aged twenty-fold.

Now here within this building, particularly in the art studio, she could feel her child’s presence. Amander sat crossed legged on the floor watching her mother; she was pleased to see her. At first it had stressed her, in been unable to understand why these people whom she so dearly loved, could no longer see and talk to her. “You’re here aren’t you my love?” said her mother “I know you are, I can feel your presence and even smell the perfume you used to love to wear.”

Amander looked up in amazement she tried talking to her mother but to no avail. After a while she sat back down and was content at the knowledge, in knowing her mother was at the very least aware of her presence. As Sgt Peterson and Peter walked from the glass tunnel that now had become the new entrance to the cavern, he was amazed at the site before him.

They had tried as much as humanly possible to keep the area undisturbed and in its original condition, the glass that had separated them from the harsh environment of the water was over a metre thick. It had been specially constructed in sections that could be sealed off, should there have been a need in protecting lives.

The special under water lighting enabled anyone walking the length of the tunnel, to see the watery environment, that surrounded them, and of the massive marine fossils that were to be seen embedded into the rock.

It was like walking back millions of years, once a person passed under a ledge, which towered over the tunnel they found themselves walking into the very cavern itself. It had been very cleverly lit, so that one passed through the tunnel, and into a darkened area before they stepped out to view a breath-taking scene before them.

People from across the world had seen the specially released news clips, and had pre-booked making there a waiting list of four months after they opened, before anyone else could take a tour of the area for themselves.

Sgt Peterson realised how privileged he was in been given this guided tour by the one person who had made it all possible. It took the best part of two hours to fully view the cavern and see the vast display of exhibits that were on view from specially laid pathways that kept peoples feet off the ground and limited the risk of damage to the exhibits. In addition, he had a special tubular skeletal frame build to support the immense cavern and give the roof the extra security in preventing it from falling in.

Peter had set up a company to deal with the merchandising of the cavern without allowing it to become too commercial, yet to ensure that it was he who tapped into the revenue from people wanting to acquire gifts that they could keep, or send to friends and families. A special video package had been put together, that showed in amazing detail nearly all of the exhibits and of the site before and after, showing how the glass tunnel had been constructed and installed.

Both men seemed to instantly get on well together, that evening the Sergeant spent over an hour describing to his wife all that he had seen. It was in such detail that she realised for the first time in years he had actually relaxed, and had let go of those emotions that had been holding him down.

When he had found Elaine, and had seen her naked and dirty body with that bone jutting out through her leg, it had reached into his soul. So much so that he had needed counselling, as it had resurfaced the fears and emotions over his own child.

He actually went on so much that his wife admitted she wished she had gone, from his description of the outstanding beauty alone, just from the crystals, that she asked Peter if he would mind taking both her and her husband again. Peter was more than prepared to, as he owed her husband, his daughter’s life, and in truth he rather enjoyed this character. After the visit Betty had seen for herself why her husband had become so excited, that evening over a meal she asked Peter, if he would mind if she could spend a few days at the site, doing an oil painting.

He had viewed some of her previous work, and was impressed with the idea, and decided he would only allow the request if she would allow him to commission one of the paintings. Betty had sold a few modest paintings in the past but had never had a multi millionaire ask her pacifically to commission a painting, the more she thought of the idea the more it appealed to her.

Peter had explained to the Peterson’s why his family was away and that there would be times when he would be spending days away with them. He knew they still had a need within them, to investigate into their own child’s disappearance, and had instructed Alex to keep him informed and to tolerate any requests or interest that they may pass his way.

He also knew and understood, that they would like to see for themselves where the body and bike had been found, and that it would only be natural to want to walk along the coastal sands in that area. He was therefore asked to ensure that there was always at least one person with them and that he was to ensure they were never in any danger and to be given as much assistance as reasonably possible.

Peter had spent two weeks with his family, and had enjoyed introducing Elaine to Brien’s children, there had initially been some concern as to how the boys would react, or if they would blame Elaine for everything that had been brought on their family. But the parents had been wise and over the previous few months had been preparing the boys without them even realising what it was that they were doing.

They had come to look upon Elaine as a victim herself, and could relate to the pain and humiliation that she had suffered, in a strange way it had enabled them to bond together, in a way that neither parent had realised would happen.

It came as a great surprise one day while on the beach, that Nathaniel and Matthew realised that there was something supernatural about Elaine. Naturalist at times frequents the area around the sand dunes. The police and local counsel had repeatedly tried to deal with the problem, with severe fines and even imprisonment for repeated offenders. Like all children, show them sand and they want to play, the children had not long been in the area that day, when a naked man walked out from behind one of the dunes. He was furious and shouting at the children as they ran away, Elaine had tripped and fallen. Nathaniel had seen it happen and had run back to help her, as he was trying to help her to her feet a hand had grabbed his shoulder and pulled him backwards. Unconsciously Elaine had called out to Amander to help her, as it was, she had twice before had come to her rescue.

The man was suddenly thrown backwards with such force that the children looked at each other in amazement. As he had tried to pick himself back up, each time he was thrown back to the ground by some invisible force, in the end it was so comical that the two children were laughing so much it hurt them. Matthew had seen what was happening and even though confused, he had the sense to run for help.

When the police had arrived, the man was hysterical; he was badly bruised across his chest and face, as if an army had battered him. He begged the police to help him, claiming the children were possessed, and should be locked away; the only person to be locked away was himself. The authorities took a very dim view of what had happened, and were extremely apologetic to the families, yet pleased the children were unhurt and that they had caught and apprehended the man.

That evening Elaine introduced Amander to her new friends, they could not believe their eyes, when they saw her materialise before them. If they had not seen for themselves how she had rescued them, they would have been too scared to have stayed to face and talk with her.

They had asked her what it was like to be a ghost and had been sternly reprimanded for their careless question. In Amander’s eyes she was not a ghost just different, somehow now able to do the things that one only reads about in books. After a while the boys accepted the idea, and never once made that mistake again, it kind of excited them to have this secret friend. There parents were pleased that the children got on so well, and that they seemed to be getting over and placing behind them, the past.

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