
Chapter Con 101


Sophia’s POV

“Sophia, how about joining us for a stroll in the park this morning?” Grandpa George suggested as he joined us. “If you don’t have to go yet, it would be great for you to join us. It’s Evelyn’s daily exercise, and she could use your help.”

“I’d love to,” I replied, which made Evelyn smile widely and look quite eager to get started.

The three of us made our way to the park, the cool breeze carrying the promise of a beautiful day. As Grandma Evelyn practiced walking, she was unusually cheerful and talkative. She kept sharing stories of Sabrina, which I found entertaining.

“Her favorite part was always the slide,” Grandma reminisced, her eyes glimmering with delight. “And she loved playing hide and seek with Elijah. They were inseparable.”

The mention of Elijah brought a smile to my face. I could almost see him as a child, his eyes wide with excitement.

But amidst the warmth of Grandma’s stories, a shadow of doubt lingered in my mind. Could really be Sabrina? Julia had the DNA results to prove it, after all. 1

Yet, as I spent more time with Grandma Evelyn and Grandpa George, I couldn’t shake the feeling of connection I felt toward them. It’s just really weird, I thought. Weird but comforting, somehow.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the time passing. Before I knew it, we were heading back to their house. I thanked them profusely and said that I had to be on my way because Reese was expecting me and I still had to go to the office for work. I was glad that Evelyn finally let me go, but not without asking me to come visit again soon.

After checking up on Reese, I left my apartment with peace of mind. I headed next to the office, my thoughts drifting to the projects awaiting me. The first person I encountered in the lobby of the building was none other than Julia.

Fate has a way of being funny, I thought sarcastically.

“Hey, Sophia!” Julia’s voice was unusually warm, her smile wide and welcoming. How’s Grandma Evelyn doing? I heard that you stayed at their house last night.

I nodded, a faint smile touching my lips. “Yes, I did. She’s better now, thankfully.”

“That’s so nice of you,” Julia exclaimed, her tone sincere. But as her eyes searched mine, I couldn’t help but feel a hint of doubt. Was her kindness genuine, or was there something else behind it?

Inside my head, guilt gnawed at me for even entertaining such thoughts. Julia was supposed to be my friend, after all. And the plagiarism issue that had put a gap between us was already in the past.

“Chris mentioned that you also went to our childhood house,” Julia said slowly, seemingly leaning closer to check my reaction. “How did you find it?

Oh, very warm and cozy,” I answered genuinely. It must have triggered so many memories for you.

“Oh, yes, definitely,” she quickly replied. And meeting Chris’s parents, our parents… That was quite life- changing for me! I never expected to feel the way I did, you know?

I nodded, though I couldn’t really relate.


“So how come you never talk about your parents?Julia’s curious question astonished me. “Since we knew each other way back in Paris, I haven’t heard you mention them.”

I could suddenly sense that she wasn’t just merely curious, but had a hidden agenda. Naturally, she was feeling threatened because Evelyn preferred me over her and kept insisting I was Sabrina.

I have no time for this, I thought impatiently. I need to go and work.

“It’s personal,” I eventually said, my voice firm but gentle, hoping to deflect her prying.

Julia’s expression shifted, and I could almost see the cogs turning in her mind. “You know, Sophia, sometimes I wonder if you’re really who you say you are,” she said, her voice low and contemplative.

I blinked, taken aback by her statement. “What do you mean?” I asked, my heart rate quickening.

Julia leaned in slightly, her gaze intense. “I mean, are you really Sophia?” Then she paused dramatically, her eyes narrowing at me. “Or are you Sabrina?”

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