Complicated Love: (MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (Black Light Book 9)

Complicated Love: Chapter 10

Chase stood as close to the exam table as he could. Jaxson had taken up guard on the opposite side of their girl while the doctor stood at the end facing Emma.

“I’ll be starting with a simple physical examination, then we’ll perform the ultrasound. I prefer to perform a transvaginal ultrasound on my new mothers early in their pregnancy, just to make sure everything, not just the baby, is doing well in there.”

“Um, okay,” Emma answered, sounding as unsure of what that was as Chase.

The men tried to stay out of the way as the doctor called in his nurse to assist with recording Emma’s vitals. Blood pressure. Checked. Eyes, ears, and throat. Checked. Heart rate and pulse oxygen level. Checked.

They got a nice view of her bare ass again as the doctor asked Emma to accompany him to the digital scale where he first checked her height against the measurement pole.

“Five feet, six inches,” he exclaimed out-loud for the nurse to record.

As the doctor turned on the digital scale, Jaxson moved into action, stepping up close to Emma. “You’ve lost weight,” he declared, displeasure in his voice as he saw her weight.

Before she could defend herself, Dr. Tipton came to her aide. “Many women lose weight in the first trimester as they battle morning sickness. Mr. Cartwright shared that she has been having troubling keeping food down.” The doctor turned to Emma and asked, “Would you say you are feeling better or worse as the last few weeks went past?”

“Definitely worse. I used to just feel queasy but wouldn’t actually get sick. Now I get sick at least once a day, sometimes more.”

“Okay, it’s probably nothing. Just normal pregnancy symptoms, but I’ll want to watch this and if it continues, we’ll test you for hyperemesis gravidarum.”

“Excuse me?” Jaxson asked.

“It is a form of severe sickness that a small percentage of mothers experience. The good news is it doesn’t usually impact the pregnancy directly. But it can lead to not getting enough nutrients and certainly puts the mother in danger of dehydration. I have a brochure on things you can do to battle nausea I’ll give you to read at your leisure, and there is a chapter on this topic in the book I gave you. I find eating bland foods, frequently and in small quantities, while drinking as much water as you can is the best way to battle it.”

Chase pulled out his phone and started tapping out notes. He didn’t want to forget any of the important points they were learning. He’d be personally making sure Emma and the baby were getting all of the things they needed to be as healthy as possible.

“Are we ready to take a peek and find out just when we might be expecting the newest member of your family?”

Chase’s heart swelled at the doctor’s kind words. They had encountered so many judgmental people in the time they’d been together. It was a relief to have a doctor who not only accepted their unique trio, but who was doing all he could to support their complicated family situation.

“Gentlemen, can you help your lady back up on to the table? You can raise the end so she’s at a small incline. I’ll need her bottom at the end of the table and her feet in the stirrups.”

Chase adored the pink blush that had returned to Emma’s lovely face as they helped her into the vulnerable position. She attempted to drape the sheet over her lower half, but Jaxson confiscated it with a small shake of his head. Chase couldn’t hold in his grin at Emma’s pout.

Catching his eye, Jaxson nodded down towards their submissive as he took Emma’s right hand in his own hand. Chase mirrored his Dom, holding Emma’s left hand and linking the three of them intimately as the doctor took a seat on the rolling stool between Emma’s open legs at the end of the examination table.

Chase suspected the doctor was playing along with the men, understanding and supporting their natural dominance over their submissive in small ways.

“I’ll be performing an internal vaginal exam next and then I’ll perform the transvaginal ultrasound.”

Emma’s gurgled embarrassment went straight to Chase’s already hard cock. He tried his best to remember they were here for medical reasons, not sexual, but the sheer fact the trio’s vigorous sex romps had led to the impregnation of their lovely submissive was ever present. Emma’s body would soon be swelling with their child, and the thought filled him with obscene masculine pride he suspected linked him directly back to cavemen. His feminist, equality-loving self was at war with this new pro-patriarchy version of himself. One glance at Jaxson’s repositioning of his masculine package through his slacks told him he wasn’t the only one struggling to behave with propriety.

“When was your last pap-smear?”

“Last summer.”

“Good.” The doctor kept talking as he picked up the speculum from the rolling tray the nurse had supplied before she had quietly left the exam room. “This may be a bit cold going in, young lady.”

Chase chose to watch Emma’s face as the doctor inserted the medical device where his fingers had been just moments before. She closed her eyes. Had they been playing, he’d have asked her to open them so he could watch the emotions playing in her expressive violet eyes. The exam took several minutes with the doctor working in silence.

Emma exhaled with relief when the doctor removed the speculum.

“Everything is looking good so far.” He pulled the latex glove off his right hand and wheeled to his left over to a machine in the corner of the room. The doctor unlocked a break on the wheel and started to pull the large machine with a huge flat-screen monitor and dozens of buttons and levers over to the examination table near Emma’s raised feet.

The older man lifted what looked like a long, narrow dildo covered with a thin piece of plastic. The whole wand had a cord that attached it to the machine.

“As this is your first child, I want to explain what is about to happen. In the future, I’ll perform a more traditional ultrasound on your visits to check on the baby’s development. But today, I’ll be inserting this wand into your vaginal canal. I’ll be taking a look at your cervix, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and even bladder in addition to the baby, of course. I’ll be able to glean a lot of information about how far along you are by measuring the size of the embryo as well as the thickness of the placenta. And this way, we will all breathe a bit easier knowing everything is in perfect working order in there for growing that baby of yours. Do you have any questions before we begin?”

The question was directed at Emma who shook her head no as Jaxson spoke up. “Will the test be painful for her or hurt the baby?”

The doctor smiled. “Not at all. It shouldn’t feel any more uncomfortable than vigorous sex and your baby is tiny at this point so I’m sure he or she won’t mind sharing their space for a little bit.”

Chase moved Emma’s hand to his left and reached out with his right to stroke her thick hair. She loved when the men played with her hair. To be fair, she loved when they yanked it hard while they fucked her too, but that would come later.

“You’re doing great, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

“I’m just laying here,” she deadpanned.

“Yes, but you’re doing it beautifully.”

“Okay, it’s going in,” the doctor warned.

Chase loved when Emma locked her gaze on him as he leaned over her. He smiled supportively, stroking her hair gently as the doctor worked in silence.

The first few minutes of silence were only broken by the occasional soft click of the machine he suspected was taking pictures of Emma’s womb. When he finally broke his gaze with Emma to look up, he was fascinated to see the ultrasound picture of her on the large screen. He couldn’t make heads or tails of anything he saw, but the doctor seemed engrossed in the exam, only uttering the occasional ‘um’ or ‘oh.’ It wasn’t until he spoke his first word, “Interesting…” that the trio all looked his way expectantly.

Jaxson asked what they were all thinking. “Is there a problem, doctor?”

“A problem? No. No problem. I just need a few more minutes and I’ll be happy to share what I’m finding with you.”

Nothing on the screen looked even remotely like a baby to Chase. They all remained silent, letting the doctor do his work.

A full ten minutes went by before the doctor paused his examination, finally looking up at the trio. “So, I have what I think will be a couple surprises for you.”

Jaxson looked worried as he said, “I sure as hell hope they are good surprises.”

The doctor smiled kindly. “Well, I think so, but we’ll have to see what you all think. First, you are a bit farther along than you thought, Ms. Fischer. By my calculation, you are just over fifteen weeks pregnant which puts you already in your second trimester.”

“What? How the hell?” Jaxson demanded.

“The calculation is showing you conceived somewhere between December twenty-eighth and January third. Did you have an extra fun New Year’s Eve?”

Chase’s mind raced to the NYE party they had attended at Black Light. As the threesome shared heated glances, he knew they were all remembering the epic night they’d had.

“You might say that.” He grinned. “It was certainly one to remember.”

“It looks like you’ll have a souvenir to remind you of the fun you had since that night was in the heart of Ms. Fischer’s fertile time based on my calculation.”

“But wait. That means I would have gotten pregnant even if I hadn’t missed my mid-January appointment?”

“It looks that way. Of course, this isn’t an exact science. I could be off by a week or two. I’ll check you again the next time you come in and we’ll know more. But as of right now, I’m setting your due date as September twenty-second.”

“September? That’s only… a bit more than five months away.” Jaxson was panicking. Chase could see it in his eyes.

“Hey, look at me.” It was Chase’s turn to play Dom. “It’s gonna be fine. We have plenty of time.” He loved the squeeze Emma gave his hand.

“What is the other surprise? You said you had a couple?” Emma asked, her forehead furrowed with concern.

The doctor got a bit more serious. “Perhaps you gentlemen might like to take a seat?”

“What the fuck? You promised it wasn’t bad news!” Jaxson yelled, agitated.

The doctor refused to be intimidated, smiling instead as he calmly replied, “Nothing is wrong. I just find that many fathers feel a bit overwhelmed when I tell them they are about to have twins.”

There was a sudden humming in Chase’s ears. Had he heard the man correctly?

“Wait. Twins? As in two babies?” Emma squeaked.

“Yes. I’m certain. In fact, I was able to determine that each baby is in its own separate amniotic sac. They each have their own placenta and supporting structures. That means that you will be having…”

“Fraternal twins,” Emma answered ahead of him.

“Most likely. Depending on when the egg split, it is still possible that they are identical, but unlikely.”

Chase’s heart rate had spiked. He was beginning to wish he’d taken the doctor’s advice and taken a seat. One look at Jaxson and he knew his Dom felt the same way.

“Twins.” Jaxson uttered randomly to the room, trying the word on for size.

“Twins,” the doctor reassured them more forcefully.

“Two.” Jaxson was staring off into the distance.

The doctor chuckled. “Like I warned, maybe you’d feel better taking a seat for a few minutes until the news sinks in.”

“How did this happen?” Jaxson had turned pale. Chase was trying not to freak out at the news too, but seeing his Dom looking so lost helped Chase move into action. Only after he released Emma’s hand did he realize how hard she’d been squeezing him. He rushed around the end of the exam table to hug Jaxson from behind.

“Hey, this is good news,” he assured his lover.

“Since when is fucking up two kids instead of one good news?” Jaxson sounded almost manic.

“No one is going to be fucking up the kids. You’re going to be an awesome father.”

Jaxson’s scoffing laugh only made Chase feel worse. It was Emma’s calm voice that finally seemed to get through to their Dom. “Jaxson Davidson, you are going to be a wonderful father. Will you please stop comparing yourself to your father? You are nothing like him. I’ve seen you with kids in general and Natasha, specifically. Your face just lights up when you hold her.”

“That’s because I could give her back to her mother after a few minutes.”

“Yeah, well then I guess we are all lucky there are three of us. Surely between the three of us, we’ll be able to handle two babies,” Chase reassured him.

“Would you feel better if I show you the first pictures of your babies?” the forgotten doctor interjected.

“I’d love to.” Emma answered for them. “I’ve been calling him or her peanut. I guess I’ll need to come up with another nickname for the second baby.”

“Well, they are a bit bigger than peanuts already. They are each a bit bigger than a lemon.” He’d begun to move the wand inside Emma again, stopping to display an image that was unmistakably a baby on the screen. “This is baby A. I’m able to confirm everything looks perfectly healthy so far with this baby. You can even count five fingers on that hand right there.”

He had to move the wand a bit more to display a second image on the screen.

“This is baby B. He or she is a bit more hidden, but so far everything looks perfectly normal. But…” He paused, waiting for the trio to look away from the screen and back at him. “There is nothing to worry about, but I like to treat all multiple births as higher risk. That means I’m going to want to see Ms. Fischer a bit more frequently. I want to keep a close eye on your morning sickness and make sure we keep you hydrated. I know I gave you the prescription for the vitamins, but they are more important than ever now that you are eating for three.”

“I need to sit down.” Jaxson had started to back into Chase who helped him to a nearby chair.

The doctor kept talking to Emma. “If you throw up within two hours of taking the vitamin, I’d like you to take a replacement. We need to keep the nutrients in you. If you find you’re throwing up more frequently, call immediately. I might not be able to stop the sick feeling, but I can setup IV feedings to ensure you are staying hydrated.”

“Yes, sir,” Emma answered quietly.

“Do you have any questions for me?” the doctor asked as he pulled the wand from Emma and stood, pushing the machine away from the exam table.

Chase looked down at Jaxson. He knew they needed to leave and get some fresh air.

“I’m sure we’ll come up with a million questions later, but right now, I think we just need to let the news sink in. When do you need to see Emma again?”

“I’d like you back in a week.”

“A week? You sure everything is okay?” she asked.

“Just fine, young lady. I told you, this is a VIP service. I’m pretty sure your men are going to want me to keep an extra close eye on you and your babies. We’ll be watching your progress closely, that way if anything does develop, we’ll know about it right away and be able to take action.”

“Thank you,” Jaxson said softly. “Yes, you’re right. That is exactly what we want. I don’t care what it costs.”

“Like I said. VIP service.” The doctor grinned.

Chase suspected the bastard was making seven figures a year catering to the rich and famous of Southern California, but since he was putting the health of his family in the guy’s hands, who was he to complain?

He moved to shake the doctor’s hand. “Thanks again, Dr. Tipton. Should we make the appointment with your nurse?”

“Yes, and make sure she gives you one of my business cards. It has my home and mobile number on it. Call me anytime. Day or night.”

“Let me guess. It goes with the VIP service?”

“You got it. If I don’t answer, it’s because I’m with another patient or in labor and delivery. My calls roll to my service twenty-four seven answering service and they’ll get me the message the minute I’m available.”

The doctor helped Emma sit up before turning to shake hands with the men. “Congratulations again on your happy news. I look forward to meeting those two babies in September.”

After the door closed with his departure, the trio remained frozen, each lost in their own thoughts until Chase couldn’t stand it anymore.

“That was unexpected.”

“Understatement of the year,” Jaxson mumbled.

Emma looked like she was about to cry. Chase went to her, needing to hold her… to touch her… the mother of his children. She fell into his arms from her sitting position at the end of the exam table.

When he felt her tears, he comforted her. “Hey, what’s this? This was all good news, baby.”

“My father is going to be doubly upset when he finds out.”

“He just needs a bit more time. We’ll let him cool off for a few weeks, then we’ll fly to Wisconsin after the clubs open and get everything sorted out.”

“You promise?”

“Of course. As long as Dr. Tipton says it’s safe for you to travel.”

He felt her relax in his arms, and glanced at Jaxson still seated in the chair a few feet away. Chase knew it was going to be a lot harder to help Jaxson come to terms with the news. He’d just started to not freak out about one baby. Lucky for them, he had figured out one sure-fire way to get their Dom to calm down over the years they’d been together.


Chase moved from hugging Emma to massaging her. He moved his hands under her top to unsnap her bra.

“Hey, what are you…” Emma couldn’t finish her question. He claimed her mouth in an open mouth kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth to dominate her as he let his hands fall to her bare thighs, pulling her legs wider.

They eventually had to come up for air. Chase was disappointed Jaxson still sat on the sidelines, but at least his frown had been replaced by an unreadable glare. If the kiss hadn’t enticed Jax, he’d have to take things to the next level.

Chase stepped back, leaning down to grab Emma’s ankles, spreading her legs wide until each foot was settled into the padded stirrup cups. His earlier hard-on had returned with a vengeance. As he pulled her legs up and out, Emma had to lie back onto the reclining table to keep her balance.

He fell to one knee on the now vacant stool before her, leaning forward to drag his tongue through Emma’s wet folds, spending extra time on the nubbin of nerves that caused her to buck her ass off the table. Being an excellent multi-tasker, Chase was able to eat her out while reaching towards Jaxson with his left hand, his invitation to join them.

It wasn’t until Chase stood to unbuckle his own pants and pull his cock out that Jaxson finally rose to his feet. The uncertainty in his lover’s eyes had been replaced by vulnerable desire. Chase grasped his manhood, lightly stroking it to nurse the growing desire to come. The movement caught Jaxson’s attention, and before the men were close enough to touch, Jaxson moved his attention lower to watch Chase squeezing his own dick.

Jaxson reached out to push Chase’s hand away, taking over stroking duty just as Chase reciprocated, pulling Jaxson’s cock free of his pants in a rush. The men fell into each other’s arms, Jaxson claiming his own violent kiss from Chase while jacking each other off until Chase felt his balls tightening.

Chase pulled out of their kiss to grunt, “Gonna come. Need to be inside someone when I do.”

He loved the naughty grin on Jaxson’s face. “You’d better point that bad boy in Em’s direction then.”

Chase teased his lover, “Hey, we’re going through a lot of changes. Maybe we should give you being on the receiving end a shot.”

“You’d better turn around and get ready for my cock, or I might have to deliver my belt instead.”

Chase grinned, relieved Jaxson was smiling again. “Yes, Sir.”

His heart lurched when he turned towards Emma. Seeing her laid open and bare before him was better than presents under the tree on Christmas morning. The glisten of love in her eyes as she’d watched her men humbled him. She’d lifted her arms above her head, holding onto the edge of the table so she was properly presented for him.

Chase clumsily dragged his fingers through her open pussy to ensure she was still wet for them. Finding a pool of her juices, he lined up and fell into her, filling her in one stroke. He was so turned on he froze, buried in her until the urge to shoot his wad like an untried virgin passed.

Jaxson took advantage of Chase’s stillness, spreading his ass cheeks enough to lather his anus with lube from the ultrasound tray. Within seconds, Jaxson’s fingers were replaced by the head of his own erection.

The thrust that filled him was swift. The sudden fullness took his breath away. With each pump of Jaxson’s cock, Chase came closer to shooting his wad and he hadn’t even moved his hips yet. The desperation on Emma’s face reminded him he had a job to do as well.

Like a fine-tuned piston, the trio fell into a dirty dance of push and pull, each chasing their happy place. As their Dom, Jaxson got to decide when they could come. Permission came in the form of Jaxson’s grunted orgasm buried inside Chase who, in turn, pinched Emma’s clit as he rammed into her and shouted, “Now, baby. Come for us.”

Watching the mother of their babies come apart in front of him felt better than his own orgasm. The trio collapsed in a heap on top of Emma.

“You’re squishing me,” she complained.

“Well, we can’t have that. Let’s get you put back together and then we can take this home for round two.”

Chase corrected their dominant. “You mean round three. Round one was in the shower.”

The swat across his ass warmed him. “Keep it up and you’ll find yourself plugged for the drive home.”

Chase could only grin. “Promises, promises.”

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