Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 10

Before all-out chaos ensued, Master Donovan distracted everyone by spinning on the spot and heading back for his chair, leaving me standing next to Carter. The beefed-up hunter-vamp hadn’t attacked anyone yet, but if the look on his face was any indication, he wasn’t far from it.

“If possible, all of us are more confused at this point,” a different female said. This one sat on the other side of Lucien and had waist-length platinum hair. As she leaned forward from a chair lined with deep amber stones, her black dress, which was molded to her curvy frame, slid down to reveal perfect tits. Clearly uncaring that half her nipple was out, she waved her arms around. “Can someone fill the rest of us in so we can get back to our damn lives.”

Her eyes, an icy silver color, met mine, and I could have sworn she licked her lips. Someone was hungry, and I was the only easy food in the room. Most of the time vamps drank bagged blood imported from other worlds they had long-standing deals with, since they could only be sustained by another vampire if they were in a true blood bond—which was rare. But every now and then, they had parties where live food was invited in.

They weren’t supposed to kill them, but I’d heard stories during my time here. Horrifying stories. Around vamps, death was inevitable.

“It’s simple, Julietta,” Donovan said, like we were all morons, “if a master wants a mate, then we have to call a selection ceremony. Any eligible females or males, depending on their preferences, must be there.”

A beat of silence and then the room erupted, vamps jumping to their feet with fangs out, ready to attack. I started to back up, knowing that I wouldn’t survive a vampire brawl, only to find myself plastered against the new, scary “master.”

Freezing to the spot, I couldn’t move. My eyes locked on Lucien, who was half out of his chair, expression dark as he stared above my head, eyeballing this Carter, who didn’t feel like a tier two master and yet clearly wasn’t one of the mains.

With a squeak, I finally darted forward, only to find Carter’s firm grip around my waist, holding me in place. My fighting instinct kicked in, and I swung at him, claws springing free from my fingertips as wolfish instinct took over. Growls ripped from deep in my chest as I slashed at his arm, but he didn’t release his hold.

“Calm,” he demanded in that same rumble of a voice. “I’m not here to hurt you.”

Right. And I was just going to believe that because he said so.

Swinging my arm back again, this time I aimed for the throat because, vampire or not, no one got to just manhandle me without a reaction. Lucien would have gotten the same attack, except he’d been smart enough to compel me first.

Carter let out a deep sigh as I launched forward, but my arm caught on something, and I was thrown off balance. It was only when I got a whiff of Crimson Heart wine that I realized Lucien had joined the fray. Stupidly, it made me feel as if I wasn’t quite alone.

If I had to choose my battles, then I also had to respect my allies. He was the only one I had here, and I would take him over these assholes any day.

When he pulled me back into his energy, I didn’t fight him, releasing my anger so that my wolf calmed.

“Why are you really here, Carter?” Lucien asked with almost no inflection in his tone, which to me was scarier than when he raised his voice. His icy control could cut you to the core. “You chose long ago to remain in exile in Crimson City. You chose to live in isolation, and out of respect for your age and power, we have left you alone to do so. Are you stepping in now to claim an eleventh enclave and head it as a tier one master?”

Well, crap. This was the lone wolf? The one strong enough to exist outside of the normal order and be left alone to do so? And I had been called here for some reason that had to do with him and his need for a mate? This was not good. Not good at all.

Behind us, the fighting continued, vampires screaming at each other, but since we were in our own little standoff, my focus remained firmly on our trio.

Carter sighed again, a huge gust of air that ruffled my loose hair. “I’ve been in mourning for a long time. My family… Well, you know the story. My emotions closed down after her death since it was the only way I could survive, but there was a moment…” His eyes met mine, and I tried not to squirm under the intensity of his gaze. “A moment when light broke through the darkness. You touched the stone,” he whispered, “and sent out a ripple of energy. I was nearby that night, and I felt the power. When it hit me, I was alive once more, and that was when I knew I could no longer hide in shadows.”

Finally, he released me from his gaze, and I felt like I could breathe again. “While I’m happy you’re going to start to live again,” I managed to say, “that doesn’t explain why, specifically, I’m here. Surely, if you’re looking to claim a mate at this selection ceremony, you’re looking for a vampire mate?”

Carter’s smile grew larger… predatory. “You’re the first shifter to ever step foot in our world. Shadow Beast would never allow us to touch his creations, but now you carry the blood of us. Blood that hasn’t destroyed you. I’ve been thinking about this during the time the masters asked me to wait for your return, and I’ve reached the conclusion that the reason Shadow does not allow shifters here is that you’re compatible with vampires. As it stands, you already feel part vampire, and therefore, you can participate in the selection.”

Before I could open my mouth to give him a little update on women’s rights these days, which included choosing our mates and not being forced into an archaic competition, Lucien whipped me behind him, blocking Carter from view.

I didn’t like having my back to the other vampires, so I turned, keeping the arguing masters in sight as I pressed into Lucien, still able to hear his conversation clearly.

“You can’t just claim her,” he was saying, and there was fire in his voice. “She has to participate in the selection and be the right match for you.”

What the fuck, dude?

Carter didn’t argue. “Agreed. She’s here to ensure she would participate. With you continually protecting her, it’s been an impossible task, but I finally reminded them of my strength to get this moving.”

Lucien’s body was vibrating against mine, a deep vibration building from within his energy, and pressed securely against him, I felt every motion. If I had to guess, I’d say he was about to explode, but then I was completely shocked when he suddenly raised his voice and said, “Call the selection. I will compete for a mate.”

There was a beat of silence again, and then the room exploded.

For the second time.

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