Cloud Shifters

Chapter 2: Commons High School

Opening his eyes to his room the next morning felt the same as any other morning, only this day Cadin was going to Commons High School. His Aura would come, of that he had no doubt, it was the rest of school that both had him feeling like a colony of cloud-worms was living in his stomach and shaking with excitement all at the same time. Taking the steps downstairs two at a time, he slid into the kitchen where his parents smiled at him.

“Here you go! Something to eat for your first big day.” His mom smiled as she slid a huge plate of food in front of him and nudged his dad.

“Where’s that ravenous pigeon when I need him?” Cadin said under his breath as he eyed the enormous meal.

“Did you say something, honey?” His mom asked from the corner of the kitchen as she balanced a couple of plates.

“Pancakes are great!”

While he picking at his food, he noticed that Tal was not in the room. He didn’t think that his dad would leave without saying goodbye. Just then, his dad walked through the tunnel door, holding his hands behind his back with the same mischievous smile on his face that Cadin inherited.

“Your mom and I made a present for you to celebrate your first day.”

“Yes, and to remind you of your origins and the powers within you,” his mom added as his dad brought his hands around to the front.

In his dad’s hands lay a small metal medallion linked to a chain. Cadin smiled and leaned closer to inspect the unique work. The metallic surface was a flat circle with three ripples radiating out from the center—the symbol of the Guard Quad. In a diagonal were four parallel lines that extending beyond the outer edge of the circle on both sides—the symbol of the Arkta Quad. Down the center and in-between the raised ripples were three small inlaid cloud-stones. The top cloud-stone was a vibrant, opaque green. The bottom was a deep blue cloud-stone with one translucent sliver through the middle where Cadin could see through to the metal. The final cloud-stone was set in the middle and unlike any that Cadin had seen before. A mixture of greens and blues swirled together as translucent waves hugged the edges of opaque colors.

“Wow! Thank you both so much!” He rushed to put both his parents into the tightest hug that he could manage. Tears welled in his mom’s eyes.

“Where did you get the middle stone?” Cadin asked.

“From Mira, of course.”

“But I thought you hadn’t seen her since you left Air,” Cadin said.

“No, after I left the Core and took up metal work again, I took a couple of trips to see her and to mine the cloud-stones by her house. That is why she decided to live way on the outskirts of Air—the cloud-stone mines are fantastic. It is true that I haven’t been able to see her much since we moved to Glade.

“You were still young and your mom agreed to stay here with you while I went to visit and get more cloud-stones for my work. I mined a good deal while I was there and was about to finish up to come home when I found a huge rock with a bunch of green and blue cloud-stones riddled throughout. I wanted to take it with me too, but didn’t know how I could due to its weight. I already had a full load of other cloud-stones packed and ready to bring back.

“Mira found me while I packed up and told me that I must bring the rock back with me no matter what. 'It is too important of an item for you to leave here.′ She found me a carrying net; and after unloading about one-third of the other cloud-stones and giving them to Mira, my haul was light enough to fly with. It still took me an extra day to get back, since I had to rest often. Airships were not as readily available as they are now—and in any event, I didn’t have the money to rent one.

"There have been a few projects that I have used the cloud-stones on, but two-thirds of the rock is still left even after all these years. I found all three of these cloud-stones in that very rock, and the one that sits in the middle of your medallion is the only one of like that I have ever found. It is the cloud-stone that inspired your medallion. Your mom came up with the design and I made it. I am sure you worked out that it is a composite of the places, people, and powers that you have the most ties to.”

“Would you like us to put it on?” Sara asked.

Cadin just nodded with small tears of joy surfacing in his eyes.

“Do you want us to link it or meld it?”

It was a serious question. Linking meant that he could un-link and take it off whenever he wanted. Melding used an angel’s Aura energy to heat up the cloud-metals and fuse the pieces of the rope chain together. The chain was long enough that Cadin as an adolescent might be able to take it off over his head, but as an adult, it would not be possible to remove it without breaking the chain.

Cadin did not hesitate. “Meld, please.” He could not imagine ever wanting to take the precious medallion off.

His parents gave each other a knowing look and stepped behind him, each taking one end of the metal rope chain in their hands and the medallion settled on his chest. Cadin felt the heat on the back of his neck as both of his parents let their Aura energies flow through their hands to meld the chain.

“Lep, wait up,” Cadin shouted. Leptan turned around and waved to Cadin with one hand while his sister Charlie held the other one. Their parents smiled at Cadin. They waited for Cadin and his parents near the entrance to the Glade Commons School. Talvarian stepped up to Leptan’s dad, Donavan and shook his hand.

“Hey, guys. Good to see you here,” Tal said to Lep’s family as Sara walked over to Lep’s mom, Lakie. Both families had been friends ever since Tal and Sara had moved to Glade. They were their closest neighbors, and the women bonded when they found out that they would both be having babies around the same time.

The main town of Glade sprawled across the middle of the cloud, and the Commons School was just a short distance away, backing onto one of Glade’s two forests. Though Glade was the second smallest full cloud-land in the Calvarian Cloud System, it was still a decent sized cumulus cloud with many hills and valleys.

“Nice,” Lep said, pointing at Cadin’s new medallion. “Where did you get it?”

Lep’s family all looked where Lep was pointing. Charlie reached up to touch it and Donavan gave an appreciative whistle.

“My parents made it for me, and they even let me decide to meld the chain!”

“A little rash, don’t you think?” Lakie asked.

"It was his choice,” Sara answered. “Everything about the medallion seemed to fit him, so we offered.”

No one could argue that it didn’t suit Cadin, the bright silver-like metal contrasted beautifully with his copper skin and dark hair. The three stones, small as they were, still caught everyone’s eye.

“Nicely done, Tal and Sara,” Donavan said. “Cadin, I think that it looks great.”

“Me too,” Charlie said, still tracing her fingers around the circles of the medallion.

“Okay, Charlie, hands to yourself. Cadin might not want you playing with it,” Donavan scolded.

“I don’t mind, really.It’snot like she can hurt it.” Cadin meant it. He thought Charlie was adorable; at half of Lep and Cadin’s age, she was cute with blonde, curly hair and a shy demeanor. Though Lep always complained about her, Cadin had never had any problems.

“Okay boys, time for school,” Talvarian said.

“Have fun.”

“No causing trouble.”

"See you when you get home.”

“Where do we go?” Lep asked, looking all around at the other students flying through the halls.

“This way, I think.” Cadin pulled Lep behind him, following the signs that were apparent after they took their eyes off the other kids. They entered a room with a sign above the door titled “Welcome New Commons Students!”

Four adults talked together at the front of the room as the students huddled into familiar groups. The older, distinguished looking man with silver streaks through his short, dark hair and a bright white Aura raised his hands and addressed the group of nervous kids.

“Welcome, young ones!” His voice rang strong and true. “I am Tripharian of Glade, the Headmaster of the Commons High School of Glade. These three angels to my right will be your homeroom instructors for this year. This is Instructor Nightan of Glade,” he said, tapping the nearest male angel. Instructor Nightan’s dark hair hung over his nearly black eyes. Powerful muscles rippled under his light skin as he rolled an aro across his knuckles. “He has come to us after his training at Archdom Academy.”

Several “oohs” and “ahs” escaped before Headmaster Tripharian moved next to the female angel. “This is Instructor Zephran of Glade. It is her third-year teaching with us after she graduated from Hailford University.” She was quite pretty, Cadin thought. Her tall frame reached the same height as the two younger men and she was a shade taller than the older angel. Her common, white Aura rose and fell with her breaths as her uncommon purple eyes sparked. She smiled around at everyone and gave a wave.

Headmaster Tripharian walked to stand beside the last young man and rested his hand on his shoulder. “Lastly, this is Instructor Kade of Galen. He is new to Glade, but has amazing recommendations from not only his instructors at the Academy but also from within the Core.”

The room filled with comments between students. “Awesome,” Lep said to Cadin.

“Quiet down please. Being new to Glade is a difficult thing, so I am sure that you will all help out Instructor Kade.” Cadin examined the final instructor from the neighboring land of Galen. He had fine features on his face, a straight nose, and short, precisely cut hair. His green Aura flared and Cadin watched the reflection dance across his veretal-coated wings as he nodded to the students.

“Here are how things are going to work,” Headmaster Tripharian continued. “This group is too big to keep you together the whole time, so we are going to break you up into three main classes.”

The room broke out into whispers of which of the three instructors the kids preferred. Lep nudged Cadin and whispered, “I hope we get the Kade guy. He seems cool.” Cadin just nodded, agreeing. The female instructor also seemed like an okay way to go, but Cadin didn’t like the chill that ran down his spine when he looked at Instructor Nightan. Others near Cadin obviously didn’t care about that.

“I want Nightan, he looks so powerful!” A couple of boys whispered.

“Yeah, I bet that he could beat anyone in Glade in any competition.”

“Your names have been randomly selected and are on one of these three lists,” Headmaster Tripharian said as he held up three pieces of parchment.

“What?!” Cadin and Lep both said. They were not the only ones. Everyone around the room held onto their friends.

“Not to worry, this is only a drawing for your homeroom instructor.Therewill be many times that the classes will come together for activities, and, of course, your scheduled classes.”

Cadin stood on his toes, trying to see the small print on the large sheets; however, all he succeeded in was reading the larger names of the instructors and getting elbowed in the ribs by the other kids crowding around trying to get a glimpse as well.

“Calm down, everyone—you will soon know who your instructor is for the year. Yes, everyone take a seat, please. Instructor Zephran, this is your group,” Headmaster Tripharian said as he handed her the top parchment. She nodded as she accepted the crisp paper and moved back. Both Instructor Nightan and Instructor Kade stepped forward in turn as Headmaster Tripharian handed them their lists of students, each quickly glancing over the names before stepping back beside Instructor Zephran.

“Now, each instructor will read off their lists one at a time, and once you hear your name called, please go and stand beside your instructor. Ladies first.” Thank you, Headmaster. Now let me see. I have Firren, daughter of Heather of Glade.” A small girl jumped to her feet and hurried to stand behind the tall woman. Instructor Zephran read off her list without calling Cadin or Lep’s name, though a few of their friends from middle school waved as they raced up.

“Next, Instructor Kade I think.” Headmaster Tripharian waved him forward.

“Excellent. Thank you, Sir. Rainer, son of Helio of Glade.” A boy with silver hair stood up. Sitting beside the now standing boy was another boy with silver hair looking the same. Twins, thought Cadin, a little shocked. He had never seen twins before as it was uncommon in angels. Instructor Kade gave him a high five as he approached before continuing.

“Let’s see, next—Leptan, son of Donavan of Glade,” Instructor Kade said.

Lep shook a little as he stood up, and flashed a quick smile at Cadin before jogging over to stand behind Instructor Kade. What if we don’t end up in the same class?

Cadin tensed up every time Instructor Kade called a name. His hands cramped from holding tight fists until he heard Instructor Kade sum up. “Lastly, Lexi, daughter of...” But Cadin didn’t hear the rest. He wouldn’t be in the same class as his best friend for the entire year.

“Well, it looks as though we know who will be in Instructor Nightan’s group,” Headmaster Tripharian said with a smile. “However, why don’t you read your list just to make sure everyone is accounted for?”

The powerful looking Instructor Nightan stepped up and quickly began reading off his list. Cadin watched as the kids around him got up as their names were called. “Cadin, son of Talvarian of Ansford.” He thought he saw Instructor Kade’s head snapping up, but on second glance, only found Lep giving him a sad wave.

Instructor Nightan’s group followed behind his large steps. The school layout reminded him of a four-leaf clover as he trudged behind his fellow students.

“The two branches of the school facing Mt. Vera are for the older groups,” Instructor Nightan said. “You are not allowed in those branches until you get your wings.”

“This is my room.” Instructor Nightan walked in and sat down on a large chair that sported a wide slot down the back to accommodate his wings

“Well, don’t just stand there. Take a seat.”

Translucent cloud reinforced windows ran along one wall of the open room. The view faced the road leading away from the school and towards town.

“Today we are going to start with the geography of the Calvarian Cloud-System.” Instructor Nightan turned his back to the class and began drawing on the white section of smooth wall behind his chair.

“This system is unique compared to other Cloud Systems around Earth because of the specialized development in each Quad,” he began. ”There are ten qualified cloud-lands within the Calvarian System including the Central Cloud. These cloud-lands are in one of four Quads which were originally organized by the first leader of the Core appointed to our system. In the beginning, it was named Cloud System Nine.

“The Core has two main factions. One is to act as the governing body and the second is to serve as the military of the cloud-lands. Master Calvarian split this system up unlike any other Cloud System around Earth because he made two main observations. The first was that angels’ skills were highly variable and often not fully developed by the time they reached the Core. The second was that unlike other systems,there seemed to be a common Aura color to angels raised on certain cloud-lands. He theorized that if each land specialized on training battle characteristics that were enhanced by the Aura color of that land, when angels reached the Core, they would be more realized warriors.

"It worked better than even Master Calvarian could have hoped for, not only for warriors but for other vocations as well. After many generations, the cloud-lands have become mostly homogeneous in Aura color and many of the skills developed by angels in the Calvarian System far exceed those of angels in other systems. Therefore, the Calvarian System is the head Cloud System for Earth.

“Even though there are four Quads,there are five Aura colors. White is a generalized Aura and developed on every cloud-land. Angels with white Auras generally don’t specialize as much as those with a colored Aura. Many trade specialists have white Auras, and they tend to be well-rounded in their skill-sets. Each Quad has two or three cloud-lands. The four Quads are Arkta with blue Aura energy, Condor with red energy, Lavine with yellow energy, and Guard with green Auras.”

Cadin remembered his parents telling him how they ended up in Glade. They moved from the Arkta Quad to Glade when they found out Sara was pregnant. Cadin’s mom was from the Air Commons and his dad from Ansford, both blue Aura cloud-lands. His dad had uncommonly developed a green Aura while growing up in the blue Quad.It had happened from time to time, an angel developing a different colored Aura from the Quad that they grew up in, but it was rare.

Talvarian was passionate about his duties as Warrior Angel and wanted his child to grow up in the Guard Quad as he never had. Sara was as fervent a blue Aura angel as Talvarian was green, but loved her husband and didn’t mind new experiences and so she agreed to move to Glade to raise their child.

Instructor Nightan took a deep breath to continue when a woman walked into the room with the second of the twin boys trailing behind her.

“Excuse me, Instructor Nightan,” she said with a soft voice.

“Yes, Clare,” he said, glancing at the boy.

“This note is from Headmaster Tripharian. You are to exchange Rainer here from Instructor Kade’s class for another student so the twins aren’t separated.”

Nightan twitched a little bit at Instructor Kade’s name. “Fine.”

Please let it be me, Cadin thought.

“Let Kade have that one,there" pointing not to Cadin, but instead to the small boy in the back with reddish hair.

“Excuse me, Instructor Nightan, but I believe there is a student indicated in the letter,” Clare said while handing over small slip of yellow parchment.

Instructor Nightan took the page and Cadin watched as his eyes scrolled back and forth over the writing. “So be it,” he said in a quiet voice, and then much louder, “Cadin, you are to go with Clare. Rainer, go take a seat by your brother.”

Cadin shot out of his seat to follow Clare out of the room.

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