Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 8 – |Depth|

THE MERMEN ARE STARING at me, wide-eyed, and I stay in Assan’s arms, trying not to move or flinch. Quickly, I look around the area; the mermen are above, below, to the right, and left, and I am sure there are others behind us. Adorning the mermen’s faces are expressions of shock and surprise, and their reactions match mine.

Their upper bodies remind me of human men, but like Assan, their lower halves are the tails of fish. Some stay frozen in their spots, while others slowly swim towards us. I wish not to show my fear, but I am afraid. I twist in Assan’s arms, but he keeps holding me close, never taking his gaze off the surrounding mermen.

I will not allow them to hurt you. And remember, I don’t lie; I hear Assan’s reassuring voice in my head, but it doesn’t ease my fears. What if these mermen are also like Assan? Will they use me? Toy with me? Use my body

I hear the sound of a snarl in my mind. No, Elena, only I will touch you, Assan says through our strange connection, and I feel foolish for forgetting Assan can hear my thoughts.

Toy is an unsophisticated word, Elena, but I’m curious to know more about what you think of me, Assan says with amusement.

I sigh inwardly. You will not like it, I quickly think before realizing what I’ve done. Assan glances at me as he narrows his eyes and returns his sight to the merman.

In front of us, a merman with short brunette hair, a skinny build, and a green tail starts swimming over to Assan. With his brown hair and body, he reminds me of Lucas.

My heart thumps in my chest, and I try to hide my fear. A smile graces his lips as the brown-haired merman gets closer; I wasn’t expecting that. He stops before Assan and the other mermen stay in their spots. I try to empty my mind, not wanting Assan to know my thoughts.

“I’m surprised to see you back so soon.” His voice is smooth and calm, like velvet.

Even though he looks thin and lean, his facial features are those of a young nobleman. Up close, his eyes are also multi-colored; his right eye is sky blue, and the other is silver. Despite his youthful appearance, his pupils show something different—an age I cannot understand. As I keep staring into his irises, I am drawn to him. It’s the same sensation as when I first stared into Assan’s eyes.

He then glances at me, perplexed, and says, “Oh, it’s not like you to bring your prosti—”

A low growl rumbles from Assan’s throat, snapping me out of my daze. I glance at Assan, looking at his sharp hues. The brunette merman laughs heartily, with a bright smile adorning his lips.

Assan growls again. “You talk too much,” he seethes at the brown-haired merman. Unaffected by Assan’s attitude, the silver- and blue-eyed merman keeps smiling and flickers his gaze back to me.

“She is indeed a unique-looking human . . . not your typical type, Assan.” He pauses, giving me a warm smile. Looking at him, I am thrown off guard by his treatment of me. His eyes meet mine, and he says, “I am sure Assan has been his usual harsh self. He has probably been showing off again.” He chuckles.

I open my mouth slightly and close it again before water enters my throat. Unlike them, it seems I can’t speak underwater; however, I roam my eyes around again and see the other mermen’s gazes glued to Assan and me.

“Hass, if you are going to bad mouth me, then why don’t you take her,” Assan hisses, releasing me from his arms. Kicking my legs, I try to swim in place.

Hass shakes his head and sighs, causing his short brown tresses to float around his face. Then, he swims over to me.

“Shall we?” His voice is welcoming, and the same warm grin stays on his lips. Up close, I make out the color of his fin: green scales mixed with white. The scales shimmer, thanks to the light coming from the direction of the rocky-looking palace.

Afraid to think, I try to keep my mind blank and swim back from Hass, not trusting him. Of all the males staring at me, the only semi-comfort I find is Assan. Hass swims closer towards me, but still, I retreat from him.

Go with him, Elena. He will not hurt you; I won’t allow it. Assan’s stern voice stirs in my mind, and then I glance at him when he nods. I suppress my thoughts, not wanting Assan to know I don’t trust him, but he should understand that now.

Hass holds out his pale hand to me, and before I take it, I look around again. With so many mermen about, I know escape is futile. My last chance to escape was at the cave with the brunette women, but the cave is gone now, and I am in Assan’s world. I hesitate, shaking slightly in the water.

“I won’t hurt you, but I want to know your name, a unique-looking one.” Hass smiles kindly at me. I stare into his silver and sky-blue eyes, deciding if I can trust him. I feel Assan’s sight on me for a second, and I glance at him. He growls in disgust, starting to swim away when another merman goes over to him.

Assan stops in his path next to the merman.

“My lord, you are all right,” the merman says quickly, with relief in his eyes. Hass swims to my side, leaving me a full view of the merman talking to Assan. Looking at the merman, I’m taken captive by his flowing white hair. Unlike Assan and Hass, his face looks rough, like a soldier. His build is muscular, and his biceps remind me of a strong man. Most notably, unlike the others, his eyes have natural slits. For a second, I remember more of Lucas’s books and the different races of people I have read about. I remember that there are people with narrow slit eyes, pale skin, and jet-black hair.

However, this merman is different, with silver locks that go down his back, and he has one cobalt eye and one coral-colored eye. His tail is like Assan’s—dark blue with shimmering scales. Around his chest hangs the shape of a silver necklace. In the center of the necklace is an emblem rock cascading down his chest; however, from this distance, I can’t see the image of the jewelry.

As the slit-eyed merman speaks with Assan, his expression is stoic, and he gives me a side-way glance. Then, he averts his gaze from mine. In a way, it’s as if he was studying me.

“We sensed a berserker earlier ar—”

Assan cuts him off and waves a hand dismissively. “I disposed of it,” he says in a cocky tone, with his lips forming into a demonic smirk.

“I would expect no less from you, but other matters need your attention. He has been looking for you,” the silver-haired merman says, his expression and voice serious.

Assan groans irritably as he runs a hand through his floating black locks.

“I am sure he has, for his control over me is almost never-ending. Let’s go,” Assan urges, and he begins to swim past the silver-haired merman.

As I watch Assan, air leaves my lungs. The power Assan shared with me must be dissipating, and now I’m struggling to breathe. I am too deep in the water to reach the surface.

I gag and twist, fighting for air. Assan turns his gaze to me, and my eyes catch a glimpse of him. His face is horrid, and he starts swimming towards me.

Elena… I hear my name being called in my mind.

Hass quickly presses a firm hand against my chest, and his digits glow green. Suddenly, I can breathe underwater again. My eyes maintain their clarity, and my throat feels different, no longer burning in pain.

Hass sighs in relief. “There, is that better?” He grins warmly at me.

“I…yes,” I squeak out. I widen my eyes and press my hand to my throat.

I can speak underwater! I stare at Hass in shock, but he keeps smiling at me. I shift my gaze to Assan, but he gives me a blank stare and continues swimming away with the silver-haired merman. Can Assan not hear my thoughts anymore? I question myself as I keep watching him leave.

Many of the surrounding mermen are still looking at me, while others follow Assan’s path with their eyes. In the distance, Assan fades from my view as he swims towards the rocky castle.

Under the mermen’s gaze, I feel self-conscious. Some start talking among themselves, with worried expressions on their faces. But in the distance, I see other mermen with silver chains around their chests conversing with the mermen who are staring at me. It seems as though they are trying to ease their fears.

Schools of fish, which are miniature and different colors, swim past me, along with dolphins and jellyfish. The dolphins are at peace, swimming in a group as a family. However, the jellyfish are scattered about, going in different directions throughout the area. Colors, various shapes, and sizes of coral line the sea’s rocky walls, and the view leaves me breathless. I am lost in the beauty of the sea, but Hass’s voice catches me off guard.

“Beautiful, is it not?” His voice is calm.

“Yes, very,” I answer, watching a piece of coral swaying in the water.

As I look at the undersea beauty, I wonder what Seidon, Mika, and Lucas would think. It’s too bad they aren’t here to share this with me. Even Joe would be in disbelief at this view. Within myself, I want to believe I am dreaming, a dream that is a nightmare but also contains mysterious wonders. My world has been shaken, and the longer I am here, the more I question if I will ever see my friends or Joe again. Below me, the water is darker and deeper than the depth of the pool from the cave.

A gentle hand touches my shoulder, bringing me back from my thoughts. As I look at Hass, he seems kind, like the opposite of Assan.

“Tell me, what is your name? I will not deny I am curious about your origins.” He laughs.

I stay quiet for a moment. Assan left me with Hass, and he promised no one will hurt me. Assan still has a use for me, at least for now.

I part my lips and answer, “Elena...”

His smile stays on his lips. “Elena,” he repeats after me,” well, Elena, why don’t I show you around?” He moves a few inches away.

“Follow me.” He turns his back to me and swims off, his green fin moving fluidly through the water. Every stroke he makes pushes him along.

Kicking out my legs and putting my arms to the side, I follow behind Hass. We swim towards the castle, passing the many mermen staring at me. However, some mermen still look at me, while others swim away. On each side of the path are holes in the rocky undersea walls. I see mermen swimming in and out of the holes. Some of them must live there. Like it’s their home.

Some gawk at me and eye me intensely as we swim past them. I don’t know what to think of all these eyes on me. The more I stare at the various mermen, I notice how average some of their faces are. I suppose not all mermen have the same handsome features as Assan and Hass.

Lowering my gaze below me, I see seaweed and green coral sway in the water, with fish swimming around them. The vibrant colors of this undersea world line the path Hass and I are swimming. Green, pink, orange, and yellow are all around me. I look straight ahead again, seeing giant seashells and more schools of fish moving in the water.

Hass is ahead of me, and I struggle to match his pace. I stop, hoping to take a short break from swimming. When I cast my eyes down, I make out crabs and lobsters crawling below me, slowly bumping into one another. I need to catch up, but I can’t match his speed.

Looking back into the distance, I search for Hass, but I can’t see him. Did he leave me behind? I start to panic, ranking my eyes through the area until I feel a touch on my arm.

“I guess I swim too fast for you. Here”—he takes my hand—“now you won’t fall behind.”

Hass smiles at me, taking my hand in his, and we start moving together. Even though I’m swimming, Hass is in control, guiding my body towards his destination. The waters are calmer as we get closer to the rocky palace, rumbling to a soft rhythm.

The music of the surrounding liquid plays in my ears, and the new scene before me leaves me in awe. We continue towards the palace, swimming past the wide entranceway. Various mermen enter and exit the castle, staring at me with a flicker of curiosity in their eyes. Some start swimming over to us, but Hass waves them away, and they immediately obey.

Lights from plants attached to the walls illuminate the watery passageway. I stare at the plants when fear courses through me. A cryptid! Fear overtaking me, I stop in the water, and Hass looks at me with concern.

He follows my eyes and looks at the cryptid.

He laughs with amusement. “I see. I take it you had a run-in with a wild cryptid?” He asks.

I nod my head.

“Do not be scared. These cryptids will not hurt you.” He reassures me.

Even though he is trying to comfort me, I remain still.

“They tried to eat me. They surrounded me until Assan…” I think back to the first time Assan saved my life. We kissed then, but it didn’t mean anything. For a second, my lips tingle, remembering Assan’s mouth pressed against mine. I shake off the thoughts. There is nothing between us; I am only being used for my body, and I must remember that.

Hass looks at me and says, “Ah, I understand your fear now, but do not be alarmed. These cryptids will not harm you.” He gestures to the cryptids, aligning the walls. The plants glow brightly in the water’s darkness, causing the mermen’s tails to shimmer around us. The mermen’s scales are like little lights, reminding me of fireflies flying through a field at night.

I follow Hass’s eyes, noticing the mermen swimming past the cryptids have no fear. Curiosity eats away at me, and I keep staring at it. Before, these plants tried to kill me and eat me, but now they seem calm and relaxed in this environment.

“These cryptids were grown and raised by us. They do not harm or eat those who pass by them. Wild cryptids, however, well, those are different.” He shrugs.

“They are alive?” I question in a curious tone.

“Yes, and they have minds like us. They even feel pain and experience emotion, but for us, they provide light for our home. Their bodies produce a natural glow in their center,” Hass explains with a smile tugging at his lips.

I remember Assan and how he killed the plants to save me. He knew they were alive, feeling pain, and yet he still fought for me. I shake my head. I should not be thinking this; he only wants to use me, nothing more.

“Shall we go now?” Hass asks me, and I nod in response. With his hand still wrapped around mine, we keep swimming. Where are we going? I think to myself as we keep stroking forward.

Throughout the walls are carvings of merman and mermaids. Some of the carvings are painted, while others aren’t. There is a portrait of a family: an adult male merman is wearing a long robe with a crown of seashells on his head, and he is next to what I assume is his queen. Below them is a child—a male merman.

As we swim, I realize I haven’t heard Hass’s voice in my head. I part my lips and ask, “I haven’t heard you…” I pause, and Hass looks at me curiously.

“What is it?”

Hesitantly, I ask, “Can…you hear my…thoughts?” I question him, stumbling out my words.

He looks at me calmly, and a smile adorns his lips.

“No, I can’t hear your thoughts.”

His reply surprises me. I thought he could hear my thoughts when he shared his power with me.

“But I thought…”

“Let me guess, Assan listened to your thoughts, didn’t he?” He says in a playful tone.

I twist in the water nervously. “Uhh…yes,” I answer, lowering my gaze to the rocky floor. “It was when the creature attacked me.”

“Creature?” He questioned.

I shift my sight back to him. “I don’t know what it’s called, but it had many eyes and tentacles, and it tried to eat me.” Just thinking about the creature sends fear through me, and I hope I don’t see another one.

The smile drops from Hass’s lips, replaced by a frown.

“That was the berserker…” he trails off, looking into the distance.

“I suppose,” I answer, thinking back to Assan’s conversation with the silver-haired merman. The creatures are called berserkers…

“Come, let’s keep swimming.” Hass pulls me along and maneuvers upward, going towards the surface. Some mermen are still around us, staring at me like the oddity that I am.

Cryptids align the walls, providing us with light to the surface. Multiple openings to different rooms are on each side of me, but Hass keeps swimming up.

“Elena,” Hass calls me.

“Yes…” I answer.

“You mentioned your thoughts and that Assan could hear them during the battle with the berserker.”

I stayed quiet for a moment. “Yes, he did…I was just wondering… you shared your power with me, yet you didn’t respond to what I was thinking.”

“Ah, I have no reason to hear your thoughts. I believe one’s thoughts should remain private, but do not fault Assan for what he did,” Hass says in Assan’s defense.

I stare at Hass, confused. Why would he defend him if he thinks one’s thoughts should be private?

“If what you say is true, then it was the best option Assan had.”

Now, I am confused and try to comprehend what he is saying.

“When you were attacked, the berserker wanted you. It was easier for Assan to hear your thoughts than speak to you directly in the water. He could read your thoughts from miles away if you strayed from him. In combat, it’s a means of location. He can protect you while still knowing where you are. Speaking in the water is a weakness when battling berserkers,” Hass explains, and I am stunned.

With my mouth agape, saltwater enters my throat, and I quickly close it. “I . . .” At this moment, I do not know what to think. Assan is becoming more of a mystery to me, yet I wish things would remain simple; he is using me, that is all. Hass and I keep swimming towards the surface. Above me is a faint glow and a rim of rocks in the distance. When I think we are about to surface, Hass shifts directions, swimming into a small passageway. We swim for a few minutes, and then I see more light in the distance.

Hass grips my hand tightly, and then we surface above the water.

“We are here,” he says, smiling at me.

My wet, black tresses rest on my shoulders, and I look around the area. It is another cave, but this time it’s different. There are various holes on the ceiling to let the rays of sunlight in. What appears to be a bed is sitting in the middle of the cave, covered with sheets. There is also a basin for bathing and a dresser.

What kind of place is this? Does someone live here? I keep roaming my eyes around until Hass pulls me towards the edge of the water.

“For now, you will stay here. On the bed is a gown for you, and I am sure you want to change your clothes.” He smiles.

I remain wordless, not sure of what to say or think. “Thank you,” I mutter, and I swim to the water’s edge.

Hass helps me out of the blue liquid, and I see a white gown sprawled out on the bed. It’s a simple garment you wear for sleeping and working around the house.

“Another merman will come to check on you. If you need anything, I’ll do my best to suit your needs,” Hass says, giving me a reassuring smile.

Thinking of Hass’s words, I wonder if I can ask him about Assan: why am I here? Why does he need a child? And will I be killed? I do not trust Assan or Hass, but in recent years, only one other person has ever treated me with the same kindness Hass has. Seidon. . . My thoughts drift to Seidon, and Hass starts to swim away. Before he does, I run to the edge of the pool.

“Hass,” I call him, and he swims back around.

“Yes,” he smiles brightly, causing my thoughts to retreat to Sai.

I purse my lips together. I know whatever I ask will get back to Assan, but… I need to know.

“Can you tell me why Assan took me?” I ask quickly.

Hass stays quiet in the water, looking at me with mismatched eyes.

He sighs softly and says, “I am sorry, Elena. I don’t know what Assan has told you—”

I cut him off. “He told me he needs a child and that he . . . he is going to bed me. Can you please tell me why he needs a child so badly?” I ask quickly, feeling the tears pooling at the base of my eyes. “Is this worth my life?” My voice stumbles out, wondering if whatever Assan has planned for me or his reasons are worth me dying over. Must I always live a life of sorrow?

Hass is speechless. His expression darkens, and as I stare at him, I do not see the same merman smiling at me before.

“Elena.” Only for the third time has he used my name. However, I don’t flinch, and our gazes meet. “I can’t speak for Assan or tell you his reasons. He’ll tell you what you need to know.” His voice is cold and direct.

Arguing will get me nowhere. I am in Assan’s world, and the mermen are in control. But, based on his words, tears escape from my eyes, running down my tan cheeks like rainwater against glass.

I cast my gaze on the pebbles on the ground. “Will he. . .” The words choke in my throat, “force himself on me?” I ask softly, wrapping my arms around my body. I prepared for this one day, so I shouldn’t be crying. Maybe it’s because I’ve felt Assan’s protective touch on my skin, his lips against mine, and seen his home. Sleeping with a nobleman who cares nothing about me is easier when I don’t know him. I am starting to know Assan, and I want, no, I need to hate him.

The cave is quiet. “What he will do to you is up to Assan’s discretion. I can’t reassure you.” His voice is honest.

“Is that all you can tell me?” My voice is angry, yet I know he won’t tell me more. Hass does not speak, and I sniffle. “. . . Thank you,” I say softly, turning my back to Hass. Even if he doesn’t tell me the truth, I can thank him for his kindness.

“Get some rest, Elena. Your body is tired, and if you push yourself too much, you will be too weak to conceive a child,” he says and then pauses. I hear the rustling of water from behind me. “Another merman will check on you later if you need any-“

“I’ll be fine!” I yell out as I clench my hands into a fist. The rustling of water returns, and Hass remains quiet. I spin around when I don’t hear anything more, but Hass is gone.

I let out an exhausted sigh, resigning myself to rest. As I walk to the bed, I look around the cave. It is smaller than the one before, but it is more homely, like a female’s room. Maybe mermen and mermaids live in caves.

Once on the bed, I look down at the simple gown. It reminds me of the dresses I wore around the house when I watched Joe at night. Mother would leave for the brothels when the sun went down, leaving Joe and me alone. Some nights, she would return before dawn, tired. However, on other nights, she wouldn’t return at all. And when she did come home the next day, she always had new garments, oils, or cosmetics to wear.

We are poor, yet my mother always found money to indulge herself. Maybe if I did sell myself a few nights ago, I would know what those luxuries are like. Instead, I have to give away my body for free and be forced into death.

I sigh again, tracing my finger down the stitch of the gown. I better change. Quickly I look behind me, making sure no one is there. Once I see it’s clear, I pick up the dress, feeling a bit of dust on it. That’s strange.

I quickly remove my tattered gown and put on the new one. It’s not a perfect fit, but it will do. Even though it slightly hangs off my shoulders and is too wide around the waist, there is nothing else to wear.

The rumbling water echoes off the cave walls, making me feel relaxed. My stomach growls, longing for food, but I don’t want to eat. Instead, I lie on the bed sheets, curling my body into a ball. Will Assan bed me here. . . will he force himself inside me?

I cringe at the thought of Assan on top of me, holding me down with his strength. Pressing my knees to my chest, I hold back my tears. A cool draft blows through the cave, chilling me a bit. I shut my eyes, ignoring my body’s need for hunger.

I drift to sleep, thinking of Sai, Lucas, and Mika. I wonder if they are still looking for me. I wish I could see them, at least from a distance, one last time before I die…

THE SOUND OF RUMBLING jerks me awake. I’ve heard that sound before. I jump out of bed and look around the cave. The ceiling is shaking, and pieces of rocks rain from the skies.

“What is going on?” I say to myself as loud sounds of swooshing water come from the pool leading to the castle. I run to the edge of the rocks, seeing the water bubbling before me. To the side of me, there’s a plate of what appears to be cooked fish.

Someone visited me while I was asleep.

The cave shakes again. Fear pumps through my veins as images of the berserker flash in my mind. “What is happening?” I mutter.

Where is Assan? Is he all right? But why do I care?

I am left in the dark about the mer world, but I must find out for myself if I want to learn the truth.

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