Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Eighteen

I was standing on the edge of a cliff. A huge valley opened at my feet. Desert surrounded me on all sides. I felt utterly alone. There was a high wind and it was picking up. I tried to resist, but a gust caught me and ripped me over the edge.

There was no sensation of falling. I was suddenly surrounded by huge, ancient looking columns supporting a vaulted ceiling, also forming a central passage.

Behind these columns were the openings to huge hallways.

I walked through the unnatural silence.

Suddenly, a golden orb presented itself to me. I felt that this was a male energy. The orb materialized into a humanoid form.

“I refer to myself as Sensaii,” the ancient shining being told me.

This all seemed familiar somehow and I was feeling peaceful. At least this was not a nightmare.

“I’m the one that will guide and help you through the labyrinths of the alter planes,” the humanoid form said.

I realized then that I’d met this being before this dream.

“I remember you,” I replied. “You’re the one who kept on telling me to detach from Cheryl’s body.”

The being smiled and led me to a chamber that looked like an auditorium.

“Here,” he explained, “students, like yourself, can gain or download information and knowledge.”

A dry mouth and throat woke me from this strange dream.

A headache was starting up at the base of my skull and rebounded between my eyebrows. It was extremely annoying as I lay on my bed, trying to take stock of what had happened since this morning.

Nothing made sense, and the thinking made the headache worse. I tried to concentrate only on physical things.

Willing my body to work, I made it out of bed into the bathroom, the headache jumping in intensity.

I drank some water, relieving the inability to swallow. As I started washing up I glanced in the mirror, suddenly feeling faint.

Sensaii, dressed neatly in classical oriental garb, with white collar and all, stared at me with crossed arms and a huge smile on his face.

So, my dream was not a dream at all.

*Are you ready for today?* he wanted to know.

I did not hear any sound, but knew what was said to me.

The being spoke directly inside my brain.

It was as if there was a warm presence throbbing inside my head, and I suddenly had the answer to the question I wanted to ask.

It was a telepathic conversation with no room for error or misunderstanding.

Before I could reply to Sensaii’s question, my front door was almost taken off its hinges by a loud banging.

“Coming!” I shouted, almost choking on toothpaste. I grabbed a towel and dried my face while rushing to open the door.

Tucker looked extremely relieved to see me.

“Hi. I was getting worried there for a moment when you did not answer.”

I was puzzled, what did I miss?

I did not hear any knocking on the door.

As far as I know, I answered straight away, or did I?

Tucker did not give me any opportunity to figure out this mystery.

“Showered yet? No? Go! I’ll make some coffee while you finish up.”

Back in the bathroom, I asked Sensaii, who was still lounging against the shower wall, just what had happened.

Sensaii’s explanation was even more confusing than a straight answer would have been.

*There is no ‘time’ in the spirit realm, where we all come from, where you are now starting to work.

Bodies in the Matter, or physical realm, need the time continuum to be able to function in a logical way. When we communicate with you, or the other way around, ‘time’, as you know it, will be reduced or extended.

As you grow in your possibilities we will provide you with time-keepers to protect your body so you can return to it without the body being harmed too much.*

“As if I understand what you are talking about. Now please be quiet, my head hurts,” I answered him. And with that, I closed the shower curtain on this new being in my confusing life and enjoyed the hot water.

I was thankful to note Sensaii’s absence when I dried and dressed.

I found Tucker in the kitchen preparing food with Sensaii giving running commentary on all Tucker’s efforts.

It was quite a sight as Tucker repeatedly walked through Sensaii, muttering to himself as he finished dishing up eggs, bacon and toast for us two physical beings.

I had to smile to myself as I realized that my life would never again be the same.

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