Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 29

We did it. We made it to formal.

It’s hard to believe that I arrived in Canary Bay less than three months ago. This place feels more like home every day, but that’s because of the people I have in my life.

We’re standing on stage dressed in our formal wear, waiting for the principal to stop talking so we can go and join our families.

I look out at the tables and smile. Dad is here, sitting with Millie and Smalls. Mumma Nat is there with Julia and so is GW. Rhys pulled some strings so that Smalls, Julia and Millie could attend. Usually its parents only. But given our circumstances and the missing parents from our lives. Rhys’ mum made it work with little fuss from anyone else.

I can’t wait for Smalls to meet everyone. He arrived late this afternoon. I was with Ally getting ready, so besides a quick hug in passing, I haven’t been able to talk to him.

Arden moves across the stage to take the microphone from Mrs Gilmore. She looks at him, startled.

She was mid speech.

But in true Arden fashion, he does what he wants.

“I think we’ve heard enough, Mrs G.” He makes his way to centre stage. The lights dim and a spotlight comes on.

What the hell is he up to?

A familiar beat starts to play.

“No freaking way,” I whisper to Chase. He seems just as confused as the rest of us.

Rhys grumbles and Ally starts to laugh when she realises what’s about to happen.

I can’t believe he’s following through with his threat from the beach house.

I thought he was joking.

Apparently not.

I glance at our family. Millie and Julia are now laughing. Chase shakes his head when it finally clicks.

“Is he about to…” He’s cut off.

Arden in front of the entire year twelve class, their families, and our teachers, starts to sing.

“Together, together, together everyone” Arden’s voice booms over the speakers around the room.

He keeps singing “We’re All In This Together.”

Until Rhys walks over to him and motions the cut sign to the audio guy in the booth.

The music cuts out, but Arden doesn’t relinquish the microphone to Rhys.

“Okay because you rudely cut me off, you miss out on your present,” Arden tells Rhys while he motions to someone off to the side of the stage.

Rhys shakes his head and comes back to us.

“Anyone know what else he has planned?” Rhys asks.

“Nope, no clue. But he’s been working on something the last few weeks,” Chase replies.

One of the year eleven students who is helping tonight comes on stage with a trolley full of boxes.

He starts handing them out to us. There are only fifty students in the graduating class.

A box for each of us. Another two students come out to help hand them to the right person.

“You get shoes,” he says pointing to someone who just got handed their present.

“And you get shoes,” he says again.

And again, over, and over. He stops when he gets to us.

“You all get shoes.” He walks over to us. “Except you. You were rude,” he says as he snatches Rhys’ box away from him.

He turns to the crowd. “Please look under your tables,” he says excitedly. People start to pull out their chairs to look under the table.

“You all get shoes!” He yells to the room sweeping his arm across the room dramatically.

“I’ve always wanted to say that. I feel like Oprah,” Arden adds.

“You may look inside the box now.”

There’s a collective gasp throughout the room.

Inside the box is a pair of sneakers with the most intricate design on them. There’s a card sitting on top.

Limited edition graduation shoes. A way for everyone to remember me.

Designed by Arden

Arden designed a pair of sneakers—expensive sneakers by the look of them—and gifted them to everyone in attendance tonight.

This is crazy. Even for Arden.

“You’re welcome everyone. There is a stall set up in the back of the room where you can exchange your shoes for the right size.” Arden says as he drops the mic.

Actually drops it in the middle of the stage.

Without turning it off. There’s a horrible thud over the speakers.

Mrs Gilmore comes back on stage and picks the microphone up.

“I’m not going to miss you at all next year Mr Blakely,” she says, turning to Arden.

He’s made his way back to us. He puts his hand over his heart.

“You wound me Mrs G. You know you’ll miss me,” he says sweetly. Mocking her in a way only Arden can.

She shakes her head and turns to the crowd.

Well at least I know where Rhys gets the head-shaking thing from.

“I’m not sure I can follow up from Mr Blakely’s performance. So, I’ll finish up by saying congratulations to everyone and enjoy the night. Remember, even if you are eighteen, this is a school event so no alcohol will be served to you,” she says and glances at us.

Knowing Arden all too well.

We finally make our way off the stage and over to the table. Everyone hops up to hug and congratulate us.

“Did you really just fucking give everyone a pair of twelve hundred dollar shoes?” Smalls asks Arden suspiciously. Smalls would’ve guessed who was who based on my description of them and the few photos I’ve sent him over the weeks.

Arden looks at him weird. It’s almost admiration?

“You know your sneakers?” Arden asks the giant standing before us.

“I do. You must be Arden. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Smalls says, extending his hand to Arden.

Arden looks him up and down before pushing his hand away and giving him a bro hug.

“Finally someone who understands shoes,” Arden offers. He pulls away. Smalls’ face is priceless. Arden surprised him. “I’m sorry though. I don’t have size gigantic. Yasmin never said you were a fucking giant,” Arden says.

I shrug. How the hell was I supposed to know what he was planning?

Smalls just laughs. “All good dude.” He turns to Chase. “You must be Chase?” The fact that Chase is holding my hand is probably a dead giveaway.

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Chase says.

“Hurt her and I’ll kill you,” Smalls says. his face expressionless and scary.

Chase gulps nervously. “I wouldn’t dare hurt her.” He pulls me into his side. “She’s stuck with me. We were destined to be together.”

Rhys gags and Arden laughs. “What’s with all the fairy tale bullshit?”

That sets Smalls off laughing as well. Chase relaxes.

They might be picking on him, but I swooned at his words. I look up at him and mouth “I love you.” He smiles and mouths back “I love you more.”

“Right can we eat before you pair force me to lose my appetite?” Smalls asks ruining the moment.

Ally clears her throat.

Right I forgot to introduce her and Rhys.

“Rhys, Ally. This is Smalls,” I say, taking the seat that Chase is holding out for me.

“Nice to finally put a face to the voice,” Rhys says and gives him a fist bump.

“A face to the voice?” Chase queries.

“Long story, I’ll fill you in later,” Rhys explains.

I wasn’t sure if Rhys ever told them he knew about my past. But I guess that just confirmed it.

I wanted him to be the one to tell them. The reason he did it was for them.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Smalls,” Ally says. Smalls pulls her in for a hug. He whispers something in her ear, which has Ally giggling.

Rhys shoots daggers at him and I can’t help but laugh.

During dinner I sit and look around at my family and friends. Everyone is laughing and having a good time and it makes my heart soar a little.

Three months ago, Millie and Smalls were pretty much the only friends that I had.

Now I have a group of friends who have become family. It’s hard to imagine what life was like without them in it.

“Are you coming to the party?” Ally asks Smalls.

“After what I heard about the last party Chuck threw, there’s no way I’m missing it,” Smalls replies.

“Chuck? Really? Not you too,” Arden says pretending to be annoyed.

“Yas was right. It suits you. You’re definitely a Chuck Bass.”

“And you know who Chuck Bass is?” Ally asks, the disbelief in her voice evident.

“Yep. Shorty and Mildred made me watch it with them from time to time. It’s hard not to know who he is when they were both team Chuck,” Smalls reveals to the group.

Rhys and Chase laugh as I smack Smalls in the shoulder.

“Should I be worried about you leaving me for Arden?” Chase asks me. His tone is serious but his eyes are gleaming with humour.

“I knew it was me she secretly loved. Speak now, Yasmin, and we can blow this popsicle stand,” Arden says, obviously stirring up his friend.

Chase looks at me waiting for me to answer.

I let him suffer a little. I look between him and Arden. Like I’m actually contemplating Arden’s offer.

“Put him out of his misery,” Rhys says.

“Okay. Come on Arden. Let’s go,” I say keeping a straight face.

Arden chokes on his drink. Rhys smacks him on the back and Chase just looks at me with disbelief.

“Really?” He asks me. His eyes meet mine and I can’t lie to him. I see the love he has for me. The promise in his eyes that I’m the only one for him. I let the last of my walls drop away.

Letting him in completely.

“Of course not. It’s only you. It will always be you,” I say.

“Seriously guys? If you keep staring like that, you’re going to get every girl in the room pregnant.” Ally jokes.

It breaks the moment. I look away from Chase, his arm resting around my shoulders.

He draws circles on my bare arm.

“You need some new material. You said that on the first day of term,” Chase says to Ally.

“It was true then. It’s true now,” Ally says brushing him off.

“Are we ready to blow this popsicle stand?” Arden asks. “Together,” he adds while winking at Chase.

“There’s no way I was stealing your girl.”

“I know,” Chase replies and the rest of the table fake gags.

“Leaving. Right. Now. I need a drink,” Ally says while giving dad an innocent smile.

“I’m not on duty tonight. Enjoy. But please be safe,” Dad says as we all stand.

We make our rounds and kiss everyone goodbye.

Julia is staying at Nat’s with Millie because Arden has planned the after party and she’d rather not be there.

The limo ride to Arden’s is short.

“Head upstairs, Chad will have drinks ready.” Arden says waiting for us all to exit the vehicle.

“What are you doing?” I ask him, eyeing him suspiciously.

“You’ll see.” He grins in a way that makes me believe that Arden isn’t finished with surprises tonight.

We head straight through the house and out the back.

Smalls whistles. “Damn. You weren’t kidding about this place.”

“Wait until you see the apartment complex he’s doing up for us. It should be finished in a few weeks,” Rhys says.

“I’m already looking forward to my next visit.”

No freaking way.

It’s a freaking carnival.

He’s hired a carnival. There’s a sideshow alley set up near the pool, complete with moving clown heads and prizes. All the staff are dressed as broken dolls and clowns. It’s Arden all over.

The bar and tables are scattered with old fashioned popcorn cups filled with various snacks.

There’s a fairy floss and Sno-cone cart set up next to the bar.

I spin around and take it all in.

“Holy shit!” Smalls says in amusement. “You weren’t kidding when you said he was over the top. I thought the shoes would be the highlight of the evening.”

I watch him take everything in.

“Is that a strong man game and a dunk tank?” Chase asks, pointing in the direction of the grassy area behind the pool.

I look in the direction he’s pointing.

“Looks like it. I wonder what else he has planned,” I say.

“Who knows, but let’s go get a drink before we check it out. I promise I’ll win you a teddy,” Chase says draping his arm over my shoulders and turning me in the direction of stairs.

Once we get up the stairs, Chad is waiting with a tray of drinks. He passes beers to each of the guys and a fancy looking blue cocktail decorated with a cherry and some fairy floss to Ally and I.

I take a long sip and let out a moan.

“God this is sooo good. It was one of the drinks from the birthday party, but this is new?” I ask Chad while pointing to the fairy floss.

“Good memory. This is the Ohana Colada. You both raved about it, so I thought it’d be a good choice for tonight. I just added my own little twist,” Chad explains.

“Thanks Chad,” Ally and I say at the same time.

“Fuck this really is good. What’s in it?” She asks Chad as she drops into a chair in a very un-ladylike way.

“Mango Rum, Malibu and Blue Curacao,” Chad tells her as she kicks her feet up on the chair beside her, her black Doc Martens on full display. Only Ally would wear boots under her five-thousand-dollar designer dress.

Smalls chuckles as he pushes her feet off the chair to sit beside her. “I like her,” he says, earning another death stare from Rhys.

“Don’t even think about it Jason,” Rhys growls.

That just causes Smalls to laugh even more. He moves his chair closer to Ally’s and rests his arm along the back of it. He leans down to whisper something in her ear, making her giggle.

“Smalls…” I warn. I love him, I really do, but I know what he’s trying to do. He knows all about the Rhys and Ally situation. He doesn’t respond to me, just keeps whispering with Ally. Can’t say I didn’t try.

Rhys reacts by physically picking up Ally and her chair and moving it to the other side of him, away from Smalls. Smalls let’s out a low chuckle but doesn’t let it phase him.

“You know I’m playing right?” he tells Rhys.

“You’re an asshole,” is Rhys’ only response.

“Take’s one to know one,” Smalls says which causes Chase, Ally and I to laugh.

Before I can sit in my own chair, Chase pulls me into his lap. I snuggle closer as his arms envelope me, relaxing further and letting my drink take away the nerves I’ve had most of the day. I can’t believe I graduated. High school is finished.

I’ve been struggling with my emotions today. On one hand, I’m happy this part of my life is over. I’m moving to New Hope in six weeks. I get to be a teenager with my boyfriend and our friends. But on the other hand, I feel guilty for leaving Millie behind. I’ve been the only constant she’s had, and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m doing the wrong thing.

The last few weeks have been good at Nat’s. We all sort of fell into a routine. Nat set chores and rules for us all. She’s assured me that Millie will continue to have a routine and stability for as long as she chooses to stay there.

I’m happy that she’ll be safe. I just can’t shake this feeling.

“You look beautiful,” he whispers in my ear, bringing me back to the here and now. His hand finds the very high slit in my dress. “I especially love this,” he says as he moves his hand to rest high on my thigh.

I quietly moan and wriggle a little in his lap. Letting him know exactly what his hand and words are doing to me.

“Later,” he murmurs.

“Tease,” I taunt. He responds by continue his slow torture.

Arden reappears not long after we’ve all settled in with our drinks.

“Surprise! Don’t you just love it?” Arden says as he takes a drink from Chad and sits with us.

“When did you have time? This is incredible,” I tell Arden, still amazed that he managed to put all this together on top of finishing school, hanging out with us, and designing those shoes.

“I have my ways. But Ralph helped a lot with the party.”

I look over at Ralph, who’s taken up his spot at the top of the stairs.

“The strong man game was your idea wasn’t it?” I ask Ralph.

“You bet. I can’t wait to squash you all,” he says, laying down the challenge.

I expect the boys to react, but it’s Ally who speaks first. “Bring it on Ralphy.” She downs her drink and heads for the stairs. “Let’s do this before the riff-raff shows up,” she throws over her shoulder before running down the stairs with an excited squeal.

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