Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 14

An hour later and two drinks down, people start to arrive downstairs. I’ve paced myself; I don’t want to get tipsy too fast.

I even ate some of those amazing mini quiches a waiter brought out before. Arden doesn’t need to worry. I plan don’t plan on crashing tonight so I’ll eat whatever the waiters bring out. Especially if it tastes as good as the quiche did.

A security guard appears at the top of the stairs and nods at Arden. He’s big, muscled and scary as fuck.

Ashley comes bouncing up the stairs. She walks straight past the guard and makes herself comfortable on Rhys’s lap. Her blonde hair is perfectly curled and her makeup is over the top. I almost giggle when I look at her and Rhys together.

“Don’t stay up here all night please,” she begs in her over-the-top sweet voice. “My friends aren’t allowed up here and I’d like to hang out with them as well.” Ashley is okay in small doses. Her friends not so much. They sat with us during lunch and I wanted to stick a fork in my ears.

They are all “OMG, did you totes see who Becca’s BF is now?” All they do is gossip and abbreviate. It’s irritating.

“No one said you had to stay up here. I’m here celebrating my best friends’ birthdays. I’m staying with them.” Rhys responds with a sort of venom in his voice.

“Fine, your loss.” Ashley abruptly storms off.

“Yo Ralph.” Rhys calls over to the security guard. Ralph stops scanning the party below and looks at us.

“Watch her tonight please. Don’t let her friends up here. Under any circumstances. We don’t need their shit tonight. If she gets too much, book her an Uber and send her home. You still have the address from last time?”

“Done. Enjoy your night. I’ll take care of it,” Ralph says before turning back around again.

“Does that happen often?” I ask.

“More than it should,” Rhys says. “Ashley is vindictive when she drinks. She can’t handle her alcohol. Ralph knows how to handle her, so I don’t have to leave.”

“Why are you with her Rhys?” I ask. Everyone around me gasps. Chase stops rubbing my thigh. The two drinks are giving me a little liquid courage.

“I don’t have a choice.” His voice is harsh and laced with honesty. I believe him.

“What do you mean you don’t have a choice? Everyone has a choice.”

“I don’t. My dad got into some trouble with her dad. Her dad’s a big drug lord. Instead of Dad paying with his life for what he did—which for the record was the right thing. He just ended up on the wrong side of a court case–they agreed that I’d marry Ashley and tie the families together.” I spit my drink across the table in a very un-lady like manner.

“What?” Chase and Arden respond. I look at them both and then over at Ally, who is staring at Rhys with her mouth open. This is news to them.

“Sorry guys, I wasn’t allowed to say anything.” I see the hurt and pain flash in his eyes. “I just don’t know how much longer I can keep up the act. She drives me fucking mental. Ashley and I were to date and then once she graduates high school next year we’ll get married, have kids, live in a house with a white picket fence.” He visibly shudders, and in that moment I feel for him and what he’s going through.

Rhys might be the only person who hasn’t gone out of his way to get to know me. It doesn’t mean I don’t care for him and what he’s going through.

“It’s all planned for us. If I break up with her or refuse, Dad has to pay up,” Rhys explains, picking at the label on his beer bottle.

“What happens if she breaks up with you?”

“She won’t. Her family has too much to lose if this doesn’t work out.”

“That’s bullshit.” Arden says.

“It is. But it’s done. I’m sorry I never told you. I didn’t know how.” He does his best to not look at anyone. Especially Ally. I can see the hurt and anger on her face clear as day. She isn’t trying to hide it at all.

“Why tell us now, what changed?” Chase asks.

“Yasmin asked. You were right, it’s hard to say no to her. None of you actually ever asked why I was with her.” Everyone goes quiet.

“Well shit. Chad, we’re going to need something stronger.” Arden calls out.

I can’t believe no one asked him why he was with her. I’ve known him for two weeks and I knew there was more to the story because there was no way that he and Ashley were the forever type.

Chad brings over a tray that has short tumblers with a dark amber liquid in it.

“Whiskey, the one your dad bought back from Japan last year,” He says handing a glass to each of the boys.

“Thanks Chad,” Arden says before throwing back his drink. Chase and Rhys follow suit.

Ally stays quiet no doubt processing what Rhys just told us.

Some guys that I’ve seen at school come up the stairs along with someone I haven’t seen before. Ralph lets them pass. They come around the table and fist bump the boys, before sitting around the table and joining us. The last guy pulls Arden up for a bro hug and then does the same thing with Chase.

“Yasmin, I don’t think you have met everyone. That’s Chris, Johnny and Michael,” Arden introduces them and they each nod in my direction.

“Nice to finally meet you Yasmin,” Chris says.

“And that douchebag is Pace,” Arden says riling up the unfamiliar person.

“Fuck off asshole, you love me,” Pace says to Arden before making his way to me. I hold out my hand to shake his in a polite manner, but he pushes it aside and pulls me into a hug.

At first I freeze. I can feel the panic start to wash over me until I feel Chase touch my lower back. Reassuring me. He’s touched me as often as he could this week. My body knows his touch, even if it takes a moment for my mind to catch up.

“I can see why Chase is smitten now,” Pace says and steps back. He gives Rhys a fist bump and hugs Ally before pulling out a chair and making himself comfortable.

“Looking good Ally Cat,” He says with a wink. Earning a glare from Rhys.

Chad places a drink in front of Pace and swaps out my empty glass for a new one. This drink is a pretty blue fruity cocktail. “Chad, what is this one?” I call out to his retreating back.

“An Ohana Colada.” He reaches over the bar to grab something and makes his way back to the table. “Here,” he says as he holds out a piece of paper. “It’s the cocktail menu for the night.” He says as he hands another piece of paper to Ally.

“Thanks Chad,” Ally and I again say in unison.

Pace is staring at me. So I return his stare with my own confused look. It’s obvious he knows who I am and that he’s comfortable enough with everyone here. I just have no idea who he is. I wrack my brain for any mention of him.

“Pace went to school with us, until he moved to New Hope a few years back. He comes back for special occasions and we catch up with him when we go to New Hope. He’s an unofficial member of the gang.” Ally offers an explanation.

“Why’d you move?” I ask curiously.

“To play ball. I love Canary Bay but I love ball more.” He tells me. “It was hard leaving these guys. I’m happy they’ll be closer next year. Even if they are attending the rival school.” He winks at Ally again and Rhys downs the last of his drink, trying to hide his emotion.

“Rival school?”

“Right, sorry I forgot you aren’t from around here. I’m going to Neverland University next year. And these three.” He nods to Arden, Rhys and Ally, “are going to New Hope University. Which is technically our rival school,” Pace explains to me.

“Oh. Well I’m hoping to go to NHU next year as well,” I tell Pace. “Wait, how do you all know where you’re going next year? Acceptance letters haven’t gone out yet.” I ask the group.

“Early acceptance. Thanks to Arden’s dad.” Chase tells me.

“Even you?” I aim my question at Pace, finding it a little odd that Arden would have his dad pull some strings for someone they rarely see. It’s evident that there is more to Pace and Arden’s friendship if that’s the case.

“Yep.” Pace says popping the p. “It’s nice to have friends in high places. Daddy Warbucks didn’t like that I wanted to go to Neverland though. He pulled the strings anyway.”

“Daddy Warbucks?” I laugh. That’s great. I haven’t met Arden’s dad yet, but I feel like it’d suit him.

“Dad hates it. But it’s funny watching Pace rile him up,” Arden explains.

Gradually more people come up the stairs. Only a few are turned away by Ralph.

“How does Ralph know who to let up?” I ask Chase.

“This isn’t the first party we’ve had. He knows who is who, and he has a team of people scattered throughout the party. Ralph was Arden’s driver until he got his license. We know him well. He’s part of the family.”

“That’s crazy. Arden had a driver?”

“Yeah someone needed to drive his pompous ass around; we just reaped the benefits. Ralph’s cool.”

I lean over and kiss him. I’ve wanted to do it all night, but I didn’t want to be rude. I can taste the alcohol on his tongue as he pulls me into his lap and kisses me harder. I lose myself in him.

DING DING DING a bell rings from below us.

“It’s show time,” Arden yells from beside us. “Come on everyone. Come and see.” He jumps up excitedly walking over to Ralph and looking out over the party. Ralph lets out a deep chuckle.

Everyone gets up to join them. I look down, taken aback by how many people are standing around with drinks in hand.

The spotlight illuminates the stage, and a mime walks out with a husky that has been dyed with tiger stripes. We all let out a laugh.

Next comes out a woman dressed in a sexy clown costume. She takes the lead for the dog and heads into the crowd to show everyone the “tiger”.

The mime starts performing and both Rhys and Chase shudder. I laugh at their reaction.

“Mimes are creepy as fuck.” Rhys whisper-yells at Arden.

“I know, he’s great, right?”

“No. I can’t believe you did it even though we said no.” Chase says to him.

“Of course, I did. The more you said no, the more I knew I had to do it.”

“Wait, does that mean there are going to be…?” Ally starts to ask before backing away slowly, turning away from the stage.

“Yep. Little people.” Arden fills in the blanks.

“You fucking prick!” Ally yells at him. “You know I have Lollypopguildophobia.”

“You have what?” I ask confused.

“Lollypopguildophobia, it’s the fear of little people.” Ally pushes her way over to the bar orders a shot and throws it back before coming back to us. On the stage there are two little people putting on a performance.

“Lollypopguildophobia doesn’t even sound like a real phobia.” Arden laughs. “You love me Ally, you know me, I couldn’t not do it.”

“That’s not the point. You are still an asshole. You owe me the new GHD straightener now to make up for this dick act.”

“Done, it’s worth every penny.” He says pulling her into his side and hugging her. “Come one there’s still more to see.”

We watch as a progression of performers put on acts on the stage, entertaining the crowd.

Waiters walk around handing out food. There were burlesque dancers, monkeys, magicians, and even some male dancers to keep the females in the crowd happy.

Suddenly, the spotlight goes out on the stage and moves to Arden. Ralph hands him a microphone.

“Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate mine and Chase’s birthday. Most of you have grown up with us so you know the drill by now. Eat, drink and be merry. Anyone who misbehaves will be sent home, no exceptions,” he says, and the crowd is captivated.

“Shortly, there will be a beer pong competition and jelly wrestling. To make it interesting, the winner of the jelly wrestling competition will win a date with yours truly. Have fun, we’ll be down soon to make the rounds. In the meantime, enjoy one final surprise.” He gestures to the stage.

It lights up again.

Get. The. Fuck. Out.

No way.

“You hired The Chainsmokers?” I scream.

“Yep. You can thank Dad. He called in a favour.” Arden has the biggest smile on his face. It lights him up. I don’t know how he managed to keep it a secret from us.

The crowd goes wild as they notice the band.

“Happy Birthday to Arden and Chase,” Andrew Taggart says into the microphone before they start to perform “Closer.”

Chase holds me close as we watch the band.

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