Champions of Serenity :Gathering the Circle

Chapter Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter 29

Black clouds gathered over the Trevos mountains. Those who were unlucky enough to live near that place that was now called Hades felt the thunder deep in their bones. Lightening slashed the sky and split trees in half.

“What do you mean they got away!?!?! Did I not have twenty-five of my best troops guarding them?!?!?!” Dreybrenic Greshinea slammed his fist against the arm of his throne. He pushed the woman away that was holding the jeweled goblet, spilling both the woman and the wine on the floor. Everyone near him scrambled back, cringing from the heat of his wrath.

The scout trembled and fell to the floor, groveling, sobbing, and pleading for mercy. Dreybrenic kicked the man in the stomach, turning him over onto his back. He then knelt beside the man’s head and in a voice that was deceptively calm, asked once again for the report.

“The…the….the su…su…supply train had just…..” The man couldn’t stop the fear from making him stall over the report. Terror stole his voice as the black eyes turned to stare into his own.

“Come man, speak up, I don’t understand stuttering. The supply train had just gotten to where they were to meet with the prisoner caravan and…?”

“The only thing left were flies and buzzards eating the dead. The wagons had been ransacked and everything that could be easily carried was gone. The prisoners had been cut free; we found the ropes with the frayed ends. The tracker found the prints of five people heading north from the valley. I was sent because I had the fastest horse, My Lord Emperor.”

“Of course and you are the newest of the Elite. Don’t worry; you shall live to see another day or more. I don’t kill the messenger, or I wouldn’t get my messages.” Dreybrenic stood and glared around the room. “Get this man a new uniform, some hot food and cold wine and a woman for the night. Now!”

Those in the room jumped to obey Greshinea’s commands and the man was quickly removed from the throne room and placed in one of the good rooms and given everything promised. Dreybrenic paced his throne room.

Snapping his fingers, two of his magicians came forward and bowed low to him. “How many does this make?” When neither one gave an answer, he turned on them both. “Idiots, how many of my Elite have I lost to this prophecy!?!?!”

“Until the attack on the girl, only a dozen Elite, My Lord Emperor; since then, between the first five and the girl, nearly three hundred.”

The second was about to speak but fell to his face as a swirl of crimson and violet smoke filled the space behind Dreybrenic. Strong scents of lilacs and blood filled the room and as many as could, quietly left.

“What happened this time, Dreybrenic?” Chaos’s voice was mockingly concerned. He caught Dreybrenic’s arm as the man snarled and attempted to strike the god. “Tsk tsk tsk, Dreybrenic. Hasn’t anyone ever told you it isn’t a good idea to strike a god, especially the god who holds your life in the palm of his hand?”

Chaos closed his hand and twisted it. Greshinea fell to the floor, writhing in pain. Chaos walked to the throne in the room and sat in it, draping one leg over an arm and watched his minion screaming in mortal agony on the floor at his feet. He waved to one of the women to bring him wine and he sipped it, smiling at her, still not allowing Dreybrenic any relief.

The sudden silence was startling after the hours of screaming. Some of Dreybrenic’s servants and slaves cringed back, not wanting to be the one who would catch his attention first.

“You may approach me, Dreybrenic.” Chaos sounded bored to those who didn’t know him. He watched his minion crawl to him slowly, painfully. When he was close enough, Chaos dropped his foot before Dreybrenic’s face. Chaos leaned down so that only Greshinea would hear him. “I made you, I can unmake you. Next time I tell you to do something; you will do it as I tell you and not make changes. Is that clear?”

Dreybrenic could only nod and kiss the feet of his god, his throat raw and bloody from the screaming. Chaos jerked his foot back and leaned back in the throne. “Very good, Dreybrenic, it’s nice to know you still respect me.” In an offhanded manner, Chaos continued. "One of the prophesied is wandering in the Samtin forest, alone. He was trying to track the First and she left him behind. Hunt him down, don’t kill him, and when you have him, let me know. He might be the key to my goals. Do you understand, Dreybrenic? I want him alive and I want to know as soon as you have him within your power, not here in Hades, but wherever your men can catch him.”

“I understand, My Lord Chaos.” Dreybrenic whispered, coughing up blood as he tried to get enough sound through his ravaged throat to be heard.

“I’m glad you understand, Dreybrenic and I hope that this time, you will do as you promised.” Chaos stood then and looked around. “You need more fire pits if you are to make it more like my home, that is what you are trying to pattern this place after, isn’t it? And a few more screams might add the touch that is missing. Well, good luck, Dreybrenic, I look forward to hearing from you.” Chaos then vanished in another cloud of garnet and lilac smoke.

Greshinea pulled himself up into his throne and waved one of his magicians to him. “Send mercenaries after the one in the Samtin, I can’t afford to lose more of the Elite. Send two of the mercenary companies under the command of one of the Elite to catch the five who killed the red company. Recall the Elite, I need those left to train others; we must finish consolidating our hold on Nasinih before expanding on Catira. Do it…now.”

The magician left to carry out Dreybrenic’s orders. One of the braver women brought him a glass of honey laced wine. He looked her over and gave her a smile, taking the drink and slowly sipping it to help heal the damages the past hours had caused.

“You save Tyra and Jehro, yet you throw Meckin to your minion? Chaos, I don’t understand.”

Chaos looked over at Shægnek and lifted his eyebrows. She was dressed today in flowing robes of brown and rust, making her hair and eyes shine gold in the sunlight. They were in her library and smell of books and scrolls was comfortable.

“He will no more catch Meckin than he was able to hold Tyra and Jehro, Shægnek. The prophecy protects them as he will never understand. I am simply testing the bonds of this protection, helping to strengthen Serenity’s chosen.”

Shægnek nodded and turned back to her desk. She started writing on the golden parchment before her. Chaos watched her a moment and turned back to the window to watch the next meeting.

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