Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Ten

Chapter 10

“Phil, look, I don’t know what’s wrong, I just know that I’ve tried for the last two hours to get her to wake up and she isn’t even moving. Get over here and bring the others with you!” Karen slammed the phone down and went back into Debra’s room.

Debra was lying on the bed, her chest moved as she breathed, but her face was pale as in death. She was bleeding from several cuts on her body that Karen didn’t know where they came from. Her eyes were screwed up as if in a nightmare, but her body was completely rigid. The bed was soaked with sweat, but Debra was shivering in the heat of the summer morning. Karen was scared.

Pounding on the door, brought Karen running from Debra’s room and to the front door. She opened it and Grant and Jared, the first to arrive rushed in.

“What’s going on, Karen?” Grant asked, catching his breath. “All Phil said was there was trouble and to hurry.”

“It’s Debra.” Jared said and ran into the apartment and down the hallway to the bedrooms. “Oh god, what happened to her?”

Grant rushed into the room and stumbled against the door frame. Jared was bent over Debra, brushing the hair back from her face, softly calling to her. For his part, Grant was appalled at the sight of her pale, bloody form, wrapped in an oversized t-shirt and sheet.

Karen let the others in when they arrived and told them what she knew. When all seven were there, Karen locked the door; she didn’t want to deal with anyone until Debra was back from wherever she had gone and better.

“Karen, what happened last night, after we all left?” Phil asked, sitting on the other side of the bed, holding onto Debra’s cold hand. He lifted his head to look at the blond by the door, his anguish plain for all to see.

“Nothing, Phil. I mean, we talked a little and then went to bed. I heard her door close, it was around midnight, and when I went to check on her about fifteen minutes later, she was in bed reading. I went to sleep after that and when her mom called this morning and I tried to get her to wake up, I couldn’t. I told her mom she had stepped out for a minute and I’d have her call when she got back and then I called you. I didn’t notice the bloody marks until after I called you, Phil. Do you really think I would let anything happen to her if I could help it?” Karen had tears streaking her face, her eyes never leaving Debra’s pale face.

Grant was feeling for her pulse in her wrist and Jared was still trying to make mental contact with her. “Jared, what do you see?” Phil asked, trying for anything at this point.

“Debra isn’t in her own mind right now, Phil. I can’t say where she is, all I know is that Debra is afraid, fighting whatever has her, and she’s not winning.” The anguish in Jared’s voice was easy to hear, but his face never lifted from his intense concentration on Debra.

“Phil, we should call a doctor. I’m only in pre-med and I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I could kill her without ever meaning to in my clumsy attempts to tend to her.” Grant said, looking up, his own face pale.

Phil shook his head. “No, we can’t bring an outsider in. Debra can’t die, Serenity made sure of that. We just have to help her fight whatever it is that has taken her over. Can you do something about the cuts, Grant? That’s all I need to know.” Grant nodded and got up to make a list of items he would need. “Darin, Emily, go with Grant, get whatever you need to help Debra. Mike, try to reach Korol, have him ask Tris what we can try. Jared, keep trying to reach her. Karen, make some tea for us, something to calm the nerves, so we can all be clear headed.”

The Circle scattered to do as Phil asked. Phil sat on one side of the bed and held Debra’s hand while Jared sat on the other, holding the other hand; both men intent on Debra’s face.

After Karen said her last good night, Debra finished reading the chapter and started to feel dizzy. She turned out the light and lay back against the pillows on her bed to get comfortable. The dizziness didn’t go away, it felt like she was falling, but her body wouldn’t jerk like it normally did to stop the fall. Then the blackness came and she didn’t remember anything for a time.

A yellow light warmed her eyelids and disturbed the oblivion. Debra felt deep soft pillows under her head and silky sheets wrapped around her body and didn’t wonder about them. Then when she tried to turn her head from the uncomfortable glare outside her closed eyes, she panicked. Debra couldn’t move. She attempted to sit upright but a heavy weight on her chest stopped her. Tightness in her throat and stomach stole her voice. Still she couldn’t move and couldn’t get her eyes open. Debra’s screams were deafening in her own mind but no one else heard them. A single tear slid down her cheek and it itched as its trail dried.

“She’s crying, Phil, she’s still fighting whatever it is that has her. Keep it up, Debra, don’t let it win.” Jared said, pointing out the tear as it slid down her face. Phil reached out and brushed it away, hoping Debra could feel his touch. Debra wasn’t even aware she wasn’t alone.

The light began to increase and burn against her unprotected face. “Jared! Phil! Emily! Anyone! Help me!” Debra screamed in her mind until her throat felt bloody. Her legs went into painful spasms as she tried to use them and her hands ached to pound on the, now, too soft mattress.

A soft voice slowly penetrated Debra’s mindless fear but she couldn’t make out the words. Then a steady rhythm emerged and she recognized it as a song, a lullaby. It was seductive in its gentleness and calming in its repetition. Then she understood the words and began to fight again and harder. “Give in Debra, don’t fight me./ I’m your friend, you will see. You and I will be the team./ All the others are just a dream.”

An inky slime filled Debra’s mouth and nose and she felt the air trapped in her lungs trying to explode outward. The light shone brightly, pulsing yellow and orange and red, searing and blistering her skin. A tingling in her arms and legs felt like knives pricking her flesh. There was nothing for her to anchor to, no way but the jarring tune and words to end the entrapment.

Worn out and almost defeated, Debra made a desperate plea to Serenity. New warmth filled her, one that started on her breastbone. The Star was hanging there, the Star would anchor her. She reached for it with all her strength and felt the other presence in her mind steal its light and warmth. “NO!!!!”

Grant almost dropped the cloth he was using to clean up one of the new wounds on Debra’s thighs when she screamed the word and sat bolt upright in bed. “It’s alright, Debra, I’m here. Just try to relax; I’m doing what I can for you.” His voice was shaky as he spoke to her. Picking up the cloth, he rinsed the blood from it and used it to wipe the sweat from Debra’s face. “Can you tell me what is happening?”

Debra stared at Grant, memorizing his face. “Grant,” she whispered, her voice sounding strained in her own ears. She was in her bedroom and the sun was streaming through the greenhouse style windows. The sliding windows had been opened to allow for a breeze. Someone had set up a fan to help the air circulate in the room and cool it down. Debra looked down and saw she was wearing only panties and that cuts were covering her body. She blushed as she realized that Grant was the one washing the blood away from her.

“Well, at least you know my name. It’s good to hear your voice again. Do you think you could take a little water?” Grant kept his voice soft and soothing, refusing to address her blushes and the reasons for them. He poured her some water and held it to her lips. As she took a drink, he felt something like hope again filling him. “You’ve been gone for a few days, Debra. We have all been really scared that you wouldn’t ever wake up.”

Debra took a closer look at Grant and frowned. She saw the dark circles under his eyes and heard the fatigue in his voice. His hands shook as much as hers and not for the same reason. “What happened?” she asked.

“You tell me, Debra. We went home and then Sunday we got a call from Karen saying she couldn’t get you to wake up. We all rushed over here and found you in some kind of trance. You haven’t been left alone since. Now that you are awake, I think I’ll have Jared come in and watch you while I take a nap. Karen is also here, but everyone else is doing what we thought you would want us to…living our lives.”

Debra gave him a weak smile and tried to pull the sheet up over her. Grinning at her, Grant helped her with the sheet and then called to Jared. The way Jared raced in and stopped at the door, told Debra more than words could have about his fear and concern for her.

“Stay with her while I take a nap, will you, Jared. And try to make her rest a little. She’s still feverish. I wish Mike would get back.” Grant said and then left and allowed Jared to take his place on the edge of Debra’s bed.

Jared nodded, not taking his eyes from Debra’s. “Okay, Grant. Go and get some sleep, I’ll let the others know she’s awake when they get back.” Once Grant had gone, Jared crushed Debra in an embrace. “You can’t imagine how good it is to see you with your eyes open, Lady. Can you tell me what happened?”

“I don’t know, Jared. One minute I was reading the next I was so dizzy I couldn’t sit up. Then I was…I don’t know.” Debra looked at Jared, panic on her face.

Jared soothed her hair back and handed her some more water. “It’s okay, Debra, it doesn’t matter now. Just rest and when you are better you can tell us about it. Here, let me help you lie back down.” Moving a couple of the pillows, Jared guided Debra back down and made her as comfortable as he could. Then he frowned when he saw the fresh blood on the sheet. He reached for it and was a little surprised when Debra wouldn’t let it go. “Oh for the love of little green apples, Debra, all I want to do is clean up some of the blood. It isn’t like we haven’t all taken turns doing it. Whatever it is that you have, it’s rupturing your skin and we have to keep the blood cleaned away so it doesn’t get infected.” Reaching out, he gently touched her face. “I know, Debra, it’s the illusion of modesty, but right now, your health is more important. You can trust us all, honestly.”

With a sigh, Debra nodded and let go of the sheet, trying not to let Jared know how weak she was with trying to hold it against her chest. She watched as Jared bathed the oozing wounds taking note of the concern on his face. Slowly she allowed her eyes to close and to drift back to sleep.

Suddenly the thought hit her, what if she couldn’t wake up again. Her eyes flew open and Jared was gone, Darin was sitting next to the bed and a night light was on. The fan was still blowing softly and the windows were still open but instead of sunlight shining through the glass it was starlight. Debra made a mental note to get some gauzy curtains for the window to allow for a little more privacy. Darin sat up and closed the book he was reading at the frightened look in Debra’s eyes as she took in the room.

“Hey there, my little Dreamer, how are you doing? Wait, don’t talk yet.” He held a cup of berry flavored sports drink to her lips. “That’s right, drink that up. Grant said you need to replenish the fluids in your body and water wasn’t enough. Phil brought a couple of cases of this stuff over so you’d better drink it. Can you smell that? Grant is making some kind of broth for you to sip on as well, he thinks you need a little more protein than these drinks can provide.” Darin kept up the stream of chatter as he helped Debra finish two cups of the drink. Then he gently laid her back down. “Stop making faces, you know that Grant is a good cook and won’t give you anything you can’t handle.”

“Of course I wouldn’t.” Grant said, coming in carrying a tray with a steaming bowl on it. He set it down next to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’m really glad you slept as long as you did and that it was a normal sleep. I think your body will be able to fight whatever infection it had. You haven’t had any new lacerations, which is a good thing. The ones you had are healing nicely, so I had Karen put you in a light shirt to cover you.” He winked at her, letting her know he understood her modesty issues. Reaching for the bowl, he had Darin help her sit up again to eat. Spooning some of the rich broth into her mouth, Grant encouraged her to at least give it a chance.

“Meat?” Debra asked the first thing she was able to say since waking. Grant set the bowl down and looked at Debra’s face closely, especially into her eyes.

“No, I used bouillon; I didn’t want to risk having Tris react to it in your weakened state. Is she rejecting it?” Grant asked, lifting Debra’s wrist and feeling for her pulse.

For a moment, Debra felt her body, really felt it. She could tell each blood cell as it made its way through her veins and the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to each part of her body. She felt the air entering into her lungs, expanding them, forcing the oxygen into the blood and expelling the carbon dioxide. Debra could feel the ache deep in her bones from the toll of the fever on her body and the spasms of her muscles as they strained against some unknown force. She felt the vibrations in her head as sound touched the drums in the ear canals and voices registered in her mind.

“You still have a fever, Debra, but it isn’t as high as before. Darin, could you go get the thermometer so I can see how much it’s changed.” Darin rose to leave, his face set but not as troubled as before.

Then the words no longer made sense to Debra as her throat closed off and air refused to enter her lungs. She struggled, grasping at the sheets with her hands, trying to say something.

“Darin, get in here!” Grant yelled, throwing the bowl of soup against the wall. He pulled Debra forward, pushing the pillows off of the bed, and then laid her out flat. “She’s having a seizure of some kind, help me keep her flat.” Grant yelled at Phil as he also ran in. “Darin, I need cool water with a little lemon in it, hurry.”

“Not again, please, not again.” Debra pleaded, but no one could hear, as she was drug back down into the hell of searing light and madness. Grant and Phil held Debra down as spasms passed through her body and then she went rigid just like before. The lacerations opened up again almost immediately and the bleeding started again.

“Phil, we have to get her to a hospital. She’s loosing too much blood and we can’t get replacement fluids into her.” Grant said, tearing off the shirt and trying to staunch the bleeding from the heaviest rips. When Darin returned with the water, Grant looked at it, forgetting he had asked for it. “No, the lemon will hurt her skin now. I need some warm water to bathe her body again.” Darin left again, tears in his eyes.

“We can’t, Grant. I would love to take her to the hospital, but what do we say? What do we tell them?” Phil’s voice was also heavy with tears as he looked down on Debra’s battered body. Grant watched as the sorrow was replaced by a deadly rage. “Whoever is doing this to her will pay, Grant, that much I do promise.” Grant believed Phil and knew in his heart that the whole Circle felt that way.

Water dripping into a metal pan, a cool breeze lifting the hot, sticky sheets, a whisper of bare feet walking across a thick carpet, and a gentle hand laying a damp cloth against her fevered brow: teased Debra’s mind, tormenting her. She reached for the offered glass of cloudy liquid with her neck and head and felt a supporting hand cradling her. A thin trickle of slightly bitter tea ran down the back of her throat, making Debra choke.

“Easy, Debra, just sip it.” Grant whispered, easing the liquid down her throat. He looked at the exhausted Mike and nodded. “It’s working, whatever it is that she sent its working.” And then the blackness took over for Debra again; the phantom voices of Grant and Mike fading into the madness.

Drifting on a cushion of air, Debra felt the current pulling her to a waterfall. She heard the roar of a river as it plunged down the steep cliff and battered the waiting teeth of boulders below. A fine mist began to shroud her as Debra made her way to the end. So this is what it feels like to die, she thought to herself.

The closer she got to the edge, the more curious Debra became. “Why aren’t I fighting this, like the darkness? What is waiting for me? Why aren’t I worried about the Circle anymore? Who will I be when I arrive? Is this real?” The thoughts kept Debra from paying attention to anything else.

“The tea IS working, damn it! I don’t know why she’s still slipping away.” Grant answered someone. Debra heard it and for a moment, she knew what was going on and then the oblivion of the waterfall called to her once again.

Someone was crying and calling her name over and over, holding a handful of her hair. Debra turned her head slowly and felt the startled head rise from the pillow. Gathering her courage, she opened her eyes, and then lowered the lids half way in self-recrimination. “How could I be so thoughtless? I didn’t care if my friends mourned my passing. I wouldn’t blame them for hating me after I died on them and left them to face the quest without me. I didn’t even think at the time that I couldn’t die, even if it felt like I could.” The thoughts raced through her head and she let a tear fall from her eye. Debra decided the waterfall was more of a betrayal than death, but to her it would have been the same thing.

Sitting up and pulling Jared close, Debra held him as they both cried. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you, Jer. Please, don’t cry,” she pleaded softly. Debra picked up a corner of the pale blue sheet and wiped away the tearstains from his eyes; still unsure if this was just another part of the torture or not.

Jared looked at her through damp eyelashes with great joy in his deep brown eyes. He held onto her even tighter, rocking and saying her name over and over. The door opened behind them and Phil and Grant came in, wearing similar grim expressions. Debra knew it was real, the moment Phil’s eyes settled on her face. Her heart took a giant leap into her eyes but the rest of her face remained impassive.

“Debra?” Phil asked and took Jared’s place on the bed. He released a breath he didn’t know he was holding as she clung to him as fiercely as she had held onto Jared. “She doesn’t feel hot anymore, Grant.”

Grant moved to the other side of the bed, knowing that Phil wouldn’t give up his place for anything in the world. He reached out and touched Debra’s back and nodded, relieved. “Yes, the tea did work, just like I told you. The fever is gone and I don’t think it will come back this time.”

Debra then realized that once again; all she had on was a pair of panties. Blood soaked rags sat in a bowl, a testament to the return of the lacerations. Phil’s arms tightened around her as she tried to pull away and then he let her go. She pulled the sheet up around her before meeting any of their eyes again, knowing she was blushing deep crimson.

“What tea? Where is everyone else?” Debra asked, softly, her voice no longer harsh in her own ears. She allowed Phil to take hold of one of her hands and smiled at him as his eyes devoured her face. “How long was I sick?”

“You have no idea, Debra, just how good it is to hear you talking.” Phil said softly, lifting her hand and kissing it gently. He reached up and brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. “You have been sick as you put it for ten days. It’s seven pm on Thursday, the week after you should have started work at my office. The others are all here, waiting to know how you are doing. Don’t worry; we are all only here in the evenings, we have been living our lives while leaving someone here at all times to watch over you.”

“Send in Karen then, I’ll get dressed and come out. I’m hungry and would like some company while I’m not mostly naked.”

Grant let out a whoop and ran into the other room to get Karen. Jared left quietly, curious as to what Phil would say but not going to risk his anger by lingering to find out. Phil waited until they were alone, closed the door, and sat back down on the edge of the bed.

“Karen can wait a minute, Debra. Are you sure you are strong enough?” Phil asked, taking Debra’s hand in his again.

“Yes, Phil, now please, will you leave so I can get dressed?” Debra replied nicely so not to offend him. Even though there was a sheet between her naked flesh and his warmth, she felt exposed to him and she wasn’t comfortable.

Phil smiled at her, reaching up to brush more hair from her face. “My dearest Debra, you have nothing to be ashamed of and you don’t have to worry, your virtue is safe with me. I just wanted a moment alone with you, to reassure myself that you are really back and okay.” Leaning over slowly, so she would know his intentions, Phil kissed her tenderly on the lips, gave her another smile, and then opened the door to Karen’s pounding.

Alone with Karen, Debra sagged back against the headboard of her bed, the sheet to her chin. “Give it to me straight, Karen. What happened?”

Karen walked over to Debra’s closet and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Then she set the clothing down on the end of Debra’s bed and sat down. “Well…your stuff came while you were out; it’s in boxes in the dining room. Emily and I did a little shopping for you while you were out, you needed something besides two pairs of jeans and a few shirts. If you think about it, none of your other clothing will fit you anymore. Darin found a small shop over by UCLA where he and Mike will set up business.” Karen finally looked over and met Debra’s eyes.

“It was bad, Deb. Jared said he felt you dying and Darin went nuts telling us over and over we can’t die because of what Serenity did to us. Mike went to Sandeenai the first day and didn’t get back until three days ago, along with some kind of tea that Grant’s been pouring down you every four hours. Phil has been sleeping on our couch because he refuses to go anywhere but his work and here. Grant wanted to take you to the hospital; he was terrified over the amount of blood you kept losing from those strange lacerations. Emily has been pacing in the living room every moment I couldn’t think of something she had to go out and buy for you. And I’ve been doing what I can to keep from going insane with worry.”

Debra reached out and touched Karen’s hand and smiled. “Thank you, Karen. It means a lot that everyone has pulled together for me. Can you help me dress? I still can’t believe you all saw me naked and you didn’t bother doing anything about it.”

Karen laughed and helped Debra stand. “Believe it or not, I don’t think one of those men could tell you what you look like naked. All they saw were those strange rips in your skin and the blood. We had to replace seven sets of sheets because you soaked them with blood. It’s a good thing we have a washer and dryer in the condo or the neighbors might think we were holding bizarre rituals here with all the gore.”

Looking at the clothing laying across the bottom of the bed, Debra made a face and then sighed. She looked down at her toned and sculpted body and shook her head. “I guess I have to stop thinking of myself as fat. It won’t be easy.” Picking up the shorts, she slipped them up her legs and secured them around her waist. Frowning, she tugged at the waist and leg openings. “What size are these?”

Karen giggled, “The perfect size, Deb. Both Em and I knew you wouldn’t want them tight so we made sure they would be a little loose on you. By the way, white looks good on you, but we need to get a little sun on those legs.”

Debra scowled and pulled the white sports bra on and then the light blue t-shirt. She then walked over to the mirror on the back of her door and looked at herself critically. “Wow, I could almost give Connie a run for her money. I’m not as muscled as she is and I also have more of an hour glass figure, but no one could ever call me chunky again.”

“Not and live.” Karen said, standing behind Debra, also looking into the mirror. “Except for needing a little sun and maybe a shower to wash your hair, you could be any petite model in fashion design. Now get out there and wow your fans. They’ve all been very worried about you.”

Debra shared a grin with Karen and together, they walked into the living room. She was greeted by hugs and kisses and tears. Karen stood back and let their friends drink in the sight of their leader, walking and talking. Debra looked around and just shook her head.

There were boxes lined up against the far wall of the dining room and from the dishes scattered around the whole group had been living there since she fell ill. She was escorted to the loveseat and guided to sit down and recline on it. Then a bottle of berry flavored sport drink was brought and set next to her and a throw blanket from the back of the couch tucked around her legs.

“Guys, guys, guys, I’m not an invalid.” Debra protested.

“Actually, you are, Debra.” Grant stated in no uncertain terms. “You are just out of bed after being in some kind of seizure producing trance for ten days. You have lost a lot of blood and if you weren’t so stubborn, you would admit that just getting dressed and coming out here has pretty much worn you out.”

Debra tried to stare Grant down, but found she couldn’t. “Oh, alright, I’ll admit that I am tired, but I’m hungrier than tired and more embarrassed by all the attention than either hungry or tired. So can we please tone down the hand and foot service a little?”

“That, I think, we can all agree to.” Mike said and dropped down into the chair across from Debra before someone else claimed it. “So, Leader Deb, what can we get you to eat?”

Before Debra could answer, Grant spoke up. “I would recommend something light such as soup or hot cereal. Her stomach wouldn’t be up to anything stronger.” Debra made a face at Grant’s suggestions and her stomach backed her up with an audible growl.

“I know just what to do.” Darin said with a wink at Debra and smile at Grant. In the kitchen, Darin went through the cabinets, looking to see what food was in the house. Then he pulled out some paper from a drawer and made a list. “I hope you can wait about an hour, Deb, because that is how long it will take to make my surprise specialty.” Without waiting for an answer, he walked out of the apartment and left to the store.

An hour later, as promised, Darin brought a tray with a steaming bowl of something that smelled heavenly to Debra. Grant had watched over Darin’s preparations, making comments on it until Darin chased him from the kitchen. When Debra looked into the bowl, she smiled at Darin and thanked him. He had made a chicken and vegetable soup from scratch that included carrots, celery, green onions, tomatoes, pearl barley, wide egg noodles, and dumplings. Also on the tray was another mug of steaming tea, a bottle of sports drink, and a couple of warm buttered and honeyed biscuits.

Darin sat down on the floor next to her, beaming at the appreciative sounds Debra made before taking her first taste. “Oh god, Darin, this is…”

“I know, Deb. It’s something I picked up from being on location with Mom and Dad in Italy a few years back. Do I know how to make my girl feel good or what?” Darin gazed up at her, remembering another evening and pizza for dinner.

Debra set the spoon down and looked at Darin. “I would say that when you have a wife, Darin, you will spoil her like no woman has ever been spoiled. But for now, as your friend, I thank you for sharing with me a little of what you hold in store for your future wife.” Then she leaned down and kissed him lightly on the forehead to make sure he understood she wasn’t rejecting him a second time. Sitting back up, she finished every drop he had given her and smiled at him, still sitting next to her on the floor below the loveseat. “I think if Karen would help me back to my room, I will crash for the night. I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

If I were you, Chaos, I wouldn’t let it out that you caused that fever in Debra.” Sheagnek said, walking into Chaos’s main chamber without preamble. She came up the stairs and joined him on the cushions, lifting her eyebrows at him.

“What are you talking about, Sheagnek? What fever?” Chaos said, sitting up and setting down the lyre he was playing.

“You can’t tell me you didn’t do something to Debra, Chaos, your stink was all over her. I just happen to know that whatever you did, it caused a fever and seizures in Debra that almost negated Serenity’s blessings and killed her. I also know that Phil is ready to murder whomever it was that caused Debra to become as sick as she was. And Tris found out about it from Mike talking to Korol and she is also on the warpath. So, if I were you, I wouldn’t let it out that you caused it. I just thought you would like the warning before Serenity came hunting you down for an answer as well.” With a grin and wave, Sheagnek left Chaos to ponder her words.

For his part, Chaos really hadn’t been paying attention to what his little spell had done. All it was meant to do was create some strange dreams to shake up Debra’s peace, not make her sick. Turning to his mirror, he looked on Earth and was appalled by what he saw. “Oh Lady Debra, I’m sorry. This is twice I have wronged you without meaning to. I will make it up to you….somehow.”

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