Chapter 406
Chapter 406: All he could do was stare at the three soldiers and the lifeless body.
He let a deep sigh escape.
His expression changed when the task he had in his hands began.
meters high, they frowned when the raging and cloudy river looked down.
The acre smell of the river was almost unbearable.
It was frowning when looking towards the river.
Fu, those crocodiles are huge and horrible.
A slight smile, fun for his reaction.
Tony looked at Ritchie and Robbie, relieved to see that their expressions reflected their own disbelief.
I was happy.
His sense of aesthetics was intact.
They were two who had unusual tastes! Robbie was speechless.
If I hadn't fought Before against crocodiles, he could have fooled by his statements.
It was not surprising that Rhys could become Harlee's man, sharing unique tastes.
Accessing his throat, Robbie raised his hand, with a mischievous shine in his eyes, and He suggested: Harlee, how about Ritchie and Tonya are directed down the river to face those crocodiles would be a show to see the couple in action! Remembering their own and exhausting crocodile hunting, Robbie did not feel like reliving that terrible experience.
Harlee's lips twisted in a spicy smile as he turned to Ritchie and Tonya, with an arched eyebrow, waiting for his reaction.
She was delighted.
I was looking forward to a real challenge.
Agreement, Tonya said with a wild smile, with bright eyes in advance.
A hundred million dollars that I can finish this in half an hour.
His confidence seemed to touch the sky.
Without more preamble, Tonya docked on the river.
Tonya's impulsive leap he took to the offense.
Woman who chose was his to appreciate her.
He continued her, immersing himself in the river after her.
A moment, he took out his gun and shot a crocodile in the eye.
, dispatching another crocodile with precise and powerful blows.
On the riverbank, Harlee was standing, carefree, with the eyes placed in the action but with an alert mind, aware of the real danger they faced.
They faced a dozen crocodiles, something very similar to their solo defeat of a small squad in the past.
The danger was immense! Suddenly, from the northwest, a whirlwind arose that unleashed a black crocodile like coal and huge size Harlee instinctively reacted, jumping to the river before realizing that this giant crocodile was much more powerful than the others.
This giant crocodile was larger, faster and more aggressive.
To realize that Tonya and Ritchie may not be able To handle this beast while they faced the other crocodiles, Harlee was responsible for neutralizing the threat.
Harlee, Rhys saw how a crocodile opened its huge jaws, trying to swallow it.
As a launch platform, it was promoted forward, killing the creature with a quick pit.
On the riverbank, Robbie watched the drama that was developed with distant interest, supporting the chin in his hand as if he were seeing a documentary about the Nature.If the giant crocodile would have swam towards Ritchie and Tonya, his eyes could have changed and could have rushed to help.
However, the giant crocodile who dared to attack Harlee sealed his destiny.
The giant crocodile twisted his enormous body and He loaded Harlee with a thunderous roar.
Gua, heading directly to her.
of the giant crocodile.
The crop of agony of the giant crocodile crossed the air when Harlee emerged from his mouth.
Sangre sprout from his injured neck.
In his agony, he twisted violently, trying to drag his attackers with him.
However, the crocodile Giant only managed to knock out the remaining four crocodiles, since Harlee and the others skillfully dodged their attack ....