Celestial Queen: Revenge Is Sweet When You’re A Zillionaire Heiress

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: After Harlee left, the bewildered bodyguard asked: Mr.

Walker, this ...

I'm bored.

I could entertain me by participating in his little game.

He had discovered that Harlee was actually Quick Cameo.Je.which.

Rhys message said: Take your time.

I also have to finish some things.

We see you here within thirty minutes, Ok.Harlee drank its personalized cocktail, while its gaze ran through the crowd that moved rhythmically on the dance floor.

As time passed, the bar was filled with people.

As always, Harlee inspired some unwanted looks by those who were close.

A circle of rich and influential men, known for taking advantage of women in bars with murky tactics, saw her and quickly plotted a plan to make her the Conquest of the night.

The most eloquent of them approached to sit next to him, asked for a vodka and pretended interest in the bustle that surrounded him.

Taking advantage of a timely moment, he leaned towards her with a smile.

Why are you drinking alone what if you join us to have fun for a while we could go to the dance floor, or even go out for a while ...

what do you tell me.

, whose achispido behavior did nothing more than increase its charm.

Of course, I am willing to really have fun.

Let's leave.

RITCHIE, who had just returned to take care of Matteo's informant, stopped confused.

Harlee was wishing to fight to vent by deciding to go unnoticed in case their captors realized, he decided to leave, trusting Harlee's ability to handle those lascivious men.

When unlocking his phone, Ritchie sent a quick message to Harlee, which was brief: For now I am wrapped, I relax again.

Then he left the Galaxy Bar, without looking back.

Fuera del Bar, Harlee narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing men too enthusiastic as if they were simple lifeless puppets.

He stopped in the mouth of the alley, with his eyes full of mischief.

Several living objectives had practically given themselves to her door.

Any a golden opportunity shone, which offered her the possibility of perfecting her lethal talents.

These men, oblivious to the strategic absence of Harlee, were vividly emerging their night.

A sudden cry of one of them crossed the night, causing the group to realize that Harlee had disappeared.

The most daring of them approached her, with her fingers grabbing the air.

The head, his mocking smile veiled by the shadow.

Spurred for their feigned interest, men laughed maliciously, exchanging gross tactics.

With impatience, they entered the depths of the alley ....

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