Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 15

I sat quietly at the table while Nathan and Tristan ate the exorbitant amount of bread gathered on the table. Most of it was stale. No one else wanted it so a nice lady in the kitchen let us have it. Halfway through chewing my own loaf of bread, I realized that the bread was expiring and it could make me more sick than I already am. I discreetly put it back, making sure it doesn’t look like I tore off a piece.

I was agonized from my class with Hellen this morning. Even if we didn’t work with the Star Stone, I was sore. As soon as I had made that promise my head had started throbbing. There was still that tugging feeling on two of my ribs and I had tried everything to make it go away. It was after massaging the spot a hundred times, when I was aware that the only thing left to do was be distracted by it and hope for it to go away.

Unfortunately, the only thing l had on my schedule after training was watch two, already fed boys gobble nasty bread which could make them sick. The only reason I was still here was that one of them might vomit and I might find that amusing, also because the girls’ room seemed too confining today.

Nathan mumbled something that sounded like “I’m too full.” and Tristan turned pale and looked like he was about to spill. I quickly got up and exited the cafeteria because I no longer found joy in their pain. Standing outside was a bad idea because the Stars were tempting me.

Where to go?

My breathing fastened and I could hear my heart beating in my chest. I pushed past groups of people and gasped for air. I was standing outside the girls’ quarters when I heard an argument and decided it was best not to go inside. My lungs felt like someone had kept heavy rocks over them. I gasped for air. I ran around the area, searching desperately for something to do, something to keep me busy.

Where to go?

I dodged arrows, knives and bullets in the training area. Swords clinked, arrows were shot and I could hear people cheering for a fight. I could feel bile rising in my throat, I couldn’t breathe and suddenly I was deaf. Everything started to blur out, as if I was looking at a fish tank.

Somehow I ended up in front of the girls’ quarters again. They were still fighting in there but the voices were muffled and my head was spinning. I heard someone call my name repeatedly. I walked in the direction of the sound since I could no longer see properly, my ears were useless as well so I just wobbled around. My arms wrapped around a pillar, I felt someone pull me away from there and try to snap me back to reality. My knees buckled and I collapsed.

I could feel a cold liquid being injected into my vein, the light above my cot pierced my eyes, my head felt heavy and I couldn’t move. Someone was sitting next to my bed and two voices chattered. My mouth felt dry, I knew there was a glass of water on the side table but my hands were noodles so I couldn’t pick it up. I lifted my head and tried to find my voice. But the drip injected more drugs into me and I dozed off.

When I opened my eyes I was still in the infirmary. I now had two intravenous drips in my arm and they both hurt. The liquid had stopped flowing from the bag. I checked to see if it was empty, the first bag was which is why I was awake. I was the only one here, squinted at the window at the other end of the room. It was night. How long had I been out?

I felt nauseous so I wanted to go to the bathroom but I still had the drip in my arm. I tried to remove it but I decided it was best not to do anything too drastic. I closed my eyes and went back into sleeping position. The door opened and someone approached my cot. They carefully removed the needle from my arm, which hurt. And then stabbed me with a new one, it transported nutrients into me. I slowly opened my eyes and found a slim girl standing at the front of my bed, scribbling something on a clipboard. She was wearing a beige dress that covered her neck and fell to her knees, she was wearing a white apron around it and leggings with black boots. Her brown hair was braided neatly and the dark circles under her eyes indicated lack of sleep.

I couldn’t find my voice otherwise I would’ve asked her to lead me to the bathroom, the hospital one was the most tidy and clean bathroom in all of Crimsyn State. It smelled nice, always had fresh towels and the water was even warm. Fatigue washed over me. I was roused by the throbbing in my arm. Then I realized my Signs were hurting again. I quickly checked to see in which arm the drip was. I sighed out of relief, it was my right arm. No one saw my Signs but they still hurt, then I remembered it was Ophiuchus causing me trouble not Virgo.

In the morning, Nathan and Phoenix came to visit me. According to Anthony, I had a panic attack and passed out because of weakness. That’s what I told them and refused breakfast which Nathan brought me. Raelynn came at lunch but I didn’t want to eat. By dinner I was aware of why they were constantly attaching me to drips, I agreed to take dinner but I wasn’t hungry. They still didn’t remove the needle. Tristan brought me broth, an apple and bread. He promised it wasn’t stale and tried to coax an explanation from me.

“Anthony says this happened to you before.” Tristan said.

I nodded. I had only been out one whole day. it was the same as last time.

“I saw you outside the girls’ room and brought you here.”

“Thank you.” I swallowed.

“What happened to your hand?” he questioned.

I nearly choked on my food. “They won’t take out the needle.” I held up my right arm.

“Your other hand.” he said.

“It’s fine.” I lied.

Tristan raised his eyebrows. “Alright,” he shrugged. “Now tell me what really happened.”

For a minute I remained quiet, then a smile spread on my face. “I hate you for knowing me so well.”

“That has nothing to do with this.” he said seriously. “I saw your Signs, or whatever is left of them when I carried you to the infirmary.”

My Virgo Sign is okay, I’m losing Ophiuchus. I thought of excuses but my brain was already scrambled. And I couldn’t lie to him, maybe he’ll help me find out why it’s happening. “Don’t lie to me.”

“I wasn’t going to.” my voice was hoarse but clearing my throat didn’t help.

“The Ophiuchus Sign has been disappearing since I got here.” I told. “I don’t know why it’s happening but it hurts from time to time. I haven’t told anyone and I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, worried.

“I didn’t get the chance.” I said. I pushed the tray away from me, Tristan held it and got to his feet.

“And you have no clue why it’s happening?”

“No,” I said. “Should I consult a doctor?”

“Probably, but I don’t think this has anything to do with your health.” he said.

“What else could it be then?” I wondered out loud. Then I realized I already had the answer to that. “It’s about Ophiuchus.”

“I think only you can figure this out because you’re obviously not going to tell anyone and even if you do people are going to fuss over it. We can’t lose you.” he said and exited before I could say anything else.

Just thinking about this made my head hurt. But I couldn’t rest, not now. Thousands upon thousands of people need me alive. I just reminded myself if something happened to the last living Ophiuchus than the people of Crimsyn State will lose this war. No pressure, though. I begged Anthony to discharge me but he wouldn’t listen.

“If you have any issue regarding your treatment or therapy, please discuss this with the head doctor.” Anthony recited, he sounded as if he’d memorized the line from saying it too much.

I begged him to at least take out my drip but he refused and repeated his words. I just lay there and pouted. According to Anthony, I had been having a full conversation with myself while I was passed out, I had also been screaming and yelling, they tried to mollify me but when that didn’t work they injected morphine in me and kept me like that for twenty four hours. They gave me another medication to numb the part of the brain where dreams come from so I couldn’t have any nightmares. I thanked them for that. Not that I had nightmares anymore but those dreams with the Star Spirit still freaked me out sometimes.

Taking all my meals in bed. I was being pampered, which I would’ve normally enjoyed if it weren’t for the fact that I needed to train and talk to Alfred about bringing the remaining, if not six than at least three Constellation descendants here. Lyra, Lewis and Amara still had no idea I was here. Or maybe they did. Word must’ve gotten out about my escape but Dad said no one knows about Crimsyn State but they know the rebels have a hideout. Thankfully, they don’t know where it is. Tristan didn’t tell either of them that he was coming here. His father went back to Capricornus because there was suspicion there. He’s still with the cause. He’s going to do whatever he can to help us from there.

I’d been in the infirmary for four days. I felt completely fine now. Except for the fact that my Sign was disappearing. I prayed that Virgo would still stay there. I didn’t want to be stripped of both my Constellations. When I woke up Hellen was standing in front of my bed with Alfred at her side. She had her arms crossed and was dressed in the same clothes as all of us, except she made it look good. I had never seen Hellen outside of the Conference Hall building. She looked incongruous standing here in the infirmary.

“You’re discharged.” Alfred yawned.

“And you have a class with me.” Hellen added. Alfred asked me to sign on the clipboard, confirming that I had been checked in, given treatment, stayed long enough to get fully healed, recovered and checked out. That was five pages long. My hands were sore by the end of it. Hellen let me have breakfast in the cafeteria, while she observed the kitchen I finished my eggs and toast. I took some extra bread while I waited for Hellen. She was talking with Nathan’s mom and a bunch of other middle aged women. One of them was the one I saw one day in the infirmary with Phoenix.

We sat in her office at the Conference Hall building, she interrogated me.

“What happened?” she asked.

“I collapsed.” I answered quickly.

“Why?” she stared deeper into my eyes.

“I had a panic attack.” I said, but I didn’t sound convincing.

“What are you worried about?” She squared her shoulders.

I hesitated. I don’t trust Hellen. She gives me a weird gut feeling. I’m always creeped out and scared by her, but I don’t know why.

“There are seven descendants remaining for the Twelve Major. I want you to bring them to Crimsyn State.” I said, hoping she’ll cooperate. “I know Scorpio is out of out hands, Libra is too driven to harmony and balance, they’re completely against war. That leaves us with five Constellations. Maybe we can persuade Leo. But I can assure you that Gemini, Aries and Sagittarius are with us. You have to bring their descendants here and start their training.”

Hellen looked satisfied with me. For a minute she just sat there with triumph in her eyes. “We’re working on it.” she said, finally. “We wanted to get you all out when Alfred rescued you and Nathan. But then we found out you were at the palace and thought that one person at a time is a hassle already, the other descendants could’ve waited longer.”

“Not anymore.” I answered quickly.

“I agree with you.” she said. “But now that their back in their own provinces it’s almost impossible to communicate. I’ll have to send a party from our side to go to three provinces.”

“I’ll go to each.” I volunteered.

“No,” she rejected. “Jaxon is looking for you, he’s hunting you down. Believe me, I know. It’s too dangerous for you to leave. We can’t risk it.”

“I can handle it.” I protested. “I know these people. Even Tristan does. We’re all friends. It’ll be easier to persuade them if we’re there.”

“I’ll consider Tristan but since he’s a descendant of the Twelve Major I will not risk losing another one, just like we did Scorpio and Libra. But since Libra is on no one’s side it’s not much of a loss. We still have hope As for Leo, I have high hopes. Powerful Constellation. But you are not leaving Crimsyn State, that’s final.”

“What if they don’t agree when you send complete strangers to bang on the doors of their mansions and ask them to join a rebellion?”

“You just hope that they do.” she said clearly.

“You sent Raelynn to my rescue, why her?” I remembered the first time I met Raelynn Aquarius. Outside the palace dungeon.

“That was so she could have experience and so there’d be a female there, you would’ve felt uncomfortable with just men.” she stated.

“Who are you bringing first?” I asked after a while.

“Let’s start with Sagittarius.” she decided. “I think they’ll understand but I’m going to try for all the Sagittarius’. In case we lose one. That goes for all the Constellations.”

I silently prayed that Lewis and his folks wouldn’t do the opposite of what we want them to do. I prayed they’d all be here in the next couple of days. That was impossible, according to Hellen because it would take days to get to each province and the same amount of time to return to Crimsyn State. Next few weeks, then.

After dinner, a meeting is held. Alfred, Raelynn, Phoenix, Tristan, Anthony and Nathan along with some other middle aged men and women. We were sitting across from each other. It felt like one of those adult-kid parties. With the six descendants sitting on the kids side. Hellen announces that she sending Alfred and Bemus Pavo to go to Sagittarius. If the Sagittarius agree to join-when they agree-Alfred and Bemus will elusively and safely escort them to Crimsyn State. No breaks after that, though. next they go to Geminus, Aries is the final stop. Once we have them here, we’ll work on persuading Leo.

“When do we leave?” a hoarse voice asked. Bemus stepped out of the shadows and into the light. I didn’t even know he was here. His hair was a mess and he hadn’t showered in days. He hadn’t slept either, the hyperpigmentation under his eyes was proof.

“Tomorrow morning.” Alfred decided.

“Perfect.” Bemus said.

“We’ll reach Sagittarius in four days. Then takes another four to get back.” Alfred informed.

“We better leave quick, then.” Bemus answered. He sounded devilish and angry. He kept glaring at me.

“You will arrive at Bevan’s House as two people in need.” Hellen continued. “When you get inside, explain carefully your intentions and our plan.”

“If you fail, if they refuse, you’ll be captured and we’ll be attacked.” Raelynn said, speaking for the first time.

“Which is why we won’t tell them our location.” Bemus snapped.

“And they won’t refuse.” I promised. Although, I was a little doubtful about it. I had been praying repeatedly that the plan would go as we hoped.

“That’s reassuring.” Bemus snorted, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Phoenix shot him a look. Expecting him to be frightened, instead he growled at her. That made her even more angry. No one crosses Phoenix.

“Maybe you should take me instead.” Phoenix offered.

“No,” I said quickly, turning to Phoenix. “If anyone else is going it’s me.”

“You have to stay here.” she demanded, worriedness in her voice. “I’m going.”

“You both are staying here.” Alfred and Hellen chorused. That seemed to shut us up. There was a long pause. Tension rose in the room. For some reason everyone was furious.

“If you get caught make sure Bemus gets executed before you escape.” Phoenix said to Alfred.

None of us found this amusing. Alfred glared at Phoenix. Bemus huffed and clenched his fists. Raelynn nudged Phoenix, Nathan and Tristan looked ready to restrain her. Anthony rolled up his sleeves, expecting to mend a lot of broken bones afterwards.

“Take someone else.” Bemus said.

“No.” Alfred insisted. “Phoenix!”

“What?” she shrugged. An intimidating man, dressed in the same clothes as the rest of, black hair like Phoenix but instead of cherry red streaks, grey from age, gets up from the other side of the table and pulls Phoenixout of the room. She doesn’t argue and she isn’t worried about the consequences.

“Please take me with you.” I begged Alfred.

“I’m sorry but I cannot do that.” he said. I turned to Hellen.

“Don’t bother.” she held up a hand defensively.

“Then at least let me go to Geminus.” I started. “Lyra is never going to agree if I’m not there.”

“She has siblings, I’m sure.” Hellen said. “And I thought you assured that they’ll all agree.”

“They will.” I confirmed. “But Lyra is difficult.”

“My decision is final.” Hellen said. She got to her feet, “Goodnight.” She walked out of the room with Alfred grabbing Bemus and leading him out. Soon, the room empties. Only Tristan and I are left.

“Do you think Lewis and his family will agree?” I asked Tristan.

“I hope so, Belle.” he looked into my eyes. “I’m worried about Lyra the most. There’s no way she’s going to leave that luxurious life for this.”

“Amara?” I wondered out loud.

“She’ll be focused on her studies.” he reminded. “There’s a low chance.”

I sighed. “Come one, it’s late.” Tristan got up.

He walked me to the girls’ room. I fell asleep immediately. Although, I woke up early but I wasn’t the only one who wanted to say goodbye to Alfred. Raelynn and Phoenix were awake and dressed.

“Good thing you’re up.” Raelynn gave me a small smile.

“Yeah,” Phoenix grinned. “We didn’t even throw a bucket of water on you yet.”

“Very funny.” I smiled.

“Get dressed,” she told me. And so I do.

“We have work to do.” Raelynn said excitedly.

“What kind of work?” I asked, curiously.

“You’ll find out.” she smiled. I rolled my eyes.

At breakfast we are joined by Anthony, Nathan and Tristan. We sat next to Alfred and Bemus who are all packed for travel.

“Why were you mad at Bemus?” I whispered to Phoenix.

She hesitated. “That guy who died in the dungeon,” she explained. “That was Bemus’ father. He’s still mourning his death.”

“Why were you mad at him?” I repeated furiously.

“Because, this is war.” she stated. “People die every day. I understand how he feels and I’m sorry for him. But, we have to be stronger than that. We can’t let our enemy break us.”

Bemus heard this and nodded at Phoenix. Some understanding passed between them.

“I hate you for being right.” I said. She nudged me. I didn’t like what she said but, truth hurts. She’s right. I’m not going to let the Hydras break me. They won’t break me.

After breakfast, we all followed Alfred and Bemus to the entrance of Crimsyn State. They were going to take a van, same one they brought me here in. To the border of Sagittarius and from there they travel on foot. They both had packed huge backpacks for the trip and were apparently waiting for something. That’s when I noticed my friends positioning themselves. The were each at least eight feet apart and standing underneath their own Constellations. They were lighting them up. The five Constellations grew brighter and brighter.

“Aren’t you helping?” Phoenix asked.

“She can’t.” Anthony answered before I could ask what was going on. “No Stargazing. Doctor’s orders.”

Phoenix dragged me ten steps away. I watched with amazement. First Capricorn lit up, followed by Cancer, Pisces and Aquarius. Then came the good part, the four Constellations connected with an almost invisible line of light and shared that bonding with the Summer Triangle. The Stars of the asterism aligned from the power given by those four Constellations. Four of my friends were fighting hard not to collapse, I know the feeling. They were agonized. Just for a second I saw an invisible dome disintegrate from around Crimsyn State. I realized what just happened. The barrier had been opened.

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