Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 12

“Have you even tried talking to him?” Raelynn panted.

“Yes,” I said in between breaths. I stopped running, Raelynn copied.

“How long have we been doing this?” she put her hands on her knees.

“Thirty five minutes?” I guessed.

“Probably,” she sucked in a deep breath. There was a pause.

“Just give him some time to adjust,” Raelynn said calmly. “You needed time too,”

“I know,” I said.

But Tristan’s been here before and he’s familiar with Crimsyn State. He’s here with his family and he hasn’t lost anything, so why he being so distant? Whenever I try talking to him something interrupts me or either he’s too busy to notice me. It’s all too frustrating. So much for wanting Tristan to come here soI could be more comfortable. I’m on my own again. I realized Tristan is a different person in Crimsyn State, maybe he’ll turn belligerent, he’s already strong and aggressive. I didn’t know he was so open minded about war and rebellion. I hoped I was wrong about him.

“Because...” he hesitated. “He’s kinda scary and angry when he’s training. So, pretty much everyone is scared of him sometimes.”

That discussion kept banging in my head and I couldn’t make those words go away. It was getting annoying. It made me want to punch Nathan in the face for repeating those words in my mind but it’s not his fault.

Raelynn checked her wrist watch. “I’m on kitchen duty today with Nathan. So, I have to go,”

“You need help?” I offered.

“You really want to?” she raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, sure.” I said. How bad could washing dishes really be? I did them at home.

“We have to get them done before dinner which is in two hours,” she told.

“We can do it,” I said. “Three people can wash a bunch of dishes, it’s not big deal.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” she smiled nervously.

Now I know what she meant. The kitchen was a mess. The tap was leaking water, the floor was sticky, dirty plates and it smelled like roast beef. Which is funny since we were never served that.

“My mom’s got the day off today so she asked me and Raelynn to tidy up, thanks for helping, Annabelle.” Nathan said.

“No problem.” I cringed. “I can see why you don’t get a lot of volunteers,”

“Yeah, this place is gross.” Raelynn said.

“Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious.” Nathan shot back.

Raelynn threw a dirty rag on him. “Ewww!” Nathan threw it on the floor. “Do you have to tease me all the time?”

“If I won’t then who will?” Raelynn grinned and went to get the cleaning supplies.

The kitchen was a confined room at the back of the cafeteria. Nathan’s mother, along with a few other ladies managed to cook three meals a day for over thousands of people.

“How long will this take?”

“Already regretting this?” Nathan raised an eyebrow.

“No,” I didn’t sound convincing, though.

“Do you want to do the dishes or clean up?” Nathan asked.

“Dishes,” I quickly walked over to the sink and started scrubbing the leftovers off the plates.

Raelynn was washing the floor, once in a while she’d splash soapy water in Nathan’s face with a mop. He was wiping away the blanket of dust on the counter and cabinets, which were mostly empty. When Nathan had had enough, he unraveled the dusty cloth in front of Raelynn’s face, she was now black with dirt and sneezed it off herself.

“What was that for?” she shrieked.

“That was for soaking me,” Nathan motioned to his clothes which were dripping. He smelled like clean laundry.

“At least the water was clean!” Raelynn indicated.

“Well, at least now we’re even.” Nathan grinned wickedly.

“Will you two stop it?” I demanded, although I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Easy for you to say,” Raelynn said. “You’re all clean.”

“My hands are numb, though.” I held them up. The cold water and the scrubbing had ruined my nails even more. Not that I cared anymore.

“Nathan, I think our friend here needs to get a little dirty.” she gave him a silent message.

“It would be an honour,” Nathan bowed.

“You both are ridiculous,” I decided and went back to the plates. Only a few left.

“You’re realizing this now?” Raelynn asked. I was so distracted by the beauty of her purple and blue eyes that I didn’t even notice Nathan crepping up behind me with a mug of soapy mud, ready to dump it on my head.

I screamed as soon as I felt the coldness of the liquid, dripping from my hair to my face. “Gross!” I exclaimed.

“Now we’re even!” Raelynn cheered and gave Nathan a high five.

“How was that getting even?” I shivered.

“Well...” Nathan thought of a good excuse.

“We’re all disgusting now?” Raelynn suggested.

“Yes!” Nathan agreed. Another high five. When Nathan raised his hand for me, I smiled sarcastically, raised my hand and slapped him on his head.

“Let’s just finish this and go,” I said as I cleaned the last dishes. Nathan offered to rinse me down but I was capable of doing it myself. After we were done the place looked brand new.

“We should do this with all of Crimsyn State,” I said. Raelynn and Nathan both glared at me. I didn’t know they were so patriotic about this place. “I mean, no offense.” I added quickly.

“You’re not wrong though,” Nathan agreed. Raelynn stared daggers at him and nudged him in the chest.

“Well, have you looked at Crimsyn State lately?” Nathan said.

“I suppose you’re right.” She lowered her head, as if out of humiliation. “But still, I think we’d all prefer this place instead of living in Hydrus.”

“Yeah,” Nathan assured. I hesitated. Maybe, maybe not. I wasn’t so sure. Gladly, Raelynn was aware of my indecisiveness and didn’t try to coax an answer out of me.

I was reluctant to walk all the way to the girl’s room while I smelled like rotting vegetables that I had just washed off the dishes and not to mention, the soapy water Nathan had mixed with dust. Raelynn and Nathan offered to shield me from eyes by forming a wall with their own bodies around me. That would have been more striking than me walking out like this, making it look like I hadn’t showered in ages. The cafeteria was empty, it wasn’t dinner time yet. Nathan’s mom had only begun to chop vegetables for some sort of soup. I tried not to drip any water on the floor, I didn’t want to leave any evidence. Fortunately, it was the time of the day when everyone is winding up with training and going to wash away the sweat so the coast was almost clear, the only people left were Phoenix in the archery range coaching a feeble boy. But I could only hear Phoenix’s loud voice and the archery range wasn’t really close to the cafeteria so I was out of sight. Unfortunately, Phoenix and that boy weren’t the only two people out.

I was almost running when the most humiliating thing happened to me. Walking towards me were bot Tristan and Alfred, deep in conversation. I lowered my head and debated running away when Tristan called my name. I looked at him, hoping he wouldn’t laugh at me. He opened and closed his mouth as if he was deciding whether or not to speak. Alfred just raised his eyebrows and I think he was fighting laughter. “Just don’t ask,” I whined and trodded off.

I could hear them talk but couldn’t make out the words. I rushed into the bathroom without checking if it was occupied and without meeting anyone’s eyes. My hair was a brown colour and my shirt was damp from the water. I peeled off my clothes and focused on my hair. It took a lot of soap and water to get it back to normal. I think I stood under the cold water for five minutes staring at the wall. I dried myself with a ripped towel, put on new baggy trousers and a shirt that Raelynn had given me. I had also cleaned the mud off my boots this morning and washed my socks and sweater. I didn’t bother putting either of them on right now. I was too tired to do anything. I climbed into bed and buried myself under the sheets, hoping that my dreams would take me some place in Hydrus. I really wanted to visit Lyra and Amara, maybe even Lewis. I lay in bed until the last image I saw was of the ceiling before closing my eyes.

My dream was the same as the one I had last time. Cold, icy and isolated place. I was dressed in a see through silk nightgown. I crossed my arms over my chest, hoping that would make my body less visible. The sky was grey and dark, the Constellations were connected in a neon blue light. I almost Stargazed then remembered my regimen. I looked around for the Star Spirit, she was no where in sight. Nothing was, really. The ground was ice and despite the weather I didn’t feel cold. I slid across and wished I had some ice skates.

I’ve only been ice skating once in Geminus. Lyra had her birthday party in an ice skating rink. It took forever for me to convince Granny to let me travel all the way to Geminus. She agreed only if one of the housekeepers in our Virgus mansion went with me, even though it was for three days I had fun. That was the first time I visited Geminus. We traveled by train, from Hydrus to Geminus, Amara, Tristan and Lewis were there too. Lyra went before to start planning, she invited a few of her other friends and others were her parents’ guests. They invited Dad and Granny as well but Dad was too busy and Granny couldn’t care less, so they both politely said no. I loved Geminus and Lyra’s parties, they always were extravagant and Lyra was the life of every event. Whenever she went to Geminus people couldn’t stop talking about her, everyone wanted to be her friend. Me and Amara were envied by every girl in Geminus for that.

I suppose we’re all famous back in our home province. With or father’s running the place and our mothers or grandmother, in my case, hosting parties.

I haven’t been to Virgus in a long time. the only time Dad invited me and Granny to Virgus was when it was the Virgos turn to host the Hydras or other important guests. Everytime I went to my home province I never saw much of it. No crowds waiting for me when I arrived at the train station, like they did for Lyra and Amara, even Tristan and Lewis. That made me feel bad. I wasn’t adored the way they were. I can’t blame the people of Virgus though, they don’t know me at all. It’s not their fault Dad doesn’t let me live in Virgus. Everyone else goes to their home province during winter break, which is the longest holiday in Stellaregno.

I didn’t realize that I wasn’t moving, I kept slipping in the same place. My feet wouldn’t take me anywhere, and there was nowhere to go. It was all bare land. I waited for the Virgo Spirit to show up and tease me or whatever it is that she does, maybe send me somewhere I actually want to be. Like the last time, she sent me to The Tower with Tristan.

After waiting impatiently I decided she wasn’t coming today and wondered how I’m supposed to get out of here. The Star Spirit had dissolved in blue light and I had done the same last time. I stood still for a while and prayed for something mystical to happen. Nothing. I looked up at Virgo. I could picture the Star Spirit looking at me right now, making fun of my stupidity. I closed my eyes, counted to three and opened them. The ice land flickered, it changed into something else. I didn’t know what it was because it changed back quickly to the isolated place I was in. I tried it again. Same thing happened. Except this time I slipped and fell on my face.

“A little help here!” I muttered under my breath, hoping that the Star Spirit heard me.

I got up, took a deep breath, closed my eyes for three seconds and I could feel my surroundings change. There was no surface beneath my feet, yet I didn’t fall. I was scared to open my eyes but I did. I was floating, with the Constellations around me. I was in the sky, dark and deep, the only source of light were the Stars. I looked down, there was nothing there, just more Stars. My hair was flowing around, as if I was under water and so was my dress.

I tried closing my eyes again, it didn’t work this time, either. My eyes didn’t open until I was roused by Raelynn calling my name. Lack of sleep made it hard for me to open my eyes.

“What time is it?” I yawned.

“It’s early morning,” Raelynn whispered. I squinted my eyes, everyone else was still asleep. Then I noticed the tall figure standing next to my bed in dark clothes. I almost jumped out of my position.

“You’ve got to get up,” Phoenix demanded. She sounded sleepy, her voice wasn’t rude, for the first time I heard worriedness.

“Why?” I complained.

“Alfred needs to see you,” Raelynn said.

“Now!” Phoenix added.

“Can’t it wait?” I moaned into my pillow. Had I even fallen asleep?

“No,” Raelynn said in a low voice.

“Get up,” Phoenix pulled off the sheets and kicked my boots in front of me.

“Wash your face, braid your hair and put on something warm.” Raelynn ordered.

With her help I did as she told. Raelynn tied my laces as Phoenix braided my hair. It felt absurd to be treated like this, especially from Phoenix. I hoped I looked presentable, even though I had no idea what was going on. “Do I look alright?”

They nodded but it wasn’t reassuring because I got dressed in less than five minutes. Maybe they’re dressing me for a training session.

“Now, will you please tell me what’s going on?” I pleaded. I got to my feet and crossed my arms while forcing my eyes open.

“Alfred has called you in the Conference Hall building,” Phoenix told. A hint of anxiety in her voice.

“Why this early?”

They both hesitated, they exchanged worried looks. Phoenix noticed me staring, trying to read their silent conversation. She nudged Raelynn in the chest with her elbow. Raelynn turned to me and I knew what she was going to say judging by her facial expression.

“You’ll find out,” she said.

“Okay,” I started then yawned, stretching my arms. “Can I have a real explanation now?”

“Just get her to Alfred,” Phoenix demanded, ignoring my question.

Raelynn grabbed my arm and made me run to the Conference Hall building, with Phoenix jogging behind us. I shivered from the freezing cold. The sky was pink with streaks of orange here and there. It was early morning and I am not a morning person. Especially when it’s this cold. We got to the building. Tristan, Nathan and Anthony were all standing outside the Conference Room, the one where Alfred always held meetings. It was too small to be called a conference hall though.

“Is there an early morning meeting that I was invited to?” I joked. Because if that’s the case then I’m really not in the mood, I really can’t focus on people’s discussion.

“Something like that,” Tristan said, just as sleepy as me. Nathan’s eyes were closed and he was leaning against the wall.

“Can I switch places with him?” I asked, pointing at the sleeping boy.

Phoenix huffed then she slapped Nathan on the back. That did the trick.

“Wake up, Sleeping Fish!” Phoenix teased.

“What happened?” he yelped groggily. “Did he take her?”

“Take who?” I knitted my eyebrows.

“Oh, thank Pisces!” Nathan sighed. “You’re still here.”

“Of course I’m still here,” I said. “What is going on?”

I bit back a curse. I knew what he was going to say. “Yeah, yeah. I know.” I held up a hand in protest. Nathan closed his mouth.

“Keep your chin up and stand tall,” Phoenix told strictly while Raelynn made some alterations on my clothes and hair. Fixing me up.

“What am I walking into?” I questioned.

“Here,” Tristan handed me a dagger with a belt and Phoenix helped me strap it. I raised my eyebrows at him.

“You’ll need it,” he promised.

“Am I going to stab someone?” I asked, worried.

“No,” Nathan reassured. But I could tell he was unsure and nervous.

“But it’ll make you look dangerous,” Raelynn said.

“Here we go,” Phoenix gulped. I’ve never seen her nervous before. That’s when I noticed everyone was like that. They pushed me in front of the door and moved away while praying silently. Tristan motioned for me to walk inside and so I did.

There was something different, something that wasn’t there before. Alfred was sitting at the end of the table, his hair was a mess and his eyes were bloodshot. He was muttering a conversation with someone else, but the other person was blocked my Alfred. I couldn’t see who it was until I stepped a little closer and gasped. They both turned to me. I blinked a couple of times to see if I wasn’t still dreaming. I glanced at Alfred for confirmation of who I was looking at.

He had a familiar smell, the one that made me nostalgic for home. He was dressed for the cold winter weather, a wind breaker jacket, boots and leather gloves. His hair was brushed away from his face and I could see worriedness in his eyes but his face relaxed at my sight.

“Annabelle.” Dad sighed out of relief.

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