Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1904 Awakening A Unknown Pleasure

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Location- Unknown, Blood Rule Source

The Elder Anesthesia Dragon had long noticed that the Deviant Devil's new spiritual body was born using its dream field by the combination of its muscle's innate reality-bending ability and its family's ancestral blessing had gained not only its physical body's immunities but also its addiction.

Exploiting the situation to its fullest advantage, the cunning Dragon made a deceitful pledge to the Deviant Devil. It cunningly offered to utilize its inherent power on the Devil, pledging to do so in exchange for insights into the Devil's exclusive combination ability. Seduced by the notion of potentially resolving its addiction, the Deviant Devil eagerly accepted the Dragon's proposition. In its eagerness, it divulged confidential information about its distinct combination ability, believing it had struck a beneficial deal.

Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting Devil, the Dragon harbored ulterior motives. It sought to manipulate the Devil's vulnerability for its own gain, cunningly weaving a web of deceit to extract valuable knowledge. With each morsel of information provided by the Devil, the Dragon's deceptive scheme unfolded further, ensnaring the Devil in a trap of its own making.contemporary romance

However, navigating through its elaborate scheme, the Elder Anesthesia Dragon encountered a moment of uncertainty upon discovering the formidable prowess of the Deviant Devil's abilities. The overwhelming strength of the Devil's skills threatened to undermine the Dragon's resolve, casting doubt upon the feasibility of its plan. Faced with the daunting prospect of failure, the Dragon wavered, its motivation waning in the face of adversity.

Yet, amidst the shadows of doubt, a flicker of determination emerged. The Devil, perhaps sensing the Dragon's faltering resolve, offered what seemed like words of encouragement, igniting a spark within the Dragon's heart. Buoyed by the Devil's perceived support and bolstered by its own unwavering will, the Dragon found the strength to persevere.

Drawing upon its innate resilience and strategic acumen, the Dragon pressed forward to see through its plan of manipulating the Deviant Devil into willingly giving up its unique combo abilities information to the Dragon.

Having successfully extracted the information from the Deviant Devil, the Elder Anesthesia Dragon's demeanor shifted, its tone dripping with contempt as it hurled defiant words at its unsuspecting victim. "Make me, you sucker!" With a smug sense of satisfaction, the Dragon invoked its innate Dream Escape ability, intending to vanish without fulfilling its end of the bargain, much like a dine-and-dash maneuver.

However, in its arrogance, the Dragon had gravely underestimated the Deviant Devil's capabilities, particularly in its 76th awakened form, birthed within the confines of its dream field. This evolved state endowed the Devil with powers far surpassing the Dragon's expectations, catching the arrogant creature off guard.

Furthermore, the Dragon had failed to grasp the depths of desperation inherent in an addict's psyche. It was willing to go to any lengths to get its fix.

As the Elder Anesthesia Dragon initiated its Dream Escape innate ability, it cast a derisive glance towards the Deviant Devil, its confidence unshaken by the Devil suddenly grasping it in an attempt to stop it from escaping. With a disdainful sneer etched upon its features, the Dragon regarded the Devil's desperate attempt to impede its escape as nothing more than a futile gesture.

For centuries, the Dragon had relied upon its dream escape innate ability to evade capture and elude adversaries, emerging unscathed from countless encounters. Its Dream Escape had become a cornerstone of its survival strategy, a testament to its skill and cunning in navigating perilous situations.

As the Devil clung to its form, the Dragon's arrogance swelled, bolstered by the unwavering belief in its own abilities. With each passing moment, the Dragon remained steadfast in its conviction that the Devil's efforts would ultimately prove fruitless.

Once again, the Elder Anesthesia Dragon's Dream Escape ability proved its worth, whisking it away from imminent danger with flawless precision. Yet, despite the success of its escape, the Dragon found that it could still feel the persistent grip of the Deviant Devil as it soared through the ethereal realms of dreams. That's when it realized the devil was latched on to it with an unyielding determination. With mounting disbelief, the Dragon witnessed the Devil's tenacity firsthand, its grip unrelenting despite the Dragon's attempts to break free.

In sheer disbelief, the Dragon's composed facade shattered, replaced by a guttural cry of shock and frustration, "How are you doing this? Let go of me you freak!" The echo of its voice reverberated through the dream realm.

"Not utility you uphold your promise and compensate me for trying to default on our promise. You are coming with me," the Deviant Devil said, strengthening its grip on the dragon. It was able to grasp the Dragon during its dream escape because its 76th 'Awakened from' was born from its dream field. Though it did not have the dream escape innate ability like the Dragon, however, its body had adapted to the dream realm allowing it to hitch a ride with the Dragon when it activated its dream escape ability.

"What promise? I don't remember making any promises. Let go, you freak! I will not come with you," the Dragon yelled in distress, scratching the Deviant Devil with its claws. Trying its best to get the Devil off it. However, the Dragon's spiritual body's attacks were like an ant's bit to the Devil's spiritual body in its awakened form.

Even though the Dragon's attacks did not hurt it, the Devil was not the one to sit quietly. It leveraged its body mid-flight with its hands ripped around the Dragon's belly. Then it warped its legs around the Dragon's torso, locking its feet with each other with the Dragon in the middle.

"Ah!" Feeling the squeeze from the Devil's grip, the Dragon groaned in pain. In pain, its body passively began to ooze a mild sleep aura as a counter to the damage from the Devil's painful grip around its body.

However, the Devil did not stop, once its legs grip around the Dragon's torso was tight enough, the Devil let go of its arm and then swung sides trying to use the force from the swing to rotate itself and get on the Dragon's back. However, every time it tried that and failed, it felt an unknown pleasure as its junk rubbed against the dragon's body.

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