Calliope - Book 3 - A collection of Short Stories

Chapter A mate for Eli Part 6

Eli stood in the corridor, holding a stack of books. It had been a month since he first read to Millie, and now it had become a nightly routine for them. He looked up when the door opened.

“Hey Alice,” he smiled as he held up the books. “I went into town and bought some more stories for Millie.”

“She is going to love them,” Alice chuckled as she opened the door for him. “Do you mind getting her tucked in? Calliope worked me hard today, and I would love a bath.”

“Sure!” Eli said as he headed into Millie’s room. “I’ve become a pro at this!”

“Eli!” Millie shouted when she saw him. “More books?”

“Of course, little bit! If you keep asking me to read just one more story, we will run out of books to read,” he teased as he sat on her bed.

“No we won’t!” She giggled as she crawled into bed. She sat beside Eli, resting her head against him.

“We will see,” he mused as he wrapped an arm around her.

He read her one story, and after some begging, he read her a second one. After which, she reluctantly agreed to lie down to sleep. Eli pulled the covers up over Millie before kissing her cheek.

“Do you like my mommy?” She questioned as she wiped his kiss away from her face.

“I do,” he nodded with a smile.

“She said that she likes you very, very much,” Millie said as she looked at him.

“Well, I like her very, very much, too,” he chuckled. “But I also like you very, very much as well, little bit.”

“Will you be my daddy?”

Eli froze at the question. He looked down at the little girl, at her bright eyes and smile. He loved the girl in front of him. He loved spending time with her, hearing her laugh. And now she wants him to be her Daddy? It nearly shattered his heart with love.

“I’d like to,” he whispered as he held back tears.

“Can I call you daddy?” She questioned meekly.

“Let me just talk to your mother about it first,” he sighed. “I want to make sure that she is fine with it. Alright?”


“Good, now go to sleep, little bit.” He instructed as he kissed her forehead.

He blew out the candles before leaving her room. He closed her door softly, ensuring not to make too much noise. With a sigh, he stood there, thinking to himself. He walked across the entertaining room to Alice’s door. It was still shut, and he could hear her humming. She was still in the bath. He debated whether to leave, but he wanted to talk with her. So, he walked over to a couch and sat down.

Alice dried off as the water drained from the tub. She slipped on a nightgown and walked out of her room. She saw Millie’s door was closed, but she wanted to check on her at least once before she went to sleep. But then she froze; she could see Eli sitting, waiting on her. She crossed her arms, trying her best to cover her chest from his gaze.

“I thought you would be gone by now,” she said as she stared at him.

“Well, I would have left, but Millie asked me if she could call me Daddy,” he replied as he walked over to Alice. He stopped a foot away from her, though he wished he could close the space between them.

“Oh… Eli,” she sighed as she looked down. “I’m sorry. I’ll speak with her in the morning. I just hope you didn’t break-”

“I told her that she could,” he interrupted, putting his hands behind his back.

“Really?” She gasped as she looked up at him.

“Of course,” he smiled. “She will eventually be my daughter, after all. But I did tell her that we would need to ask you first to make sure that you were comfortable with it.”

“Eli…” she whispered, wiping a tear that brimmed her eyes. “I…”

“If you don’t approve, I can break it to her.” He interjected quickly.

“No,” she replied with a shake of her head. “I approve. It’s just… I never expected you to do all of this so quickly. It’s overwhelming.”

“I’m serious about working on us. I told you that months ago.” He said as he gripped his hands together. It was hard for him to respect her boundaries when his instincts called for her. When all he wanted to do was hold her.

“I am, too.”

“Millie told me that you said that you like me very, very much,” he smirked.

“She is exaggerating,” she scowled with a roll of her eyes. “I only said very once.”

“Well, I told Millie that I like you very, very much.” He murmured as he took a small step closer to her. “I like the way you smile. I like how you hum when you are doing the most mundane things. When I see you sitting with Millie, I want nothing more than to join you two. I want us to be a family. But, like I also told you months ago, I will respect your boundaries. I just want you to know where I stand. What lies in my heart.”

Alice held her hands to her chest as she looked up at him. He had changed since the night that she told him of her past. And ever since then, he had been nothing but thoughtful and caring. But his words, his actions tonight, it filled her heart with joy. That morning, Millie had asked her about Eli. She had asked if Eli would become her Daddy. But Alice told her that was up to him. But here he was, ready to take on the role. All while keeping space between them, keeping his arms behind his back.

She could see that he was struggling not to touch her. Tonight was hard for both of them. The pull was strong; both of their wolves were yelling within their souls. Alice looked down at her hands. She held the power between them; moving on to the next step was up to her. Just one touch, that’s all that was needed.

Alice looked back up to Eli. His eyes looked at her with love and concern. She took one of her hands and slowly reached out for him. He held his breath, watching her as he remained unmoving. Her hand trembled as it stopped mere inches from his cheek. After taking in a deep breath, she finally put her hand to him. Sparks radiated, rippling through their bodies. It caused sensations that pulsed through their veins. Alice leaned in closer, her eyes on his. But Eli still did not move.

“Kiss me,” she finally whispered.

Eli did not hesitate. His lips went to hers. He kissed her with fervent passion as his hands went to her waist. He pulled her body flush against his. After a moment, he finally pulled back, looking down at her as he panted.

“Can I take you to your room?” He questioned.

“Yes,” she nodded quickly.

Eli scooped her up with ease. He walked into her room, gently closing the door with his foot. He carried her over to the bed, setting her down on the edge. But then he stepped back, giving her space.

“Alice, I want to make sure that you want this, that you are ready for this.”

“I am, but I’d like to set some ground rules if you are alright with that?” She questioned softly. When Eli nodded his head, she took a deep breath. “I don’t want my hands pinned over my head, or pinned at all. I-I don’t want you to force yourself in if I’m dry. Nothing rough, just gentleness. Please.”

“I will worship you like I should have done from day one,” he replied as he knelt down on the floor, his hands resting on her knees. “I promise to be gentle. To let you know everything that I am doing. And if I do something that you don’t like, tell me, and I shall stop.”

Alice nodded her head as she bit her bottom lip. Eli ran his hands under her nightgown, resting them on her thighs. She took the hem of her gown and slowly raised it, pulling it over her head. She tossed it to the floor as she looked back at Eli. He was smiling, looking at every inch of her. It did not matter that she had stretch marks, that her breasts weren’t perfectly perky. He loved how she looked and was excited to make her his.

“Can you lay back?” He questioned as he removed his shirt.

“What are you going to do?”

“You told me you don’t want to be dry, so… I am going to make you wet,” he smirked.

Alice blushed as she laid back on the bed, her legs dangling off the edge. Eli slowly pulled her knees apart, ensuring his grip on her was light. He scooted closer to the bed, putting himself between her legs. She gripped the sheets as his lips grazed over her mound.

“How do you know how to do this,” she gasped as his tongue found her sensitive bud.

“Zeke likes to brag,” he shrugged. But the truth was, he had been learning all he could for the last several weeks. There were books that talked about sex, showed pictures, and gave examples. However, these were not things you could find in any normal library. He had to seek them out and buy them from traveling merchants.

He licked up and down her lower lips. Her moans, her gasps, it was music to his ears. He groaned as his member felt constricted against his pants. But he could not rush it. His tongue plunged into her entrance, tasting the honey that leaked from within. Then his mouth went over her sensitive bud, gently sucking it into his mouth. For several minutes, he listened to her moaning. To her cries of ecstasy and of her calling out his name. He pleasured her until her legs tightened around him as an orgasm ripped through her body.

“Move to the center of the bed,” he instructed as he stood, removing his pants.

Alice panted, gasping for air. She had never felt so much pleasure in her life. She looked at him as she sat up, moving herself further onto the bed. Standing there, naked, he looked handsome. He was a tall, large man, but here he was, kneeling on the floor just moments before. She could not help but lick her lips as he crawled into the bed on top of her. He kissed her as he laid her back.

“Do you want to mark each other tonight?” He questioned as a low growl escaped him.

“I don’t know if I could hold back,” she admitted. “I don’t know if you could either. So, yes, mark me. Please.”

Eli smiled as he kissed her shoulder. He moved down, kissing her collarbone, before kissing her breast. As a nipple went into his mouth, she began shaking her head.

“Please, not that,” she whimpered. “They are sensitive. They have been since I breastfed Millie.”

“I’m sorry,” he whispered as he kissed her lips.

His hands moved from her breasts down to her legs. He gently lifted them and pulled them back to her chest as he lined up at her entrance. He went slow, pushing himself in gently. At first, she winced from the pain. It had been many years since the last time she had intercourse, and the feeling of being stretched was painful.

Eli was gentle with his thrusts, making sure not to go too quick or too hard. Though he had to concentrate on keeping a steady rhythm, he enjoyed the tightness that surrounded his member. He enjoyed the sounds that Alice made, and he enjoyed whispering her name into her ear.

Alice arched her back, doing her best to bring up her hips with each thrust. She had not imagined how gentle Eli would be, how attentive he was. Her memories of the man, of what he would do to her, they did not compare to what she was currently experiencing. And with each second, each passionate moment she had with Eli, the past began to melt. All of her hurt, her trauma, her reservations, and trepidations, they were all slipping away.

Eli looked down at her eyes, noticing tears falling down her cheeks. He stopped, taking his thumbs to wipe the water droplets away.

“What is wrong? Am I hurting you?” He questioned as he pulled out of her.

Alice shook her head as she leaned forward. She took his face in her hands, smashing her lips against his. She kissed him roughly, inciting him to slip his tongue into her mouth. Eli laid her back, continuing his kissing as he thrust back into her. She ran her fingers down his back, gently scratching as she went down. His spine tingled with the sensations, causing him to growl as he neared his climax.

Eli had to grip the pillows beside her head, something other than her, so that he could grip tightly with his final thrusts. As he grunted, as he twitched within her, he could see her teeth begin to extend within her mouth. She wanted to mark him first, to claim him as hers. Eli turned his head, exposing his left shoulder to her. She kissed his shoulder, grazing her teeth along his skin. Her teeth quickly sank into his flesh, causing him to groan from the pain.

When she retracted her teeth, she began kissing the mark as Eli relaxed on top of her. He was panting, exhausted from the sex. She could not help but chuckle aloud as her hand touched his hair.

“What is it?” He inquired as he turned to look at her.

“You surprise me,” she smiled. “For such a large man, you tire easily.”

“You wound me,” he replied as his hand went to his heart. He playfully pouted as he stuck out his bottom lip. “I just need more practice.”

“Perhaps you can practice some more tomorrow?” She teased.

"I’ll take it,” he whispered as his nose went to the crook of her neck.

She giggled as his stubble tickled her. He sniffed his way down to her shoulder, pausing where he would mark her. He waited a few seconds, waiting for her breathing to even out. She was growing nervous as she readied herself for the pain. When she seemed to relax, he extended his teeth, biting down into her.

Alice gasped, her hands instantly gripping his arms. Her first instinct was to push him off, to get away from him. But she held firm, trying her best not to whimper or move too much. She wanted to remain as strong as he had been. When he released her shoulder, she gasped for air, not realizing that she had held her breath.

“It’s done,” he whispered as he kissed her mark. “I’m done hurting you.”

Alice bit her lips as he got off of her. He laid down beside her in the bed, but before he could pull her to him, she got up. She grabbed her thrown nightgown, slipping it back over her head.

“You would be more comfortable sleeping naked,” he stated as he watched her.

“Millie comes in here and joins me in the mornings. I’d rather not be naked.” She replied as she looked down at his clothes.

He had nothing to wear here, nothing he could change into. She looked back at him, wondering if he even wanted to stay, but he was not looking at her. He was looking up at the ceiling quietly. She blinked her eyes slowly as she looked back down. Her heart felt as if it were breaking. He looked disinterested so quickly.

Suddenly, Eli jumped out of the bed, walking out of her room. She stood there, holding back her tears. He was leaving, without saying a word to her. Then her ears perked up. She heard the door to the corridor open, and she could hear someone else, another man. After a few seconds, Eli returned, wearing a pair of sleeping pants. He went past her, lying down on the bed.

“Are you coming?” He questioned curiously.

“Did you have Zeke bring you clothes?”

“I did,” he nodded as he pulled the covers back for her. “I don’t want our daughter to see me naked.”

“Our…daughter?” Alice repeated slowly as she approached the bed. She looked at Eli’s warm smile and watched as his hand patted the spot beside him. She slowly crawled in, laying down on her side so she could face him.

“If she is to call me Daddy, then she is mine, just as you are,” he asserted as he caressed Alice’s cheek.

"You shall claim her as yours?" She questioned as she bit back more tears.

"I will say she is of my flesh and blood," he whispered as he leaned closer to her. "No one shall question her parentage, not so long as I draw breath in my lungs. Nor shall you be the ruined wolf that others once called you. You are the next Great Luna; you shall continue the line of strong women who help protect all those under the Moon."

"Do you mean that?"

"Every word," he replied as he kissed her forehead. He then kissed the tip of her nose, down to her lips. "You are my reason for living, my reason for wanting to be a better man. For more reasons than I can name, I love you, Alice. I only wished that I had realized how foolish I was much sooner."

"Honestly, I am glad you didn't," Alice stated as she touched his hand. "I like that we did not instantly fall into each other's arms, proclaiming our love to one another. I got to learn about you, and you me. I got a chance to grow to love you, in a way that I did not think possible. I received the space I needed, the time I needed to move past my traumas. I love you, too, Eli. I love how you play with Millie and how you have become so gentle with me. I love being here with you now, now that I have had a chance to fall in love with you."

Eli kissed Alice tenderly as he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her close until her head was resting against his chest. He closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of her hair. It was warm being in his arms. It was comfortable, lying there together. As the minutes passed in silence, Alice closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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