Burning Vengeance

Chapter 2.

"Oh, what do we have here?"

Alarik blocks her with his body as best he can. "You should've knocked, Xander."

"Really? And why's that?" The dragon peers over Alarik's shoulder, trying to get a good look at her. "What are you trying to hide from me? A new toy you're playing with?" Faking a scowl, Fay turns sharply away from Alarik and Xander. The other dragon barks a sharp, unnerving laugh. "My God. What have you done to the poor thing? She's livid with you!"

"She'll learn her manners soon enough."

She shivers at Alarik's words and prays they are part of the act. Quickly, she re-bandages her marked arm out of sight.

"Turn around, slave." She turns back around. Alarik looks relieved when he sees her mark is hidden from view. "What's with the bandage?"

"I was punished....by Alarik."

"You were punished, huh? Well, we clearly need to punish you harder." Xander's eyes darken and he takes a step toward her. "You will address him as 'Master'. Not Alarik. Remember that, you little-"

Alarik throws out a powerful arm, stopping Xander in his tracks. "She wears my collar, Xander."

The two dragons face off. After a long, tense moment, Xander laughs, putting up his hands innocently. "Got it. She's yours to discipline."

That's when she sees it. The door behind Xander is ajar. With a fake whimper, she crumples to the ground. "Fay! Xander, get help!"

When Xander's back is turned, she kicks him in the leg. "What the f-"

Before either man can react, she's out the door. She sprints down hallway after hallway, not daring to look back. Finally, she reaches two heavy doors. She shoves the doors open and stumbles into a vast room packed with dragon lords. Beyond the crowd lies an empty throne. The dragons all turn towards her. Some are angry, others are confused. But one thing's certain... there's no way out.

"Uh, I think I'm lost."

A chorus of threatening growls keeps her rooted to the spot. The dragons slowly advance on her.

"Enough." Everyone turns when Alarik enters. He cuts through the crowd and they part for him. He walks past her, his head held higher than she's ever seen before. Then he approaches the stone-carved throne and sits upon it. Everyone bows before him. "Kneel before your king, slave." Her heart pounds in her chest. Alarik glares at her, but it's not anger she senses from him, it's nervousness. Cold dread. She feels everyone's eyes on her. A guard moves to grab her. "No. She is mine to command. And she knows her place." His eyes glow. "Kneel, Fay. Now." Gritting her teeth, she raises her chin defiantly. Everyone in the room murmurs furiously. Alarik rises from his throne. He walks toward her, rage pouring off of him in waves. When he raises his hand, she prepares herself for a strike, but he lays it softly on her head. "Consider this your last warning, slave. You'll follow my orders from now on." He presses down, forcing her to bow her head. When she does, the tension in the room lifts.

"You've chosen quite the.... spirited creature, Your Highness." Xander saunters into the throne room with his fake smile. A shiver runs up her spine.

"Yes, I have, Xander. And as my closest friend, I expect you to treat her with dignity."

"Of course. In fact, I was just about to ask..." Xander bows low, that creepy grin never leaving her face. "To honor her arrival, might I invite you both to dine with me tonight?"

Alarik is silent for a long moment, considering the offer, before nodding. "We'll accept this invitation. Thank you."

She stays quiet as Alarik sees to his royal duties. When he's finally able, he drags her back to his chambers.

She rips her arm from his grasp when they enter the bedroom. "You're the Dragon King?"

"That's not important right now." He makes a point of locking the door behind him and gives her a sharp look. "You ran. Right after I told you how dangerous it would be."

"I had to try."

"Did you? That risk could have costed your life." Aggravated, Alarik drags his hands through his thick air. "You need to learn to be more submissive."

"I'm sorry I didn't bow back there. I was in shock and I can't bring myself to-"

"If you want to survive here, you'll do more." He walks toward her, his dark eyes scorching. "Take off your clothes."

"What?" She backs away from Alarik, covering herself with her hands. "Alarik, keep your hands to yourself."

Sensing her fear, he stops in his tracks. "I only want you to change out of those clothes." He gestures to the bed where on the mattress, lay three dresses. "They're for the dinner tonight. It's important you look the part, for your own sake."

"For my sake? What do you mean?"

"What you wear in this castle tells people how to treat you." He runs his hand over the closest dress. It's covered in delicate crystals and matches the blue of his eyes. "This one, for example, is made of the finest materials. It also bears the color of my royal house. If you wear it, everyone will know you're mine. They won't dare mess with you." He hands her the dress, his fingertips brushing against hers. "The choice is yours, Fay. Please pick whichever one you like." She chooses the dress that shouts she's of high quality and status. With his back turned, she slips the dress onto her body. The fabric is like liquid silk. "Are you dressed?"


Alarik turns. When he sees her, his icy demeanor cracks. His mouth parts in awe. "You look..." the words fall from his mouth, as if he's forgotten how to speak. His eyes rove slowly over her body, over the luxe crystals that drip like rain from her every curve. Then he remembers himself, straightening and coughing. She thinks she catches color in his face. "You look, uh, you look nice."

"Thanks. I'll need help zipping it up." She turns around, gathering her hair so it's out of the way. He steps in, so close his incredible body heat wafts over her.

But Alarik doesn't zip the dress. He doesn't move at all, just stares at her back. "How many times?"


"How many times did they beat you?"

She twists her skirt in her hands, all-too-familiar with what he's looking at. The web of violent scars and fresh, purple bruises that cover her back. "I don't need your pity."

"I know you don't, but please tell me anyway. How many times?"

She hangs her head, unable to fight any longer. "Honestly? I've lost count. My twin brother died when we were seven. My parents blamed me for his death." She sighs. "They've taken their anger out on me ever since." The memory stings and she fights tears from falling, turning to face Alarik. "But I didn't do it. I didn't have anything to do with my brother's death. I blacked out when it happened, so I don't know who killed him. But I know it wasn't me. I-"

Suddenly, Alarik pulls her into his arms. Her breath catches. "I'm sorry." His words are soft, but his grip on her is strong and steady. An anchor in a raging sea. "I'm so sorry you've only known pain, Fay." Heat spreads over her as he threads his fingers through her hair, pulling her even closer. Her tears betray her emotions, turning away from Alarik before he can see. "Forgive me. That was impulsive."

"No, it's all right. I guess I'm just not used to kind gestures."

Suddenly, a bell tolls through the castle and Alarik sighs. "It's time. Let's get this dinner over with."

She thinks of Xander's unsettling smile as Alarik pulls a suit from his closet. "Is that Xander guy really your closest friend?"

"I've known him since I was very young, but we have grown into very different men." With his back turned, Alarik strips off his clothes. His shoulder blades, as big as battleaxes, glint in the candlelight. She turns away, unexpected heat rising in her cheeks. When he's finished changing, he turns to her. "I'm not sure he believes our story. This dinner may be a test. Keep your head down, all right?"

"I'll behave if he does."

"If you play that game, Xander will win. Trust me." With that, he unlocks the door and motions for her to follow him. The castle is an immense labyrinth of hallways. She loses track of time as Alarik leads her from corridor to corridor. They pass a long row of portraits, all bearing a resemblance to Alarik, Dragon Kings of the past. "We're here." She almost bumps into him when he stops.

The door before him opens and her jaw hits the floor. "Leah?"

"Fay?" Her best friend, the girl she tried to save on the night of the Solstice, stands before her.

Unable to contain herself, she flings her arms around Leah's collared neck. "Oh, my God! I can't believe you're here! Are you okay?"

Leah shakes beneath her arms, clearly far from okay. Alarik places his hand on Fay's shoulder. "We should go in."

Xander is waiting for them with open arms when they walk into the grand dining room. "Alarik. You made it."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

The other slaves in the room whisper as she enters, stealing glances at her with awe and respect.

"Your slave looks beautiful. She's dressed nicely."

"Yes. She sparkles like a freshly polished pearl." Everyone turns as a tall, haughty woman slinks into the room in her leather gown. The servants all inch away from her.


"Surprise, Alarik." The woman named Celeste is on Alarik in a second, kissing his cheek, sliding her hand up his chest. He looks less than amused. "I heard you took a slave for the first time. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to celebrate. Let's get a better look at her." The woman's eyes land on her. She circles Fay slowly, like a predator. She stands perfectly still. "Hm. How rude. Aren't you going to say hello, little pet?"

With a surge of bravery, she meets Celeste's cold eyes. "Hello."

Celeste's lip curls up, clearly annoyed by her curt greeting. "That's 'hello, Mistress' to you." Celeste raises her hand at her, but Alarik catches the woman's wrist.

"I'll make sure she minds her manners next time."

"Let's see how she does with dinner service, shall we?" Xander snaps his fingers. The slaves all hurry to serve the dragon lords.

Fay falls in line with them next to Leah. "I.... I don't know what to do."

"It'll be okay. Just follow my lead. I've served my family my whole life." Leah copies her movements in serving the food and pouring the wine. When she can, she whispers to her. "Are you all right? Have you been hurt?"

"I'm....okay...." tears fall down her cheeks. Fay sees large bruises on her arms.

"Did Xander do that to you?"

Leah chokes back a sob and nods. "He.... he hurts me, Fay. He likes to mess with me."

"Leah. Come."

Leah flinches at his command. Fay steps in front of her protectively. "Sir, Leah is helping me with dessert."

"I don't need dessert. Not when I have something as sweet as her." Xander beckons Leah over, licking his lips. "Come. Now." Giving up, Leah walks over to Xander. He slips his slimy hands around her waist. "Alarik here thinks I'm too hard on my girls. Do you think I'm hard on you?"

"N-no, Master."

"See? She's happy."

"You've made your point, Xander."

Xander chuckles and pulls Leah down onto his lap. Her whole body goes cold. "You must be hungry, my dear. You've been working so hard. Here," he cuts a piece of steak from his plate and holds his fork up to Leah's mouth.

"Leah, I'll eat it instead. You're a vegetarian."

"There's no such thing under my roof."


"What, Alarik? You want her to starve?" Celeste and Xander laugh, ignoring his warning.

Xander holds his fork to Leah's lips. "Please. Eat." Leah's shaking, Fay can see that from across the room. But she has no choice as she takes the fork into her mouth. "And this is what you get for eating before your Master is finished with his meal." Xander opens his mouth wide. Suddenly, long fangs appear in his mouth and he sinks them into Leah's shoulder.



Her best friend screams as Xander's venom courses through her. She doubles over from the pain.

"Stop it, Xander!"

"You handle your slave, I'll handle mine." Xander bites down harder. Leah cries out, trying desperately to get away, but he holds her tight.

"Stop, please! It burns!"

Thinking fast, Fay grabs a large goblet and throws its contents on Xander.

"Agh! What the-" soaking wet, he launches from his chair. Leah falls to the floor, holding her shoulder. "You bitch!" Xander grabs her by the throat, gripping it so hard she's sure her skin will break.

"Let go of her. Right now, Xander."

"But she-"


Gritting his teeth, Xander throws her across the room. She hits the wall, coughing and gasping for air. "Look at my clothes, Alarik! Do you think this is okay?"

"Of course I don't. I'll see to it that she's punished."

"That's all you have to say to me?" Their gazes lock, Xander looking ready to pounce. Everyone tenses. Seconds feel like hours as the two men square off, until Xander sighs and laughs. "Relax. We're just having fun, right?"

".... right. Fun." Alarik leans back in his chair, still seething with anger.

"Exactly. We're having a great time! And why should the fun end here?" Xander's grin turns deadly. He rises from the table and reaches for a black bell on the mantel.

"Xander, don't-" Xander ignores Alarik's command and rings the bell. Suddenly, she hears bells ring out across the vast castle.... a tinkling, eerie chorus. Alarik stands, his fists shaking and his knuckles blanched. He reaches for her, but it's too late. "Fay-"

Dozens of guards descend on the dining room. They grab her and force her towards the door.

"Want to play a game with me, little Fay? It's called.... a hunt."

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