
Chapter 34

Danny was asleep on the sofa and Rachelle had already with Jake an hour ago to head back to Flame Tree Bay. The only reason she was even going back was for him and since his family resided down there, a trip back was inevitable. After sharing the townhouse for so long, not having them close enough for me to sense them was strange. Luckily, Nanna was letting us stay at her place so I was able to avoid the inevitable just a little longer. Tomorrow, Danny was planning on making the trip home, only I wasn’t sure if I could. Mum and Dad were expecting us since I made them promise not to meet us at the airport this morning, so it wasn’t like I could send Danny down there on his own.

Maybe it was jet-lag, the stress of the trip ahead or maybe it was because even Nanna’s house was tainted with bad memories, but I couldn’t sleep. It was only nine at night here, so how Danny managed to do it was beyond me. As soon as I was left alone, I got out my laptop from my carry on bag and did the only thing that made some kind of sense to me. I started to look for somewhere to live now. I couldn’t stay here with Nanna, and home wasn’t home anymore.

Before I left, Margaret sent out a few letters to some of the clothing designers she knew over in Melbourne. Two of them had offered me a job, and I’d be able to continue my studies there as well, so that is where I centered my search and before I knew what had happened, the sun was up and so was Danny.

“You sleep?”

“Yeah, of course.” I lied.

“We haven’t even been back twenty-four hours and already you’re back to this shit? When I make breakfast, you better eat it Sar!” He threatened.

“It’s called jet lag idiot and breakfast better be ready by the time I’m out the shower!” I was teasing him now and he only groaned in response.

“Oh I forgot how nice it was to have you two around!” Nanna yawned, appearing in the hallway as I made my way to the bathroom. “Morning Sarah.”

“Morning Nan. Sorry, we didn’t mean to wake you!”

“All good. Did I hear something about breakfast?”

We went our separate ways and before long we had her car packed and were on the highway heading home. I told myself not to think about it, but I did. That night we fled the life we knew was as fresh in my mind as the day it happened. This time I wasn’t in the back of a van, being kidnapped and taken to a psychopath or stuck in my wolf form, passing out from exhaustion from my first shift. Now Nanna happily filled us in on what had been happening lately, from Annabelle’s new boyfriend, and the birthday party they had last weekend for her daughter, Yasmin. I already knew Noah had gone through the change while we were away, and because of that, both my cousins knew about werewolves now. Strangely neither of them wished to join us, though I was kind of surprised Deborah even went through with the wedding.

Turning onto our road, my nerves only grew and pulling up outside our house, the nostalgia of it all made me want to cry. It was exactly how we left it, only the white fence out looked new and the second we got out of the car, the stench of fresh paint hit me. Walking up to the front door was terrifying. I wasn’t sure if we should knock, or just go right in; it all felt foreign to me now. Thankfully Mum made the decision for us, rushing outside to practically tackle Danny and I to the ground.

“My babies are home!” She cried, and I couldn’t keep a straight face as I started to cry along with her.

Dad was quick to come out behind her and shook Danny’s hand before pulling him in for a hug; the pair clapping each other on the back a few times before letting go. Then I was back in my fathers arms, feeling like I was ten and it had been a hell of a lot longer than it actually was since we had last saw each other. They smelt the same, they practically looked the same and walking into my room; it hadn’t changed either.

“I didn’t want to touch anything.” Mum told me from the doorway. “You had to come back eventually.”

“I’m sorry Mum. For everything and I just couldn’t leave. I had my job and-”

“You don’t need to explain. You look good love, you’ve been looking after yourself for a change. Where did my little girl go?” She hugged me again and I managed to hold it together this time. “I’m so proud of both of you!”

“We know Mum. Thank you.”

Everything found it’s rhythm and Jake and his family cameover for dinner. I felt better having him and Rachelle around, and sitting outside in the cool spring night brought nothing but memories of a time I’d almost forgotten. The possibility of returning to that life, seemed like a possibility only I knew I was only lying to myself. I’d made my decision and was going to stick with it.

“So what next? I can still take you on as an apprentice Danny.” Baz offered, taking the beer Danny passed to him from esky.

“Really? That would be awesome!”

Rachelle found out her parents moved a few towns down, so wasn’t so eager to get away anymore. Mum offered her a job at her work until she could decide what she wanted to do now and Jake, like Danny was guaranteed to follow in his fathers footsteps. They would be fine here, looked after and able to carry on like normal. Instantly I knew my plans to leave were the right ones and the anxiety I’d been plagued with vanished.

“Sarah, what about you?” Nanna was the one to bring me back into the conversation and I tried to avoid looking at my parents when I told them what I decided.

“I’m going to Melbourne. I got offered a job there and I’d be stupid not to take it.”

“What?” Danny exploded, standing up from the other end of the table. “Melbourne? Sarah, we want to stay home. We’ve been away long enough!”

“I know.” I told him calmly. “No one is coming with me.”

Rachelle gasped and silence took over as Danny only glared at me. “What now? After everything, you’re just going to leave us? You’re the pack leader, you can’t-!”

“Being a werewolf doesn’t define me Danny. You can manage without me. This isn’t London, this is home. We’re the only werewolves around here and there won’t be any trouble. I’m not staying here. This place isn’t home anymore!”

“Sarah, but what-” Dad started, creating a spark of doubt.

“I’ve already made arrangements. I’m leaving in a week.”

“We stay together Sarah. You know we’re better that way!” Danny argued.

“I don’t care. I always do what is best for everyone else; I didn’t want to leave the U.K, but you all did so I said yes. I’ve gone through hell and managed to come out the other side, and I am doing this.” I stood and growled back at him.

“Fuck. You. Then!” He stormed inside, slamming the door and everyone looked at me.

“Sarah, you’re my sister. You’re just, you can’t leave.” Rachelle spoke first.

“I’m sorry okay. But I’m going.”

The party died after that and it took me three hours to force myself to sleep despite how badly I wanted to go and make up with Danny - let him convince me what I was doing was stupid and that I should stay. Instead when I got up to go and do just that, I stopped by my window and looking down, expected to see a wolf there. When there wasn’t I went back to bed, my decision final.

The town wasn’t the one I left behind. People looked me like I had a disease they could all catch. The locals that once adored me, looked away and whispered among themselves, which was pointless on their behalf since I could hear every word. Rumours had exploded in our absence. Rehab, jail, pregnancy; all sorts of horrible conspiracies followed mine and Danny’s absence. It didn’t bother me. I kept my head high and glared at anyone who dared tried to look down at me. Before I left, I would have been begging for them to stop and tried to prove I was still the Sarah Attwell they used to know. Despite my new confidence, the ones I enjoyed seeing were the ones who didn’t recognise me and offered fake smiles and compliments when they did.

“You’ve grown into such a lovely young woman.”

“I saw Danny earlier, I don’t know where you two have been, but it agreed with you!”

Walking into Mrs. Johns store, she had new shelving, but that was about all that had changed. I was positive even some of the stock was the same, though with her prices and a slow summer season, it probably was.

“How can I- Oh! Sarah!” She exclaimed, rushing around the counter to hug me. “How are you dear?”

“I’m great Mrs. Johns. I’m just in town for a few days before I head to Melbourne and I wanted to thank you for that Summer you let me work here!” I smiled, applying all the charm I could muster.

“Really? Why?”

“After my relative died, I was in such a bad place. My Nanna took us to London for a holiday, but I’m sure you already heard about that!”

“I did, I did!” She knew new gossip was heading her way and hung on ever word.

“Well, I met a lady called Margaret, and the experience I had from working here, landed me a job in her store. She is the founder and head designer of Maggie and May. I believe your sister got you those gloves when she was over there?” I didn’t hide that slight accent I’d managed to pick up either, delighting my old boss further.

“She did. How very exciting! Your Mum did mention you were going to design school now. Is that why you’re going to Melbourne?”

“It is. I was offered a job there thanks to Margaret, so like I said before, thank you for all your help. I owe a lot of this to you!”

The old woman nearly had a stroke at that and eventually I managed to get out her store with promises to send her any samples should I decide to launch my own label. With Mums grocery list in my jeans pocket; the real reason why I went into town, I headed to the grocery store and instantly got tense as I sensed another werewolf.

It didn’t take me long to locate him either.



He instantly looked uncomfortable and the bold, jerk I used to know was gone as he stepped back and bumped into the shelf behind him.

“What are you, how long have you, why are you here?” He finally stuttered.

“You first.” I decided.

Joe looked like Justin, if it wasn’t for the tattoos around his neck I would’ve have easily mistaken the pair. Both his arms were covered now too, and the spark that used to be in eyes was long gone. He’d grown a little taller, easily the same height as his brothers now and he was stockier than he used to be. I was almost amused at the hint of fear that tainted the air around him now; oh how times had changed.

“We live here.”

“We?” My heart stopped and my earlier bravado vanished.

“Me and Justin. When he turned eighteen, he decided he was old enough to be my guardian and we came back here. I finished school and now we just work on which ever farm is looking for help. No one has ever come looking for us, the werewolves that come through town never stay; just holiday makers like everyone else.” He rambled quickly.

My throat felt like it was closing up and I barely managed to get out the words. “And, Michael?”

He didn’t look at me, just shrugged. “He isn’t dead, if that’s what you’re asking. Well, we don’t think he is. Hugo would’ve told us if he was, but it’s like we’re forgotten now. We did get some money sent down at Christmas, a lot of money, but Justin just put it away and didn’t mention it again.”

“Danny’s back in town. I’m just passing through. You’ll find him at the mechanics just off main street if you wanted to see him?” I offered, not entirely sure why.

“Maybe. I’ll tell Justin.”

I didn’t know what else to say, so just walked away and got what was on Mums list. Danny was waiting by the front fence when I got home, with Rachelle and Jake.

“Justin and Joe are still around. Said no one comes here anymore.” I tell them, dropping the bags on the kitchen bench as they all follow me inside.

“Serious?” Danny growled. “Joe hated you and you ran into him on your own?”

“He’s, different and besides Danny, I am more than capable of looking after myself now.” He didn’t miss the warning in my tone.

“Then we have to go see them, make sure they know-”

“No. I told him where to find you. Let them make the first move. I believe him, they’re alone.” I felt detached from everything as I told them, not really recognizing my own voice either. All I could think about was him; why did he leave his brothers? Was he still alive, could Hugo be sparing the others the pain of finding out the truth?

“We don’t listen to you anymore Sarah, especially if you’re leaving!” He challenged, instantly getting my attention back. Without thinking I had my forearm pressing into his neck and he was pushed against the fridge.

“I haven’t left yet and stop being such an asshole!”

He stopped struggling and I let him go.

“Fine. We’ll do it your way.”

“Good.” I snapped, glancing at Jake and Rachelle who had their mouths shut tight, yet were clearly bursting to speak. “Say your peace now or not at all.”

“I’m going to miss you, but I understand why you’re going. You deserve to have a normal life, you’re right. Being a werewolf doesn’t define you.” Rachelle pulled me into a hug. “We were talking about it before you came in. Danny?”

All eyes turned to him.

“Fine. I don’t want you to go. We’ve never been apart, not like this and I’m scared.” He sighed. “But, I. Look, I agree with what she said.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I just don’t want you to go. I just hope this new place of yours has plenty of room because I’ll be visiting every chance I get!” Suddenly all three of them were smothering me in a group hug. “I mean that last part you know.”


A few days later, I waved goodbye and boarded my plane.

By the time I arrived at my apartment, met the lady who was waiting to give me the keys to get in, and got my luggage upstairs; I was exhausted. Danny had called about twenty times since touchdown and had managed to get onto Rachelle and Dad’s phone too. I sent him a quick text to leave me alone, which he was happy with since it meant I arrived and was safe. Best of all, I had no trouble in falling asleep that night.

The next morning I woke at dawn and decided to get familiar with my new surroundings. My area of the city was werewolf free and since I had a couple of days to get settled before work started, I made the most of it. Despite there not being a sign of another wolf around, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. No longer feeling excited for the run, I headed home.

“Finally, she calls!” Danny snapped sarcastically as I stood staring out of my window. I hadn’t moved in nearly an hour and I was already started to get an idea of the tram schedule - not on purpose either. “Mum and Dad just went out, so great timing.”

“I promise I’ll answer when they call later. Funny you should say that though, you’re not planning on surprising me by suddenly knocking on my door are you?”

“Like now, no? Why?”

“No reason.” I sighed, heading into the kitchen. “My place has a view of the MCG”

“Seriously? How are you affording that?”

“I saved my money and didn’t spend it as soon as I got it.”

“Touché. But Sar, what’s going on?” He pushed.

“Not sure. I just, I felt like I was being watched when I went for a run. Probably just new place jitters.”

“Come home.”

“No. Forget I said anything.”

Danny wouldn’t forget and my casual call ended up lasting for nearly an hour. “Someone is at the door, I gotta go.”

“Don’t answer it. Call the police and then call me back!” He demanded.

“I’m not doing that.” I did keep him on the line though. Before opening the door, I breathed in deeply and relaxed instantly. Opening the door, I smiled. “Hey, Jewel right?”

The woman was older than me, but not by much. Her blonde hair had a bits of pink and purple streaked through it all, while her clothes smelt a little strange. Then it clicked, she smelt like Danny used to when he and Jake smoked pot.

“Yeah. Hi, look, I hope you don’t think this is weird, but you said last night about being new to town, so I thought I’d invite you out with me and a few a friends. There is a poetry reading night down at Federation Square. Would you like to come? After we’ll grab kebabs at this Turkish place and-”

“Sounds great.”

“Oh, awesome! I’ll buzz you on the way down, I’ll be leaving in about an hour!”

Danny was laughing on the other end when I went back to my phone. “Sounds scary. You sure you gonna be okay over there on your own?”

“You’re a jerk. Talk to you later.”

Jewel and her friends were different to what I was used to. Everything was an open discussion, from politics to the price of the tram to get there. The poetry night was interesting and luckily I remembered enough from school to keep up with some of the conversation on the way to dinner, but after that; I was lost. When they mentioned plans to go to some new bar on the other side of town, I said my goodbyes and headed home.

The second I was outside my apartment door, I wished I hadn’t come back alone. Instincts I’d played down tonight returned at full force, and the feeling of another werewolf being way too close for my liking had my skin prickling with the urge to change. If necessary, I could defend myself better that way and as I swallowed down the building adrenaline I hesitated slipping the key into the door.

I couldn’t call the police, and what would calling Danny do? He had a four hour flight to get here and who knew how soon he could get on a plane anyway. It would be fine, I could handle this on my own. Unlocking the door, I waited a second before turning the handle and slowly swung it open. Inhaling sharply, my stomach sank at the scent that was fresh in my apartment, and stumbled backwards into the hallway.

It couldn’t be.

Nothing moved and my whole world felt like it had stopped as I struggled to find the courage to go in. Against my better judgment, I closed the door behind me and moving towards the kitchen, made sure to the keep the wall at my back to stop anyone creeping up behind me. Slowly I moved around in the dark and finally making it to the kitchen, I reached out for the light switch and flicked it on - my eyes meeting his instantly.

I gasped, not hiding my shock despite the fact it wasn’t exactly a surprise and my hands slapped over my mouth to stop anything stupid coming out. He sat on the lounge chair like it was the most natural place for him to be, but it wasn’t really him. Gone was the unkempt guy I first met. His face was clean shaven, hair cut and styled. The clothes he wore were a lot different to the board shorts and tank tops he’d lived in during our Summer together. He wasn’t the guy I left behind at all. The lines on his forehead had only deepened, and there was something cold and calculating behind those eyes that was new. Neither of us moved and listening out, I was positive we were alone.

How did he get in here or even know I where I lived?

Why was he here?

I could get answers if I actually remembered how to speak, and asked him those questions, plus a hundred more, yet as I lowered my hands, nothing came out.

Michael moved first, running his hands the lapel of the suit jacket; flicking off some invisible fleck of dirt from the expensive fabric. He dressed like Scott and just thinking of the pack leader had me trying not to snarl now. I was on the ninth floor; it wasn’t as if any of that pack could all get in through the windows. The door had been locked though, and I was positive I hadn’t caught any scents in the hall.

“Hello, Bright Eyes.” Michael spoke first, interrupting my thoughts as I couldn’t stop myself from looking at him with suspicion.

“Don’t call me that.” He smirked. “Why are you here?”

“Heard you were back in town.”

Danny came to mind and my stomach sunk. I hadn’t had any calls from him tonight or Rachelle or either of my parents. “My fami-”

“Are fine.” He answered curtly. “You’re still so easy to read Bright Eyes.”

I frowned, stepping around the counter as he stood up and started to walk my way. “Why are you here?”

“I told you, heard-”

“That’s not a reason.”

“I have my reasons, that’s all you need to know.” There was something wrong about him; something that hadn’t been there before.

“How have you been?” I circled the kitchen as he mirrored my steps, and pausing by the draws, I knew there were two very sharp, big knives in there I could grab if I had to.

“Good. Great. You? How was Europe, and your life in London?”

The cruel edge to his tone left me feeling like I was in dangerous territory. One wrong step would see me falling off that cliff that I’d been dangling on the side of for years.

Maybe I was finally ready to fall.

“Good. Great.” I threw his words back at him, with the same attitude and his eyes narrowed. “Tell me why you’re here before I do something I might end up regretting!”

Instantly I held the knife in front of me, the silver blade less appealing to him than it was to me. Somehow I managed to keep my focus and I was almost proud of how my hands didn’t shake like my knees felt like they were. It felt like it weighed a hundred kilos, maybe more, yet I found the strength to hold it.

“What are you doing?”

“I know how to defend myself now, a lot has changed since you last saw me.” I warned.

He clearly thought this over for a few seconds. “I can see that.”

This time his eyes moved from my toes up, slowly; deliberately and the promise of that look had my heart racing.

“Are you afraid of me, Bright Eyes?”


Yes, but it wasn’t for any of the reasons he’d ever guess. I didn’t like how out of control he made me feel. I was used to being the dominant one now, but this whole time Michael only left me wanting him. Our goodbye did nothing to free me of whatever hold he’d always had over me, even now. It had been so hard to submit to Scott, to anyone else and yet with him, I was already fighting the urge to give him everything I could. I wanted to. I needed to. He was mine as much as I would forever be his.

“Don’t ever be scared of me.” He’d told me that before and I believed him then only now I had no idea what to do or think.

I hated that he still had some control over me; that he could be affecting me like this. Before I could try and work out what to do, the knife was across the room and I had my back against the cupboard with my arms pinned at my side. I should fight him, I knew how to defend myself now. I’d fought other wolves, I’d led a small pack of my own. I survived and was living alone. I didn’t need anyone. Instead all the pain I thought I had erased years ago came to life and all I was left fighting was myself because now I just wanted to scream at him for never coming to find me.

“You shouldn’t even be here. This isn’t your territory!” I faked my bravery, and by now I expected the wolf to be willing to take over. The rush never came, if anything my confidence and strength seemed to dissolve as my heart, body and soul all had their own preferences on what was going to happen next.

“I go where I like.” He snapped, lowering his head towards my neck; I felt like jelly in his hands.

His scent was addictive, clouding my already shaken mind as my skin started to burn with the memories of his touch and taste. Turning my head slightly, I could hear the way his heart was beating as frantically as mine and meeting his gaze, I silently begged him to kiss me. Instead I felt cold as he let me go and headed for the front door.

“Where are you going?” I swallowed the lump in my throat as he went to leave, not willing to go through that rejection again. Three years and I was still that weak, newly changed pup ready to be at his beck and call. “You can’t just come in here, unwelcome and unannounced and then just, leave!”

He stopped, a flicker of amusement in his eyes that threatened to drive me crazy. “You’re telling me what I can and can’t do?”

“Oh sorry, should I call myself Scott? Would that make it easier for you?” The words left me without thinking as anger fueled my tantrum. I should have paid more attention to the way his eyes darkened and how his hands balled into fists, but I didn’t. “Run along, I’d hate to make you late for kissing his ass.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying right now.” Michael warned.

“Pretty sure I do. You dress like him, kinda act like him and-”

“Sarah.” He growled this time.

“Get. Out!” I ordered, finally finding myself as my muscles tensed and ached to change. Again I was left with ancient memories of fur against fur; that turned into him breaking his promises and sending me away. All of me had suffered that night, and not just because of what Scott had done. “I don’t want you here, so unless you’ve come to do what you couldn’t before and kill me, just-”

“You have no idea what I have done, what I been through! There was no one there fighting for me, I didn’t just get to fly away and start again! I had to come here to see you, because I needed to see you, just for a minute. I wanted to see if you’d found someone else, to see if you were happy so I would know I did the right thing!” He screamed at me, waving his arms around for a second, I wondered if he would hit me.

“I waited. For months I waited for you to come home. I thought you might when your Nan left, and then when your parents came back, that you wouldn’t be too much longer. You never, came back!”

Michael’s voice went a little higher then, breaking, as I only felt guilty now for not trying harder where he was concerned. He told me to go, and it was my fault for doing as he said?

“You told me goodbye, you said no to us and I did try. I had Nanna and Noah getting what information they could, but you disappeared. I phoned you, but you never answered. I spoke to Justin before I left, he hadn’t seen you and even last week when I got, back, I saw Joe. He said you’d left them too and wasn’t even sure if you were even alive. He just hoped someone would tell them if you weren’t!” I was suddenly screaming right back at him. “Maybe before coming all the way over here, you should’ve seen them!”

“I can’t see them. I send them money, they’re looked after.” He argued a little defeated already.

“Why, did Scott say you couldn’t?” I mocked.

Again his face hardened. “Scott is dead.”

I felt like I had been hit and instantly wrapped my arms around my stomach. Breathing was almost impossible as all the air seemed to be sucked from the room, and already overwhelmed, my mind couldn’t process it. He was gone. Scott was gone.

“What? That’s, that’s not possible.”

“I can promise you, it is. I should know, I killed him! Just like I killed Guy, and just like I killed my Dad. So sorry if I don’t want to see my brothers. Coming here was a mistake too. I mean it this time, goodbye Sarah.” His whole body tensed and as I watched, it was like flicking a switch. All emotion left him, no more anger, no more yelling. The hurt in his eyes vanished and then just like that, he spun on his heel and carried on towards the door.

I opened my mouth to stop him, but what do I say to that?

He killed them.

Why wasn’t it on the news or reported?

Neither he or Scott had been seen lately, but I never thought that was why. Scott was gone, for good. No more looking over our shoulders, no more fear at him coming after us again. It was over, really, truly over and now looking at Michael, I saw everything he didn’t want anyone to see.

“I waited for you!” I called out as he opened the door. “You sent me away, and told me goodbye, but I couldn’t bring myself to believe it. You asked me to wait for you, that no matter what happened, even if you had no right to ask, and I did. I trusted you! I didn’t come back when they all did because I couldn’t, for the same reason I wasn’t able to stay there now! You weren’t going to be there anymore and it was too hard. I couldn’t stay because-”

Michael stopped, hesitating from walking out and this was it. There was nothing and no one in our way now.

“I loved you.” I told him weakly, scared to move as he froze completely. “I still love you.”

“I’m not a good person. You deserve better.”

He looked at me lost, completely bewildered and confused. Scared. So was I, but it didn’t really matter anymore. Shaking my head, I dared to move closer, until eventually I was in his arms; well he was in mine. We sunk to the floor and just like that, everything came out. I simply held him as he talked, and cried; not judging, only listening and understanding.

He killed Guy straight away to get control of Scott’s biggest business and by putting Keegan in as the new leader, Michael had someone on his side. Supporters of his Dad took longer to swing to his team and playing along in Scott’s world wasn’t hard since he had been raised that way. One by one the pack leader lost his supporters and by the time he realised what had been going on, Michael was in control.

The fight had been hard, and even a year on there was a mark just under his ribs that had yet to go away. The old Alpha had left Michael with a permanent reminder of what had happened; yet it wasn’t as bad as the damage killing his own Father did to him. Michael ended up working with the police, a few trusted officers of the werewolf kind, that were also more than than happy to see his reign end. It was kept out of the media, and quietly filed away.

Scott loyalists, the same ones who had the kill order on any of us that night I changed and the reason why Michael didn’t just shoot Scott then and there were either set up in bad drug deals or crimes, left to serve jail time. It was a shame some of them had unfortunate accidents while behind bars. Then there were the pack members who dared to challenge the new authority.

I never asked what happened to them.

Michael always used to tell me that only he could save me from drowning and it was obvious that only I could save him. Eventually we left the floor and ended up on my bed. I gently stroked his hair, as he rested his head on my chest; half of him covering my side as he held onto me. If I could, I’d erase everything that haunted him, but I didn’t have that kind of power. So I did what I could and tried to give him the comfort we’d both been lacking by being apart.

“I missed you. Every day.” I finally said after he had gone quiet.

He didn’t answer, sitting up before sliding to cover me completely. Instantly my arms were around his neck as my legs went over his hips. Just as I thought he was going to kiss me, he didn’t.

“After all that, you still want me?” Disbelief mixed with hesitation and never had he looked so sad; like he really didn’t believe this was happening.

“You’re mine.” I whispered and reaching up, I lightly bit his lip, trying to lure him in. “I need you.”

It worked and when he kissed me, nothing had felt so right before in my life. I don’t know how I forget his taste, or the way I could make his body react to mine. Gone was the hesitation that used to hold me back. I wasn’t that seventeen year old girl anymore I made sure he knew it too. My hips rolled against his, while I ached with the need to feel skin on skin. It was exciting, and thrilling, yet I couldn’t get rid of some nerves that remained. Michael only made everything worse, as each piece of clothing was slowly discarded; clearly not as eager as I was to take things further. If he carried on like this, I wouldn’t be above begging him. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said I needed him. I did. More than anything I’d ever known before.

“I love you, Bright Eyes.”

“I love you too!” I barely managed to get the words out before his mouth had claimed mine once more and just like that, we became completely lost in each other. We’re werewolves. There isn’t much that makes sense in this life for the majority of the time, but this, me and Michael did.

I never expected my twin brother could or would become a werewolf. I didn’t think I’d ever end up being one either, but for all the bad that it brought into our lives; there is good too. It made us closer, our family stronger and there isn’t too much I’d change now. If none of that had happened, well, I’m just going to say I really owe Danny for the lessons I’ve learnt along the way and for the people it brought into my life.

Just don’t tell my brother, because I’d never hear the end of it.

The End.

The End.

For reals.

Had to keep it PG, but I’m sure you all can imagine how their first night together will be - especially with three years of waiting!! ;)

Anyway... I hope you enjoyed it.

I never planned on Sarah and Michael getting together as I didn’t want it to be ‘just another werewolf romance’ story, but those two had to go and fall in love anyway!

Thanks again for reading!

Take care.

ER x

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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