
Chapter 32

‘Come and join us, Sarah’

Beautiful words pulled at my heart; at every fiber of my being and just when I thought I was done, the world came crashing in on me and I scrambled to my feet. No, my paws. I knew this feeling, how different it was to feel four not two legs underneath me. The enhanced sense of smell wasn’t a shock either, just like how I could see so much better in the moonlight.

Wolf figures surrounded me; their musky odour left me feeling trapped and all I could focus on was the one who had sang that beautiful song. It hadn’t been an angel at all and the intense glare from Scott as he stopped in front of me, pushed me over the edge. I snarled, and my front legs parted slightly as I braced myself for whatever was next. Some of this was familiar, almost like deja vu thanks to what Danny and I had done, but so much more was foreign.

Looking at Scott, I couldn’t drop my guard as I mirrored his steps and we circled each other slightly. He stood alert, proud, towering over me as his intention to intimidate was obvious. He stopped moving and I tensed; crouched low, ready to pounce as my tongue ran along with my teeth that ached with the urge to be used.

‘Submit. Don’t attack!’ Danny’s words matched my own thoughts, as I fought to stay put. My nails dug into the dirt as my whole figure shook with the growls that felt like they started in my gut. All the new sensations were thrilling and yet now wasn’t the time for me to explore them.

Scott darted forward, his chest bumping into my shoulder as I went to snap at him, but I didn’t attack. It was a warning to back off. He was testing me, trying to make me go for him and those new instincts urged me not to let him do that. His jaws slid against my cheek, my neck, my shoulder as he bullied me around. The strain of letting him left a sour taste in my mouth and I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing his fur as he came at me again.

‘Sarah!’ Danny screamed, and I let go.

That was what Scott wanted and this time he made it hurt when he bit my neck. I yelped and cowered, while a fire inside burned to return to gesture. I didn’t, somehow I managed not to react and this time when he looked me, I was positive he could sense those thoughts. Scott stopped circling and I waited for his next move only no attack came.

Instead Scott’s muzzle tilted upwards and how something so enchanting came from him, I had no idea. It only grew in strength and power as someone howled with him. I didn’t realise it was even coming from me until we stopped. Scott took off then, and I followed the pack leader no longer feel threatened, but rather acceptance instead. I wanted to run with him. Maybe we’d been over thinking everything and that was it. Was it all over now?

The whines and growls from the pack followed, as the wolves caught up and surrounded the pair of us. I no longer held back, eager to run and be with my kind, as all the other problems were simply erased. Danny was there, his black figure bumping into me as he playfully mouthed my neck and tugged on my ear. Spinning around on my back legs, we wrestled as the pack let loose and mood lightened as we all felt the same enjoyment from the freedom this gave us.

‘You okay?’ Danny’s voice startled me, and because of that, he knocked me over. ‘Sarah?’

‘Yeah, I think so.’

Getting up, I briskly shook my coat, loving how that felt and panting, the air as fresh on my tongue. My mind felt a little foggy; almost like I was drunk. It was all so strange and so much of this kind of thing had been lost on me when I had been able to change through Danny.

I loved it.

‘Stick close to me okay?’ He urged.

I bounced forward, nipping his shoulder before I stopped so suddenly he crashed into me. I looked down to find my legs were black. Turning to my side, so was my body.

‘I’m a black wolf too!’ I told him; despite the fact he could obviously see that.

Danny wagged his tail, before he nipped me back this time and took after the others. The joy of the moment wasn’t lost on me and I sprinted to catch up and tackled him. I had no idea where Scott was, Michael or his brothers, but right now I didn’t care.

I was a wolf.

I turned into a wolf.

A familiar scent went by and holding Danny down into the dirt, I looked up to see Hugo trotting past us, a big dopey grin on his muzzle. Another wolf bounced towards us, one I didn’t know and I instantly tensed as she showed the same amount of hesitation before her head lowered. Her wagging tail brushed against the grass as she sniffed my side and without thinking I skirted around her.

Clearly she caught the invitation to play as the three of us bounded around each other with excited growls. Everything was new to me; the feel of my legs and the way my body could move now. Danny and the mystery female were quicker than me, making it obvious who the new wolf in the pack was.

I probably should have paid attention to where we were - how far we’d travelled from the Blakes property. It could have been hours or minutes since I’d changed, I became so wrapped up in all the sights and smells now available to me. I’d gone too hard too early, and the pack kept moving as I fell to back. I slowed to a stop, my sides heaving as I struggled to catch my breath.

‘Sarah? Where did you go?’ Danny called.

Up ahead I saw the dark figure of Danny stop, the female still trying to play around him. He snapped and then charged at her in a less than friendly manner; coming back my way.

‘Sarah! Look out!’ He warned, but it was too late.

The fact this wasn’t my pack, that I wasn’t safe and that I shouldn’t be feeling so content right now, hit me in the shape of a much larger male. I knew that smell, I knew this wolf and as his jaws pinched the skin around my neck, I wanted to tear him apart.

Problem with that was, I had no experience with this kind of thing and I was already tired. The snarls that left me couldn’t be stopped, as every inch of me was set on destroying Ben. It had been building up since the first time I defied him, got him into trouble and those days of him messing with us when we were kept at Scotts house. Now it was at breaking point and he was winning.

I rolled onto my back, his grip not weakening, and kicking out as best I could, my paw hit at his side. As I felt the resistance of his body under it, I clenched my new limb as I would a hand and started to try and dig with my back legs. With a savage yelp, he let me go and leaping around, I didn’t get time to get to my feet as he charged at me again, but from a different angle so he was out of reach of my legs.

Then he was gone.

Danny was there with Justin and Joe, the trio all coming to my aid as I struggled to get up. Danny moved first, the pair leaping around each other as neither were willing to back down and then Danny snapped. He moved quicker than I thought possible, a mass of fur and fangs; aiming straight for Ben’s throat. Somehow the idiot managed to dodge it and looking around, the disagreement had earned the attention of everyone.

Justin whined, as Scott barged through the other wolves. It felt like there were hundreds of us, but now taking the scene in, there was maybe fifteen all up. Behind Scott, Michael emerged and I almost cried out to him. My tail seemed to wag of it’s own accord, but that was short lived as Scott moved in to break up Danny and Ben.

Seeing the Alpha set his sights on Danny woke me up and I was moving before I could process it, slamming into him as he nearly got hold of my brother. Everything about him screamed at me danger; there were no friendly signals as he broke up the pair and turned to face Danny. Ben backed off instantly, and confused Danny turned and growled. Getting positioned in front of Danny, there was no acceptance coming from Scott, just his challenge.

‘Back down Sarah!’ Danny urged, and I blocked him out.

Adrenaline soured through me, different to what I was used to because it was made for moments like this and I was finally in the right skin to use it. I jumped at Scott, and he took the force of my hit; dodging my jaws. Then it started. He was slightly bigger than me, yet I felt this was an even match. Had I only been human, then it would be an entirely different story. I wasn’t thinking, barely holding on as all my actions didn’t seem to be mine. I felt like a puppet, and my frustrations filtered through into the wolf.

I lost control as the wolf fought harder, meaner, desperately and as the others seemed to circle the duo; the scent of what was mine distracted me. Joe stood beside Michael, looking as if he was about to jump in at any second, while Justin angled himself just in front of his younger, keener sibling as if to stop him. Michael was bigger than the pair of them, and from the way Joe cast deadly glares at him, they were under orders of their own.

No recognition passed between us as I met Michael’s gaze, and it hurt.

‘Stop, Sarah! You need to stop!’ Danny managed to break in during that moment of weakness, and feeling lost, I forgot about Scott and looked around for my brother.

Whining, I turned and defended myself as Scott came at me again, but I didn’t want to keep fighting. Danny was right. Now wasn’t the time for this, yet the flare of satisfaction at seeing the dark smear on the cream of his coat told me my mind was in two parts about what was happening right now. I was meant to stay off his radar; fight these urges. I couldn’t, I hadn’t and what would he do in response?

Now I struggled to focus on avoiding Scott’s attack, rather than serve my own. I hated it, but the desperation that took over as I couldn’t find Danny helped lessen the issue I had with submitting in this fight. I whined again, keeping my ears low and tail curled between my legs, panicking as fear took over. Not only that, I hurt. Scott wasn’t holding back anymore; his intentions deadly.

I finally managed to find Danny by Keegan and Leah; the female I thought I didn’t know and relief washed over me as I darted towards him. Scott hadn’t expected me to run then, and I got to Danny with him right behind me. I was more cat than proud wolf, slinking down beside my sibling who reacted in a similar way; yet he stepped over my figure making the message that he was there to guard me clear.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!’ I told Danny, whining pathetically as Scott looked between the pair of us.

The tension vibrated through the pack. The joy had been killed and now they waited to see what their leader would do. Surrounded by wolves; Scott changed back into human form. I think that was scarier than the wolf. Danny growled. A wound had already sealed itself at his side, just above his hip only the blood remained on his skin. A few odd scratches here and there marked his body; I had done that.

“Well little wolf, you are interesting aren’t you? Why are you hiding behind your brother when it is he who normally hides behind you?” He taunted, before turning to where Michael sat with his siblings. “Change.”

Obediently, Michael soon emerged and I closed my eyes, leaning into Danny as the feel of him beside me was all the comfort I had right now.

“So, you were right. The only pain he felt during her change, was from seeing his sister go through it. The pair of them have been completely normal since, and I doubt they could hide particular, gifts, from me in wolf form. I’d have sensed something different, or at least seen it. It’s easier for a human to lie than a wolf.” Scott spoke slowly, like he was thinking about each word before he said it. “I have no doubt she could be a problem for me, but her weakness is him, as she is his. Rather, sweet, if you ask me.”

Michael gave a slight nod.

“I’d have to kill them both, if I was to get rid of her because by doing that, he would only make problems for me as he sought revenge. Killing him to teach her a lesson, would be just as pointless. I gave you my word when he was introduced into the pack, that he be treated with the same respect as your brothers due to the circumstances of his changing and the kid knew his place; never challenged that. Now, look at him. How long do you think it would take me to push Danny into a fight if I used her?”

It was strange to see Scott talking so casually about me and Dann to Michael of all people. If I didn’t know him before tonight, it would be easy to consider Michael as someone important in the pack; a second in charge or a trusted advisor. Considering the age gap, they both held themselves the same way and had something about them that made you want to listen to what they had say. Seeing the pair together like this, with Michael working with Scott not against him, you might even consider them equals.

“We were wrong in the beginning about their relationship. They are very close, I guess being twins we should have expected that. This is false strength, you’re right. Their bond makes them very protective over each other, but apart from that, he is a weak wolf and she would do what she had to, to protect him. I think that’s all this was, after that retard already made them feel threatened” Michael shrugged, glancing in Ben’s direction.

“What do you suppose I do with them then?” Scott was fishing, it was obvious and meeting his gaze; I had no idea what Michaels answer would be.

“I would agree, kill them both.” He answered, earning Joe to trot forward growling. “But, you already pointed out our agreement. I feel responsible for him, and because of that, her too. They’re friends, and my brothers have lost enough tonight.”

“Don’t be weak Michael.” Scott growled.

Everyone got fidgety around us; even Hugo and Keegan. Their anxiety wasn’t expected, so how much of this was still going with the plan?

“Use them to lure out the others; if they’re going to try and take us down through these two, they need to be reminded who they are and their place in this city.” At that, I crawled out from under Danny and stood at his side. His nose pressed into my neck, nipping me slightly in warning.. “Apart from that, they won’t be much of a threat on their own. They wouldn’t know how to be, especially looking at the wolves they already know.”

Scott looked thoughtful, the pair of them discussing Danny and I as if we weren’t there. “You really think she isn’t worth it? If you hadn’t come through for me, she’d be in your shoes right now.”

“Then you’d have made a mistake and you would have realised that quick enough. Her actions are out of fear, not strength. Unless you use Danny as motivation, maybe even her parents or family; then she wouldn’t be much use to you. Too risky if you ask me, bringing in that many people who would need constant control and supervision.”

The grin on Scott’s face made me sick as he looked at Danny and I again. As soon as he looked at me, I knew he wasn’t completely sold on Michael’s theory. There was no challenge there this time; his eyes were filled with a promise and I knew I would never be safe until he was gone.

Scott was only human now; I could easily take him down. This was my chance.

“True, true. I forgot how good it was to have you around Michael, you think like I do. It’s something I have missed. That said, I still have a lot to teach you and well, there is something about that girl. I’ve seen too much to let go lightly. I’m not where I am today because of my bad judgement in people so new plan, and I’m sure you will not disagree with me.” Scott challenged Michael this time and he played it off well.

“Of course not.”

“These two are not pack, so do not treat them as such.” Scott declared, pointing in our direction. Danny’s ears flicked slightly, while I only grew tense; ready to pounce. “We have enemies waiting to shoot us that way. They pose a threat not just to yourselves, but to our families and to our pack. Why are we strong? Because the weak are removed.”

Danny whined and took a step back, distracting me as Scott moved away and my chance was gone. The wolves left us, moving around their leader like obedient dogs and just before he started to change back into his wolf he spoke again; this time to just me and Danny.

“I’d suggest you start to run back to your friends and pray they can save you.”

My heart sunk as I realised what he meant to do, and looking to Michael for guidance; I found none as he turned his back on us and started to change as he went back to his pack. No matter what happens tonight? The wolf part of me didn’t believe that anymore because all I saw now was that he was the enemy and not my pack, while what remained human refused to believe that.

He said he loved me.

‘Fucking run!’ Danny screamed at me, and instantly I spun around following him.

Picking and choosing your battles is one of the greatest keys of survival. With a pack turned against us, staying to fight wasn’t an option despite the growing need I had to turn around and do just that. Danny kept pace with me, or lingered just a head. I was tired, the numerous cuts I’d been served with all protesting the way I was now pushing my body to it’s limits and sore muscles ached as I stretched them out. Despite all of that, I was hungry.

The faded scent of cattle lingered in the air, constantly distracting me until we jumped another fence and from the trees ahead, blood and death hit us instead. My first instinct was excitement, only then I remembered what had happened to cause it. I pushed myself harder so I bumped against Danny’s side, just needing to feel him close by.

Movement up ahead sent a new rush of dread through my body, while my heart felt like it was about to explode from the stress it was under. The thumping rhythm drowned out all other sounds, and even as he tried to talk to me, I couldn’t make out any words. My thoughts were too all over the place, and as someone had caught up to us, all I knew now was to keep running.

The first bang of a gun being fired tipped me over the edge. I skidded and tripped over my own feet, as I forgot how to use the four of them. I hurt all over and fear that I’d been hit didn’t help the situation at all. I was shaking on the ground from how hard I was breathing, too scared to move again especially as another shot sounded.

Savage growling had me looking up to see Danny fighting someone, while another two picked on him from behind. They were going for his legs and tail, while the one who had the bulk of his attention was going for his throat. This time when the gun fired, the smaller of the white and greys yelped and fell, slowly changing form back to the one of the men I had seen in the clearing.

The pack ran past us, heading straight for the trees where our help was obviously positioned. Three still picked on Danny despite their fallen packmate and I realised I was still just laying there. No one touched me, or even looked my way and as another ran past, I was actually stepped on as they didn’t jump in time to dodge me. I barely managed a growl and going to move, my limbs were stiff and tight; a cramp taking over and I was stuck there completely useless.

Shouting, more shots and the sounds of dogs fighting filled the night and Danny sent down his attacker while I simply watched on helplessly. The bleeding wound from the aggressors neck woke up the hunter in me, but even then I barely managed to roll up from being spread out on my side. One of the other two backed off Danny then, whining as it ran over to the woman who had just appeared. I felt the sadness pour from the wolf as it nudged the limp figure and the animal dropped down to lie beside her.

Seconds later, another woman appeared and her sobbing was all I could hear now. It broke my heart and unable to watch her grieving I managed to stand. That was a mistake, as as soon as I did, I was knocked down again. My legs were knocked up from underneath me, and I’d almost think I was flying if the hard head in my side wasn’t there; driving me into the dirt.

I weakly snapped out what I could reach, and I smelt Hugo and Leah before actually seeing them. Danny was suddenly in place of my attacker as the smaller female dropped her hold on the one who had been fighting Danny. I barely saw the man take the wolf’s place as she yapped at us and started to run down the paddock.

Danny nudged me as Hugo lunged at the wolf who had knocked me over and the three of us disappeared into the darkness leaving the chaos behind. Leah soon slowed, another whining bark leaving her before she darted back up to where her pack remained. That was it. Our help was over and Danny nudged me, looking just as exhausted as I was.

We had to keep moving.

Finding a hole in the fence, we slipped between paddocks and our pace wasn’t as fast as it should have been. We got back to the house and stopping for barely a minute, the night went quiet. I hadn’t noticed the gun shots had stopped until now and looking at Danny, he trotted to the side of the house and listened. What happened to Noah’s family?

Danny turned and came back to me, and then started down the driveway. I looked back once more and started to move again, the urge to hunt and feed starting to consume my thoughts. I was hungry; I needed to eat. Since I had changed, I was running on empty and all Danny could do was encourage me to keep moving. The highway was getting closer as car fumes and the stench of burning rubber took over from the old farming scents. We were nearly there, nearly at Noah’s location and my parents.

The soft thud of paws stopped me though, and with the breeze blowing our way; Michael’s scent gave me new hope. He was alone, I was sure of it. Had he got away; was he coming with us?

‘Sarah! Keep going!’ Danny scolded, growling as he darted in front of me and tried to herd me around.

Even if we had kept going, he would have caught up to us, and with new energy, I leaped forward to greet him. Michael slowed to a stop, standing tense and dominant as he looked at me and my brother. Danny growled, positioning himself in preparation to attack since he wouldn’t keep running and leave me there alone.

Michael growled as I neared, and all I wanted was to be close to him. It didn’t matter now that he wasn’t my pack, because even those thoughts all phased out as I rubbed against his side. Lowering myself in front of him, I licked at his muzzle, constantly touching him as all I wanted him to do was acknowledge me. What happened earlier was erased from my thoughts as instead I remembered how good his kisses had felt, his touch - hearing him say he loved me.

The tension slowly seemed to leave him as we bumped foreheads and Danny huffed impatiently, pacing behind us. I’d already blocked his voice out of my head without even having to think about it as all I wanted to focus on was Michael. Instincts told me that he was mine and his presence alone made me feel, better. Safe. He is Alpha.

He grabbed my snout, not enough to hurt me, but I didn’t like it and as he stepped back, I didn’t move. Surprisingly, he changed and taking my face in his hands, we stared each other in the eye. There wasn’t any challenge or threat, we were equal and pushing forward, I bumped his chest with my head; loving the way his hands felt on my fur.I couldn’t make myself change, whether it was because I wasn’t entirely sure how to or because I was too tired to do it I didn’t know.

“I was wrong Bright Eyes, I really screwed up.” He told me softly.

I didn’t understand to start of with; expecting him to say something else, anything else. Whining, I pulled back; tilting my head slightly trying to work out what was going on.

“This is goodbye. Get to Noah, get your parents and get the fuck out of here! They’re coming, and you need to go. Don’t worry about me and don’t even think about Scott. After tonight, you’ll be off his radar okay.” He kissed my nose and I just stood there frozen. Was this part of his plan too?

“Look after her, Danny.” Danny whined, coming beside me and dropped his head as Michael ran a hand over it. “You two will be fine on your own. I guess, I’m where I belong now, and you two aren’t like these guys. I mean it when I say goodbye.”

The buzz of dirt bikes rumbled in the distance and Michael looked behind us. “Get her out of here, Danny. Go! Now!”

Danny nipped my shoulder, pushing my around with his body, but I couldn’t move. He wasn’t serious, this wasn’t real. Someone was watching, he was lying and, and, I whimpered, going back to Michael and gently tugging on his arm, I wanted him to come too.

“I’m serious Sarah. Run. Stay with him, just get the hell out of here.” He snapped, and pushed me towards my brother.

His rejection hurt more than anything else tonight and my heart skipped a beat as I held my breath. I had to shift, I had to talk to him and make him change his mind.


I shook my head, whining again. He sighed, his frustrations growing as the bike sounds got closer and so did the barking cries of the pack on a hunt.

“I’m sorry. I really am, but my plan failed. If you don’t get out of here now, I won’t be able to do fuck all to save your life again or any of theirs!” He yelled, yet his town softened at the end. “Goodbye Sarah.”

Danny got me moving as Michael changed and for a second I didn’t care about getting caught, facing off against Scott again - any of it and as the light of the bikes appeared over the hill, another bang rang out. I looked back at Michael one more time, only to find him as a snarling wolf and as if sensing my hesitation, he jumped at me. His jaws barely missed my side and Danny slowed, growling at him before we picked up our pace.

Michael was chasing us out. The first bike went past and then another, each with two people on as they flew over the bumpy road.

“Wolves! Three of them. Is that- that’s the twins!” I heard Karen call out.

Daring a look at the bike to our left, she raised her gun and took aim at Michael. He took another snap at Danny, and as I turned behind him, Scott was right behind us too. Another wolf came out near the front of the other bike, about to jump up at the driver, and with no other choice, Karen turned her aim there and hit the animal in the leg.

It yelped and stumbled, and the bike surged ahead of us, while Danny and I chased after them like our lives depended on it. Which it did. My legs felt like they had a mind of their own, stumbling once I quickly got up and passing the bikes, they slowed. The night filled with the sound of gunfire once more as we hit the road and turning right, we kept going along the side of the road, using the bush as cover. A few yelps followed us and Danny was the one to trip over this time.

I ran past him, before I realised he wasn’t getting up and going back he had fallen awkwardly on his front paw. Limping, he jogged beside me now and as two dirt bikes flew past on the highway, our backup was gone. If the wolves chased us now, we’d be on our own and at their mercy.

How could I have been so stupid? If I hadn’t stopped to see Michael; Danny and I would be miles up the road by now and safe. A truck roared by, the wind that tore down the sides of the road train sending dirt and debris into our faces and closing my eyes, I dipped my head as I tried to shield Danny. We limped on, and finally the sound of voices from up ahead became clearer.

“What do you mean they’re not here yet? They bolted out of the gates, they should be!” Karen screamed.

“We have to go back!” Mum argued with her.


Against my better judgement, I howled. It was short, desperate and needing, but they heard it. Instantly the sound of people crashing through the bush greeted us, right before my parents, Karen and Noah’s Uncle Mitch appeared. Noah and his cousin Don were just behind them, guns aimed into the darkness behind us as Mitch and Karen lifted Danny with ease to get him to the waiting cars.

Rachelle stood by the car completely terrified and while Danny was put into the mini-van, Dad lifted the boot lid in the back of Noah’s hire car. The SUV was too high for me to jump into. My legs gave up and there was no way I could muster the energy needed to get in. I yelped as Don was suddenly there with Karen, the pair of them carefully lifting and guiding me in. My chest rattled with desperate breaths as relief filled me at seeing everyone here and safe. I faintly heard a howl in the distance; Scott, and the pack joined in celebrating their victory.

“You’re safe now, baby girl.” I looked at Mum as she reached out to stroke my head before she closed the door.

The car was started and I listened to the other one pull out ahead of us. Rachelle was talking behind me, so was Noah, and with the hum of their frantic voices filling my ears I wanted to give in to the sleep my body demanded. Problem with that was, I was suddenly wide awake. It hit me then; it was over, we all survived, but at what cost?

My skin was burning around each cut and injury, Danny had told me what that felt like. I was starving, empty inside, with everything I had left going into the job at hand. The pain mixed with fatigue and my body struggled to start healing itself, leaving me about to pass out I wondered if all wounds would heal or just the physical ones.

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