Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 81 ~ The End of The Beginning

Elena POV

I was in bed, far too exhausted to read, after a long chat with my parents, the Betas, the Gamma and Rex. I just laid on my bed, wide awake, listening to the angry storm outside and the pouring of rain, beating every surface.

Now that we were fully mated, you would think Mirko would reply my calls or questions through our mind-link...

He ignored me completely, but I could feel some of his emotions through the bond.

Rage, anxiety, and jealousy.

In his defence I did ignore him today, for a moment, after seeing Herculi in his human form. I was so shocked that for a second there I suspected my mouth had gotten stuck open. I had completely forgotten about Herculi. In my defence, I had forgotten about everything and everyone, except my mate.

And then, out of the blue, there he was appearing in his human form after years of getting used to seeing him as a wolf. For a moment I wondered what made him go back in the land of men.

I sighed, curling up under the fluffy blankets, wishing it was Craken instead, the king of the Fluffiness.

Where was Mirko?! I checked the time.


He sure must have finished his Alpha duties for that day, right? Why didn’t he come as he had promised? Was he-

As if by only speaking of it, the devil would appear, Mirko’s scent filled my nose and the window slammed open, making me jump.

And there he was, my naked gorgeous mate, drenched in rain up to the roots of his inky hair.

My heart skipped a beat. He looked so wild, with that wild beauty and pure masculinity. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was that he was my mate.

Then I noticed his aggressive stance and tenebrous gaze.

“Hey, is there something wrong?” I asked with a confused expression, sitting on the bed, and brushing a few strands of hair off my face. Those dark blue irises followed the move without batting an eye.

To anyone else, Mirko would have looked as scary as the Cerberus of Hades, with his fists clenched, chest rising up and down frenetically and some blood on his chin. He looked at me with sheer predaceousness and an odd glint in his stormy eyes. To me, he looked dangerously hot. As i said before, he should be illegal.

Instead of answering my question, the Dark Sex God shut the window and stalked towards me. I was sure he would leave holes in the wooden floor of my bedroom for how irritated he looked.

“Mirko-” I gasped as he buried his face in the hollow of my neck, inhaling deeply and wrapping me in those iron arms. If I hadn’t been a werewolf, I would have surely broken a few bones.

“Mine” He growled lowly and I recognised Craken’s voice.

With my eyes wide open, I remained motionless as I stroked his wet hair. I could feel him slowly calm down, his heartbeat stabilise and his stiffness leave the big body. Little by little.

“Why do I smell another wolf on you?” He suddenly growled with his eyes glowing with that mystical dark blue that always took my breath away.

I gaped at him before my brain understood his words and began to laugh.

His face morphed from serious to confused and then annoyed.

“That was just Herculi!” I exclaimed with my laughter echoing in the room. Instead of relaxing him, my words somehow angered him more.

“Who the fuck is Herculi?”

Still giggling, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his face in different spots. I loved showering him with kisses and he didn’t seem to mind either.

“He’s my wolf friend! I used to hang out with him all the time when I went for my strolls in the woods and-”

‘Damn strolls’ I heard him curse in his mind before he glared at me with an unhappy face and a second later slammed his lips into mine. I let him dominate the kiss for a while and enjoyed the sparks, fireworks and everything else that came from it. Before the kiss flowed into volcanic territory, he stopped it and motioned me to explain.

“But then I saw him in his human form! Finally!” I exclaimed in the end, panting a little after our heated session. Mirko didn’t understand my excitement.

“What do you mean?” He seemed genuinely confused when he accommodated me on his lap. My legs straddled him on the sides and his arms wrapped around me, as if shielding me from the eyes of the world.

That seemed to be his favourite position.

I grinned to myself before explaining everything to my mate, who listened carefully and occasionally kissed me in random spots.

In the middle of my explanation, a thought crossed my mind and I glared at him.

“I don’t know if I should be worried about your little episode of jealousy or flattered by your insane possessiveness,” I said aggravated, “Don’t you trust me?”

He could certainly feel the disappointment flowing through the bond. I started to really enjoy sharing the bond with him. Instead of explaining in words or expecting him to understand me, he could feel everything I was feeling. It was very helpful.

“Since it’s obvious that I trust you, you should be flattered,” he winked playfully at me, stroking my hair. Another thing he liked a lot: touching my blonde hair.

His answer calmed my doubts and after another little kissing session we continued talking on my bed.

“Did he tell you what caused the awakening of the human?” Mirko investigated with a frown. This case was like Barbaricus’s and other wolves he had heard of. It usually happened when a wolf lost his mate or after being rejected by a second chance mate.

Although the human side of Barbaricus was awake and alert, he let his wolf dominate and be in control. In Herculi’s case, it seemed to Mirko that the human side had completely disappeared, died and then resuscitated.

“He was shocked and could barely say a few words.” I sighed as I remembered the appalled faces of Full Moon people who had witnessed their Alpha’s daughter arrive at the pack with a limping stranger, one arm wrapped around her shoulder for support, all battered and naked. Calling my father and explaining the situation was no easy task, but I had convinced him to accept him while the pack doctor and a couple of nurses ran some tests and checks. I had left him at the hospital, with comfort and food. Luckily, my old man didn’t have time to go see Herculi and would let him recover before questioning him. I was glad father had trusted my judgment.

“Where is him? I want to talk to-”

I placed a finger on Mirko’s lips silencing him and receiving a scowl.

“You won’t need to. I’m capable of managing the situation myself.” He grabbed my hand, very delicately, and kiss the knuckles. His tenebrous gaze set on me.

“Just because you are a fairy, doesn’t mean you can control me with those eyes”

I giggled then moaned when my mark was attacked repeatedly by those sinful lips. “My father is in the bedroom down the corridor” I mumbled with my eyes closed and hands ramming through his silky hair.

“I don’t care”

And Mirko made love to me, again and again, in my own bedroom. He had justified himself, having to keep his promise: not a day shall pass without him loving me, psychically and emotionally.


Elena woke up, stretching her arms lazily, and wearing only a shirt. It was the middle of the night, that predators’ favorite time. But Elena, in bed with the predator number one, the king of the food chain, had never felt so safe and happy.

Thinking back to all the sleepless (and ‘mateless’) nights of the past months, she didn’t know how she managed to survive. Snuggling her face in the pillow, she hugged it, breathing the best scent in the world while two steel arms held her tight from behind, on a chest of the same material.

“So beautiful,” he murmured running his finger over her swollen lower lip from all the kisses received.

She turned her head just enough to kiss him. His response was immediate, but what must have been an innocent kiss took them into deeper waters. Again.

As they made love for the third time that night, without urgency, in that languid way in which you show how much you love each other, Mirko uttered two simple words.

They were whispered from the deepest recesses of his soul and reached every cell of her body.

"Mate...” A few seconds later came the second word. ”Mine...”


Fully mated, Elena and Mirko were fully aware of each other’s feelings, their bond stronger than ever. Their relation growing more and more, their love never ending.

And, finally, a Black Alpha got his real Luna, after centuries of loneliness, spilled blood and terrible hatred.

After mad wolves without mates, shed tears and broken hearts.

And so, the most feared Alpha to ever stride the planet had placed his missing piece back in his soul.

And so, the mission of Alpha Tiberius was completed, and his soul could finally rest in peace....

In hell.

This is not the end. This is the ‘end of the beginning’.

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