Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 78 ~ Breaking News

Sometime later ~ Mirko POV ;)

I was lying on the makeshift bed with my mate curled up on me like a living blanket. Her sweet breaths escaped her lips as I stroked her fairy hair. It seemed that I had exhausted her after our long chats and certain physical activities.

I took a moment to stare at the fairy in my arms. My soulmate.

Her peach cheeks were red, full lips parted deliciously, and long lashes fanned the delicate skin. I smiled, cupping her face in my hands, careful not to wake her up, and placing a light kiss on her forehead and then on her nose, savouring the sparks that returned my kisses.

I gently wrapped the fur I had personally made from a bear around her, to make sure the chilly air didn’t disturb her peaceful dreams.

Her skin was the softest thing my hands had ever touched and all that softness and shapes felt perfect against my body.

Certain images invaded my mind and I had to breathe a couple of times to regain control of my perverse mind, before tucking in Elena and pressing another kiss. I just couldn’t stay away from her or stop touching her.

I never imagined that this, her, would happen to me. Sometimes I still couldn’t believe how my life and pack had changed over the years. Killing my father, along with his beta and gamma, and the other rotten wolves that contaminated my pack had been a game changer. Finding my mate had been the balm to cure everything else.

I walked away, into the depths of the woods. My gaze was directed forward, ignoring the creatures that scurried away from me as I advanced, not bothered by the brambles that cut my skin, nor by the yelps of animals. And there, in the darkness lit only by two glowing blue dots, I let my mind reconnect with my pack, opening the channel again.

I had sensed the pushes of Crucifero and Rolando who had tried to contact me through our private mind-link, but I had shamelessly ignored them.

After all, those 4 days with Elena were the first break, sort of vacation, I had taken for as long as I could remember. And the two could survive a couple of days without me, or at least I hoped so.

‘Look who deigned to come back!’ My Gamma’s comment brought a smile to my face, ‘Shall I assume you have finally drained yourself? Are you going to stay there for longer and fuck like rabbits for the rest of the-’

‘I’ll be back-’ I broke off his annoying chatter, knowing I would have to deal with it once I got back, and then I frowned, as I didn’t really want to go back, ‘-Soon’

‘Alpha, congratulations on your mating. We think we heard your happy roars from afar,’ Crucifero’s smug voice vibrated through the mind-link. ‘Yeah, I wanted to cut off my ears!’ Rolando added before chuckling, ‘Oh, and some warriors swore they heard Luna moan’

‘Ok, shut the fuck up now,’ I growled silencing them instantly.

They couldn’t hear anything as Elena and I were too deep in the forest and far away, but my warriors used to patrol even outside the pack...before I could snap, the change in Crucifero caught my angry attention.

‘Alpha, we have a situation.’ He said worried, all the fun gone. His Beta mode was on and I narrowed my eyes, halting.


‘Mate and I stumbled upon a cave full of women and puppies in rogues’ territory, right after you and Luna set off on your, um, chase.′

‘How many of them? Are they all werewolves? Were they raped?’ I asked in bursts, pursing my lips.

‘There are at least thirty of them, half are pregnant, and some of the puppies are orphans ... and yes, most of the pregnant ones have been raped, although we haven’t interrogated them yet.’ Crucifero explained in a neutral voice, as if he wasn’t affected. After witnessing his mother killed by a bear, right in front of his innocent eyes, or his dying mate in his arms, there wasn’t much in life that could disturb the Beta of Black Devil.

‘We wanted to wait for your orders before proceeding, but currently we have placed them in the dorms and given them the necessary basic assistance,’ Rolando added in a serious tone.

My mind was drafting a plan with that information and news.

‘Rolando. Proceed with the interrogations once they have recovered enough and take your mate with you while you do so. Make sure none of them is a spy. If you find one, kill her.’ and then I turned my ‘mental’ attention to the other wolf.

‘Crucifero. Make sure the orphans are assigned to host families. We will give the option to everyone to stay or leave once they have been interrogated and treated.’

‘Yes, Alpha’ The two said in unison. I took my chin in between my fingers, thinking further. As the Alpha, I couldn’t leave anything unattended. A small detail let out could lead to war, a misinterpreted fact could cause long days of bloodshed.

There was another order to give.


‘Alpha,’ He replied in that altered, inhuman voice.

‘Interrogate the traitor, Frerea, and make sure she knows what happens to those who decide to lie.’

‘Consider it done, Alpha. Anything else?’

I narrowed my eyes when something popped in my mind,

’Yes. Make sure you lock her in the cell next to Ciro’s, the same one where she had thrown my mate.′ I growled the last words and I heard Barbaricus howl outraged at hearing his angry Alpha.

As I continued walking, I reflected on several options. I remembered how Alpha Giacomo, my father-in-law, had sheltered immigrants from Lord Skull’s pack. I will have to organize a meeting to ask for advice and with the opportunity we could outline our new alliance.

‘What was their purpose there, in that cave?’ I inquired my Beta and Gamma, who, meanwhile had overheard my thoughts and conversation with the Wretch in complete silence.

‘According to some, they must have served as a breeding factory...’ Crucifero said gloomily.

‘A factory to produces babies’


AN/ So, what Marco and Crucifero saw in that cave has been revealed!

What’s your favourite mythological creature?

Mine: the Kraken


Read final chapters of the book on Patreon, together with Book 2, 40 bonus episodes about Elena, Mirko, Marco, Crucifero and 15 mature unrestricted side stories! :D

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