Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 70 ~ Discovery

Marco POV

I couldn’t communicate with the wolf of my mate. It never uttered a single word, not even to Crucifero himself. That spoke volumes about what was hidden in the depths of Crucifero and their daily fight.

Red wolf and human were sharing the same body and the same mate, but rarely agreed on anything... apart from when it came to me.

It was like a Doctor Jekyll with his red furry Mister Hyde. It was like having two inner selves.

However, when it came to my security and well-being, they became one and I loved it.

We stayed curled up for a while in our wolves forms. Protected by the strong wind, I was letting my mate calming down, with his head on top of mine and me hidden in his furry soft neck. From time to time he would lift his head and send a warning growl to things lurking somewhere, too close for his liking

Once satisfied that those things, whatever they were, had scurried away, he would lower his head again on top of mine... not before taking a few sniffs.

‘Babe, let’s go home’ I mind-linked him, lifting my head and meeting his eyes. He stared simply at me with affection and licked my muzzle. I laughed internally, rubbing my head on his.

’Come on! I wanna go. Plus, I think those two will take a while′ I smirked, hoping my best friend would finally indulge in the joys of the best sin ever created: sex. And what could be better than being introduced to the world of lust by that walking piece of hotness and steel (Mirko)?! She was a lucky girl... not like me though, which I was the luckiest.

It was such a sight to see little Elena run away from Black Alpha and witness how he immediately chased her, like a madman running for his life. I couldn’t wait to tell our dear friend Rex.

Meanwhile, Crucifero did not respond to my suggestion to go home, and merely stared at me with those terrifying eyes I loved so much. People said that if you watched them closely, you could see a hint of hell, with flames consuming the souls trapped there for eternity.

I had gazed into his eyes many times, and all I had seen in them was love and a lonely soul with a cruel start in life. And I was ready to be his rejuvenating balm, his medicine for the rest of our lives... Since he was the source of my happiness and the cause of my heartbeat.

Deciding it was time to go back to our nest and spend the rest of the day curled up in a comfy space, held by the human arms of my love, I stood up, shaking my fur. Just when I began to walk, I found myself on the ground, with my mate on top of me.

’Crucifero...′ I warned, not enjoying the mud on my stomach. ‘Move!’ I ordered.

He growled playfully, showing me his lion’s fangs. I always teased him, saying that he had secretly exchanged his own fangs with the ones of a lion.

But, in that moment, I was annoyed and growled back, showing my displeasure... and he whimpered, lowering his ears and head. Rolling my wolf eyes, I giggled to myself and rubbed myself onto him, again. When he realized I wasn’t mad, my Killing Machine started purring like a giant kitten.

After a while, we trotted and headed to the opposite side of the rogues’ shelter, strewn with piles of corpses, most already covered with flies. Soon, we noticed one wolf in particular, lying on the ground, barely breathing.


Part of me felt pity, not for nearly killing her, nor for her present situation ... but for what her future held. Cornelia had managed to escape her dark fate with death. I smiled proudly at her remains, her lifeless body torn apart by my feisty best friend.

Crucifero had already ordered some guards to come and get Frerea and bring her back. Not as a prisoner, but something far less.

Suddenly, a smell that wasn’t supposed to be there, hit my nostrils. My head snapped at the direction and before I could move, my mate ran towards it, with me at his heels. Of course, my mate like the protective freak he was, managed to keep himself in front of me, with a tense stance, growling at any tiny movement.

After reaching the entrance to what looked like a secret cave, we both froze.

My heart leaped out of my chest and breath hitched.

‘Oh, my sweet, dear goddess....’


Twigs, dead leaves, and remains of devoured preys snapped under me as I was running away from my very own mate.

Blood had dripped from his mouth, from every single fang, when he had grinned at me. Such a contrast, considering how beautiful the Moon Goddess had made him. But I guessed that was the devil’s face: frighteningly handsome.

His growl was more husky and deeper than usual and his eyes had followed my retreating figure without blinking.

Usually, Titilas and I never agreed on how to deal with our splendid mate. The wolf part wanted to be mated and possessed, there wasn’t even a small inch of inhibition in that furry body of her, just pure instincts. The human side, on the other hand, me, was a whole other story.

Despite our differences and disagreements which created a balanced human bestial blend, this time, both Titilas and I were in perfect sync and we both agreed we had to run. And run fast. And create as much distance as possible between us and our overbearing, unforgiving and mind-blowing mate.

‘How dare he got angry at us for trying to help?’

‘How dare he ordered us around like we were a mere pack member?’

The desire to stop and yell at him, as tempting as it was, didn’t win against my pride... and, perhaps, against a little fear, because deep down I knew that the moment he got his paws on me, nothing would stop him.

Nothing held him back.

My parents knew about us, I had had ages to adjust to the mate’s bond. To add more, I had marked his sexy neck, without asking a permission that Mirko obviously would have given me without batting an eye, served on a silver platter.

Somewhere behind the she-wolf, Mirko, the Alpha Werebeast, also auto-proclaimed himself the Saint of Patience, with bluer balls than anything else colored blue, with aching fangs from having to be sunk into the mermaid’s neck. His mate had the ability to make him angry beyond all limits and then make him forget everything, the moment those huge doe eyes fixed on his.

It hadn’t been enough to sneak into his pack, in the middle of the night, get injured, almost causing him to have multiple heart attacks and almost driving him crazy to the point of kill everything that moved. Let’s not forget another detail: the little witch had marked him without first speaking to those parents of hers, as if all his waiting time and good-mate’s behaviour had been thrown off the balcony of her royal highness Elena.

The future cause of his untimely insanity (his mate) had then gone into rogue’s territory, not quite healed, not yet marked, after he had ordered his guards, the whole damn hospital and his Beta’s mate to keep her small tempting body and her controversial personality safe and sound, awaiting his return.

Mirko’s amount of fury was proportional to Craken’s desire to brand her.

‘All this happened because you’re a giant plush toy around her’ Mirko growled at his wolf, who for once was in control.

‘But she is mate’

AN/ Next chapter on Sunday ;)

Love you all!!

PS: Consider support me, Mirko and my other characters on Patreon! You can read more than 40 bonus episodes, side stories, the sequel, spin off, and my other werewolf story!! :D

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