Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 59 ~ A Madwoman

A stocky, familiar-looking girl emerged from the fringe of the woods. Her figure was quite massive, dull blond hair was cut short like that of a soldier, and a cold gaze that belonged to someone who had faced too much in life.

“Hello ugly” The smaller warrior acknowledged her while the other ignored her, looking bored.

“What the hell do you want?”

Frerea glanced at Elena who stared at her in return, surprise and amazement written all over her red face, remembering the time Frerea had seen Elena and Mirko together. Relief flooded Elena’s tense body, hoping the warrior woman had already warned her mate by then.

“Put the girl down, in this very moment, unless you had a strong dying wish.” She ordered; her stoic face showed no emotions.

“Did you hear her? Put me down! NOW!” Elena squirmed even more, but the iron grip around her waist did not decrease an inch.

“Alpha’s orders are to place all unwanted female intruders in the cells, before interrogation.” Declared the Viking man, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

“Go away and let us do our job.”

“Yes, go back to sucking pussies” the slimy taunted, looking at her with a malicious glee.

Despite the frightening thugs, Frerea did not abandon her position, not at all intimidated by them, neither by their horrible words.

On the verge of shouting something more menacing at the rude guards, Elena was interrupted by words that froze her in place. The hope of being released down the drain.

“She’s already tried to sneak into the pack numerous times. Just another crazy wolf, obsessed with our Alpha. He told me himself. ”

Elena gasped in shock.

The girl could not believe her ears.

Or was that a twisted way to get rid of the men? Something inside her whispered no. Not to trust. A gut feeling that there was something evil on the horizon. That the worst was yet to come.

“And I’m sure ALPHA also mentioned that he found his mate. Am I right?” Elena hissed in dismay. Anger and frustration grew in her each passing second.

“AND I AM HIS MATE! Why don’t you ask him right now!?” Tired of repeating herself, she threw more punches and kicks at the guard who was holding her, managing to wound him. However, the robot did not seem to care, as he did not even flinch.

“No.” The man who looked like a Viking blurted out. “We’ll take her to the women’s prison and wait for Gamma to question her. And I do not want to repeat myself any more than I’ve already had to.”

Frerea could not stand a chance against him.

“Now move, fat cow.”

“Then let me take her to the cell.” Frerea proposed, ignoring the insult and avoiding Elena’s suspicious eyes.

The two guards halted, considering the offer for a few seconds.

“Okay.” The little one shrugged, throwing Elena on the ground like she was a sack of garbage. As soon as she touched the floor, the proud she-wolf stood up, glaring daggers at the two guards and wiping the dust off her clothes.

Oh, when Mirko knows about their attitude!’

The girl was boiling, she was outraged.

“Take her to an interrogation cell. Gamma should be there early in the morning.” The already retreating figure said, “And no funny business, Frerea.” He added in a bored tone.

“I’ll warn Gamma myself, don’t worry,” she retorted before grabbing Elena by the arm and pushing her forward unceremoniously, as the two guards disappeared into the darkness as if they had never been there, silent and infallible. Like nocturnal predators.

“Hey, you! Stop it, they’re gone.”

Her doubts from a little while ago were confirmed by the sly expression of the big woman. The stoic face disfigured into a snake-like grin.

Before Elena could blink or express herself any further, a strong punch made her see stars and planets of all kinds.

And the darkness fell on her like a blanket.


Elena drifted in and out of unconsciousness. She heard wind moving through the dark trees, the hum of insects, birdcalls, howls...

Whoever carried her had dumped her roughly; stony ground slapped her in the back and head. The jolt knocked her closer to another darkness that could be fatal.

Once Elena’s mind began to flow out of the confused mist, all previous events flooded her dazed mind. She tried to get up but found herself tied to something hard and uncomfortable. She soon recognized the stench of Frerea in the air ...

There was someone else there. It was another woman ....

Elena narrowed her eyes, not wanting to let her captors know she was awake, and evaluated the situation in front of her.

They were still in the woods. The night was at its peak, with the moon peeking out from behind the trees. And two she-wolves were whispering to each other a few meters away.

The newcomer had face and skin covered in an intricate web of fresh and old scars and wounds that marred her original beauty. Her dirty clothes were almost absent, they seemed partially torn off, as if an animal had bitten them off.

Elena recognized her without a second blink: Cornelia. The girl who clung to Mirko in the school canteen. The same girl who had insulted her on the very first day of school and whom Elena had almost strangled.

“I would suggest feeding her to the Underworld’s wolves for a good gang rape, but I do not believe she is anything good. Not even for a quick fuck.” Her voice was somewhat hoarse, weak, as if she had a knife in her throat.

Elena almost felt sorry for her shaggy condition.


Frerea, the traitor, was at her side, nodding to whatever nonsense the other uttered.

“Let’s simply take her to the Underworld. So, she can rot there, instead of you, my love!” Frerea suggested with an affectionate smile as if she was not talking about a devious plan about ruining Elena’s life.

“I know places down there where not even Alpha could find her.”

Elena felt chills run down her spine. Couldn’t Mirko have found her? Would they never complete the mating process and finally be one? And start their real life together. She almost felt like crying, biting her lip, feeling helpless. Useless.

Cornelia’s eyes bulged, full of hatred and resentment as she clenched her fists.

“Look at her! She’s so weak and ridiculous that wouldn’t last a single day down there. And she sure doesn’t deserve to die so soon for stealing my man.”

Frerea hugged Cornelia, patting her shoulders trembling with rage. The scene was pitiful.

“We will do what you want, my love. But we need to leave together very soon ...tonight. Before Alpha notices her disappearance ... right?” Frerea asked hopefully.

It was sick. Horrifying. The whole thing smelled rotten.

“Of course, honey” She cooed, though her eyes were cold, emotionless.

Having said that, the two kissed.

Soon, the smell of Frerea’s excitement invaded Elena’s nostrils, almost making her throw up. Was Cornelia gay? Was Frerea her mate?

If so, why had Cornelia declared that she loved Mirko so much? Was she obsessive? Was she crazy? Probably.

While the two were busy eating each other’s face, Cornelia with her legs wrapped around Frerea’s strong torso, the latter explored her companion without inhibitions, with a burning passion. Meanwhile Elena, who had already recovered from the initial shock, was formulating an escape from those crazed women.

Where are you Mirko? And Fluffy?

She thought, desperate and defeated when the chains with which she was tied did not yield.

No, she was an Alpha. A future Luna. She could get out of this sick situation by herself if she played it well...

Elena swore under her breath for the bad luck: a sound had attracted the unwanted attention of the two she-wolves.

When Cornelia realized that the object of her hatred had regained consciousness, she pushed away a stunned Frerea, who seemed quite ready to fuck her. Cornelia, on the other hand, did not seem at all affected by the heated kisses and make-out session.

“So, you’re the rancid girl who wants to steal what’s mine.” She said with mocked sweetness. The girl loomed over Elena, staring at her from head to toe, assessing her figure with a critical eye and a frown.

“You are so ugly and as thin as a twig that I don’t really understand how my Mirko can see something special in you.”

There was nothing worse than a mentally ill woman mad at you for stealing what she believed was her man. Despite Elena was trying to contain her anger and indignation at hearing those words, she decided to remain silent, knowing that what came out of her mouth would not help her cause.

“Do you know what it’s like to be raped?” The madwoman asked her out of nowhere. “And do you know what it’s like to have to accept it, repeatedly, several times a day, because it’s the only way to get what you really want?” Her voice sickened Elena more and more.

“Of course not.” She snapped, slapping poor Elena right in the face.

“And would you do it for Alpha Mirko if he threw you in the Underworld? I don’t think so either!” Cornelia spat out, never leaving Elena’s stunned eyes.

Not giving her any satisfaction or showing that her slap hurt her pride more than she would ever admit, Elena focused on the giant next to them.

“Frerea, you can’t betray your Alpha like that. You know well he won’t stop until he kills you.” The big woman stared at her impassively although a glimmer of fear and doubt crossed her face.

“Oh, I see you’ve already met my pet! Frerea.” Cornelia laughed, stroking the huge woman’s head…exactly like a owner would do with his puppy.

And the look in her eyes...of pure adoration. Frerea seemed ... in love?

They were mates, Elena was certain.

“You are ugly and inexperienced. Food for mice.” Cornelia pursed her dirty lips before an evil glint lit up her eyes.. not discouraged at all by Elena’s lack of reaction

“When Mirko realizes how weak and pathetic you really are, he will reject you and run to me. As he always has.”

Elena, still tied up and at the mercy of that madwoman, played her last card.

“Why don’t you untie me and fight face to face if you’re that strong and unbeatable? Um?” She suggested with a fake smile, swallowing the bile, the insults, and the threats she had on her tongue, ignoring the blood dripping from her cheek thanks to Cornelia’s previous “caress”.

“Or should I think you’re just a frightened rabbit? All talk and no action.”

Inside Elena there was pure rage, possessiveness towards her mate, the desire of wanting to tear the witch to pieces and slaughter her for disrespect.

Cornelia stared at her for some heartbeat and burst out laughing. “Oh, the little girl can speak!”

Ignoring that comment, not taking the bait, Elena smirked.

“Let’s make a deal. If you win, I reject Mirko and I disappear. So you have Mirko for yourself.” Bitterness and pain flooded her at the idea of leaving her mate. Not that she would. Elena would rather die than go through life without her handsome Black Alpha.

“You are in no position to negotiate, my ugly walking crap.” The madwoman exclaimed with a high-pitched, annoying laugh. “Also, you’re an Alpha blood, there’s no way my wolf is comparable to yours.”

Despite her statement, Cornelia seemed to reflect on her enemy’s proposal.

“But I guess I have a solution for you....” And that wicked laugh suggested that no good would come out of this...especially for Elena.

AN/ Thanks for reading my loves! I wish you a great Sunday :)

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