
Chapter Pack

Justin sighed. “He insisted.”

I stepped out from behind Jem. “Jem stays. I’ve already been attacked by a werewolf. So if you want to talk to me, you’ll have to deal with Jem being here.”

The male glared. “Are you Kelsey Quill?”

“Are you Hex?” I countered.

“I am,” Hex said.

“Yeah, I’m Kelsey.”

“Good. From what I heard, you know Justin.”

It wasn’t a question but I nodded. “We were friends when we were six.” I frowned. “Well, five but he left at six.”

“So were we,” a female voice said. She stepped forward with a male. The female had blond hair and brown eyes while the male had black hair and brown eyes. Seems like all werewolves have brown eyes.

I knew these two. “Gwin? Quin?” They were fraternal twins and Justin’s siblings.

Quin grinned. “I knew you’d remember us.”

Gwin rolled her eyes. “Of course, she would. All three of us are her friends.”

“Were,” I corrected quietly.

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You were my friends. You all left me without an explanation.”

“We changed,” Quin said.

I turned to him. “You were five! Justin was only six! You couldn’t have all changed on the same day!”

“We did, actually. All werewolves change at five. Justin was a year late,” Gwin said.

I glared at them then turned to Hex. “Why am I here?”

“To talk. Why did that wolf attack you?” Hex asked.

I growled. “How the hell should I know? It’s not as though I’m a wolf. Why don’t you explain it?” I was mad but still in control. Wait, can a vampire lose their temper? JHem had moved closer to me. Maybe it will end up me fighting Hex instead of him.

Hex sighed. “It wanted to change you.” He paused. “Let me correct that. The Rogue Group wanted to change you. That wolf was just chosen to do it. Though I still don’t see how Robin thought turning you would help with anything.”

I tilted my chin defiantly. “Robin didn’t want me to be defenseless. Besides, I can’t be a wolf now.” Seriously, when did I start defending Robin? This is getting annoying. I don’t like Robin. Why am I defending him?

Hex nodded. “That’s true. You can’t. But now they’ll just try to capture you.”

Jem snorted. “Good luck to them. Robin, Mika, and I are watching her house. Kelsey isn’t helpless either.” That last sentence had been said quietly. I gave him a grateful look.

Hex’s jaw tightened but he nodded. “I suppose. But is she trained?”

“She doesn’t need to be. Vampire instinct takes over in fights.”

“Okay. But I still have something to offer.”

Jem raised an eyebrow. “And that would be?”

“Justin, Gwin, and Quin will also watch the house.”

“No,” I said sharply.

Jem and Hex looked at me in astonishment. “Why?” Hex asked.

“Two reasons. One, vampires and werewolves don’t get along. I don’t want a fight breaking out in my backyard. Secondly, I don’t want them there,” I said. But I was thinking that I don’t want them hurt.

I know Jem read my mind because he snorted. “Werewolves heal quickly too, Kelsey. No fight between up will break out either.”

So he says. It probably isn’t going to work out that way.

You want their help? I thought at him.

He shrugged. “It will be helpful, to be honest.”

Don’t vampires have laws against this?


“It’s still my decision,” I growled.

Jem sighed. “Mika! Robin! Come out of your hiding places.”

They jumped down and landed beside us. The werewolves didn’t make a sound. They must have smelt them. I looked at Mika. “Do you think the wolves should watch my house?”

“Yes,” she said and Robin nodded in agreement.

“It’s my house! So it’s my choice and I say no!”

“I know we hurt you but this is a little harsh, Kells,” Justin said.

“She’s mostly arguing because she doesn’t want you hurt,” Jem explained.

“Traitor,” I snarled.

He shrugged. “They’re your friends.”

“Were! They were my friends!”

Robin held up his hands in a gesture to indicate that I should calm down. “Easy, Kelsey. If you surrender yourself to your anger you will be the one to hurt them.” He smiled a little. “Trust me, I know. I’ve done it a couple of times.”

I froze. It can get that bad? My anger will take over and I’ll attack even though I don’t want to?

Jem nodded. “That will happen if you keep this up.”

I breathed in and out slowly. Forcing myself to calm down. “Okay,” I murmured. “They can watch the house. But I’m only agreeing because I know you’ll do it whether I agree or not.”

Hex nodded. “Sounds good.”

“What about when I go to school? Are you planning to them go there with me?” I asked but it came out more as a challenge. Oh, well.

Quin shrugged. “We go to school anyway. Hex can just transfer us to your school.”

“Why does everyone doubt my vampire abilities?” I wondered out loud.

Mika shook her head quickly. “We don’t doubt them. You’ll just be part of the fight if it comes to that. It’s just we need the help.” Mika looked at Hex. “Kelsey’s gift is strategy. It will help us in any battle. Therefore, she fights. Just like the rest of us.”

Hex, Jem, Robin, Justin, Gwin, and Quin all nodded. Mika had been looking at Hex but the announcement had been meant for everyone in this room.

“We could show her some moves,” Robin said.

“Instinct,” Mika and Jem said in unison.

I smiled a little. “Maybe you could show me some moves so I don’t have to rely on that instinct.”

Jem thought about it. “I thought you took Karate and other fighting stuff when you were younger.”

“Oh, yeah. I forgot. Never mind on the training.”

Robin sighed. “I suppose there isn’t anything for us to teach her.”

If I wasn’t not talking to him, I would have smiled. Instead, I looked at Hex. “Do you know who the leader of The Rogue Group is?”

Hex nodded. “My younger brother, Tono. He was the first to go rogue. Then others followed him. Soon there were two packs. Mine and The Rogues.”

“What made him go rogue?” Mika asked.

“He wanted to be the pack leader. But since I’m older than him, that job fell onto my shoulders. He argued with Dad then killed him because Dad didn’t agree.”

Ouch. Tono should have known from the beginning that he wasn’t going to be the leader. It’s always the oldest who gets it first. I mean, even I know that the pack tells them that.

“So he left,” Jem said and Hex nodded.

“Why would he want me?” I asked.

Hex winced. “He wants to…”

Jem snarled. “That won’t happen!”

I frowned. “What was he going to say? Something had made Jem mad.

“Not all of us can read minds, Jem,” Mika reminded him gently. “You could have let him finish the sentence.”

“What does Tono want?” I asked a little irritatedly.

“He wants to marry you, Kelsey,” Jem growled. Both Robin and Mika snarled which was echoed by all the wolves except for Hex.

“Oh.” I wrinkled my nose. “Why? I’m kind of ugly. Not what you’d want in a wife. Plus, I’m a vampire. He’ll hate me now.”

Hex shook his head. “I’m not sure why he chose you. But I do know that you being a vampire won’t stop him.”

I frowned again. “But he hates vampires, right?”

“Yes. But he wants you. So he’ll still stick to his plan. Even if it means marrying a vampire.” His nose wrinkled in disgust.

“We won’t let him get you, Kelsey,” Robin growled.

I clenched my jaw. “Stop. I’ll always be able to think of a way out if he does.”

“We know. But you’re our friend. We’ll always want to keep you safe. Just like you want to keep us safe,” Jem said. HE looked at Hex. “So is the WV Alliance back up?”

Hex nodded and said the whole thing for my benefit. “Yes, the Werewolf and Vampire Alliance is back.”

“For how long?” Mika asked her eyes on alert.

Hex smiled. “How does internity sound?”


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