
Chapter Changing

The walls were painted red. Guess that is where they got the name from. I looked around and saw that it was really crowded. By people I know and people I don’t know. But they look like they’re having a good time. So that’s good. I headed over to the buffet and filled a plate then sat at a table. But after a while, I got bored of watching people dance and decided to go home. It was only twelve too.

I started walking home and froze when I felt someone following me. I acted stupidly and walked into an alley. Shit! Dead end. This is literally how people die in horror movies. I turned and saw a…werewolf? I thought those things were fake! I gulped. I am so screwed. Wait, no. I am so dead. I know it is planning to kill me. Well, I guess this is how it ends for me.

Suddenly someone landed in front of me. Someone I knew. I stared. “Robin?

“Don’t move,” he said glancing at me with…are those fangs?

What the hell is going on? These things shouldn’t exist! I watched as Robin moved faster than my eyes could follow and sank his fangs into the wolf. He was clawed but that didn’t make him let go. It looked like they healed instantly. It took one minute and the wolf went limp. Robin had killed that thing!

Robin detached himself and turned to me. “Are you okay, Kelsey?”

I gulped. “Am I n-next?”

He stalked towards me. “No, I’m not going to kill you. I’m going to turn you.”

“T-turn me?”

He stopped close to me. “Into a vampire.”

“N…” To late. He grabbed my wrist and bit me. I felt a slight sting and darkness closed over me.

When I woke, it felt like someone had lit my throat on fire. My eyes snapped open and I sat up. It was dark but I could see everything clearly. I looked around and saw that it was a room with blackout curtains on the window. The door opened and Valtor came in. I was on the opposite side of the room instantly. I frowned. How did I do that?

“Super speed,” Valtor said carefully. He didn’t move closer.

“Wh…” My voice sounded wrong. It sounded like a bell ringing. Sort of. Maybe more like the tinkling of a creek?

“Robin turned you.”

Turned me? I tried to remember then blinked. “Are…I’m a vampire?”

He nodded. “The burning you feel in your throat is telling you, you need to feed.”

I recoiled at the thought of hurting someone just to satisfy my hunger. Then anger rose in me. “How dare he change me! I don’t want to be a…a…”


“Yes! I was happy as a human. Now I’m…I’m…” I couldn’t say it.

“Dead?” He asked. I nodded. “Mika, Robin, and I are too.”

Did he not get it? Now I had to kill someone to satisfy my hunger!?!

He shook his head. “Not human blood. Animal.”


“Kelsey, blue eyes mean that we drink animal blood. Green eyes mean that they drink human.”

“Oh. How do you know what I’m thinking?”

He looked away. “I can read minds.” He looked at me and noticed I was reaching to open the curtain. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”


“You need your daylight charm before you can go out in the sunlight without burning up.” He pointed to a necklace on the nightstand. It had a golden chain and a blue ruby hanging from it.

I dropped my hand and put it on. “Why did Robin turn me? Was it because I saw him kill a werewolf?”

Valtors expression tightened. “No. He did it for…fun.”



I growled. “That is so…idiotic!”

“Mika and I have been trying to get him to stop doing that for the last two hundred years. Ever since he joined us really.”

How long have they even been alive? Not important. “I want to be alone,” I said through my teeth.

He nodded. “There’s animal blood in bottles in the fridge. Have some until you’re full. Then you can leave.” He started walking towards the door.

“Wait!” He looked at me. “I can leave?”

He smiled slightly. “You aren’t a prisoner here, Kelsey. We stay here because our families are dead. You still have a family. Spend as much time with them as you can.”

“One more thing.”


“How long has it been?”

“A day.” Then he left.

So my mom won’t be worried yet, I thought as I grabbed the fridge’s handle.

I’ve been out this long before. A few times actually. If I had been gone for a week then my mom would get worried. Since I haven’t done that yet. If you hadn’t noticed, my parents are a little laid back.

I opened the fridge and, trying not to think about what I was about to do, grabbed three bottles. I opened one and was surprised that it smelt good. I drained all three of them and grabbed two more. After draining those, I found I was no longer hungry. I went to the winder and opened the curtain. The sun hit me and I didn’t burst into flames. Looks like the necklace works.

I tried to remember if Mika had one and realized that she had. Hers had a silver chain and a blue ruby. I guess blue is an important color to vampires. But Robin and Valtor…Jem didn’t wear necklaces. So what were they wearing to ward off the sun?

Then I remembered. Robin had been wearing a ring on both hands. His wedding ring on his left hand and the daylight charm on the right. The one on the right had a blue diamond on it with a black band. Maybe blue means more than just one thing. I can’t remember if Jem had one. He must have one though since he goes out into the sun too. I hadn’t been paying attention.

I had to pay attention better now though. I looked around and saw my backpack in the corner. I grabbed it and opened the room’s door. It led out into a hall. I went left and found a kitchen with a door that leads outside. I went through that door and headed home. I hope Mom wouldn’t notice the change in my eye color. Maybe I’ll say I got colored contacts or something.

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