Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 8

The air between them seemed heavy as Sama’el’s words hinted at a tale of heartbreak and a tinge of resentment.

With a touch of sadness in his voice, Sama’el began to unfold his story. “So there was this girl I really loved,” he confessed, his words carrying a tinge of longing.

Kenji, sensing the depth of Sama’el’s emotions, inquired further, “Uhuh, was she your mate?” His question held a glimmer of hope as if he wanted to uncover a thread of connection that might still bind them together.

Sama’el’s response was laced with a bittersweet mixture of yearning and resignation. “My what? No... well... no. I wish we were...” He paused, his heavy sigh betraying his unfulfilled desires. “I wish she was, but she wasn’t.”

Kenji’s brows furrowed in sympathy, realizing the pain that lay beneath Sama’el’s words. “You sound as if she’s no longer in your life,” he observed, his voice gentle.

Sama’el’s gaze turned distant as if traversing the vast expanse of memories. “Oh no, she’s long gone,” he confessed his eyes darkening a bit. “I made sure of that myself.”

Intrigued yet concerned, Kenji pressed further, his curiosity piqued. “What do you mean by that?” His question hung in the air, inviting Sama’el to share the depths of his sorrow and the reasons behind his self-imposed isolation.

Sama’el’s voice trembled with a mixture of pain and anger as he continued his story. “See, I loved her so much that I couldn’t bear to see her with anyone else. Not even another pack,” he confessed, his words heavy with the weight of unfulfilled expectations. “She told me something. Hell, she promised me something, and I wanted that to be so true. I wanted it to come to fruition, but it didn’t.”

Kenji’s eyes flickered with understanding as he absorbed Sama’el’s words. He nodded silently, urging him to continue.

Sama’el’s expression turned sombre as he delved into the depths of his heartache. “The love of my life broke my heart, and I wanted her to pay. I wanted her to know how much she hurt me. So I took everything from her... Everything I could have gotten my hands on, at least.”

As Sama’el’s voice trailed off, lost in the echoes of his past, Kenji remained attentive, wiping down glasses with a cloth, giving Sama’el the space to gather his thoughts.

“She was beautiful,” Sama’el suddenly mused, a wistful expression crossing his face. “So beautiful, I would have thought that she was the Moon goddess herself, and I would have worshipped the ground she walked on. And she had like my old man’s hair.” Sama’el’s voice carried a touch of admiration and reverence.

Kenji, intrigued by Sama’el’s description, probed further. “That’s an odd way of describing someone, Sama. Why would you mention that they have your old man’s hair?”

Sama’el’s gaze grew distant, lost in a distant memory. “Her name was Kirsi,” he began softly, a mixture of longing and pain in his voice. “She had flowing hair, her hair colour was stark silver-white, much like my old man’s. It’s a unique colour to me, so unique I kind of wondered if she was his daughter but when they met he didn’t know her. He too wanted to know what pack she was from, where she was from as well as her parents. If snow white was real, she’d kind of look like her but with white hair. She was that beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous and in the snow…” His voice trailed off and shook his head before continuing.

Kenji’s eyes widened finally piecing together that the man sitting before him is the older son of Alpha Lyall. The Golden Alpha owned the entirety of the Kanagawa Province. One of the very first werewolf families to ever exist and was feared by everyone that crossed paths with them.

“If that’s the case does that mean the council had a hand in Scott’s death as well?” His wolf questioned from the depths of his mind. Though Kenji didn’t respond. Only listened to the rest of Sama’el’s story.

Sama’el’s tone shifted, tinged with bitterness and self-deprecating humour. “Damn. Anyway, you’re wondering how I let a girl like that get away from me.” He let out a bitter laugh, his eyes welling up with tears. “See, the goddess herself decided that I was not meant to be happy with her. The goddess gifted her a mate, after... after we had sex and had a child together.”

“When she told me she was pregnant. I was happy, I stayed with her, never left her side and by God, you have no idea how much I genuinely loved this girl. I loved her so much that I would kill for her. She wasn’t my mate but I felt her pain when she had gone into labour. It was easy, seeing her like that. She nearly died giving birth to our daughter.” Sama’el let out a shaky breath as the grip on his glass tightened ever so slightly.

“Our daughter looked just like her. Same skin tone and hair. The only thing she got from me was my eyes. She was beautiful and she was mine, I was happy. I was happy until she forgot all about me a few months later. Not my daughter, my girlfriend. At least the woman I thought was the love of my life. The day she went back to her pack I followed her one night after she told me we could not be together anymore. I was outraged, how could she tell me that when we just had a kid together? Sigh. Turns out when she got back to pack there was a guy that stole her heart. I hate the goddess for her love-at-first-sight bullshit when it comes to finding your mate. It’s upsetting, to be honest. More disgusting than anything else. To think that one day she had a baby for me and the next she’s wrapped in some other man’s arms and wanted to have his children and live with him for the rest of her life all because he was her mate? Let’s just say I saw red that night. I stormed into the pack house and only when I entered the packhouse did it finally dawn on me whose pack it was. The alpha knew me very well for he was my old man’s best friend and I was his adoptive so he greeted me.” Sama’el’s eyes glazed over a bit as the memory of what happened started playing vividly in his head…

“Oh, Sama what are you doing here? Your father didn’t give me any notice that you were stopping by.” Scott remarked, breaking the silence that hung heavily in the air.

A glimmer of curiosity flickered in Sama’el’s eyes as he inquired, “She a member of your pack?”

Scott’s response was solemn, yet unequivocal. “Yes, she is. She is one of my daughters.”

Sama’el’s voice trembled as he challenged the truth in Scott’s words. “Your daughter? Then why have I never laid eyes on her before? I find it hard to believe.”

With a calm determination, Scott explained, “Sama, she has been overseas for quite some time. She has established herself as a prominent businesswoman, with her enterprises spanning across international borders. I had informed you and your father about this. So, what is it that you want from her?”

An anguish-laden sigh escaped Sama’el’s lips, his voice filled with bitterness. “She was supposed to be mine, Scott. The love of my life, stolen away by... by him!”

Scott’s gaze softened, a trace of sympathy in his eyes. “That man over there, Sama, he has a name. He is her mate. You claimed she belonged to you, but I was unaware of her involvement with anyone.”

“Don’t take me for a fool, old man,” Sama’el retorted with a mix of frustration and sorrow. “I know you smelled my scent all over her.”

Scott’s voice remained steady as he corrected Sama’el’s assumption. “Actually, I did not sense your scent on her. This is only the second time she has returned to the pack house. As far as I know, she has been engrossed in her business affairs, scattered across the country’s provinces. She arrived here just a few days ago, and I had no idea she was involved with someone. For how long did you two have a connection?”

A silence settled between them as Scott carefully recalled the dates in question. Sama’el’s eyes bore into the Alpha’s, a mix of longing and resentment etched on his face.

“That’s how long we were seeing each other,” Sama’el finally spoke, his voice tinged with a potent blend of anguish and betrayal.

Scott’s response was a simple, yet loaded, utterance. “Oh?”

Sama’el’s voice grew increasingly heated, his anger seeping into every word he uttered. The pain of betrayal and the weight of his unanswered questions fueled his frustration.

“Yeah, oh. Did you know? Scratch that, you just told me you didn’t know,” Sama’el began, his voice tinged with bitterness. “How recently, I mean, what was the exact day she actually came back to the pack?”

Scott’s gaze met Sama’el’s, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and genuine confusion. “As of three days ago, to be exact,” Scott replied, his tone heavy with remorse. “I was too preoccupied with my own responsibilities to give her a proper greeting upon her return, and before I knew it, she was gone again.”

Sama’el’s voice quivered with a mix of pride and anguish. “So, you are truly unaware that she had a child for me.”

A flicker of surprise crossed Scott’s face as he absorbed Sama’el’s revelation. “She was with a child?” he questioned, his voice filled with a hint of disbelief.

“Yes, she was,” Sama’el affirmed with a touch of pride. “I knocked her up okay. I did and I’m proud of it… At least, I was proud of it until she looked me dead in my face today and said that we could no longer be together and now I know the reason why. Who the hell is he? Sama’el’s voice rose with a mixture of desperation and anger, gathering the attention of a few of the pack members that were there to celebrate. “I asked you and I never got an answer. I demand to know!”

Scott sighed, his voice steady but tinged with weariness. “He is her mate, Sama. I told you this the first time you asked. You need to focus and listen, my child. Try to calm down.”

“I’m not your child. I’m Lyall’s child, not yours,” Sama’el spat back, his voice filled with defiance. “This whole pack disgusts me.”

Scott’s eyes hardened, his patience wearing thin. “Mind your tone,” he warned, his voice laced with authority as he pushed his alpha aura onto him to remind him of who he was addressing.

“I’ll speak to you, however, I damn well please, you old fart,” Sama’el retorted, his anger barely contained. “She’s your daughter but you didn’t care where your daughter went. You didn’t care about your daughter enough to see if she was at least doing okay on her business trip for almost an entire year and didn’t even bat an eyelash when she popped up three days ago and left?”

“I was busy,” Scott defended, his voice tinged with exasperation. “Besides, I don’t need to explain myself to you. I trust my daughter. Furthermore, this is one of the few times I have to myself, and the rest of the pack has been helping me prepare for the celebration of my wife and my anniversary.”

Sama’el’s eyes blazed with resentment as he responded with biting sarcasm. “Well, damn, fucking congratulations, sir. I’ll make sure it’s an anniversary you never forget.” He stated, pushing his own alpha aura onto Scott.

Scott’s voice carried a mix of concern and sternness as he addressed Sama’el’s words. “Is that a threat, Sama’el?” he questioned, his tone demanding an honest response.

Sama’el’s eyes burned with determination as he met Scott’s gaze. “I want her,” he declared, his voice filled with possessiveness. “She is the mother of my child, and she belongs to me. She promised me that if I started my own pack, she would become my Luna. So that’s what I plan to do. I will have her, one way or another.”

Scott’s voice remained firm as he tried to reason with the young man in front of him. “I don’t think you’re understanding, son,” he said, his words carrying a hint of sadness. “You need to realize that the moon goddess has gifted her with her true mate, and that is who she is with right now. Now, you can choose to be civilized about this situation and enjoy the celebration-”

Sama’el interrupted with a bitter chuckle, his voice laced with sarcasm. “Civilized? You want me to be civilized and do what? Go over there and have a polite conversation with her, like we did when we were f*cking for the better half of a year and she bore my child just a few weeks ago? Go over there and talk to him?” Sama’el let out a frustrated breath, his agitation palpable. “And then I... I saw something I wish I didn’t,” he paused, turning his attention to Kenji.

Curiosity gleamed in Kenji’s eyes as he leaned closer. “What did you see?” he inquired, his voice filled with anticipation, ready to uncover the secrets and revelations that lay beneath Sama’el’s troubled expression.

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