Blood Moon Cycle

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

Very quickly they discovered that the very air in the trees seemed to sap at every happy thought. After only minutes of being amongst the trees they were settled over by a depressed silence. Many times Rielle motioned everyone to stop and wait for several moments before they continued their gloomy hike. They mainly stayed below the timberline, hiding amongst the dark trees. Only once did they cross over a bare ridgeline, and Rielle forced them to stop and wait for a long few minutes before she rushed them over and back into the trees.

“What is it we are trying to avoid?” Vesth asked, as they stopped yet again. Rielle’s eyes darted back and forth among the shadows. Then she leaned back and whispered carefully into his ear.

“There are some things here that hunt mainly at night. Solidus says he can fight them, but he doesn’t know that he could protect everyone while he is inside the confines of my body. It is best just to avoid them altogether.” Vesth nodded and didn’t say anything else, his own eyes now watching every shadow. By the time Rielle finally called a stop, the sky was starting to lighten above the mountains to the east. Rielle looked carefully around the corner of a cliff and then led them out to a semi clear area before an enormous cave entrance. They stood silently for several seconds before Solidus spoke through Rielle.

“No one move. No one act or react in any way.” Vesth shuffled nervously. Then a faint scrape was heard within the cavern and Rielle drew Solidus’s sword and deflected a thin black dart. A figure shot from the cave, sword raised overhead, and struck at Rielle. Rielle easily intercepted the blow and was able to turn and let the attacker run by. Vesth’s hand fell to his sword and he watched Segine do the same, flinching at the wound in his shoulder, but Rielle held out a hand and Solidus spoke.

“Leave your swords as they are.” Vesth reluctantly let go of his sword and turned to inspect their attacker more closely. In the dark of the early morning he could not make out much. The figure before them was clad all in black and had a black hood drawn up over their face. A few locks of jet black hair cascaded from the hood and down either shoulder. The sword they wielded was a long, thin, double-edged blade with an ornate cross guard and serrations along the bottom five inches. Rielle/Solidus smiled.

“You have improved your technique from the last time we met, Nysisset.” The figure grunted slightly and then spoke with an almost irresistibly sweet voice.

“It seems to me that you were only a wizened old hermit when last we met. And now look at you, surrounded by people and inhabiting a new young body.” Rielle felt slightly angry at this mystery woman. Solidus merely chuckled.

“I can assure you, I am only a guest in this body. My own body is no longer available to me. As for those who you see with me, they are here out of necessity, not for their companionship.” The mystery woman laughed lightly, though Vesth felt as if he could hear it twisting as it left her throat.

“Old hermit, why did you come to this place? It is risky for you to come without your full strength, especially with those whom you would have to defend as well. Your new host could burn up if you’re not careful.” Rielle felt a pang in the pit of her stomach, but Solidus filled her with calm to reassure her.

“We are here to see your master, Nysisset. Khornal is expecting me.” The woman called Nysisset lowered her sword.

“His Greatness is very irked with you, Solidus. Your predictions are causing him no end of trouble.” Rielle/Solidus shrugged.

“He is bound by balance, as are the other five. And he knows as well as the others that this is not my doing. His frustrations will simply have to be directed elsewhere. Now, we have little time to spare, Nysisset, so if you would be so kind as to lead the way, we can get out of here as quickly as possible.” The woman Nysisset finally sheathed her sword and pulled back her hood. Vesth was shocked. Nysisset had deep violet eyes and nearly perfect features. A simple black tattoo started on either side of her eyes, crossed her cheeks and traveled down the side of her neck. The rest of her shining black hair, no longer confined by the black hood, now fell around her shoulders and down her back.

“As you wish, Silver Mage. I don’t know what you want here, but I will be much happier when you are gone.” Rielle/Solidus smiled and half bowed.

“Of course.” He replied, Then Rielle’s eyes returned to normal. Rielle returned Solidus’s sword to its scabbard and stepped aside for Nysisset. The woman in black glided gracefully by, her nose in the air, and led them into the cave. Vesth would not have believed it possible that anything could be darker than the forest outside. But the inside the cave was black as pitch and even more depressing than it had been outside.

Rielle conjured up a small golden ball in her hand to light their way and held it high overhead. Even as bright as her light was, it still did not reach to the ceiling. Nysisset glanced back with a smug look and continued deeper into the ground. Soon everyone could smell the stench of death and decay rising up from passages below them. Rielle wrinkled her nose and Tiasia made a face, but Vesth and Segine acted as if they smelled nothing. They walked for almost a mile under the ground, deeper and deeper until they came to a cavern that dwarfed the passage they had been in and swallowed Rielle’s light almost completely. Nysisset dropped to one knee just inside.

“Oh Great Khornal, Lord of the Mercury Mountains, Solidus the Silver Mage wishes to have an audience.” The echoes made it nearly impossible to make out the last words she spoke. There were several moments of nothing as the echoes faded away to silence. Then they heard a soft rasping noise and suddenly flames burst into life all over the cavern. Rielle stared in amazement. The entire cave was filled with gold of every size, shape, and description. Coins, statues, weapons, and more lay in mountainous heaps in a room big enough to hold the castle at Terramine.

“The Silver Mage is welcomed into my hall. Let him and the others through.” The voice was low and smooth. Nysisset bowed her head then stood and led them around the piles of gold towards the other end of the room. Tiasia stared, open mouthed at the riches around them.

“Will wonders never cease?” She asked. Rielle chuckled nervously.

“No, little one, They will not.” They rounded a particularly large pile of gold coins and suddenly they were standing in a barren grey expanse of stone. Darkness surrounded them on all sides and a bone chilling shiver washed over everyone. Rielle took an extra step and bowed. Solidus spoke.

“Lord Khornal, It has been a long time since our last meeting.” Silence reigned for several moments, even the echoes being swallowed by the darkness. Then there was a sharp rasp and a colossal dragon’s head slid from the darkness, scraps of flesh barely clinging to its skeletal frame.

“It has been very long indeed silver mage, what brings you to my domain?” The undead dragon craned his neck and casually looked at the others in the group as Rielle stood straight. “The vacant expressions of awe and fear never cease to amuse me.” He stated. Rielle glanced behind her and saw both men staring unashamedly at the creature and Tiasia was shivering in terror. Rielle scowled inwardly when she saw Nysisset’s look of smug amusement. Solidus spoke again.

“Fear is your domain, it does not surprise me.” The undead dragon turned back to Rielle with a chuckle.

“For a follower of my sister, you show a spectacular lack of care for others.” Solidus smiled.

“On the contrary, I care a great deal for others. But they must have their own experiences, I will not keep that from them. Besides, this is an experience most humans will never have the… pleasure of living through.” The undead dragon chuckled again.

“We both know you are only barely human. All of you Alenon mages ceased to be truly human when my sister gave you eternal youth.” Rielle/Solidus shrugged.

“Perhaps so, it is not my place to argue with my Patroness. However, at the present, we have more pressing matters to discuss. And as grand as you are, Great Khornal, I think it would be easier for everyone if you came down to our level.” Khornal growled.

“You presume that I should take the form of a human?” Tiasia whimpered and hid her face in Vesth’s side. Rielle/Solidus smiled.

“You could take the form of a cow if you would prefer.” Khornal glared at Rielle for a few seconds and then burst into deep, rumbling laughter. Solidus chuckled and the undead dragon dissolved into a black mist that fell to the floor. The mist rebuilt itself into the form of a slim man in black clothing and hair so dark that even Nysisset’s hair seemed brighter by comparison. The man laughed for a few seconds more before speaking.

“Your wit is as sharp as ever, Solidus. It is too bad that you will not leave my sister to come serve me.” Rielle/Solidus shrugged.

“I am devoted to my Deity, and I don’t think she would let you have me anyway. I am not quite that much of a nuisance just yet.” Khornal nodded and waved one hand, a black throne materialized behind him and he sat down.

“Too bad. But as you said before, we have more important matters to discuss. What has brought you here?” Rielle/Solidus nodded.

“I have come because of the predictions.” Khornal groaned, covering his face with one hand and summoning a glass of wine into his other.

“Again? Has the soldier again set fire to something else you wish me to douse?” Khornal motioned to Vesth who did his best to remain steady. Solidus chuckled.

“No, Vesth has been careful since then. I am here for the final companion of the prediction. The last one to join us before we can begin to prepare for a confrontation with Borsa.” Khornal scowled.

“I dislike that man. There is no honor in his evil, only Will bent on Destruction. I wish I could get my hands on him.” He crushed his wine glass, which shattered into a thousand needles of black mist before reforming in his hand again. “I guess I will have to settle with simply sending one of my servants with you to deal with him. Of course, how you plan to take them outside the confines of the Mercury Mountains eludes me. All of my evil and followers are sealed here.” Rielle/Solidus nodded.

“Indeed, but if you were to seal your servant to me, they could leave the Mercury Mountains without harm.” Khornal sipped at his wine and tapped on his chin.

“Now that is thinking, isn’t it? Yes, I suppose I could do that. Of course they would have to be bound to your soul, the girl you are in is strong, but her simple human frame would shatter if physically bound.” Rielle/Solidus nodded.

“This I know. Are you willing to part with a servant?” Khornal nodded with a wave.

“Anyone you need. You know my servants, which one do you need to fill the prediction?” Rielle/Solidus shrugged.

“I don’t think you will be pleased, Khornal. The prediction clearly states that there will be an ‘Alliance of powers to fight the chaos and fear’ and of them, the last, is ‘a being both fear and angel as one’. Your ‘Angel of Death’ is the only one who can fit this role.” Khornal sat up straight, his wine glass disappearing.

“So you are telling me that the only one you will take is…” Rielle/Solidus nodded. “Nysisset, the Mercury Mountain’s Angel of Death.”

“Absolutely not! I refuse to be demeaned in this way.” Nysisset complained. Khornal glanced at her from his throne.

“You would deny the wish of your master?” He asked her. Nysisset sputtered slightly. “No my lord, but surely he could choose someone else. There are hundreds of your servants that would gladly take up this request.”

“But none of them would fit the prediction.” Solidus stated. Nysisset glared at Rielle.

“I couldn’t care less about your stupid predictions. I won’t let you take me.” Nysisset placed one hand on her sword.

“That is enough out of you, Nysisset.” Khornal said in a low and menacing voice. Nysisset flinched and turned back to Khornal and dropped to one knee.

“Don’t be a fool Nysisset. You are skilled with a blade, but Solidus could beat you without batting an eye. And this is my command, you will follow Solidus to the end of this prediction even if it kills you.” Nysisset’s lip trembled and she bowed her head.

“As you speak, Great Master. I will do as you have commanded.” Khornal nodded once. “Good. Now, Solidus, you know how this works.” Rielle/Solidus nodded and Rielle turned and took the few steps to Nysisset’s side. Rielle placed one hand on Nysisset’s head and her eyes returned to normal.

“Solidus is ready, Great Khornal. He is sorry he cannot speak directly, but he fears that if he is not completely separate from me the binding will not succeed.” Khornal nodded and stood, his black throne disappearing.

“Very well, I hereby release this soul from my charge and bind it to the soul of the Balance Mage, Pravin Solidus, to do with as he sees fit.” Tendrils of darkness spread from Khornal and he directed them with his hands. The tendrils flowed across the room and filled Nysisset who gasped with the sudden invasion of her body. Her violet eyes lightened until they were a pale shadow of their former color. Then the tendrils of darkness flowed out of Nysisset’s eyes and entered Rielle’s. Rielle stood still and made no sound as the energy filled her. And as quickly as it started, it ended. The tendrils left both women and returned to Khornal.

“It is done Solidus. This creature is now yours to command as you wish.” Rielle’s eyes turned silver and Solidus spoke.

“Indeed. I thank you for your cooperation.” Khornal waved a hand.

“It is not like I had much choice in the matter. Go and do what must be done, and if possible I would like to have my servant back in one peace when you are through with her. For being a follower of the light, you have a unusual reputation for being brutally unhelpful when you feel the need. Tell my sister I send my love, If you have the chance.” Rielle/Solidus bowed. “I will. Farewell, Khornal.” Khornal waved again and turned into a cloud of black mist that disappeared into the blackness beyond where the light of the fires could not touch. Rielle rose from her bow and turned to Nysisset, her eyes returning to normal.

“You may stand, Nysisset. Solidus says you can lead us to a cave that passes under the mountains and back to the peak where he lives.” Nysisset stood slowly, her violet eyes now almost clear.

“Why must this be my fate? Why must I walk in the servitude of a child of light?” Rielle sighed and was quiet for several moments before speaking.

“You can make your fate anything you wish. As for being in servitude, Solidus says you are not his servant. You are merely our companion now. When everything comes to its end you may return here if you so desire. Now please, lead the way.” Nysisset stood and looked at Rielle. “It is not proper to walk ahead of one’s master, even if he is imprisoned inside the body of a useless human.” Rielle carefully checked her anger.

“Be that as it may, you will lead us through the caves. Tiasia.” The little girl peaked out from behind Vesth and looked at Rielle.

“Yes?” She asked timidly. Rielle motioned to her and she quickly ran to her side.

“Tiasia, this is our new friend, Nysisset. Hold her hand and have her show you how we can get back to Master Solidus’s home.” Tiasia nodded and ran to Nysisset’s side and took hold of one of her hands. Nysisset looked down at the little girl with a dumbfounded expression. “Come on miss Nysisset, let’s go.” Tiasia said and dragged Nysisset off, back through the room full of gold. Nysisset quickly recovered and tried to remove the little girl from her hand, but could not, no matter what she tried.

“It would be best to give in and just let her hold your hand.” Rielle stated as she and the others followed. Nysisset glared at Rielle and, after a few more moments of struggle, gave in and just held Tiasia’s hand. Vesth made his way to Rielle’s side and spoke.

“Was that truly the Deity of Evil we just met?” Rielle nodded, hiding her own shock and fear.

“Yes. Great Dracolich Khornal, Deity of Evil.”

“How is that possible?” Segine asked from behind them.

“I thought the six Deities lived in the heaven realm and never ventured down here to interfere.” Rielle nodded.

“They don’t, but Khornal is a little different. When Alenon was destroyed, all those who followed and worshiped the Deity of Evil were sealed in the Mercury Mountains to maintain balance. But the only way to keep them sealed here indefinitely was for Khornal to physically come to this realm and guard the mountains. Because of this, he is now bound here and cannot return to the heaven realm until the world is in complete balance… Or so Solidus tells me.” Vesth and Segine shared a glance and both nodded.

“If you fools are done whispering amongst yourselves back there, we have places to go.” Nysisset said irritably, Tiasia still attached to her hand. Now that they were away from Khornal and his main cave, Tiasia was slowly returning to her normal self. She bounced and wiggled and asked an unending stream of questions which Nysisset pointedly ignored. They turned and went down a small path and followed it for several minutes before coming to a dead end.

“Are you sure this is the way?” Tiasia asked. Rielle could see Nysisset’s annoyance. “Yes, little girl, I am sure.” Tiasia bounced happily.

“You can call me Tiasia.” Nysisset groaned and Rielle smiled.

“We will need a coin to pass beyond this point and return to the Hermit’s Peak.” Rielle’s smile fell and looked to Segine and Vesth. Both shook their heads. Nysisset sighed in exasperation.

“Don’t any of you carry money with you?” They shook their heads.

“Here’s some.” Tiasia stated happily, holding up a large gold coin with her empty hand. “Where did you get that?” Rielle asked in surprise. Tiasia looked back at Rielle, eyes wide and innocent.

“There were great big piles of gold in the room back there, didn’t anyone notice?” Segine burst out laughing and was quickly silenced by Vesth. Nysisset looked at Tiasia in shock.

“You stole gold from Khornal’s horde!?” Tiasia shrugged.

“He wasn’t using it.” Rielle laughed and Solidus took control of her body.

“It is all well, Nysisset. Even Khornal cannot remain angry at an innocent like her for long. Besides, I think he would be rather amused at the thought that he was stolen from so easily beneath his notice. Take the coin and lead on, there is still much to be done.” Nysisset grumbled and took the coin from Tiasia as Rielle’s eyes returned to normal. Nysisset pressed the coin against the wall and spoke a few words and both the coin and wall disappeared. They walked for a few more minutes and found themselves in a familiar setting.

“This is the cave we went through to get to Alenon.” Vesth said in amazement. “How did we get here so quickly?” Nysisset sniffed.

“It is none of your business.”

“There are many passages like this one that lead to places all over in the mountains. But they only work one way, that is why Solidus led us over the tops of the mountains to get to Khornal’s cave in the first place.” Rielle smiled at Nysisset after explaining. “Come, Solidus says we should rest and head out tomorrow morning.” They all nodded and left the cave and made their way up the mountain path to the peak just as the sun rose in the east.

They entered Solidus’s hut and made a simple breakfast before Tiasia curled up in a chair beside Nysisset and went to sleep. Nysisset sat rigidly, unsure of what to do, and simply stared at one wall. Rielle smiled and lifted Tiasia into her arms, carrying her to a bed roll beside the fire and laying her down. Then she returned to Nysisset and sat in a chair across from her.

“Tell me about yourself.” She said. Nysisset looked at her blankly.

“I am not important, I am only here to finish my charge.” Rielle smiled.

“You sound like Vesth. If you ask him, he will tell you he is simply here to fulfill his duty as a soldier. But once you get to know him, you find he is a kind and simple person.” They looked across the room where both Vesth and Segine sat honing the edges of their swords.

“We are to be companions.” Rielle continued. “I would know more about you.” Nysisset looked away from Rielle.

“I am sure Solidus could tell you everything you want to know.” Rielle nodded.

“He could, but I want to hear it from you.” Nysisset glanced at Rielle through the corner of her eye.

“Why? What difference does it make where you hear it from?” Rielle smiled again.

“You don’t know this yet, but before I started to learn under Master Solidus, and before he saved my life by destroying his own body, I was one of the top Ambassadors in Hortaal.” Nysisset turned to face Rielle.

“An ambassador?” Rielle nodded.

“Yes. And in my many years of being ambassador I have learned to be very good at it. One thing I have learned is that if you want accurate information about anything, it is best to go to the source. Solidus could tell me all about you, but his words would be tainted by his personal opinion. If I hear it from you, it will only be the truth, not someone else’s opinions.” Nysisset eyed Rielle carefully.

“Perhaps you are not as dim witted as you seemed to be. Very well, But I will only speak of myself if you will provide me with the story of how you got to this point.” Rielle nodded.

“I agree, and you should be told of what has happened up to this point anyway.” Nysisset settled back in her chair a little more comfortably.

“You may begin at your whim.” Rielle nodded and started at the beginning.

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