Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 3


After school ended, it was pretty hectic. Everyone had to get ready immediately to leave for Blaire's dance recital.

Not to mention it started snowing this morning and the roads were probably going to be bad, and it will take an hour to get there.

"Do you have your pointe shoes?" Leah asked Blaire while they hurried and tried to pack everything because Blaire forgot to last night.

"Yes, right here." Blaire held up her ballet shoes.

"Okay let's go," Leah said and they joined the others in Leah's car.

Damon and Liam were carpooling with Rem, Grace, and Ava. Chris, Christie, and Toby were going with Alice and Xena. There were also other pack members going because they all wanted to see the performance. The wonderful performance of their Alpha's daughter. This was going to be the biggest performance of the year and many pack members wanted to attend. In all, there were about fifteen packed vehicles towing along behind Leah. Needless to say, Blaire had the most support in her whole ballet class.

"After your performance, we could all go and celebrate at a restaurant," Leah suggested which interrupted the children from singing Christmas songs.

"Mom!" Peyton shouted.

Leah slighting swerved on the road, "Sorry."

"Don't yell." Alec scolded Peyton.

"Sorry." Peyton apologized.

"Going out would be lovely," Blaire said and they all resumed to singing, all except for Jade.

Jade wanted to meet up with her mate, Seth, later tonight. She just had to think of an excuse to slip away from her family, then she'd meet up with him in the same place they had sex multiple times. A little blush rose to her cheeks.

Last night when she arrived home late she just used Elizabeth, her best friend, as an excuse. She said she just went to her house and stayed for a couple of hours and forgot the time. Jade would just use Elizabeth, Liz, as an excuse again. It worked out perfectly since Liz's parents were out of town for the next two weeks.

As soon as they arrived, Blaire hurried into the back room with her duffle bag. The rest of the pack members that came, went into the auditorium with Alec and his family.

Liam just happened to sit next to Leah and Alec glared at him. Leah patted his lap, "You'll be fine, Alpha."

Alec turned to Leah, "Don't call me that. We're equal" He scowled. Alec hated when Leah would address him like that because they were on a completely different level than other relationships. Alec grabbed Leah's hand and squeezed it lightly. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. "I love you," Alec said.

"I love you more," Leah says.

"I don't doubt it." He says.

"How long is this ballet?" Liam asked Peyton.

"She is it was almost three hours, but we get intervals too," Peyton replied.

Liam looked surprised. "That's a long time."

"It shouldn't matter. After all, she is your best friend." Mason said, who was on the other side of Peyton. He had just arrived because he drove here, he had a bundle of Zinnia's in his hand.

Liam growled at Mason which was returned with a similar growl, "Watch it, kid." Liam says. He looked at the flowers and smirked while rolling his eyes.

"Knock it off. Both of you. The show is starting soon." Leah whispered to both of them.

The light dimmed all the way and the curtains opened. The ballet piece has begun.

Jade wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings. She was still in a lovesick trance thinking about her mate. She was also thinking about how it would play out when her dad found out about it since he hated vampires with a passion. She knew that the reason Alec hated vampires was that usually, those creatures were cruel and uncivilized, and a vampire once killed Alec's little brother when he was really young.

This vampire was different. Jade's vampire was different. He was more civilized, she could tell that from the short time she spent with him, and the fact that he didn't kill the human that he fed on the other day. Instead, he compelled her to forget and go back into town.

She never met a vampire before, but Jade thought that they deserved a chance. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding, history was dark and fuzzy around the witches, vampires, and werewolves so no one ever knew why they all hated each other.

Maybe her great grandmother, Velvezhi, and her sisters knew since they were the original witches. Jade always wondered about the history of how supernatural creatures began, but she learned nothing about it in school. Although, it was said long ago that all the books relating to the origin of werewolves, witches, and vampires were burned.

Liam watched Blaire dance on stage with her partner. She was such an elegant dancer that Liam could watch her all day. Just the way she moved could send Liam into a world of ecstasy. The calmness he even felt in her presence was unreal. He truly didn't understand how much he had missed seeing her until now.

Liam was calm until the kissing part of the ballet piece. Blaire was kissing her partner on stage but it was a part of the ballet performance. Liam's hands tightened on the armrest of the chair as he watched Blaire kiss another guy. He tried to keep calm because it was just a show, but his anger showed a little too much. The wooden armrest started to crack and that's when Liam noticed that he needed to calm down fast.

Leah looked at Liam, "What is your problem?" She asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Liam got up and left. Little pieces of wood chunks fell to the ground.

"I guess someone didn't tell him about the bedroom scene," Peyton says.

"Yeah, it's strange," Leah mumbles as both she and Alec looked at the cracked wooden armrest.

Liam appeared and reclaimed his seat for the rest of the show.

The rest of the acts and intervals flew by quickly, and before they knew it the show had ended.

As the conductor and dancers bowed on stage, the room erupted into clapping and some even whistled.

After Blaire changed into her sweatpants with the word "ballet" on the side and her pink dance shirt, she returned to her family and pack.

Most of the pack members had brought her flowers; so by the time everyone was done congratulating her, she had an armful of flowers.

Mason didn't even bother in offering to help hold all the flowers. Liam growled and scoffed at the asshole. Just what kind of boyfriend was he?

"Blaire, I can hold these for you," Liam says and she smiles.

"Thank you." Blaire hands all the flowers to Liam. He grins toward Mason in triumph.

"That was a lovely performance." Liam hoped no one would notice the way his jaw clenched as he recalled the first act, but Leah caught it out the corner of her eye. She was starting to put the pieces together.

Mason returned back to his seat where he forgot the flowers that he bought for his girlfriend, Blaire.

When Blaire received the flowers, she smiled ear to ear and kissed his jaw. Liam clenched his jaw and looked away. Blaire led the way to the car while holding hands with Mason, and Liam following in tow with all of her flowers.

Mason whispered something to Blaire and she started laughing, Liam couldn't help but notice the small details on her face that made her outshine any female. The dimples she had when she smiled and the small amount of freckles on her nose, it was all perfection to him.

Blaire looked back at Liam and gave him a genuine smile. Just then the sun shined down on Blaire, giving her the spotlight. It was like Liam's world froze when he saw her in that state. His heart nearly exploded and butterflies felt like they were fluttering in his stomach. It was a new feeling for him. For the first time, he didn't feel lust for a woman, it was a sense of love that he felt. The moment was short-lived because Mason pulled her in for a hug.

Liam had to stifle a growl of his jealousy, he hated that bastard even touching her. Blaire's back was facing Liam, and Mason smirked over the shoulder of Blaire so she couldn't see it. Liam smirked back because he had another thing coming.

Liam and Mason both joined Alec and his family for dinner at Alec's restaurant that he owned. The other's went home to their families because Christmas break would arrive after the last day of school tomorrow, and then there would be two weeks of no school. There was a lot of fun festivities that many pack members took part in planning.

Jade waited until after everyone but her mother loaded into the car. Jade pulled her mom aside. "Mom?"

"Yes, honey?"

"Elizabeth and I are having a sleepover tonight. Can I just go back to the pack please?" She asked. Jade was nervous and she had to control herself from shaking because this was the first time she told a big lie.

"How will you get there? Why don't you just have dinner with us, we are going back after we finish." Leah says.

Jade shook her head, "I'm not hungry right now. Plus, Elizabeth needs my help with... problems." Jade scolded herself mentally. She was a terrible liar. "I can just shift and run there. It's not that bad of a run."

Somehow Leah bought her lie, "Okay just hurry and go before your dad finds out. There is a small patch over there," Leah pointed to the left. "Be careful. And don't go near the roads or humans."

"I know mom. Thanks. Love you."

"Love you too," Leah replied and go into the car. She immediately started it and drove off.

"Wait. Where's Jade?" Alec asked. The worry in his tone was evident.

"I let her shift and go back herself. She'll be fine." Leah calmly said. "She'll be completely fine."

It took ten minutes for Jade to walk to the clearing and she made sure she was alone to shift, but first, she gave Elizabeth a call.

She answered on the third ring, "Hey Jade."

"Hey. I need you to cover for me. I told mom I left to come straight to your house. I'll be over later tonight. Can you have clothes laid out for me?" Jade asked.

"Of course. This is the first time you're doing something scandalous. Who is he?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'll explain in person," Jade says and hung up. She shifted and softly carried her phone in her mouth as she ran happily toward her mate, Seth.

She wasn't a fast runner but the time slipped away as she ran. How could the distance be so short, but feel like she's running on a treadmill, never able to reach her destination?

Last night, after Seth and Jade had sex, Seth showed her an old house that no one owned. That was their meeting spot.

The sun had almost set by the time she arrived. She set down her phone and scoped the area. Her ears were perked up, and her nose was on full alert. She sniffed the ground and looked around.

Everything was quiet. It was too quiet. The old house door creaked open and Jade growled in that direction. She smelled two scents, one was her mate and the other one was foreign, but she had no idea where her mate was.

The breeze picked up and little snowflakes came from the sky. Jade looked behind her as she sensed someone's presence. Then the door to the old house slammed shut and her eyes snapped forward. Out of nowhere, a vampire tackled Jade into the dirt. Jade bites the vampire's arm and swings him into a tree. They both circled each other, growling and hissing at each other.

This vampire was a newborn vampire and he was slightly terrified of Jade. He has killed many werewolves before, but never a one this size. The sad part is that Jade was the smallest in her family besides Kai. Jade and Kai were the same size, but they were still bigger than the other werewolves in their pack.

The vampire charged at Jade and grabbed her ribcage squeezing as hard as he could, but Jade broke loose and attacked his arm. Dragging him to the ground and ripping her head from side to side, she tore large chunks of skin and meat from his limb.

The vampire backed away to put some space between then, but he backed straight into Seth's chest. Seth had a murderous look on his face, and the vampire turned around to face him.

The vampire physically stiffened and his fear showed all over his body. The vampire that attacked Jade couldn't process why an older vampire would he mad over a werewolf, but he didn't have time to think anymore because without a second thought Seth plunged his hand into the vampire's chest and tore his heart out.

The vampire dropped to the ground with horror forever frozen on his face.

Seth held the vampire's heart in his hand while he stared at the body. He was struck in a trance because he just killed one of his kind for the enemy. He was shocked at himself because he usually had more self-control, but he couldn't control himself around Jade and that scared him.

The heart dropped to the ground and Seth pulled out his handkerchief and carefully wiped the blood from his hands. He made sure not to get any blood on the edges, then he folded it and put it back in the pocket of his suit.

Seth was turned into a vampire in the late 1600s when he was twenty-six. Although many things changed since then, his taste in clothes didn't, it just evolved.

Seth always wore expensive suits and an expensive silver watch no matter where he went. He had plenty of money so he didn't have to worry about the costs.

"Sorry about that Love," Seth said to the wolf. "That vampire has been stalking me for quite some time and he followed me here. Are you injured?" He asked.

Jade shook her head and shifted back in front of him. Seth roamed her naked body with his eyes, out of all the naked women he has seen, none compared to here. They embraced each other in a slow hug. "I've missed you," Jade says.

"I've missed you more," Seth replied and kissed her slowly. He enjoyed the sparks spreading across his skin over one simple touch. He never felt something like this. In all his years of living, he never felt a close connection with anyone, but when he was with her Seth felt like a better person. He had to be a better person. He wanted to be better for Jade.

They held each other for a long time and enjoyed being alone together. They enjoyed the tranquility before the storm came.

When Leah and Alec arrived at the restaurant, their family was immediately seated in the VIP section since it was Alec's after all.

Kai sat between Alec and Leah, and Blaire sat between Liam and Mason. The tension between the two boys subsided. Liam tried to stop getting so worked up because he knew that when Blaire figured out that he was her mate, Mason wouldn't even be in the picture.

The dinner was going great. Everyone got along great for the most part, and Christmas music was playing in the background which gave off a holiday festive cheer. Plus, it was snowing and many children were out playing.

Kai looked out the window. He saw a group of kids that went to his old school playing in the snow. He only went to that school for half a day, but he recognized someone. He saw the same kid that made fun of him years ago. The same jerk that ruined his old sketchbook and insulted his family. That kid was named Isaac, he was the biggest bully in his whole grade.

Some people never change, and that kid hasn't changed at all. He was a kid in a neighboring pack, not even two hours away. He knew all about the Knine family and his pack, yet he still continued to target Kai for some unknown reason. He's always had it out for him, even though he only met him once in person and that was their last meeting. For an Alpha's child, Isaac was still very immature for his own personal reasons.

Isaac smirked at Kai when be saw him. Kai frowned. Leah saw his stare and looked out the window. "Honey, don't worry about it. They are nothing." She says.

But Leah couldn't hear what Isaac said. And Kai was the only one that heard because he was the only one tuning in.

Using his supernatural hearing, he heard, "Look. There is the Knine family with their retarded pet." Isaac said to his friends and they all laughed. Isaac continued, "They should just euthanize him. Put him out of his misery." They all chuckled.

Kai scowled and concentrated on the pavement under Isaac. "Ais." Kai slowly muttered to himself. That's when there was a thin sheet of ice that formed underneath the feet of Isaac and he fell to the ground.

Isaac hit his face hard and blood started running out his nose. Kai looked smug but he quickly wiped the smirk off his face when his mother glared at him.

"Mommy," Kai said cutely and gave a small innocent smile. His blond hair was almost in front of his face and that made him even cuter in Leah's eyes.

Her eyes softened a little. "We don't do that," Leah scolded. "But it was good technique."

Alec butted into the conversation while the others were completely oblivious, "He deserved it. His father is an asshole and so is that little kid." Alec says.

"I don't disagree that he is a jerk, but maybe Isaac has always been like that because of his home situation. His father isn't exactly the nurturing type. Everyone knows it has been worse ever since his mother died." Leah replied.

Kai looked at Isaac who was still crying because his nose was broken. For some reason, Isaac's nose still wasn't healed which is unusual for someone of an Alpha bloodline, but Isaac has secrets of his own too.

He sat down on the pavement and stopped crying, all of his friends left him. For a moment Kai actually felt bad for Isaac who sat in the cold shivering. That was always uncommon for an alpha werewolf, but Isaac was already weakened to begin with by the hands of his father.

Kai muttered, "Kuṇamaṭaiya."

The pain momentarily disappeared and Isaac was confused when his nose healed right away. Isaac knew he shouldn't have healed right away because his body was worn out due to the beaten he received from his father earlier, and when he went home he was likely to get another one.

Isaac stood up with his newfound energy and healed nose and decided to just walk home. He didn't know it yet but all the bruises healed on his body too, so did his cracked rib that he never knew about. Isaac didn't know this yet either, but Kai put a protection spell on him just in case his mother was right about Isaac's father. It made perfect sense to Kai. A classic case of an abusive father and the son acts out to release his pain and to prove to everyone that he wasn't as weak as his father made him feel. The protection spell that Kai cast on Isaac allowed him to heal faster and to protect him from any inflicted pain.

Meanwhile, when Jade and Seth were finished with their adult activities, Seth took off his suit jacket and draped it around Jade. He finished with buttoning it for her like a gentleman, and it covered her completely.

"You're so gentle," Jade stated.

"What did you expect. Lesser of a vampire?"

"Yes, honestly, but you're not uncivilized. Yesterday, even the human you fed on, you didn't kill her. Instead, you wiped her memory and sent her back into the village."

"I appreciate your honesty, and I must say that we aren't all like that. There are civilized and uncivilized vampires, just like there are civilized and uncivilized werewolves. That vampire from before gives us all bad names, and after he went after you I had to kill him whether he was my kind or not." Seth explained.

"I apologize for stereotyping your kind. It's just that us werewolves were taught certain facts about your kind that now seem more like opinions." Jade replied.

"A classic misunderstanding. I can show you if you want."

"Show me what?" Jade asked.

"My coven. We are a small group of vampires, we have sixty-six strong members, all civilized and no vendetta against werewolves. They'd love you." Seth says.

"Are you sure they would?" I asked.

"Of course, we protect our own. Which extends to a vampire's beloved, whether human or something else. I have a human in my coven but you'll be the first wolf." Seth says.

"You say it's your coven. Are you the leader?" I asked.

"They call me their Lord or Elder, but yes." He replied.

Jade contemplated telling Seth about her pack but that would only complicate things, so she decided to wait till later. She wanted to enjoy this for now. There was so much she wanted to talk about.

Seth held out his arm, and Jade accepted it. "It's within walking distance." Seth did checking her up and down to make sure she was completely covered. Since Seth had a larger frame, his suit jacket looked like a dress on Jade.

"How long have you been alive?" She asked trying to get to know her soulmate better.

"I was turned in the late 1600s," Seth answered

Jade's jaw dropped. "You're so old you could be my sugar daddy."

Seth chuckled and Jade loved the sound. Seth sobered up, "I'm guessing since you're a wolf that you want little pups." Seth frowned at the thought of not being able to give her what she wanted.

"Haha. Now look who is stereotyping," Jade smirked at Seth which made him aroused. "I actually don't want children." She answered.

"I wish I could have children, but vampires can't reproduce. We can only turn others."

"I know that. Which works out perfectly because I want to travel around. I plan to have my own fashion time, and I want to start a business after I graduate from the academy I'm going to."

"That's fantastic. We travel a lot. So it's perfect. Then you won't have to worry about protection. My coven will never let anything happen to you."

"Neither will my pack," Jade replied.

"We arrived."

Jade sees something she didn't expect too. A large Victorian house in the middle of the woods. Everything looked so well kept that it looked like one of the houses you see in a magazine. Almost every light in the house was one, so the electric obviously worked.

"We pick an abandoned house to stay in for a couple of months. Clean it up which only takes two hours with our stamina." Seth explained with pointing at the house.

"Yeah, your stamina is great." Jade blushed.

Seth smirked, "Then lastly, we compel the water and electric companies."

A beautiful petite red-haired woman runs outside the house, "My Lord! You have returned." The female ran straight into Seth's arms for a hug, which he returned, with so much force that Jade was kind of pushed back.

Seth broke the hug with a smile, "Jade this is Helena Rose, my sire. We all call her Rose. Rose this is Jade, my beloved."

Rose broke out into a large smile. "Oh my gosh," She squealed. "It's about time this bastard gets a beloved." Rose runs toward Jade and hugs her with all her might. Rose smelled her neck because she couldn't resist. "Oh my. You smell amazing."

"Rose," Seth warned.

"Right," Rose backed away with her hands up. "Forgive me, my Lady, I've just never smelled a wolf's blood before. It smells divine if that helps at all."

"Thanks, I guess," Jade replied.

"I'll let you guys be alone now. The others went out. Some went to the bar and some went to get an actual drink. I think Jesse went to the movies with Pearl and Eugene." Rose reported to Seth, who nodded his head. Seth's vampires always traveled in large groups since there are werewolves in the area. Dangerous wolves like the Knine pack. Most of Seth's family of vampires despised that pack, but not all of them.

Seth walked with Jade into the house to get some alone time. "I'm not sure if they'll be back before you have to leave. It's late and they usually don't come back into the morning."

"Yeah, I have to leave in a couple of hours. Maybe tomorrow. I can meet you in the same place." Jade said since it wasn't too far from her pack.

Leah and Alec arrived home with the children two hours ago and they all went off in separate ways. Blaire disappeared somewhere and that was a perfect time for Liam to bring out the vases of Zinnia's that he bought for Blaire.

For the last two years that he wasn't allowed in the pack he would order hundreds of Zinnia's and ship them to Blaire after her dance performances. Blaire had no idea how they were from because it was always addressed as "your secret admirer". This year was different. He asked some pack members if they could go to the house Damon lived in and bring him the vases of flowers for the Alpha's daughter, which obviously they agreed too. Leah allowed him to leave them in her room, but after be was done he had to leave.

When all the flower vases were scattered across Blaire's room strategically, Liam headed out for the door. It suddenly dawned on him, where is Blaire in the first place? He stopped at the entryway, looking puzzled.

"She's out in the forest with Mason. Can you hurry and bring her back please?" Leah said then walked away.

Liam exhaled in anger, why was she alone with him? He didn't care if that thing was her "boyfriend" or not. Mason was not to be trusted. Liam shifted and started to scent her out.

Out in the forest, on the pack lands, Blaire and Mason were making out against a tree when suddenly Blaire pulled away.

"I want to go inside." Blaire tried to walk but Mason held her back.

"Come on babe stay with me," Mason begged.

"I'm cold." She stated which was a lie. Werewolves wouldn't get cold even if it was snowing. She just didn't want to be out here with him right now.

"We both know that's a lie. Come on baby. Aren't you enjoying yourself?" Mason asked as his hands traveled up her shirt.

"Mason please stop."

Mason ignored her pleas and continued to kiss her neck. When he squeezed her breast that's when she had enough and pushed him back.

"I said that's enough, Mason."

"No, it isn't. I'm not taking no for an answer." Mason growled and pinned her against the tree.

Blaire grabbed his arm, burning him with her hand. Mason hissed in pain and stepped back grabbing his arms. He looked angry. Blaire charged at him and punched him in the face, and he was knocked down to the ground. No one was going to push her around, and she means no one.

"I'm done with you. We are done. Get the hell out of my fucking face." Blaire was shaking up and down and her daddy's temper showed. Mason still hadn't moved from that spot. "I said get the fuck away!" She yelled.

A growl was heard in the snowy night. A light red wolf appeared in front of Blaire, giving her unneeded protection since she could handle herself, but Liam didn't care. He would always protect his mate.

Mason scattered off in fear, he was no match for Liam.

Liam shifted back in his naked glory and Blaire looked him in the eyes, not daring to look down. "Are you alright?" Liam asked.

Blaire had tears formed in her eyes. She wasn't hurt, but she was mad and upset. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and she couldn't believe that he'd do something like this. Blaire shook her head and ran to Liam with her arms open. She didn't care if he was naked, she just wanted a hug to feel better.

Liam brought her in and hugged her tight, "I've waited so long to hug you." He accidentally blurted out.

Blaire stiffened, "What?"

Liam stiffened as well and looked her in the eyes, "Um, well. What I mean is... You know it's been a while since we have seen each other in person." Liam was not a very good liar.

"Seriously Liam, tell me what you actually want to say." Blaire folded her arms and looked at him. She crossed her arms and glared at him.

He paused, should he actually tell her? It's been a long time and she is adult enough to handle the truth. Plus, if he doesn't tell her now maybe she'll find someone else. It's a couple of months until her eighteen birthday, but the guys will be all over her between then because she is gorgeous. If he tells her now then she won't see anyone else.

"You are my mate," Liam stated while watching her reaction. He saw surprise and happiness but then confusion.

"Excuse me?" She says.

"You're mine. My mate. You can't feel it now until you turn eighteen, if you don't believe me you can wait until then." Liam says. He hopes to not scare her away. What if she is disgusted by him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Blaire asks.

"You were fifteen when I found out. You were too young for me, but now you're older. Old enough to know at least." Liam explains.

Blaire looks into his eyes and sees that he is telling the truth. She steps forward and kisses him. As much as Liam wants to enjoy it, he can't. He steps back and grabs her hands. "Please don't. I don't want to do this until you're eighteen, but you don't know how bad I want to right now."

"At least kiss me then if we are actually mates." Blaire proposed. She knew the risk of them doing anything more which is why she didn't press the matters.

"I'm okay with that," Liam says.

He steps forward and tilts her chin up, and passionately kisses her. They kiss for a couple of seconds, then it leads to a small make-out session.

"Okay, I have to stop before I do something I regret," Liam says clearly aroused. They both shifted and parted ways.

Blaire returned to her room and instantly smiled. It all made sense. She laid down in her bed and lightly touched her lips.


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