Black Ice-Completed

Chapter 10

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

“Oh thank the Gods you showed up!” cried Veronica as soon as Braytek came through the door, “I was beginning to think neither of you were going to arrive for this winter!”

Braytek frowned as he closed the door, confusion clouding his voice, “What do you mean?” looking around he noticed the scent of his daughter was so thin that he thought his brain was imagining it, “Where’s Nyota?” he asked, worried.

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you! After you left last winter, she up and left on her own! She checks in every few weeks to bring me rabbits and other food, but otherwise she’s kept to herself!” Veronica cried finally at her wits end.

Braytek snorted as he sat his pack down and rolled his eyes at Veronica’s dramatics, “She’s gone feral.”

“Feral!” she shrieked, “I have worked too hard to make her into a lady, and now you’re telling me she’s going to be a wild little thing for life!”

Braytek sighed and shook his head, “Veronica, you have never tamed my daughter to be a lady. It’s as simple as that. But feral does not mean she is going to be anything but wild. Going feral simply means she wants to be left alone. Many pups her age do it. I’m not surprised about her choice after what happened last winter. I didn’t handle that all too well and neither did she.”

“Well go get her then!” Veronica cried out, her hands wringing themselves and tears spilling down her face, “I want my baby back!”

Braytek scratched his face and pushed back his hair on a sigh, “It’s not going to be that easy, the pup has to want to come back otherwise I’d be chasing her all over the woods.”

“But-“ Veronica started to say but was cut off when the door quietly opened and Nyota crossed the threshold and closed the door quickly due to the snow.

Braytek grinned as he looked at his daughter but Veronica cried in outrage. The little girl they both loved was covered in furs from head to foot. As she took off the layers, they saw that Nyota had cut her hair, it no longer swayed pass her hips, and instead it curled up around her shoulders which were tied back in a loose knot to keep it out of her face. Braytek made no comment but noted with sadness that his daughter had lost some baby fat, instead muscles were developing in the areas.

Nyota paused in her undress and looked at both father and Aunt, “I’m back for the winter so I can learn what you want to teach me, Patou.”

“For the winter? Now wait a moment young lady, you’re not just going to up and disappear again! I won’t have it!” Veronica cried as she rushed to hug her niece who she had missed terribly. Yes, Veronica had seen her through the seasons but not enough to know that Nyota was healthy and safe. It had been a constant worry on her poor mind.

Braytek though scoffed and grumbled, “Veronica! She has the choice, let her learn what she wants. Holding back a pup is never a good thing!”

“She can’t just go off on her own again!” she cried as Nyota struggled to leave her aunt’s embrace.

“She can and she will!” Braytek snapped as his patience was starting to run thin, “Enjoy the time you have with her!” Turning towards the door he looked at Nyota, a little sad that he could no longer read his daughters face, “Lessons start tomorrow,” he rumbled then left through the door.

The winter went quickly that year. Braytek taught her more survival skills but soon found out that she had already learned them while going feral. He was proud of his pup and hoped to one day see her succeed as his heir, but he knew she had a long way to go. Some of the things she would need to learn only a wolf could learn and then of course there was the knowledge of the sword. His daughter would have to learn how to wield it to be an efficient alpha.

Spring came with a heat wave that nobody in the forest had seen for quite a while and Braytek left immediately. Nyota, at the pleading of her aunt, stayed for spring where she grew sicker than a dog making her stay well into summer and only then left in early fall to go to her camp grounds.

The year Nyota had turned eleven, things had begun to change too quickly. She had come home when the first snow fell, expecting Patou to already be there waiting for her. To her surprise, and her aunts, he didn’t show up. In the past, he had always appeared with the first snowfall.

Weeks passed and both Veronica and Nyota began to worry, this was so unlike her father. It was the fifth week into winter when Braytek came into the cabin. Before he greeted either of them he stared out the door and into the forest for several moments, scanning the shadows and then promptly shut the door.

Sitting down, Braytek stared at his daughter and sighed and hugged her tightly when she launched herself into his arms to give him a hug. “Why are you late Patou?” she asked softly and he hugged her closer before setting her away.

“I can’t stay long Nyota,” Braytek sighed and pulled two enveloped out of his coat. “I’ve been challenged,” he said as he looked at Veronica. She knew what it meant and he gave a small mirthless smile when she gasped.

“Who Braytek?” she asked quietly as she pulled Nyota to her and hugged her close.

Braytek gave a derisive bark of laughter and brushed his hair away from his face. He should have known the challenge would happen sooner or later but he had hoped to have more time with Nyota, “My oldest son, Lyosha, has called for the chance to try to beat me. I have three months to set my affairs in order,” he grumbled out.

Tapping the envelopes on the table, he handed one to Veronica and the other to Nyota, “Don’t open them right now. Should I win I will be back before the end of winter and all will be moot. But should I lose, one of my betas has orders to release my falcons. One will come directly here. Then and only then, open the envelopes and follow the directions in them,” bending down he grabbed Nyota and hugged her closer than he had ever hugged her before, “Stay strong and stay alive! You are the future of the pack!” he growled out.

“Only if you will Patou,” Nyota said just as fiercely.

“Good,” Braytek said and took a moment longer to look at Nyota, his hopes and dreams all relying on this eleven year old girl. He wasn’t fighting for the pack but for this little girl so that one day she might be able to come to Azgeta and not be used as a brood mare for his sickening pack.

“I need to go,” he finally said and started to walk to the door.

“You won’t even stay the night?” Veronica asked as tears were streaking down her face.

Braytek shook his head, “I have other affairs to bring to order. Remember, should you see the falcon, follow what’s in the envelopes,” turning to the door he paused in the entrance and looked back at Nyota, “Take care of my daughter, Veronica. She is all we have left of Analise,” he said as he disappeared out into the shadows.

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