Beyond the Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1)

Chapter 37-Healing

Elaine woke up feeling her wings shift uncomfortably beneath her back. She felt unusually well rested for once despite having her right wing badly injured the evening before. The warm wall against her head pulled a little away from her and she sleepily scooted over to it settling her head against it. After feeling it move away again, she peeked above the covers with a beat red face seeing herself flush against Colt’s side.

He was still sleeping with what Elaine was beginning to understand was his permanent scowl.

She sat up and pressed his shoulder, “Hey. Wake up.”

“Get out of my bed!” Elaine added while giving him a frustrated look.

When he opened his eyes she saw they were bloodshot. Colt silently inspected her injured wing seeing a small line on the area where the faery stabbed it. Other than that, it looked good as new to him. She probably didn’t remember, but the night before he convinced her to spit some of her own faery dust on it to speed up the healing process. He was happy it worked and a little more happy to see her not as gloomy as the night before.

A smirk grew on his face. “Elaine, are you sure this is your bed?” he teased while staring down at her with a mocking look.

Elaine looked over her shoulder seeing she was in fact in his bed. Just when did she leave her own? She remembered falling asleep in her own bed. She jumped up away from him and frowned seeing him enjoying her reaction.

“Did you move me?”

“Oh, believe me, this wasn’t my doing. You are the one who came into my bed,” Colt said with a dark laugh.

“I don’t believe you,” Elaine replied quickly.

She turned away from him angry at her flaming face. She didn’t understand why she felt so embarrassed all of the sudden. She didn’t feel embarrassed when he carried her back to the inn. Then again, during the trip, she was in horrible pain.

She tried to change the subject. “So...yesterday I heard one of the vendors say the commander is back in town. We should probably stay in crowded areas to blend in. What if he finds us? What will he do? They didn’t talk like he was someone they admired.”

He was enjoying Elaine’s fear, but being what he was he couldn’t ignore the urge to feed off of it. “From what I’ve heard he won’t hesitate to slit the throat of a stranger. He’s said to be quick on his feet and never thinks before he acts.”

“I thought you said the commander was good and that all would be better when he returned.”

“He can have a temper,” Colt countered while standing up.

Elaine picked up her cloak that was hanging off the edge of the bed.

She spoke in a quieter tone while tugging it over her arms, “Well, I should know what he looks like so I can avoid him, right? What does he look like?”

“Rumor has it he isn’t a pure faery. They say he’s tainted by...demon blood.”

Elaine rolled her eyes thinking he was being dramatic. Faeries were one thing, but demons? Then again she herself was plagued by a rather sinister sounding voice that at times she swore was demonic in nature.

However, she brushed off his comment and the memories of the annoying voice.

“Stop trying to scare me, Colt. Tell me what he really looks like.”

“If you want to know so bad I guess I'll have to tell you.”

“No one has ever seen him, seen his real form, and until recently, lived to tell about it. That is everyone,” he paused watching her grow tenser. She combed a shaky hand through her hair and waited for him to continue. “Except you.”

She looked up at him from under her light lashes. “W-what?” Elaine stuttered. “Why would I have seen him? I thought you would have seen him -- not me. How did you know I saw him before?”

All the while, he just stared at her quietly.

“No’re kidding, right?” Elaine mumbled while looking up into his pale eyes.

He answered in a deep voice, “When have I ever lied to you?”

“Well, this is interesting news. At least you told me now. Now that I think about it, it makes sense-” Elaine began, but he cut her off.

He held his chin while looking down at her, “Why aren’t you afraid?” He sounded curious and searched her eyes as if to find the answer there.

“Why would I be? You’ve given me no reason to. I do want you to explain yourself though.”

“The people of this town don’t know me by this form.”

“What is your other form then?” Elaine asked him.

He disappeared for a moment then reappeared in his shadow form. It was the same form he used on the guard and having seen it once already Elaine wasn’t as afraid.

“This...” Colt told her.

Elaine laughed lightly, “Well, I’ve seen scarier fae than that. Sorry, but that doesn’t beat an angry pixie.”

“You haven’t seen my powers though. If you did, you would be frightened.”

“Your muscles probably scare most of the fae off anyway,” Elaine mumbled under her breath.

Colt went on to explain some things he shouldn’t have done to the town, but what he described himself doing wasn’t really bad. It seemed to Elaine he was just really intimidating and didn’t have much communication with the faery folk of Banexul. To her, he almost seemed to regret coming back to his town. They sat down beside each other on the edge of his bed. She placed her hand on top of his trying to show her understanding.

“Don’t,” Colt growled pulling his hand away from hers.

Elaine cringed at herself feeling awkward. “Sorry.”

“I do not deserve pity,” his voice was cold.

Elaine’s mood turned sour. She didn’t know what she did to upset him so much.

Still, she tried to be gentle when she responded. “I don’t pity you. I’m glad you’re helping me.”

He clenched his jaw while looking down at the ground. “You should be with your mate,” he whispered knowing it was only a matter of time until the three of them crossed paths. “You shouldn’t be here with me. You should be afraid of me,” he finished in a steady voice.

“Why?” Elaine asked.

She could tell he wasn’t finished and patiently waited for him continue. He looked disturbed and Elaine wondered if it was because she touched him. She didn’t mean to invade his personal space, but she figured he might have been more bothered then her ending up in his bed than he was letting on.

Elaine figured she must have had a nightmare or something, but it’s not like she tried anything or moved into his bed on purpose! Her face blushed and she rubbed the back of her neck.

She didn’t think she could ever be afraid of someone like him. He reminded her of a teddy bear and she already invested more trust in him than she did Lorcan. It was true she was still angry at the aloof red-haired faery man, but she hoped wherever he was that he was doing okay. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around why he would just kidnap her and than abandon her without a moment’s notice.

A little part of her hoped he come and find her. An even bigger part of her though blamed him not finding her yet on herself. After all, she was the one who left the bar and he did technically look for her.

He had come into Colt’s weapon shop, but he was still with Silvia and Elaine really didn’t know where his priorities were. She wanted to meet her real parents and Lorcan promised that’s where he planned to take her.

Would he still come? She didn’t know if it was right or wrong to wish for him to, but she still kind of hoped he would. If not, then surely Colt would still help her find her way or guide her in the right direction.

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