Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 27

(Chapter song ‘San Quentin' by Nickelback **** ‘Don't Give Up' by Peter Gabriel)


I thought I could hate him. I thought I could call him a liar like everyone else does, but I can’t.

I believe him.

Deep in my gut, it twists. I know he’s telling the truth. I saw it in his eyes. I felt it in my heart. Everything he told me was the truth.

I’ve spent the last week trying to convince Casey of this, but he’s only looking at the evidence. He says that because Wade is conveniently dead, Quinn’s just trying to use him to get out of jail.

“Casey, I feel it. He’s in real trouble.” I say to Casey’s back.

“Yeah. He’s looking at the death penalty.” He says as he turns some files into the records room.

“No. He’s being set up, Casey. Please, just look into this. If there’s another one out there, we need to find him.” I say.

He turns around and heads back to the office. “There’s no one to look for, Paisley. Look. It’s been a week and we haven’t had so much as a mind wipe. Now, I’m sorry, but it’s time to face the facts that your boyfriend is a murderer and he’s going down.” He pulls out his desk chair and sits.

I lean on his desk. “I may not be the great detective like my dad, but I got his gut instinct. You’re wrong, Casey. People will start to die again.” I warn.

He looks at me. “P. I love you. You’re an awesome person, but if you don’t step off this case, I will arrest you for obstruction. Now, go home.” His face says he’s serious.

I straighten up and look him over. “Ok."

“Ok. I’ll call you tonight. Maybe we’ll go to dinner alright.” He turns to his computer.

“Sure.” I wrap my arms around myself.

I can’t leave. I need something. I need a plan.

I sit at my desk and go to my computer. I side eye Casey as I type. I turn my thinker on and start running scenarios through my mind.

I’m coming up blank.

As I run through Plan W, Henderson comes rushing to Casey’s desk. “Hey. The blood banks been robbed.” He pulls on his suit jacket.

“Again?” Casey says.

“Yep. They need a better security system.” Henderson says as he checks his weapon in his holster.

Casey stands and grabs his coat. “You got that right. Let’s go.”

The two detectives leave the office to go to the scene and I now have my plan. I’m hyper aware of my surroundings as I type furiously. I print off a paper and rip it off the tray.

I take a deep breath and casually walk to the transport clerk. Nothing suspicious. I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m righting a wrong. That’s all this is. Making things right and saving lives.

With a sly, red wolf smile, I slide up to the counter and I lean on it. I try to act as normal as possible, though inside I’m freaking out. Is this what bad guys feel like? I eye the clerk. “Hey. New orders from Dragger.” I hand the paper over.

“He wants the prisoner transferred to the prison unit?” He stabs his fire red hair and looks at me with his cat like blue eyes. He’s a classic looking red wolf. In a way, we kind of look like foxes rather than wolves.

I shrug. “I guess.” I look at my nails trying not to project my fear of being caught.

“Why you? You’re a beat cop.” He looks me over from the other side of the paper.

“Casey’s a friend. I know how thin you guys are stretched and volunteered. It’s just a small trip. Not like he can escape or anything.” I smirk.

He scratches his temple. “Yeah, we’re pretty fucked in the manpower department.” He types on his keyboard. “Car 24 is ready.”

“Thank you.” I sing and strut out of the room to the holding area.

A simple transfer and I’ll get him out of here. We can solve this together and clear his name. If Quinn goes down, I’m going down with him and no one’s stopping me.

I rush into the holding area and grab the keys out of the cupboard behind the desk. I run to the cell hall and open a panel on the wall. My fingers scan for his cell. I find it and push the button.

The sound of the door opening fills the area. “Hello?”

“Shhhh…” I say as I briskly walk into his view.

“Baby? What's going on?” He whispers.

I grab him, turn his back to me then grab the padlock on his collar. “I’m getting you out of here.” I say in a hushed voice.

“You’re what?” He looks back and shoots me a you’re crazy look.

I’m trying to find the key to his lock. I push his head forward. “I’m getting you out of here, Quinn. Like you said. Only you can catch this guy and I’m helping you.”

“What, no. Paisley.” He protests.

I get his collar off and his eyes glow blue gold. “Do you want to die? Because that’s what’s going to happen if you stay here. You can’t fight this guy without me. So knock off the protective boyfriend crap and let’s go!”

His face falls and his eyebrows go up. “Boyfriend?”

I smile. “Uh…Yeah…Why not?”

He smiles at me, grabs my head and kisses me hard.

I break apart. “Ok. Quick. I put in a transfer order to the Unit. We don’t have much time.”

“Wait. Paisley. You’re job…” He stops me.

I smirk at him. “Detective is cool. Bad guys are even cooler.”

He smiles and I pull him out of the cell. We jog to the transport garage off the holding area.

I find car 24 and tell Quinn to get in. We peel out of the Enforcer station and into freedom. Quinn’s free to clear his name and I’m free to love him. We’re going to catch this guy as a team. It’ll be us against the world and I can’t wait.

We hit main street and turn toward the pack house. I park on a side street and wait.

Quinn snuck into the pack house for some clothes and provisions. After he got back, we stopped at my apartment. I fed my iguana and called my neighbor to check in on him while I’m gone. I packed a bag and met Quinn in the car.

Once in, he grabbed my head and kissed me. “Ready?”

“Yep.” I step on the gas and join the city’s afternoon traffic.

“I hope you know what you’re doing?” He says.

“You just put the call out and catch him.” I side eye him as I drive.

He looks straight ahead. His eyes cloud over. “To all the Lycans in and around the Phoenix City area. I’m out. I’m pissed and there’s no way you’re getting my territory.” He links out loud.

He turns to me. “Now, we wait.”

“We can’t wait here and we have to ditch this car.” I inform.

A short while later, Quinn is under the steering wheel of a Jeep. He’s messing with the wiring while I keep watch. He starts it and I jump up and down. I know this is wrong on so many levels, but damn. It’s exciting.

As we tear through the streets, I hold Quinn’s hand. The city is busy, but not busy enough to get out on a clean getaway. It’s even more so since they think they have the Lycan killer behind bars.

With the mountain pass coming up on us, I lift Quinn’s hand into the air with him and holler to rock walls as we speed in between them. He throws his head back and laughs.

I smile big and he leans over and kisses me.

I crank the radio and the most convenient song was playing. ‘San Quentin' by Nickelback. I laugh and shake my head. Quinn joins me as he holds the top of the windshield in the open top.

We dance in our seats as we fly out of the city into the desert to look for a place to hide out and come up with a plan. The best place I figure is north. The farther north we get the better. Everyone will think Quinn ran to Falcon Ridge so we will have a nice head start.

Desert sand rises in a cloud off our back tires. My brain is spinning now that step one is complete. I glance at him. “So I think what we do is, we catch the real Lycan killer then head for the border.”

“Why? Once I catch him, my names clear.” He says as he props a foot up on the door frame.

“Quinn, you’re still a fugitive. I guess we both are. You’re still going to jail. I can’t have that.” I watch the desert in front of us. The sun shining just above the horizon.

“We can’t run forever, Sparky. It sucks. Trust me.” He looks out to the passing scenery.

“It won’t suck. You have me. Once we cross into Canada, we can get a little chalet somewhere. It’ll be fun.” I smile at him.

He turns to me. “Baby. I get that your body is flooded with adrenaline right now. The rush feels so fucking good and the excitement of stepping out of your comfort zone has your neurons firing in irregular patterns, but Sparky, we can’t run from this. No. When I catch the killer, I’m standing for what I did.”

I turn my head to him quick as I drive past the cactus plains. “No. Quinn, I love you. I’m not doing this because of whatever it is you said. I’m doing this because you’re not a criminal. I know bad guys. You’re not one. No sir. We'll show them. We’ll show them how much of hero you are.”

He looks at me. His eyes show apprehension, but if I know bad guys turned good, Quinn is the poster child for it.

Speaking of which.

“When we’re you going to tell me you were 14?” I smirk at him as the desert opens up in front of us and mountains grow on the horizon.

He huffs a laugh and shakes his head and I laugh too.


We drove into the night just past dusk. I found an old jeep trail in a small mountain range. It should hide us for the night. In the morning we’re going to need gas and food.

I get cleaned up and changed. Quinn came out from behind a giant rock, tying up his track pants and no shirt. We start a fire and he burns his prison uniform.

Once we pack up everything again, we climb into the back seat of the jeep. He wraps a blanket we found in here, around my shoulders as I straddle his lap. His hands gently feel my body under it while I hold his cheeks and kiss is soft lips.

He looks at me through slits eyes. The blue in the brown ring almost shines in the moonlight. “So, should I call you Bonnie now?” He smirks as my thumbs rub his stubble.

“Only if I can call you Clyde.” My lip ticks up as I tick my head.

He laughs on my lips then bruises them. His hands slide under my sweater and cups my breasts.

I missed his touch so much. I knew there was no way someone who felt so good could be so bad for me. His skin is my heaven. His lips are my dreams. It doesn’t matter where we are or what’s going on out there. Quinn is mine and he will always be. I will always be here for him. Right to the end.

He separates and pushes the blanket back. He gently lifts my sweater up over my head. His finger tips slide down my neck to my chest. He leans down and takes each hard nipple into his lips and teeth. I softly moan as his hand runs back up my chest to my neck. His fingers thread into my hair as he licks and sucks my chest.

He pulls me down to his lips. I run my nails down his muscular chest. I reach back up and my hands hold his head.

He pulls off my leggings and his fingers find my slit. “Yes, Quinn.” I breath on his lips.

“I love you so much. You’re so beautiful.” He mumbles.

The stars twinkle in the sky by the thousands and the moon slowly moves across the desert sky. Somewhere in the distance a coyote barks and crickets sing out for their own mates.

Our bodies glow in the night light of the fire in the open top jeep.

He pushes his finger into my entrance and I move with his rhythm of pumping it in and out. His thumb rubs my clit.

“Yes…Like that.” I whine as I kiss him. I feel myself get wetter as my arousal rises. His hand is so strong and warm. His body’s heat is matched with mine as our breathing increases with our hearts. All of it is almost suffocating.

“Come for me, Sparky.” He fists my hair and kisses me hard.

I moan louder on his lips and he speeds up his thumb. The pleasure tears through me in waves.

He pumps harder as my hips buck on his fingers. “YESSS!” I arch back hold his neck.

My pussy tightens and my legs shake. My nails dig into his shoulder.

“Yes, Paisley. Come. That’s it, baby.” He watches as he rubs me harder.

I look down. “Fuck…Yes! Don’t stop!” I feel my climax crest. He hooks his finger and that’s all I needed.

I throw my head back and my hair flies back with it. “YESSSS!” My body trembles and my juices coat his hand. He rubs furiously to force my pleasure out.

He pulls down his track pants and without missing a beat, he switches his finger for his rock hard dick.

His hand holds my throat as he lines up and shoves himself in to the base.

“GODDAMN!” He growls.

“FUCK, YESSSS!” I scream as I match his thrusts and ride him.

I take his entire length as his girth pushes in and out. Filling me completely.

“Yes! Quinnn! God, yesss!” I lean back on the front seat.

“Fucking gorgeous…” He grits as he holds my hips. His dick thrusts up faster and harder. “Feels so good…”

He cups my breast and slams me harder.

I feel my climax build again. His dick is so hard and I feel him throbbing inside.

I lay on his chest and he holds my ass. He helps my hips move up and down on him as I scream into his shoulder.

He’s biting and kissing my neck. “You feel so good, baby. Come with me.” He whispers in my ear.

He slams my thighs into his as his hips buck.

I bury my head in his neck and he holds the back of my head. His other hand holds my but as he increases his strokes.

“Fuck. Come now, Paisley…” He growls.

I feel his dick swell and my pussy tightens around him.

“YESS, QUINNN!” I scream into his shoulder as my orgasm explodes again. My thighs quiver, my skins covered in sweat and my heart is pounding.

“DAMN, PAISLEY…OH FUCK!...” He grinds in my ear and his release coats my insides.

He slows down and plants little kisses on my face as he slowly pulls out. I feel him pull the blanket back up around my shoulders.

I lift my head and he moves my hair out of my eyes. He kisses me so gently, I feel every ounce of love in it. The others never felt like this. I never knew what I was missing until I met Quinn. He breaks the kiss and lays my head on his chest. I drift off with him stroking my head and the sound of his heart beat in my ear. He’s so warm and even though we’re out here, running from everyone, I haven’t felt so safe. This has to be right. It has to be.

There’s no way Quinten Preston isn’t mine.

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