Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 21

(Chapter song ‘Heathens' by Twenty-One Pilots **** ‘Arms Wide Open' by Creed)


After I left Paisley, I was on cloud 100.


I've never felt anything like it. My brain can’t even explain what I felt. Being with Paisley was like I reached another plane of existence. The experience was so new and scary, it felt completely right. We bonded somehow and I just can’t figure out where it’s coming from. The feelings we shared was of a level I’ve never hit before. I want to explore more, but it's clear Paisley needs me to go slow with her. Whoever hurt her, hurt her bad. I don’t want to be him.

At least, I hope I don’t.

If I want to be with Paisley on a more intimate level, I’m going to have to really reduce my hunts. I have to make sure she doesn’t suspect me in any way. You may think she would be a reason to quit, but until you’ve felt the power in your body, you wouldn’t understand the need for it. Going without does things inside. The Lycan gets angry. He can get unruly and his mind gets clouded. In short, violence.

There’s also the fear. I wasn’t lying when I told Paisley that lycans can smell a battle from a mile away. Word gets out quick in the Lycan packs.

This scares me if Liam has said anything about me to anyone else. I could be grabbing the attention I’ve been trying to avoid.

Knowing this, I can’t quit. I couldn’t be with Paisley if I did. So, once my lectures are done, I’ll take another hit. Now it seems my addiction as a purpose.

It’s my last class before the games start and the schools closing for the entirety of the games. It’s good because it’ll allow me to go over the evidence again and try to figure out who’s murdering lycans. I also want to know why this seems to be going unnoticed?

The evidence I do have committed to memory is running through my brain as I exit the school to the campus courtyard that connects to the dining hall of the Unit.

I’m searching my bag for my phone when I glance up and notice someone standing by the fountain of Phoenix birds. I stop when I realize who it is.

Liam juts his chin out to me with his hands in the pockets of his white suit pants.

My jaw drops and I change direction and Wade comes out of crowd of people. He stares me down and I stop. I back up a few steps and turn around. Two more lycans were walking toward me slowly.

I stop and turn to Liam. I drop my bag and call my claws. My eyes glow and my chest vibrates in a growl.

Liam gives me his devil smile. “Calm yourself, Quinten. You wouldn’t want your shifter and human friends finding out you’re just like us. Might tarnish the innocent hybrid image you got going on here.” He waves his finger around the yard.

“I’m nothing like you.” I snarl.

He grins and lifts a finger to me as he stalks closer. “No. You’re something more, aren’t you? You feel it, don’t you?” He stops just a few feet from me. Wade and the others stopped just on either side.

I tilt my head slightly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He takes another step closer. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. The changes, Quinn. You’re feeding the beast and he wants out, Quinn. You pretend to be a wolf when you should be King. The Lycan Breed Prince your people need.”

“I’m a hybrid. Why would you want me?” I cautiously side eye Wade and the others on my other side to make sure they stay where they are.

“You’re Lycan says different. It’s absorbing your wolf, Quinn. Taking its power and adding to its own. The ultimate Lycan Alpha. You’re fortifying it for us.

“That’s impossible.” I grit.

“Trust me, Quinn. The science of a Lycan has barely scratched the surface. Lycans adapt. Yours wants to be King. Come with me. Join me. Become mine and I’ll guide you to greatness.” He straightens his cuffs.


Liam softly chuckles and looks around to the students walking past us in the courtyard. He looks at me and nods. “You need more convincing, I see. I can certainly make my proposal more clear for you.” He turns to a banner on a pole and puts his hands in his pockets. “All Star Games.” He turns back to me, looks me over and nods. “I wonder how many it would take.”

“You can attack me, but you leave those people alone, Liam.” I warn and my eyes flash blue gold.

“Then join me, Quinten and I won’t have to hurt them. Hurting you won’t change your mind.” He smiles with the threat of a snarl.

I step up into his space. “You mess with the games, I’ll mess you up, I swear.” I growl dark. My eyes flash brighter.

He smirks. “The only way you can stop me is if you take my offer and say yes. The longer you take, the more people get hurt.” He nods and the others join Liam in walking away.

They disappear into the crowd and my wolf calms down.

My head quickly looks around as deep concern fills me.

I pick up my bag and throw it on my shoulder.

Once out of eyesight, I pull out a couple bags of blood and pound them back furiously.

My eyes glow as the power fills my Lycan side. My fist crushes the bags and shake. Liam’s threat pounds the front of my head.

My eyes turn to another banner. I wasn’t going to go, but it looks like I have no choice. If Liam and his men show up, I’ll be there to stop him.

I’ll have to hunt before then because I’m afraid the bagged blood won’t be enough for the fight that’s coming.


I walk into the pack house and my ears are filled with extremely loud giggling and chattering.

I put Liam aside and try not to look like my world is being threatened. I still won’t come clean. Not now, they can’t fight Liam. Only I can. If I told them, I’d be suppressed and powerless. Not to mention countless charges of assault.

“What the…” I walk into the common room and it’s wall to wall Lunas. “Holy crap.”

19 Falcon and Phoenix Lunas sit amongst make up bags, dresses, and a crap ton of other girl stuff.

Jake walks up beside me and claps my back.

I glance at him. “What’s going on?”

Jake smiles at his mates as they direct the women. “They’re preparing for the after party after the opening ceremony. They want to make sure they can do the opening and get ready in time.”

I smile. “They’re timing themselves?”

Jake chuckles. “Yeah. I should make it an event at this point.”

“I’d buy a ticket to that.” I laugh.

He turns to me. “So, are you going to tell me where you were last night?”

I shake my head and head for the stairs. “Jake as much as you want to be my father, you’re not, ok. I was out, I’m home now and things couldn’t be better.”

He behind. “Quinn, I’m not trying to be a father, I’m trying to be a friend. I’d hope you can trust me enough to be honest with me. If you have a girl, that’s awesome. Bring her by. I’m sure Trinity and Taylor would love to add another girl to whatever monster they got growing in there.” He smiles and thumbs over his shoulder as I stop and turn.

“I don’t have a girl, I have a life and I’m living it. Look, if I needed your help, Jake, I’d ask, but I don’t. I’m good. Now, please. Stay out of it.” I shoot him a look that’s friendly, but laced with warning.

He nods. “Ok. I will. I just hope you know what you’re doing.” He eyes me and walks away.

I sigh a breath. “So do I.” I say to myself as I climb the stairs.

I pull out my phone as I walk into my room.

I put my pack down and flopped on my bed with my phone to my ear.

After a few rings it picked up. “Hey, Sparky.” I grin. “How would you like to go to a party with me?” I click my boots together as my plan formulates.


“Have I told you how absolutely edible you look tonight?” I whisper next to Paisley’s ear.

She’s looking stunning in a little, flowing, baby blue dress and curls in her hair. She looks so small and cute. Almost like a doll. I’ve been fighting ditching this thing and going home with her, but I’d hate myself if Liam showed up and I wasn’t here.

She smiles her perfect pink lips. “Yes. About a million times. Now, I have a question?”

I walk straight and raise my head. “Go ahead, little Canis rufus.” I smile.

“What?” She looks up at me.

I lean to her. “Red wolf.”

“Oh.” She giggles. “I want to know why Sparky?”

I shrug. “You’re like that moment, that spark that lights just before the firecracker goes off. Spontaneous, unpredictable. You’re interesting and a little heated. I tilt my head to her. “Like that tiny spark on the fuse.”

She laughs. “Better not get me mad, Jack or that spark will turn to a flame.” She points to me.

I hang back, wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head next to her ear. “That’s what I want. Preferably in bed.” I kiss her neck.

“Stop!” She giggles and pushes me off.

We walk the main entrance of the dance.

As we get closer, I see my Uncle Luke at the door.

I stop. “Before we go in.” I turn her, grab her head and kiss her. Just like the first time, my mind lights up. It feels like electric snakes are skipping across my neurons. Her taste seems even sweeter now. Her skin seems even softer.

I break the kiss and look into her eyes. “You ready to party?”

She bites her lower lip. “Yeah.”

I take a look and Luke went in. Good.

I remember, quite clearly, the day I wrecked his party with my bullshit. I should face him and apologize, but I'm a coward and embarrassed about it. I will one day, just not today.

“When we go in, you’re a friend from school. I don’t want to freak anyone out with an Enforcer walking around. If that’s OK.” I don’t want her made because if Liam is here, he’ll either run or make an even bigger statement at Paisleys expense. If he thinks she nobody, he’ll leave her alone…I hope.

“Sure. I can go undercover.” She chuckles.

“Yeah. Do that.” I smile.

We walk in and the place is bouncing. There’s hard-core dance music playing. People are sitting at tables, standing around talking and the dance floor is packed with mostly girls of course.

The room is divided. Phoenix, decorated in red and gold, is on the left. Atlas, decorated with blue and dark blue, is on the right and Falcon is in the middle decorated in black and green.

I’m bouncing to the beat as I look around. I see our Alphas at their table and was going to head over when I see Brody.


He looks then walks my way. I side clap his hand.

“Hey, Bro. Where you been hiding?” He smiles.

“Just busy with school.” I rub my neck.

He flashes a grin to Paisley. “Who’s this?”

“Oh.” I present Paisley. “Brody Douglas, meet Paisley Archer. She a friend helping with school.”

He turns to her. “Paisley. That’s cool.”

“My parents were part of the freedom movement.” She says. She gives him a bright smile that lights her face right up. It makes her look even more beautiful. I appreciate her for a second as she does a little shuffle to the music. She likes to dance. Another one for my memory box of Paisley Archer.

I look at her with an arched brow and she playfully bumps my arm.

“Cool. You ready for the games?” He asks. His head floats to the table and back at me. He kind of has this look like he’s worried, but trying to hide it for some reason.

“Oh yeah. Super pumped.” I answer. I was going to ask him why he looks freaked, but then my eye caught something. “Shit. Here comes my dad. Gotta go.”

I slap Brodys arm and grab Paisleys hand. She lets out a little yelp as I look for escape.

“Quinn. Your father? Why are we running away from your father?” She protests as I drag her through the bodies between Falcon and Atlas.

I just need out of here. I didn’t even think of him when I came here. Damn it.

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when we get out of here.” I say.

I push past a few more people and a large hand thumps on my chest, causing me to stop.

I press my lips together and roll my head back. I heave a sigh and roll it to where the hand came from.

“Hey, little man. Where ya going? Why not sit and have a beer with your Uncle Luke.” Luke smirks at me and ticks his head.

Damn it, I think as I drop my head and shake it. “I can't. We were just leaving.”

He crosses his arms and steps in my path. “Why? The nights still early?” His chest threatens his button down as he passive aggressively dares me to leave.

I look behind me to see my dad and mom breach the crowd.

I look back at Luke. “No.” I tick my jaw and shake my head slowly at him. “I won’t.” I clench.

He steps up to me. “Quinn. Talk to them.” He tilts his head to me. “Running isn’t solving anything. Trust me. You’re looking at the King of running from dads. You’re a smart kid. You know that. Take it from someone who knows. You don’t talk to him now, you may not get another chance.”

“Quinn?” Paisley looked at everyone then me.

I look at my dad over my shoulder.

“They’ve suffered enough, Quinn. It’s not fair.” Luke says, quietly.

I close my eyes at his words because I know he’s right. I knew this day would come and I’d have to face the fact that at first it was my father’s fault, but now it’s mine.

Paisley grabbed my chin and turns my sad eyes to hers. “I know we just met and it’s not my place. I certainly don’t know what’s going on, but as someone who’d push everything aside just to hug her father again, that gent right there, he really could use a hug.” She nodded and cupped my cheek. “It probably won’t make the problem go away, but it’s a start.” She gently stroked my cheek and looked into my eyes.

I bite my bottom lip. I may be a super smart person, but this girl just hit me with a logic that went straight to my heart. Proving that, in life, she’s smarter than me.

I looked to Luke and he nods.

I turn my head to my parents. My mother is on the verge of tears and my dad is looking at the floor. I’m sure he’s fighting himself too.

I place a hand on Paisleys cheek and press my lips to her forehead. “Thank you.” I whisper and place my forehead on hers.

She smiles. “No problem.”

I let her go and turn to my parents. I stick my hands in my back pockets and walk slowly to them.

My mother’s fingers are on the tip of her nose as she smiles through tears pricking her eyes. I look down and see the baby bump with my four brothers in it. Brothers I won’t ever see if I continue this feud. Brothers I won’t be able to help should what happened to me, happens to them.

I meet my dads eyes. They still hold all the love I saw in them the first day I saw them in the back of Antonio Vinellis car. I didn’t know it then, but he saved me that day. He fought for me that day and when they took my mother from me again, he stepped up. He didn’t send me away.

I look down at the floor as I remember things from that year. How I helped him with his Triumph. How he taught me to cook. Catch a ball. I didn’t know he was my dad then, but he was everything I wished a dad to be. Then I used my past to tarnish it because I didn’t know how to deal.

Everything is still there and will always be there. No amount of therapy will get rid of it, but there has to be a point where I need to move from victim to survivor. I know, at some point, I have to stop blaming and fix it.

I can’t heal everything, but would it kill me to at least try?

I shake my head. “To hell with it.” I rush my dad and slam my arms around him so tight. He huffs a gasp and hugs me back. He buries his head in my neck and I feel him shake as he breathes in. He holds my head in his shoulder.

My throat tightens up at the feeling of his arms around me. I didn’t think I missed it at all, but I did. So fucking much. As much as I want to think I’m 23, inside there’s still a part that’s 13. A boy who still really needs his dad.

“I don’t hate you, dad.” My chest stutters as I try to breath. “I didn’t meant it. I…I don’t know what I’m feeling anymore. I’m so fucked up.” My hands grip his shirt. “I’m sorry.” I hitch.

My mother places her hand on my hair and leans to my head. She kisses my forehead. My eyes close at the feel of her warm lips. She places her head next to mine. My eyes meet hers as she wipes my tear away.

He pats my neck. “It’s OK, son. I love you so much. So damn much.”

I let go of my dad and hug my mom. “I love you mom. I’m so sorry.” My voice cracks as I become that 5 year old running to my moms arms and feeling her around me.

“Baby, it’s OK. I’m sorry too.” She hitches. “If I had known, baby. I feel so horrible.”

I shake my head. “It’s OK. I understand.”

My dad puts his forehead on mine. “I’ll get you anything you need, Quinney. Any kind of support you want. Just name it. I want to help you. Help us get better, ok? We can get through this.”

My chin quivers and I nod.

He smiles. “My boy. My man, Quinn.” He whispers.

I laugh a shaky laugh. I separate and wipe my eyes.

“Oh, God. My eyeliner.” My mom laughs as she tries to wipe her eyes.

“Hold on.” My dad reaches to one of the Atlas tables. “Here doll, I’ll fix it.” He holds my Moms chin as he dries her eyes with a napkin. I missed feeling their love. My wolf missed it too because he whining in my chest. “There. You’re good.” He grins and gives her a kiss.

“Thank you.” She smiles. “So, you want to join our table?”

I smile and look to Paisley and Luke. “You know…”

Just then, my shoulders bumped and like time slows down the man who bumped me turns his head and his eye glows yellow. Liam.

“I got a go.” I look to my dad. “I’m sorry there’s something I need to take care of. We’ll catch up tomorrow ok?”

“But Quinn.”

I tap his arm. “I’m sorry…really.”

“Bye, mom.” I kiss her cheek.

I back up to Paisley. “I’ll be back. You stay talk with my family. I’ll be quick ok?”

“Quinn.” She argues.

“I’ll be back.” I turn with a hop in my step and push my way through to where Liam went.

I knew he’d fucking show up here.

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