Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 18

(Chapter song ‘I Hate Everything About You' by Three Days Grace)


“The genetic composition of a Lycan is highly complex. We can conclude that the genetic materials applied won’t work on the surface, but the fact that Lycans can manipulate genetic structures, it’s safe to assume it doesn’t necessarily combine with the hybrid material, but rather absorbs it if the material is useful to the Lycan itself.” I adjust my pack and walk with my human lab partner, Heather. Since meeting the red head Enforcer, I haven’t had the same feelings I had for Heather before.

“Quinn. Genetic material doesn’t work like that. The Lycan gene can’t just manipulate other genes to its advantage. It’s generational, not individual.” She argues.

“That’s exactly what it does, Heather. The Lycan gene will assess what’s being created and add or subtract whatever it wants. It can also store genes for later use.” I lean to her.

“But that’s essentially saying the Lycan genetic material can add new original dormant genes. Possibly its own genetic code within the body.” She says.

I point to her. “Exactly. It’s the reason why lycans are so adaptive. They have stored genes for things like thicker fur, larger sizes or more speed to suit its current environment and self preservation. Like I said. Complex.”

I’m living proof of what I’m talking about. If my Lycan half couldn’t activate genetic material when needed, my arm wouldn’t have shifted after the fact. In fact, everything that’s happened to me since my shift, wouldn’t have been possible if it was a simple hybrid situation. My Lycan is slowly changing in me. Changing my structure. If I could contain it, I’d be OK, but everyday, little by little, I feel him get stronger. I feel him combine with my wolf and he also gets stronger as a result. There’s something going on at the genetic level and I believe my Lycan is to blame.


I stop dead. I take that back. My Lycan didn’t do shit.

Heather looks behind us as my head lowers and my eyes close. “I’ll see you in class.” I mumble.

“Um…Sure.” She looks behind her again and then turns to where we were headed.

I suck in my top lip, lift my chin and turn.

He’s standing in the hall with a pathetic look on his face. I’d love to punch it off.

Students walk around us as we stand at a distance apart. It’s like a showdown at high noon.

“Quinn.” He breathes.

I look down and look up. “Gideon.” My wolf stirs and my Lycan adds to his discomfort. “What are you doing here?”

He smiles a bit. “You…um…You look great, son. You’re in a great school, too. That’s good.”

“I said. What are you doing here?”

“I’m…uh…I’m here for de games…and you. Ann's here. She wants to see her big brother. Ma too.” He steps closer to me as he runs his fingers through his black hair. “She’s pregnant, Quinney. Four this time. All boys.” He chuckles a bit.

I eye him up and down. “Hopefully, they’ll have a better life than what I got.” I turned and started to leave.

“Quinn, wait. Please.” He says to my back.

I spin around and bite my top lip. “I told you to stay away.”

“Come on, Son. It’s been 3 years. Your Ma. She’s suffering, son. She cries every night.” His brows are cinched up as he plays on my heart using my mother as a weapon against me.

“I don’t believe that.” I pull on my back pack and turn back down the hallway.

He joins my side. “Quinn. Please. Just talk to me. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you went through what ya did. You’re right. It’s entirely my fault. Your Ma was married. I shouldn’t of touched her, but I couldn’t help it, son. I promise you. If your Ma wasn’t my fated…Quinn, Stop.” He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

I suck in a heated breath and look everywhere else, but him.

“Quinten. I can’t take anything back, but please. At least let me try to make it right.” He tries to find my eyes.

I place my hands on my hips and look at the floor.

I shake my head. “I can’t.” I raise my head to his eyes. “No, Gideon. I can’t. I can’t find the forgiveness you want. I’m sorry. Have fun at the games.” I turn and leave him in the hallway.

I know it’s been years since my abuse ended, but with a mind like mine, it can’t just forgive and forget. When every single memory sits right up front, it makes it extremely hard to let go of the anger. It’s part of the monster growing in me. My personal hell. People like my father will never understand. He'll never understand that I love him so much, I hate his fucking guts and that kills me every day. I hate him for leaving me, I hate him for not answering my pleas in my little border school room. I hate him for creating me.

I blame him for Rita. For Eli. For every human I drink from. For the feelings I have that I don’t logically understand. I hate him for forcing myself to hate him. Because if I stop hating him for what I’ve become I can only blame one person…myself and I can't do that.

I sat through my lectures with my dad’s words playing in my head like a filmstrip. Every move, every tone, every feeling he put off was sincere. I get that. He’s sorry. I just wish he could truly feel what he was sorry for. If he could feel the pain as I feel it, then maybe I could consider his apology. Until then, I’ll hold onto this. It keeps me going. Keeps my Lycan growing.

I rest my head on my fingertips on my desk as the professor talks.

My hate keeps my blood addiction going. If that’s what gets me my next hit, I’m hanging onto this hate because I won’t give it up.


“Ok. That’s it. You’re done. Thanks for the donation.” I smile at the pretty brunette in my blood donation chair.

She smiles. “Anything for the cause.”

I smile back. “Well, for being so good, here’s cookies and juice. Eat those, sit for a bit, then you can go.”

“Thanks, Quinn.” She gives me a flirty smile.

I get up and take her bags of blood to the back, sticking one in my pocket. She was definitely cute for a human. She’s the forth one tonight.

I drop the blood on a desk. Francis is our resident nursing student. He registers the blood and helps if things go wrong. He looks up at me with his white smile and brown eyes.

“You’re the popular chair tonight, pretty boy.” He runs his fingers through his texture brown hair and gives me that look that use to creep me out, but now just makes me laugh.

I lean to him. “Yeah and you’re still not sitting it.”

He leans to me. “No. You’ll be sitting in mine.”

I smirk. “Not a chance.”

“You’re no fun.” He chuckles.

“I’m fun. Just not fun for you.” I chuckle back.

He runs his eyes over me. “I'll wear you down eventually.”

I lean on his desk and cross my arms. “You can try.”

He grins. “Alright. Get your sexy ass out there and get more blood.”

I smirk. “I love it when you talk dirty.”

He smacks me. “Get going.”

I flinch away and laugh.

I walk back to my donation chair and get some latex gloves.

“NEXT!” I call out as I put them on.

I set up a fresh, empty bag and the draw tube as I feel a body slide into my chair.

“Thank you for donating to the Phoenix blood bank. How many pints…”

I turn to the chair and my face falls. My eyes grow concerned and my mouth goes small.

He’s tall with medium length, brown hair and his brown eyes peer into my soul. I look behind my chair and the blonde guy I fought in the alley was standing with his hands in his pockets.

“I think one will do…” He tilts his head. “What do you think?”

I nod as he takes off his black suit jacket and rolls up his sleeve.

My eyes flick between them both and the front door.

He looks at me. “Go on.”

“What do you want?” I say low and cautious.

He smiles a smile that says you’re fucking dead. My Lycan is perked up and my wolf is spinning in my ribs. They both don’t like this.

“Just want to do my part, Quinten. Come on.” He flexes his arm.

I slowly take a band off the roll and wrap it around his bicep.

“That’s it. We’re just going to donate a bit of blood and have a little chat.” He grins.

I find a vein and hook him up. “How do you know my name?” I mumble as I make sure the blood is flowing and start the rocking arm.

“Isn’t it interesting what blood can tell you. There's all kinds of information in just one tiny drop that can tell you so much about a person.” He arches a brow to me. “With just a little blood, you can find out things like your name is Quinten Preston. Born in New York City to the Vinelli family. Stolen by your mother and moved to a Midwest town named Solomon where you disappeared at the age of 9. You’re a hybrid. You go to Phoenix U and you live with the Phoenix City Alpha. How am I doing so far?” He stares into my eyes.

I process the information and get up to leave. The blonde haired guy steps in front of me and places his claws on my chest, shaking his head no.

I look around the clinic. I can’t fight my way out here.

I slowly sit back down. “Who are you?”

“Well, cousin. My name is Liam Vinelli, but you can call me Alpha. This is my brother Wade.”

“I’m not family. Vinelli wasn’t my father.” I inform.

“Oh, I know. The shifter is, but you’re mother is the Queen, so technically we’re family.” He eyes me.

I look between them both. “She’s not Queen anymore.”

“She was. It doesn’t change the fact that your Lycan knows where it belongs and it’s not here.” He fixes his shirt.

“Where does he belong?” I ask.

He stabs his hair and the corner of his mouth ticks fast. “With me.”

“Why would I…” I start.

“Because Quinten. You’re playing a fools game. Sitting here working a job that pays nothing to satisfy an addiction.” He says.

I quickly look around to see if anyone heard that.

“You’re studying biology to understand who you are when I can tell you. I can teach you to be the Lycan you’re supposed to be. I can help you get the respect and recognition you deserve.” He looks down at the bag. “I think it’s full.”

I look down and stop the table. I unhook everything and write on the bag.

Liam points to it. “Anonymous…if you don’t mind.”

I nod.

As I write on my paperwork, I side eye him. “I won’t join you, Liam. You’re murderers.”

“One. You can’t prove that. Two. We haven’t killed anyone.” He smirks.

I drop my pen. “Yeah, right.”

“Why would we kill humans if we need them to survive?” He leans to me.

“Because your evil and sick.” I mutter.

He arches a brow. “And you’re not? I know what you do when the bank runs dry, Quinn. I could really use someone like you in the family.”

“That’s different.” I lock with his eyes.

“I’ll let you in on a couple of secrets. The first is, you’re a horrible liar and the second…The bodies dropping aren’t human. They’re Lycan.”

“What?” My eyes slightly widen.

He nods. “There’s a war coming, Quinn. Better choose your side before someone like me chooses it for you.”

All I can do is watch him stand up and put on his jacket.

He looks at me. “Don’t I get a cookie?”

I grab a cookie and hand it to him.

He smiles. “Thanks, Quinn. I’ll be expecting your real answer in a couple days. If not, expect another visit. Have a good night.”

He puts the cookie in his mouth, buttons his jacket and walks out.

I blow out a breath. What the hell?

I drop the bag off to Francis and grab my jacket. I need to get out of here.

I need to find out if Liam was telling the truth. If something here is killing lycans, Liam will start a war. If the killer is a human, then the place will explode.

I need help.

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