Becoming the Alpha (Amethyst Pack BK2)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three

I let go of the breath I didn’t realise I was holding.

“You can thank Tony for that one,” Pauline nods at Ben’s head on the ground.

“Where is he?” I ask.

“Medical bay, he got smacked around a fair bit, he’s drinking, but it’s taking a little longer to heal than you wolves do,” She says.

I hug her and rush off towards the building.

“Dad, where’s the medical bay?” I ask as he’s talking with some of his warriors as they smile at me, nodding in respect.

“Through the doors, to the left, you can’t miss it,” He says as I runoff.

“TONY!” I call out as I notice the cuts all over his body.

“I’m ok sweetheart, looks worse than it is,” He says with a smile.

“Thank you,” I hug him as he holds me to him tightly.

“Pleasure little one, no one hurts our Serena without paying for it,” He smiles.

“One to go,” I say looking around.

“We’ll get him too,” Tony nods.

“Where’s Vance?” I ask, I hadn’t seen him.

“I thought he was with Wren…” Tony frowns.

“I haven’t seen him…” I begin to panic.

“VANCE?” I try to find his link, but it’s weak.

“Stay…Away…” He says faintly as I close my eyes and push into his mind, seeing him pinned to the ground by silver stakes in the house as fire is creeping up the walls.

“NO!” I scream as I bolt out of the building.

“SERENA!” Tony calls out as I get to the border I see the explosion, the house blown to pieces as the link snaps as I fall to my knees.

“NO!” I scream out.

“Serena! What happened?!” Dad rushes to my side.

“Vance! He wasn’t with us! He was in the house! They pinned him!” I point to the smoke and fire that was in the air.

I shift and howl through the pain.

“VANCE!” I howl as the others begin to howl in respect too.

I begin to shake in anger as I shift, walking back towards the building.

“I won’t wait for them to come for us, I’m taking this to them,” I growl to my Dad as he follows me closely.

“I agree, but we have to be careful, we don’t want to lose any others,” He says.

I see Pauline in Tony’s arms as she’s sobbing, he looks lost, having lost his best friend.

“Lucien!” I growl out for him.

“Serena! I’m here, what happened?!” He says wiping away the tears in my eyes.

“You didn’t get the whole pack out…I told you to get the pack!” I shout angrily.

“What…Who?” He says in shock.

“Vance! Vance is dead!” I scream at him angrily.

“When the howl sounded, I didn’t realise…Serena, I’m so sorry!” He says trying to hug me, but I push him away.

“Lucien, I think it’s best if you continue pack training, especially with those like Carla,” Dad frowns at his beta.

“Yes alpha,” He sighs, walking off, shoulders hunched, looking at me longingly.

“Did something happen between you two?” Dad asks.

“Now is not the time,” I growl.

He sighs and nods as he leads me to an office where Calvin is sitting with the mountain of a wolf.

“Serena, Grayson, why are the wolves howling?” Calvin asks.

“Vance is dead,” I gulp holding back the tears that wanted to fall, now was not the time to break down, now was the time to act, grieve later.

“Serena, I’m sorry, I know you were close to him and he was part of your pack.” Calvin nods in respect.

“Thank you,” I nod.

“Serena, this is Alpha Quinn’s beta, Owen, Owen this is my daughter and alpha of the Amethyst Pack,” Dad introduces us.

“Nice to meet you, Alpha Serena, I am sorry for your loss,” Owen shakes my hand.

“You too and thank you,” I sigh.

“We’ve had word from four other packs that they are sending in warriors to join us, about eighty in total…not as many as we hoped, but it’s better than nothing…” Calvin sighs.

“What of Tony’s vampire’s?” I ask.

“None have come,” Dad sighs.

“Magic?” I ask.

“We have a team of…eight including Pauline and Silas…” Calvin says.

“How many hunters do you have?” I ask.

“One hundred and thirteen, including me,” Calvin answers.

“That’s a better number,” I nod.

“Against thousands? I doubt it,” Owen growls.

“Has anyone actually seen these thousands?” I ask.

“We saw a large group, maybe a few hundred, the rest is word from other packs that have heard rumour, seen groups heading this way…” Dad says.

“So we have no real numbers…”

“It’s a suicide mission is what this is…” Owen grumbles.

“You’re welcome to leave, the door is right there,” I growl gesturing the door.

“I said it was a suicide mission, not that I didn’t want to be involved,” He grins.

“You always were a crazy bastard,” Dad laugh.

“When will the pack warriors arrive?” I ask.

“By tomorrow we hope, they won’t be coming to us though, they will be going to some of our other bases that surround this area,” Calvin answers as I nod.

“You better rest up princess, war is coming,” Owen smirks before walking from the room.

“Call me princess again and I’ll throw you to the fucking vampires,” I call out.

“I’m going to like you, princess,” He laughs walking off.

“Prick,” I roll my eyes as Dad shakes his head at me.

“See to your pack Serena, they will look to you right now at the loss of a member,” Dad holds my shoulder before hugging me tightly.

“Find me if you need me,” I nod.

“Serena, let yourself feel it, don’t push it back, use it,” Calvin says.

“I will use it…To kill Yusif,” I nod walking out the room.

I walked through the corridors, hunters nodding in respect and members of the pack coming to my side, pressing their heads to mine as a show of our bond.

As I walk through to the medical bay I see the twins, Carla, Liv, Pauline and Tony sat together, mourning the loss of a friend as Carla lifts her head, eyes puffy and red as I squish between her and Pauline, holding their hands in mine tightly.

We sat quietly together for a while.

“Serena…” Carla whispers.

“I’m fine,” I mutter.

“Serena…” Daniel mutters next.

“I’m fine!” I shout angrily as the whole room goes quiet as I lift from the chair and run outside, screaming in anger and pain as I watch the smoke from the house fill the air.

“Cupcake…” Lucien puts a hand on my shoulder.

“No! You were supposed to get them out! You should have got Vance out! He’s dead! He’s dead!” I punch him on the chest, but each time I become weaker as I sob, falling to the ground as he just takes it, holding me to him.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I was so worried about you, I missed him, I thought we had everyone, I swear, I thought we had everyone,” He says kissing my head as I sob.

“I’m going to fucking kill them all, I don’t care if I die in the process, I’m taking them with me,” I cry.

“Not without us, your pack, your fathers’ pack, the others, we’re all here with you to do this,” He says.

“It’s not enough…” I sigh.

“What?” He frowns.

“We have maybe…two hundred or so against numbers that we have no idea about, we’ve got estimates of thousands…” I say as he sighs.

“Then we appeal to the packs again, we send a message to all supernatural beings in the area, don’t give up just yet,” He says getting up before running off as I frown watching him.

I stand and follow slowly as he whistles for attention.

“Tell them the truth,” He gestures me forward as I go wide-eyed and gulp.

“Alright, I’m not going to sugar-coat it, we’re all scared right now, we don’t have enough numbers, not enough wolves are coming, we have eight witches, we have two vampires… This is not enough. I know some of you are linked to other packs, I know some of you know of rogues whom you are linked to, I need your help…No WE need your help, we need to get the word out that our lands are under attack. WE are under attack and the only way we can get through this and survive is together! Vance died today in that pack house! Pinned to the ground by silver and then the house was set fire. THEY did that! They won’t relent, they want to take everything from us! Our homes! Our friends! Our family! Our lives! Join me in this battle, join me in bringing our worlds together, join me in winning this, for us, for each other, for VANCE!” I shout as wolves howl and the hunters cheer.

“I knew you had it in you cupcake,” Lucien grins proudly.

The room becomes a buzz of voices as people dart about, some talking through their mind links, others using mobile phones and devices.

“Serena! I managed to link to my brother, he has created his own pack of rogues, they are just east of us, he has nearly thirty wolves and wants to join us in our battle,” Wren runs up to me with a grin.

“Fantastic, is there any way he can get here?” I ask.

“Yes, he has a clear path from what he can tell. But alpha,” She begins.


“He doesn’t want to be alpha, never has done, he wants to surrender the pack to you, to become one with the Amethyst pack, the rogue pack.” She says as my eyes go wide.

“I…Wow…Well…If they follow me, respect my rule as alpha I will gladly take them in,” I smile.

“Thank you,” She grins.

“Let Lucien know what’s going on, have him have a team ready to help them just in case!” I call to her as she nods, running off.

“Alpha! My cousin is a member of the Luna Pack, he has managed to persuade them to join us as long as you will join an alliance with them. They just want peace, they are a pack of fierce Luna’s who have lost their packs for various reasons, they have many pups there and are growing in number. They have a lot of healers though,” Imogen, one of Dad’s wolves tells me.

“I will take all the help we can get I want peace too. I will join in an alliance as long as they are just and true to their word with me,” I nod.

“Of course, Alpha Serena,” She says.

“Speak with your own alpha, my father will need to know too,” I say as she nods at me and leave.

“Imogen! How many do they have?” I shout out.

“Sixty-five warriors and twenty healers!” She calls out.

“We just might do this…” I smile.

Wolf after wolf comes up to me, numbers joining us, some smaller, three’s or fours of rogues and the odd pack who had been persuaded to join our cause. Next came the hunters, generations of hunters from around the country sending troupes our way.

“Serena! Your father needs you at the east gate!” Mum calls as I nod to her, racing off to the gate.

“Shit!” I growl as I shift, vampires were flocking the gate between us and a pack of wolves heading our way…It must be Wren’s brother…

I howl summoning my pack as they come flooding out of the building, shifting beside me as we join my father.

“Create a path, stick together, get those wolves inside!” I howl as the hunters begin to shoot and we burst through the gate, tearing through the vampires as the other pack attacked from their side too.

They were good, they were bulldozing through them as we met in the middle as I howl for retreat. Leaping over my father I knock a vampire off of a small pup in the middle of the new group as he whines on the ground, picking him up in my mouth, he was so young.

“Move!” I have my pack surround the new one as we close into the border once more.

The new wolves begin to shift as a young woman runs up to me crying as I drop the pup to her arms.

“Thank you!” She cries as I shift.

“Go inside, get checked out, eat and rest,” I call out.

“Wait!” A man comes out from the centre of the group, tall, slim, and rugged walking up to me and bending the knee before me.

“I assume you are Alpha Serena?” He says in a deep, booming voice.

“I am,” I nod.

“I accept you as my alpha from here on in,” He says as others begin to join in.

“Accept them back,” Lucien links to me as I stare wide-eyed at them all.

“I accept you all into my pack,” I reply flustered, as I felt the rush of minds linking to my own and the packs force.

“Did you feel that?!” Carla exclaims.

“Your pack grows Serena,” Dad smiles at me.

“How can I deal with such a large pack?” I murmur as they all begin to wander indoors happily.

“You have two betas and you could appoint a gamma and a Luna. A Luna is usually the female mate of the alpha however, you could appoint any female with a close bond to you,” He smiles looking to Carla.

“I might just do that…” I smile as I quickly ask how to appoint her before walking up to Carla.

“Why are you looking so happy?” she raises a brow.

“I Alpha Serena of the Amethyst Pack would like to appoint you as my Luna, to help in the running of the pack, to help with the pups and healers and to be by my side, do you accept?” I ask as she squeals happily.

“I accept!” She hugs me tightly.

“I’m going to need all the help I can get,” I laugh.

“Especially with Wren’s brother, he hasn’t taken his eyes off of you,” She nods behind me as he is talking with his sister, it’s the first time we actually lock eyes as we hadn’t before, his head was bowed in respect.

“Woah…” I whisper as I see his electric blue eyes glint with a smile as he waves.

“Lucien looks ready to kill him though…” Liv murmurs.

“Oh for god sake…” I sigh.

“Thank you for accepting us Alpha Serena,” I hear Wren’s brother boom in my ear.

“I am glad to have you and your pack join me. Although, we haven’t been properly introduced,” I smirk as I hear him chuckle.

“My name is Zane, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” He links.

“And you, Zane,” I smile before I am called into the building by Lucien.

“Is there something going on over there?” He nods towards Zane.

“We were just introducing ourselves,” I frown at him.

“Would you tell me if you found a new mate?” He asks.

“Of course I would Lucien, I am not my mother,” I growl.

“I…Shit, sorry Serena, I just care for you,” He sighs kissing my lips quickly.

“I know you do I have no idea what this is between us yet though, Lucien…” I say.

“Umm, excuse me, Alpha Serena…” The girl from earlier with the young pup taps my shoulder as I turn to her, she looks happier, fresher in brand new clothes and having had food, drink, and new clothes.

“Oh! Hi! How’s the pup?” I smile at her.

“He’s fine! The lovely healer…Olivia…She helped heal him up and he’s grown quite fond of her. I just wanted to say thank you, you saved my child, he’s only five, he’s only just shifted for the first time…” She smiles.

“It’s really no problem, umm sorry, what’s your name?” I ask.

“Robin, my name is Robin and my boys name is William,” She smiles.

“Well Robin, I welcome both you and William to the pack. Come to me if you need anything, my Luna is over there, the bouncy one, she will help too.” I smile.

“Thank you, Alpha” She grins before her eyes fall on Lucien behind me.

“Mate…” I hear him say as I stiffen as Robin’s eyes go wide and blush.

“Robin, this is Lucien, my father’s beta of the Baldo Pack,” I introduce them, trying not to look at Lucien.

“Pleasure to meet you, Lucien,” She blushes, holding out a hand as they shake as I see the goose-bumps on their flesh.

“I’ll leave you both to get acquainted. I need to do a few things,” I said before walking off.

“Serena…” He says through the link.

“She’s your mate, I won’t deny you of that Lucien, doesn’t mean I don’t love you any less as part of the family,” I say looking back as he nods at me with a small smile.

“Serena, why do you feel sad?” Carla asks through our bond.

“Lucien has found his mate…” I say before she looks my way in shock.

“Shit babe, tough break,” She says.

“Just add it to everything else,” I roll my eyes.

“Don’t roll those different coloured eyes at me,” She smirks at me as I flip her off.

“At least he can’t get all jealous on me now,” I smirk as I watch over the busy room as the packs are mingling, getting to know each other.

“So you can go flirt with the gorgeous rogue who gave you his pack,” She wiggles her brows as I laugh.

“Battle first, flirting later,” I answer.

“There’s always time for flirting, oh look, here he comes,” She smirks.

“Serena! We need the pack again!” Dad shouts.

“Shit! Where?!” I call out.

“South!” He answers.

“All pack members who are well enough to fight, get to the south entrance!” I order as the room become a flurry of movement heading towards the exits.

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